Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 208 Lin Heng’s evil intentions

It seemed that it had just snowed, so the sky was high and there were not many clouds.

It was just right for the sun to shine, so Lin Heng sped up and returned home at around 3pm.

After moving the things home and tying up the horse, Lin Heng went to Liu Lan's house to take a look. There were quite a lot of guests today, all of whom were their own relatives.

Lin Yue saw Lin Heng coming over and said with a smile: "If you don't want to come, just stay at home for a while. There aren't many people. I can make the liquor for you."

"Thank you, big brother."

Lin Heng patted his big brother on the shoulder and was not polite.

After watching the Yin-Yang master's ritual, there were also people singing filial songs, and the beating of gongs and drums was very lively.

A large number of people in the village gathered here to watch, and those who could sing sang a few lines along.

After watching for a while, Lin Heng lost interest, said something to his big brother, and turned back home.

In the house, Xiulan Xiulan had just boiled water and made a simple dish of pickled cabbage noodles.

After eating, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, "You roll out the dumpling wrappers, and I'll make the dumpling fillings."


Rolling the dumpling wrappers is not a difficult task. Lin Heng washed his hands and put the dough that had been awake since yesterday on the wooden chopping board and rolled it.

There is no skill, just roll the dough thin. Lin Heng is strong, and he rolled out the dumpling wrappers before Xiulan finished making the dumpling fillings.

With a knife, the square dumpling wrappers the size of a palm are ready.

They all use this kind of square dumpling wrappers here, and the dumplings they make are the kind of gold ingots.

"It's done, let's start wrapping."

Xiulan finished making the dumpling fillings, brought it over and said with a smile.

At this time, Xiaoxia was riding a wooden horse in the main room, and no one was disturbing her, so the two of them started to work quickly.

Because there was no refrigerator, not many were wrapped at one time, only about 150 or 60, enough for three meals for three people.

"I'll knead some more dough. I'll make some dumpling stuffing into pies." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

"You go ahead. I'll get some wheat to make malt."

Lin Heng went out to look at Xiaoxia, then scooped two pounds of wheat from the cabinet and soaked it in water.

To make malt, you have to soak it overnight to let the seeds fully absorb water.

After doing this, Lin Heng went out to the yard to pick some coriander and green onions for Xiulan, so that she could make vinegar soup later.

Xiulan added some green onions to the meat stuffing and made a vegetable bun-sized pie. After it was done, put oil in the pot and fried it on a low fire until both sides were golden brown. The fragrance spread all the way to the yard.

"It smells so good, I want to eat it!"

Xiaoxia sniffed and trotted to the kitchen.

She was not as tall as the earthen stove. She raised her hands and barely grabbed the edge of the stove, but her eyes could not see into the pot. She was anxious to smell the fragrance.

"Here it comes."

Xiulan smiled and shoveled out the pie and put it on the chopping board.

"I want to eat, I want to eat~"

Xiaoxia kept shouting as she looked at the golden pie.

But it wasn't just her, Lin Heng was also drooling, it was past five o'clock now, and he was hungry too.

The remaining dumpling filling made four pies in total, each with a diameter of ten centimeters.

After cooling down a little, the three of them took one each and started eating.

With one bite, the crust made a crispy sound, and the inside was soft and full of stuffing. When eating in the mouth, the various aromas of oil residue, walnuts, sesame and shallots burst in the mouth, especially the taste of oil residue and walnuts, which were perfectly combined.

But Lin Heng was not satisfied, and he got some fermented bean curd and spread it on the surface of the pie, adding another taste and fragrance, which really made people want to swallow their tongues.

The faces of the three people were all filled with happy smiles. In this underdeveloped rural area, if you want to eat delicious food in this era, you have to make it yourself, but it seems to be much more delicious than the ones you buy.

Just these two bites of pie, Lin Heng felt that it was worth it to smash the walnuts for half a day yesterday.

"It's surprisingly delicious."

Xiu Lan finished the pie in her hand and said with a smile that this kind of life is really happy.

"It also depends on your cooking skills."

Lin Heng smiled and said that his wife's cooking skills also contributed to it.

Some rural women cook dishes that are so bad that they make people vomit.

Xiu Lan smiled slightly, cut the remaining pie into two halves, and gave the larger part to Lin Heng. The two of them were full after eating it.

As for Xiaoxia, that pie was enough for her to eat. Lin Heng took her into the bedroom for fear that the pie would cool down too quickly. The room was warm and would not cool down so quickly.

After adding a little fire to the fireplace, Xiu Lan took the tripe she bought today to wash it. This thing needs to be washed well with flour and baking soda.

Lin Heng cut up the beef he bought this year and hung it outside the house. It will be naturally frozen overnight.

After thinking about it, Lin Heng took out a large wooden barrel from the house, filled it with water and placed it in the backyard.

After all this was done, Lin Heng went back to the bedroom, got some rosin and lit it, put the stove on the windowsill, poured a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

"Dad, tell a story."

Xiaoxia finished the pie and threw her greasy little hands into Lin Heng's arms.

She was caught by Lin Heng, and she still looked innocent, with big eyes blinking, as if she couldn't stand steadily and wanted to be hugged.

Lin Heng took her to wash her little paws, and then held her in his arms and read her a storybook.

Sometimes some things really can only be seen if you do them and persist. Just like Lin Heng's insistence on reading to Xiaoxia, there seemed to be no change in the short term, but now more than half a year has passed, Xiaoxia is much better than the children of the same age in the village in terms of speaking ability and wisdom.

Many three- and four-year-old children cannot speak fully and do not understand basic principles, but Xiaoxia is very smart and can remember many things.

It seemed that she was tired from walking on the street for too long today. Not long after Lin Heng read it, Xiaoxia fell asleep in his arms.

Putting her on the bed, Lin Heng wanted to go to bed, but Xiulan held him back. She opened her big bright eyes and said, "I'm not sleepy yet, so you can read a little longer."


Lin Heng nodded and finished reading this chapter of the story to Xiulan.

It was only half past eight after finishing reading, and Xiulan had already unknowingly moved to Lin Heng's side and leaned on his arm.

"You can rest if you want. I've heard enough."

Xiulan said softly after seeing Lin Heng stop.

"I suddenly want to write."

Lin Heng looked at his wife and said with a smile.

He also had a lot of practice with brush calligraphy in his previous life. Of course, it was not calligraphy, just a level that ordinary people would find aesthetic.

There was ink in the room, but there was no writing brush. He remembered that his father's house had one. But it doesn't matter if he has it or not, he can just buy one later.

He can do this himself, but he finds it troublesome and the steps are really cumbersome.

However, although there is no writing brush, there are still pens. After all, I often need to keep accounts.

Lin Heng found two pieces of white paper, took a poetry book, and copied poems for a while.

His handwriting with a pen was usually average, but this time he unexpectedly found that he had improved after taking up the pen to write.

He thought for a moment and felt that this might be because his ability to control his fingers had improved, and his ability to control the pen would not be that bad.

"Do you want to write, wife?"

Lin Heng wrote for a while, looked at Xiulan who was leaning on him and asked with a smile.

"Then I'll try."

Xiulan took the pen and started copying Li Yu's Poppies in the Tang poetry collection.

Her family is poor, she is a girl, she only attended the fourth grade of elementary school, and her educational level is not high. When he started writing, it was a bit beyond Lin Heng's expectations.

She writes horizontally and vertically, in regular block letters.

"Honey, your calligraphy is pretty good too."

Lin Heng said in surprise that he never noticed Xiulan's talent in this area in his previous life. But when she thought about it carefully, she was so overwhelmed by life that she had no chance to hold a pen.

Xiulan looked at him and blinked: "Is this the truth or are you trying to make me happy?"

"Of course it's the truth. The character "伱" is written correctly."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

A gentle smile appeared on Xiulan's face after being praised: "No one has ever said this before. When I was in school, my favorite things were drawing and writing."

Lin Heng looked at his wife and said softly: "Then I will find someone who is a master of painting to teach you."

Going to school in this era is very luxurious. Many rural people only go to school for one or two years and are forced to drop out after they know a few words.

Poverty blocks the way for too many people. Xiulan is like this, and Caiyun would be like this if it weren't for Lin Heng.

"Then I'll be waiting." Xiulan blinked, looking forward to it.

"Then let me teach you how to write first."

Lin Heng grinned and motioned for Xiulan to sit on his lap.

Xiulan rolled her eyes at Lin Heng, thinking that this guy really couldn't be serious for more than three seconds.

But after Lin Heng's repeated requests, she still sat on it.

Lin Heng didn't have any bad intentions. He just held his wife's hand and put his head on her shoulder to teach her to write.

On this late night, there was silence outside, the faint scent of pine lingered in the room, and the flames danced in the fireplace. Lin Heng held Xiulan's hand and wrote word by word, and the fragrance of her Dharma was refreshing in his breath.

With the one I loved accompanying me, just writing became a different feeling. Gradually, the two of them were immersed in this wonderful feeling, and they finished writing a page without realizing it.

"You are so patient now."

Xiulan put the pen down, turned sideways and put her arms on Lin Heng's shoulders, looking at him with eyes like autumn water.

"It seems like it started in May."

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng again and said curiously.

"Because you believe me every time I say the prodigal son comes back."

Lin Heng smiled slightly.

After a pause, he continued: "Actually, I had a dream before I came back. I dreamed about things that would happen for a long, long time in the future, and I was frightened by what happened inside."

Xiulan looked into Lin Heng's eyes for a while, then gently hugged his neck with her arms: "That must be God's help."

Xiulan still wanted to speak, but Lin Heng moved his mouth forward and touched the red lips that were very close at hand.

"Oh, it's not serious again... um..."

Xiulan still wanted to speak, but Lin Heng blocked her mouth.

Her body went limp at that time, and she cooperated in a confused manner, and the two of them quickly peeled each other off on the small bench.

Lin Heng hugged his wife and brought her to the bed.

The lights were not extinguished. Lin Heng looked at Xiulan, whose face was flushed with blush, and immediately pounced on the food, eating it from top to bottom, not sparing anything wherever it went.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng's head gradually descending and felt that the door to the new century had been opened.

After a long time, Lin Heng pulled Xiulan's head to kiss him, but she turned away to avoid him.


Xiulan shook her head, thinking of what Lin Heng had just done. If he was kissing her, wouldn't he be eating his own food? It was really hard to accept.

Lin Heng suddenly held her head down and kissed her.


For a moment, Xiulan's eyes widened.

For the first time since birth, she knew what she smelled like.

After a few minutes, after Lin Heng let go, Xiulan glared at Lin Heng fiercely: "You bad guy, you did it on purpose."

Lin Heng chuckled: "I don't dislike you, but you dislike yourself."

"Say it again, you'll die!"

Xiulan grabbed Lin Heng's mouth with one hand and pinched her waist with the other hand.

"I don't dare."

Lin Heng begged for mercy quickly. It would hurt to death if he pinched her.


Xiulan glared at him fiercely and turned away without wanting to talk to him. This guy definitely did it on purpose and had planned it for a long time.

Lin Heng moved his body away a little, and Xiulan immediately leaned over again.

When Xiulan washed her face and brushed her teeth the next morning, her pretty face still blushed when she thought of yesterday's absurd things.

Then she raised her head and glared at Lin Heng fiercely.

Lin Heng pretended to know nothing and didn't dare to speak.

After washing his face, Lin Heng took out the wheat that he had soaked yesterday, put a layer of cloth on the sieve, and poured the wheat on it.

He was naturally preparing to make maltose. With the warm environment of the bedroom, the malt would be very lush in three days.

"Wife, look at the natural refrigerator I made."

Lin Heng shouted to his wife with a smile.

The water in the wooden barrel he put outside yesterday was frozen, except for the water in the center.

Pour out the water in the center, take the wooden barrel and put it in a place where the sun can't shine by the wall, and it will be a natural refrigerator that can be used for more than a month.

Xiulan looked at it and thought that Lin Heng's brain was quite smart, and nodded and said, "Put the beef in it first."

After that, she said, "Go pick some green onions, we'll have dumplings in the morning."


Lin Heng had missed this dumpling meal for a long time, so he went to the front yard to pick green onions, and Xiulan quickly prepared a bowl of fragrant vinegar soup.

Lin Heng went to wake Xiaoxia up and dress, and after washing his face, the dumplings cooked in the pot were ready.

Scooped into a bowl, poured with vinegar soup, Lin Heng's saliva could not help but flow down.

Take another bite, the sour taste, the taste of coriander, the fragrance of green onions and chili and other seasonings, wrapped the dumplings with excellent taste and flavor, Lin Heng felt that this was better than the pie yesterday.

And this vinegar soup is definitely the soul that makes dumplings more delicious. With this sour taste, it seems that all the fragrances have a brand new taste.

Lin Heng and Xiulan didn't speak, eating dumplings in big mouthfuls. Only Xiaoxia took a spoon for a long time but couldn't get it into her mouth. Finally, she was so anxious that she grabbed one with her hand and put it in her mouth.


After taking a bite, she immediately showed a smile on her face, conquered by the taste of the dumplings.

"These twenty feel like they are finished before they are eaten. They are so delicious."

Lin Heng drank a mouthful of vinegar soup and said with a smile.

"Then do you want to put some more?"

Xiulan looked at him and asked, the expressions of Lin Heng and Xiaoxia made her feel that holding the dumplings was worth it.

"Actually, I'm full, but my mouth still wants to eat, right, Xiaoxia?"

Lin Heng said with a smile while feeding Xiaoxia.


Xiaoxia mumbled softly while chewing something in her mouth.

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