Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 209: The candy wrapper slapping game

"Why don't you bring some dumplings to mom and dad?"

After finishing the meal, Xiulan said.

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, they are all helping at Liu's house and having a feast there."

"That's fine. When Caiyun gets out of school in the evening, ask her to come over for a meal."

Xiulan nodded and said again.

Lin Heng naturally had no objection to this. Speaking of Caiyun, Lin Heng remembered that she should have an exam week this week and would be on holiday soon.

Today is the 12th, Thursday, and I don't know when she will be on holiday.

After breakfast, Xiulan took the beef tripe that had been soaked overnight, and Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to the Liu's house.

Although tomorrow is the real business, and all kinds of guests who give gifts will come to the feast, but as a helper, he should still come and take a look, otherwise it would be a bit too unprofessional.

Now the Liu's house is much more lively than before. A group of people gathered here, which can be said to be very lively.

Xiaoxia was pulled by Lin Heng, and her big eyes looked around curiously.

The shed was quite warm because of the charcoal fire. Lin Heng went to the kitchen and saw his mother helping to wash vegetables.

Seeing Xiaoxia, he immediately wiped his hands, stretched out his hand and smiled: "Come, let me hold you for a while."

"Grandma, I want to eat this~"

Xiaoxia looked at her grandmother, walked over and pointed at the persimmon cake next to her.

The persimmon cakes of the Lin family had been dried long ago. Xiaoxia had eaten them before and liked them very much. She wanted them when she saw them here.

"Okay, I'll give them to you."

Mother Lin smiled and kissed Xiaoxia's face, saying with a smile.

Li Yan, a woman who was also helping to wash vegetables, took a persimmon cake and said to Xiaoxia: "Come on, say something nice to me, and I'll give it to you."

Xiaoxia looked at Li Yan, thought for a while, opened her mouth and said in a baby voice: "Auntie, you are so beautiful, just a little bit worse than my mother."

Li Yan: "..."

"Hahaha, this girl is really good at talking."

"She didn't forget to praise her mother outside, what a good child!"

A group of women nearby were amused by Xiaoxia's words and thought she was really interesting.

"Here, here, don't say the second half of the sentence next time." Li Yan touched her face and handed the persimmon cake to Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia took the persimmon cake and took a bite, mumbling a thank you.

Looking at him like this, Lin Heng was ready to turn around and leave, letting his mother take care of him for a while.

"I want to be with my dad."

However, before he took two steps, Xiaoxia ran over and grabbed Lin Heng's clothes.

"Okay, okay, let's go together." Lin Heng pulled her helplessly, said something to his mother and left.

The women here were a little curious when they saw this scene: "Xiaoxia is so attached to her father."

Someone shook his head and said: "I see Lin Heng often takes her around, and he doesn't find it annoying. My lazy man doesn't even let me wear clothes, let alone take care of the baby."

"Yes, Xiaoxia is only two years old, how can she speak as sincerely as a four or five-year-old child."

Mother Lin looked at the women in front of her and smiled and responded: "That's right, my son takes care of her all day long and tells her stories every day."

"Really?" Some people didn't believe it.

Mother Lin smiled and spread her hands: "If it weren't for this, Xiaoxia wouldn't be able to speak so sincerely and so smart. People don't let me take care of the child at all."

"Oh my God, Lin Heng is so patient."

"That's right, otherwise I wouldn't have become a millionaire."

"The old saying is true, a prodigal son who returns is worth more than gold."

The words of women such as Li Yan revealed a strong envy. Now Lin Heng is simply the dream partner or son-in-law candidate that everyone dreams of.

Everyone looked at Lin's mother with envy. It had only been half a year since Lin Heng became a millionaire. Lu Hongmei had obviously gained a lot of weight, her skin was not rough anymore, and her clothes were very good.

Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to the place where liquor was made in a short while. This place was in the corner of the shed. His brother built a mud stove with a large iron kettle on it to heat the liquor.

There were large square tables and benches in the shed. There was no farm work at this time of year. A group of people gathered around the table, chatting and playing cards. It was very lively.

Lin Heng saw his father Lin Xuanan surrounded by a group of people from a distance. They were chatting enthusiastically, from national affairs to trivial matters in the fields.

And his father was undoubtedly the center of the group, being complimented by a group of people and echoing his views.

In the past, few people would do this. The reason for this was naturally that his son became a millionaire and was wearing a red flower and appeared in the newspaper.

Not to mention his parents, even his third father was respected a lot in the village.

When Lin Heng brought his daughter here, the people he met on the road all greeted him with a smile and took the initiative to say hello.

Every time at this time, Lin Heng had to sigh at the magic of money.

However, he was not a high-profile person. He took Xiaoxia to sit in the corner of the liquor.

Several children next to him were playing the game of patting candy paper. Candy was very precious in that era, and candy paper became one of the fun things for children to collect.

Patting candy paper means that both parties put a piece of candy paper on the table at the same time, and then pat it with their hands. If two candy papers turn over at the same time, then these two candy papers are theirs.

If you fail, it will be the opponent's turn.

Lin Heng had played this game before, but Xiaoxia saw it for the first time. She ate persimmon cakes and looked at it curiously with big eyes.

"Do you want to play?"

A child noticed Xiaoxia and asked timidly.

"I don't have any candy wrappers!" Xiaoxia shook her head. She didn't know about this game. She threw away the candy wrappers after eating the candy.

But she didn't know that many of these children's candy wrappers were thrown away by her after eating. For the children in the village, going to Lin Heng's house every day to pick up candy wrappers is like treasure hunting.

And there are many kinds. When they see Xiaoxia, they are also very envious, because many of them can only eat one rock candy a month, while Xiaoxia can eat individually wrapped milk candy every two days.

"It's okay, I'll give you one."

A little girl of four or five years old took a candy wrapper from her hand and gave it to Xiaoxia.

"Thank you."

As soon as Xiaoxia took the candy wrapper, a little boy took the initiative to play with him, obviously to bully the novice first.

Xiaoxia didn't know these either. She put the candy wrapper down and tapped it gently. Miraculously, both candy wrappers turned over.

"You win!!"

The little girl who gave Xiaoxia the candy wrapper was even more excited than Xiaoxia. She put the candy wrapper away and looked at the little boy opposite her and said, "You lost. You have to give out more candy wrappers."

"Go ahead. I have a lot."

The little boy with dirty hands refused to admit defeat and took another candy wrapper. Xiaoxia failed to slap it this time.

"It's my turn!"

The little boy was so excited that he slapped the two candy wrappers and turned them over again, but he failed.

After another attempt, Xiaoxia succeeded again. Then she happily picked up the candy wrapper and turned to look at Lin Heng: "Dad, I won."

"Xiaoxia is really awesome."

Lin Heng laughed and encouraged her.

Xiaoxia thought this new game was really interesting, so she turned around and played again.

No one noticed that Xiaoxia was only two years old, while the other children next to her were four or five years old. Not far away, there were a few two or three-year-old children playing and fighting, but they couldn't speak clearly.

Lin Yue came over from a distance, looked at Lin Heng and said, "Brother, why are you here? I'll just watch over here for you."

"Come and take a look. Otherwise, it's not very nice to not show up all the time. After all, you've already agreed." Lin Heng grinned.

Lin Yue glanced at him and said with a smile, "Then do you want to play cards? Lin Hai is here too."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this."

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head. It's better not to play in such occasions.

"That's fine."

Lin Yue found a bench and sat down, telling Lin Heng some things about the funeral.

Although they were some trivial things, they were still quite interesting to listen to.

After chatting for a while, Xiaoxia suddenly came back, feeling a little depressed: "Dad, I lost all my candy wrappers."

"Mine are gone too."

The little girl who just gave Xiaoxia candy wrappers was named Liu Qingqing, and she was also a little depressed.

The boys at the table were holding a pile of thick candy wrappers with pride on their faces. They were all technical experts. Even if Xiaoxia was lucky enough to win a few times at the beginning, they soon won them back.

Lin Heng felt around and found three White Rabbit candies. He looked at the boys and said, "Who wants to exchange a candy for a candy wrapper?"

"I'll exchange it. I have thirty candy wrappers here."

A little boy ran over first and handed the candy wrapper to Lin Heng.

"Okay then." Lin Heng also bargained and gave the candy wrapper to the little boy.

It was too late for the other guys to exchange it again. They looked at the White Rabbit candy in the boy's hand eagerly.

Lin Heng gave the remaining milk candies to Xiaoxia and the little girl Liu Qingqing, and then gave all the candy wrappers to Xiaoxia: "Now you have it."

"Dad is so nice." Xiaoxia kissed Lin Heng and was very happy.

"Here you go."

Xiaoxia turned around and took more than ten candy wrappers and gave them to Liu Qingqing.

Then she turned around and played the candy wrapper game with them again. The eyes of these children looking at Xiaoxia had turned into deep envy. They really wished they had a father like Lin Heng.

Liu Qingqing's affection for Xiaoxia increased greatly because of this candy.

While Xiaoxia and the others were playing games, the village party secretary came over and chatted with Lin Heng for a while.

After playing here for more than an hour, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia back. Now she only had five candy wrappers left in her hand.

Outside the shed, Lin Wei and all the other ten-year-old children were setting off firecrackers. They picked up some small firecrackers that had not been ignited, and they were having a lot of fun.

Not far from the shed, Lin Heng saw several students with schoolbags on their backs appearing on the road in the distance, and Caiyun was among them.

"Come back so early, is it a holiday?" Lin Heng was stunned and stood there waiting.

"Second brother, Xiaoxia!"

Five minutes later, Caiyun came to Lin Heng with a big bag of books on her back, took care of her, and hugged Xiaoxia in her arms.


Xiaoxia happily put her face to face with Caiyun. In addition to her parents, she liked Caiyun the most.

"Are you on vacation?"

Lin Heng looked at Caiyun and asked with a smile.

Caiyun smiled and nodded: "Well, I just finished the exam this morning. I will go to get the report card next Monday, and then I will be fine."

Lin Heng nodded and said: "Then let's go to my house and let Xiulan make dumplings for you. My parents are helping."

"Okay, thank you, second brother."

Caiyun's eyes lit up when she heard about dumplings. She was hungry.

Back in the house, Xiulan had already washed the tripe and was chatting with Tian Yan.

"Sister-in-law, sister Tian Yan~"

Caiyun came over with Xiaoxia in her arms. Seeing that the two of them were very close, they chatted for a while.

The three of them chatted for a while, and Xiulan got up to make dumplings for Caiyun.

Before making dumplings, she fried a plate of dumplings.

The fried dumplings are golden and crispy on the outside, and they must have a fried aroma compared to boiled dumplings, just like pan-fried buns, which makes people unable to stop eating.

Lin Heng and Tian Yan were not hungry, and they couldn't help eating several.

Tian Yan looked at Lin Heng and said, "Lin Heng, you are so lucky, Xiulan's cooking skills are better than my mother's."

"Haha, that's not true." Lin Heng looked proud.

Tian Yan shook her head: "Fortunately, you are nice to Xiulan now, otherwise you will be beaten."

After saying a few words, she chatted with Caiyun again.

After a while, Xiulan brought a bowl of dumplings to Caiyun.

Caiyun took a bite of the dumplings and almost cried with emotion: "It's so fragrant, I really want to stay here in the future."

This is the second time she has eaten dumplings this year. The last time was on the Lantern Festival.

"I want to eat too."

Xiaoxia is hungry all day long, and she wants to eat when she sees people eating.

After the meal, the four of them took a deck of cards and played for a while.

In the evening, Lin Heng had another delicious meal of dumplings, which was so comfortable.

The next morning, Lin Heng went to help early.

Today was a serious matter, and a lot of people came early in the morning.

The table was seated at around ten o'clock. Lin Heng took a look and found that the table was better than expected.

There were six cold dishes, five hot dishes, and a soup. There were 12 dishes on the table, but the ingredients occupied most of them.

In the afternoon, Xiulan brought Xiaoxia and sister-in-law Liu Juan together, and the gifts were all ten kilograms of rice.

There was definitely money, but everyone gave food, so Xiulan followed the crowd.

There was almost no waste at the table in this era. A dish would be eaten quickly. If it was not finished in the end, everyone would share it and take it home for other family members to taste.

Some only had women's tables, and no one ate, but divided the dishes equally and took them home.

It was not easy to have a good meal these days. If there was meat and it was delicious, it was natural to share some with family members.

Xiulan naturally didn't take any of it. There was too much meat at home, and the taste of her own cooking was better than the one at the banquet.

After the banquet, there was a grand duet of filial songs in the evening, and a suona band played suona, which also attracted many people who lived nearby to stay and watch.

At night, the border was officially closed, and the next morning a group of people carried it to the back mountain and buried it.

Lin Heng looked at these with a little emotion, shook his head, and turned back home.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed, and the time came to the 13th of the twelfth lunar month, the 15th of the first lunar month in the solar calendar.

This is Monday, the day when Caiyun went to get her report card.

Lin Heng also had to go down today. Today, the city would come up to buy mountain products, and should also bring news about ginseng buyers.

Similarly, wholesalers would come up to deliver some goods, and sales increased a lot during the New Year.

All these needed Lin Heng to go down and deal with.

So early in the morning, Lin Heng got out the carriage and took Caiyun to Chihuangtan Town.

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