"Didn't you say you would keep it before? Why do you suddenly want to make furniture again?"

After Carpenter Liang left, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked curiously.

Lin Heng responded with a smile: "It can still be sold for money after being made into a table, and we can still use it ourselves now."

In fact, if this thing is not made into furniture now, he may not like it in the future. If you have money, you can buy anything from golden nanmu to North American walnut.

Now when it is made into furniture, it can still be of some value for your own people to enjoy.

Of course, it would be good to sell it now, but probably no one in this small town can afford it.

After comprehensive consideration, he decided to make it into furniture. The square table at home happened to be a bit small, so he planned to make a long table, some beautiful benches, and a dressing table for Xiulan.

If you still have some wood left over, you can make a tea tray, bookshelf or something.

"That's okay." Xiulan nodded. It would be good to buy more furniture in the room.

After a pause, she added: "Let's take a bag of walnuts to the bedroom, crack them open, and make a walnut and sesame oil dumpling tomorrow."

The reason why she went to pick up wild walnuts was because she wanted to make dumplings to eat. Dried wild walnut kernels are a great way to make dumplings.


Lin Heng had known for a long time that Xiulan was going to use wild walnut kernels to make dumplings. This stuff is definitely a delicacy in rural areas.

He took a snakeskin bag of wild walnuts, a wooden hammer for peeling walnuts, and a wooden basin for holding walnut kernels, and went to the bedroom together.

Light the fireplace in the bedroom, and soon it will be hot enough to wear just a sweater.

Lin Heng found a small bench ten centimeters high, took the walnuts and started smashing them.

Because they pick up wild walnuts every year, Lin Heng has a special tool for smashing walnuts.

Wild walnuts are round and the shells are extremely hard, so they are easily injured when smashed with your hands. Lin Heng got a piece of hard ironwood and dug a hole three centimeters in diameter and one centimeter deep in it.

Throw the wild walnuts into the hole and smash them open with a hammer.

After smashing it open, pour it out to Xiulan, who will pick out the walnut kernels.

"Try it!"

Xiulan picked out some walnut kernels and fed them to Lin Heng.

"The fragrance is fragrant enough, but the walnut skin is a bit bitter."

Lin Heng took a bite and commented that no matter what kind of walnut it is, the yellow-brown skin on the surface is always bitter.

Xiulan smiled slightly: "It will be fine when my kang is cooked. It will be gone as soon as I rub it and blow on it."

"I want to eat too~"

Xiaoxia opened her mouth next to her and wanted to eat the walnut kernels too.

Xiulan fed her a little and then started to put it into the tub.

Xiaoxia didn't seem to be afraid of hardship. When she saw the walnut kernels in the small wooden basin, she even reached out to get them. The two of them couldn't get enough for her.

"Okay, you can't eat the rest."

Xiulan patted her to stop her.

Xiaoxia stared at it eagerly for a while. Lin Heng threw the toy to her, and she looked away.

Lin Heng smashed quickly. After smashing half of the bag, he went to help Xiulan pick.

The walnut kernels of these wild walnuts are too small. It took two or three hours to get them, and it was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that I only got two and a half kilograms.

Xiulan put the pot on low heat, threw the walnut kernels in and cooked them slowly. When the walnut kernels are ripe, they are like peanuts. The thin layer of skin falls off as soon as you rub them. After a few more blows, pure special walnut kernels are left.

Just smelling the crispy aroma makes people want to eat. Lin Heng couldn't believe how delicious it would be to make dumplings with them and sesame seeds.

After the walnut kernels were prepared, Xiulan kneaded the dough, part of which was used to roll out dumpling wrappers tomorrow, and part of which was made into shaved noodles for the three of them to eat at night.

Early the next morning, Lin Heng got up early, fed Red Dates with corn paste, and then led him to the road to fix the carriage.

After Lin Heng finished it, Xiulan also finished dressing Xiaoxia and took her to the road with the bag.

Xiulan wore the khaki cashmere coat that Lin Heng bought for her today, with a goose-yellow turtleneck sweater underneath, black trousers on her legs, and a pair of brown short boots.

Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and her smooth forehead was exposed. Instead of the classic straight bangs of this era, it looked like breeze bangs, which looked very natural.

She has bright and beautiful eyes and a rosy mouth. Her dress and temperament do not make her look like a rural woman, but a beautiful female educated youth who came to the countryside from a big city.

Xiaoxia was wearing a red cotton-padded jacket with plum blossoms printed on it and a white scarf. She looked very cute.

"Get in the car!"

Lin Heng smiled and stretched out his hand to pick Xiulan and Xiaoxia into the carriage.

This is an open carriage, very simple, but effortless.

Xiulan got into the car, sat down next to Lin Heng, held Xiaoxia in her arms, and wrapped her mouth with a scarf.


As Lin Heng moved the reins, Hong Zao started walking quickly.

The thick frost on the ground this morning had not yet disappeared, and Lin Heng and Xiulan were breathing heavily.

The sun is still on the top of the mountain. Looking up, the mountain seems to be wearing a golden hat.

When Lin Heng's family of three arrived in Huangtan Town, the place was flat enough to see the warm sun.

“It’s so warm~”

Xiaoxia wears leopard skin gloves made by Xiulan, which look like two small paws when she waves them.

The incomplete clouded leopard skin was used to make two pairs of gloves, one each for Xiulan and Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia sewed the remaining scraps on her shoes, but Lin Heng did not.

But although he didn't have gloves, Xiulan warmed his hands.

"It's just eight o'clock, and the stalls are still being set up. Let's go and warm up first."

Lin Heng looked at the scene on the street, then looked at his watch and said with a smile.


Xiulan nodded and pulled Xiaoxia over, while Lin Heng took the horse and tied it in the backyard of Uncle Gao's house.

"Brother Lin, sister-in-law!"

Seeing the three people coming in, Wang Zhou quickly ran over to greet them.

"Shrimp crackers, Tangtang!"

Xiaoxia seemed to have understood that the store was owned by her family. She broke free from her mother's hands and ran towards the shelves.

"Here you go, here you go."

Lin Heng looked helpless and walked over to get her a pack of shrimp crackers.

Seeing Wang Zhou following him, Lin Heng quickly shook his head and said, "Wang Zhou, just do your own job and don't worry about us."


Wang Zhou nodded and turned to the counter.

Lin Heng went in to meet Uncle Gao, made a fire for a while, and waited until almost nine o'clock before taking Xiulan and Xiaoxia to go shopping.

Now the sun is warming up, the stalls on the street are all set up, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going, making it very lively.

"It's almost the Chinese New Year, so it's different."

Xiulan looked at the street and said with a smile, there were many more stalls today than before, and there were two tractors pulling fruit parked on the street to sell.

"Come on, let's go buy some fruit."

Lin Heng said with a smile, now that supplies are underdeveloped, there are not many types of fruits. What is sold on this cart are fist-sized oranges, as well as apples, pears, and hawthorns.

After picking and picking, Lin Heng bought ten kilograms of each kind.

After buying them, Xiaoxia took the apples and was about to nibble on them. Lin Heng gave her a small one and put the rest temporarily in the store.

After the fruits were put away, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia and followed Xiulan. They were going to see if there was any beef and mutton and buy some to eat hot pot.

Not far away, Xiaoxia suddenly pointed to a place on the left front and said: "Dad, look at how that person put his hand into someone else's pocket."

Xiaoxia's milky words not only reminded Lin Heng, but also reminded the passers-by.

"That's a thief!"

Lin Heng shouted, and the thief quickly turned around and ran away.

"Catch the thief."

Someone shouted, and a group of people immediately chased him out. Thieves are always resented by others.

Lin Heng did not go, but took Xiaoxia to teach her the horror of thieves and how to protect herself.

Xiulan felt the money in the inner pocket of her coat before feeling relieved.

As the three of them walked down the street, they couldn't help but attract attention. Compared with the others, the three of them were all so well dressed, especially Xiulan's temperament and beauty, which made men on the street turn their heads frequently.

However, when they saw Lin Heng being pulled by Xiulan, they compared themselves secretly and turned their heads silently.


As I walked, there was a sudden roar in front of me.

Xiulan looked over and suddenly showed a look of surprise: "It turns out to be a rice cracker seller. Let's go buy some."


Lin Heng is also very interested in this. Rice crackers can be said to be his most common New Year snack when he was a child.

"Dad, please hold me up, please."

Xiaoxia was blocked and couldn't see anything. She hugged Lin Heng's legs and acted coquettishly and refused to leave.

Lin Heng had no choice but to pick her up and walk towards the rice crackers making place.

The rice cracker seller was an old man, spinning an iron pot with a blazing fire burning underneath.

There is no air pressure gauge on this iron can, so it all depends on experience.

"Everyone comes to eat and watch."

The old man shouted loudly while spinning the tin can. There was half a basket of rice crackers in the bamboo basket next to him for everyone to eat as they pleased.

Rice Krispies are cheap, the quantity is large, and there are many people buying them. This place is crowded with people.

Lin Heng took his wife and children to a relatively safe location and took a handful of rice crackers to taste.


Xiaoxia took a bite and was conquered by the fragrance, shouting for more.

Xiulan said with a smile: "Put this rice krispies back and boil some maltose to make the most delicious rice krispie treats."

"Then let's go make a reservation."

Lin Heng also liked this, so he walked forward and communicated with the old man, asking him to make ten kilograms of rice crackers and he would pick them up later.

After making the reservation, he grabbed two more handfuls of rice popsicles for Xiaoxia to satisfy her craving.

It's a pity that this machine can only make rice crackers. If it were something like a tractor engine, it could also make fluffy rice crackers from corn.

Continuing to wander around, there are already people selling Spring Festival couplets and almanacs on the street, as well as various vegetables and game.

"There's someone selling beef over there."

Lin Heng pointed forward and saw a big ox head in the distance.

“How much does this beef cost?”

Xiulan came over and asked.

"One dollar and five pounds, this is home-raised yellow beef."

When the butcher shop owner saw what they were wearing, the smile on his face became a little more friendly.

No need to show off deliberately, the boss understood that Lin Heng and Xiulan were both wealthy people.

"Where's the tripe?"

Lin Heng pointed to the unwashed tripe next to him and asked, the price is a bit high, but not outrageous.

"This is two yuan a pound." The boss said with a smile.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "Then buy five pounds of beef. How about five pounds of tripe?"

Xiulan didn't answer. She turned to look at the beef seller and asked, "Let's give some beef bones as a gift if we buy so much. No one is buying them anyway."

"Well, if you add five yuan, I'll give you a beef leg bone." The stall owner said with a smile.

Xiulan glanced at him, stretched out her hand to pull Lin Heng and said, "Let's go buy pork."

The boss waved his hand and said, "No, no, I'll give you a beef rib."

A dozen yuan is a big deal for him, and beef ribs are really not popular in this town.

"That's good enough."

Xiu Lan nodded with satisfaction, and finally bought six pounds of beef shank and five pounds of beef stomach.

After buying beef, there was nothing else to buy. She went to pick up the rice popcorn and put the things back in the store, and the three of them continued to wander around the street.

Xiu Lan and Xiao Xia often don't come down, and like to look around. Lin Heng actually has no interest, but Xiu Lan wants to go around, so he accompanies her.

"After buying a motorcycle in a few days, I will take you to the temple fair in the city." Lin Heng looked at Xiu Lan and said with a smile, there are snacks in the city, but there are none on this street, at most there is a candied haws.


Xiu Lan blinked, looking forward to it.

After walking for a while, the three of them were a little tired and prepared to go back to the store.

When walking back, a person hid in his sleeve and walked straight towards Xiaoxia.

Lin Heng had a very good memory. When he saw this person, he immediately remembered that he was the thief just now.

"No, this person is coming for Xiaoxia."

Lin Heng's heart moved, and he immediately realized that this was revenge.

The hand hidden in the sleeve might be a knife. If he scratched Xiaoxia's face and ran away in the chaos, whether he could catch her or not was another matter. If Xiaoxia's face was ruined for life, it would be ruined.

Thinking of this, Lin Heng immediately locked Xiaoxia behind him, and then took a shoulder pole from the stall next to him, and sneered at him: "You just stole something, do you think I don't recognize you?"

"You!" The man was shocked. He didn't expect Lin Heng to recognize him, and then turned around and left without saying a word.

"Get out quickly, or I'll put you in jail for life." Lin Heng threw the shoulder pole back and shouted coldly.

After that, he didn't care about the strange eyes of others around him, and pulled Xiulan and Xiaoxia away quickly.

"Is that the thief from before?"

Xiu Lan seemed to understand the general situation.

"Well, this man seems to want to take revenge on Xiao Xia."

Lin Heng nodded, a little regretful that he didn't catch this man and send him to the police station.

"Then let's go back quickly."

Xiu Lan was a little scared when she heard it, but fortunately Lin Heng was by her side.

"It's okay, this place is open now, I'm not afraid if he comes again."

Lin Heng shook his head and said with a smile.

These days, thieves and human traffickers are rampant, and you still have to be careful when you go out.

"Let's go back, there's no need."

Xiu Lan shook her head and pulled Lin Heng back, not wanting him to conflict with others.

Lin Heng didn't insist, but this incident reminded him that he had to pay attention to the safety of his family in the future, and get a bodyguard if he had money, because this era is not the peaceful and prosperous era of later generations.

After returning to the store and taking things, the three of them rode back in a carriage.

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