Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 210 The Man Who Came in a Jeep

"Caiyun, what do you think of this test?"

While driving the carriage, Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Caiyun looked at Lin Heng, blinked and said, "I can't guarantee a perfect score, but I'm very confident that it will exceed 90."

Hearing this, Lin Heng couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Are you confident enough? I'm looking forward to it. If you do well in the exam, I will give you a big red envelope during the New Year."

"Then you will give me this big red envelope, second brother." Caiyun smiled. She was working hard all the time to be able to go to school again.

"I'll be waiting." Lin Heng smiled and accelerated the carriage.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Huangtan Town. At this time, the golden sun has just come out, spreading its warm light to the world.

Lin Heng sent Caiyun to the school gate, and then drove the carriage back to the store.

"Brother Lin!"

Wang Zhou is a dedicated person who gets up very early even on days when he is not going to the market.

Recently, I have been exercising with Uncle Gao. When I have nothing to do, I will read the books Lin Heng left in the store.

"How are you handling your affairs? What did your parents say?"

Lin Heng walked into the house and asked while warming his hands.

Wang Zhou responded with a smile on his face: "As you said, Brother Lin, when my parents heard this, they immediately canceled the marriage and let me make my own decision, saying that they didn't care."

This result was as expected by Lin Heng. It was such an easy job for him and he could earn twenty yuan a month. In order to keep this job, not to mention rejecting one marriage, it would be no problem even if it means rejecting five or ten marriages.

"That's good." Lin Heng nodded and asked, "How are you and Liu Cihua doing? Is there any progress?"

Wang Zhou seemed a little shy when talking about this: "It's almost done, just hold hands."

Lin Heng was a little surprised. He thought that this kid was too timid to even hold hands, but now it seems he is quite bold.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "Then it depends on the situation. If it's suitable, find a time to propose marriage."

"Well, I'm thinking about it."

Wang Zhou nodded.

The room fell into silence for a while. Lin Heng warmed his hands. Uncle Gao came back from the vegetable field and pulled some green vegetables. When he saw Lin Heng, he smiled and asked, "Shall I make yours too?"

"Okay, thank you, uncle."

Lin Heng was not polite, even though he said he had eaten.

After chatting with Uncle Gao, Lin Heng returned to the topic, looked at Wang Zhou and said: "Since the car hasn't come, let's reconcile the accounts first, as the Chinese New Year is about to happen."


Wang Zhou got up and went to the counter with Lin Heng.

Lin Heng first looked at the account book, and then looked at the goods.

There have been relatively few mountain products recently, and what he has hoarded in the house are turmeric, epimedium and other medicinal materials that Lin Hengrang left behind. The prices of these things will rise next year, and he is stocking them to make money.

Lin Heng didn't take away the money the store made in the past two months, it was all left here.

He counted the money in the drawer and found a total of 1,330 yuan and 50 cents. The change he had given here was 500 yuan, excluding the 300 yuan cost of selling the goods. In other words, the profit from selling goods and collecting goods in the past two months was 500 yuan.

Lin Heng was quite satisfied with this harvest.

Even now that Liu Qicheng has entered, his collection of mountain goods is still the same as when he first opened. Using word of mouth and tying it with the canteen, he can make a lot of profits in a year.

But Lin Heng doesn't really care about this. It's just a guaranteed option. The real money comes from farming.

It was soon past nine o'clock, and Caiyun came back after collecting the transcripts.

"Second brother, look what this is!"

Caiyun walked into the room and handed a certificate to Lin Heng.

"Three good students, amazing."

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up. This is the best certificate.

"Here, here is the report card."

Caiyun handed the transcript to Lin Heng again. She was happier to be recognized by Lin Heng than her parents.

Lin Heng picked it up and took a look. Just as Caiyun said, each of the eight subjects was above 90 points, and mathematics actually reached a perfect score.

This surprised Lin Heng. In his memory, Caiyun's learning ability was so good?

He couldn't remember clearly. In his previous life, when Caiyun was in elementary school, he didn't pay attention at all. He only remembered that she had won two awards.

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up again: "That's awesome. Isn't your first place a good result?"

Wang Zhou next to him also looked shocked. Such good results were beyond his reach when he was in junior high school. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do well in the exam, and he was even not as good as Lin Heng, a person who didn't study much.

He also echoed: "Definitely number one, who can compare with this."

Caiyun shook his head helplessly: "The second place is, the first place is Liu Ciwen, he is three points higher than me."

"That's pretty much it." Wang Zhou laughed.

Caiyun gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely surpass him next semester."

Lin Heng was also a little surprised by this result, but it was understandable after thinking about it.

Lin Heng then asked about other people's results, and they saw that they had plummeted from third place. Caiyun and Liu Ciwen were both at fault.

This made Lin Heng believe that Caiyun also has a talent for learning. Some people are talented in these areas. Even if they go to a bad school or have no teacher to teach them, they can learn it by themselves.

Caiyun's talent is also a good thing for Lin Heng, which means that his family will soon be able to cultivate a very good genius.

When his business grows in the future and Caiyun has almost graduated, he can come to the company to help.

Your own people are definitely more reliable than outsiders recruited with money.

"By the way, second brother, Teacher Guo Xu asked you to go to school. He won't leave until this afternoon." At this time, Caiyun remembered the matter and said.

"I know." Lin Heng knew that this should be the buyer of ginseng, but he didn't know the specific situation.

At this time, Uncle Gao came out with a bowl of rice: "The rice is ready, go scoop some out and eat it. Don't be surprised if you don't know how to cook."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Lin Heng was not polite, got up and walked inside.

Before walking a few steps, he suddenly heard the roar of an engine outside. Lin Heng turned around and saw a truck parked outside.

The driver turned out to be wholesaler Li Chengguo.

"Hello, Boss Li!"

Lin Heng quickly walked out and said hello with a smile.

"long time no see."

Li Chengguo shook Lin Heng's hand hard and smiled: "I've brought you a lot of things for the New Year this time."

"That's a good feeling."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

After pouring a cup of tea for Li Chengguo and warming the fire for a while, everyone went to unload the goods.

The payment this time was a full five hundred yuan, and a large amount of goods were replenished. If it were not for the Chinese New Year, there would be no need to replenish so many goods.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and there will be a big wave of consumption.

After settling the payment, Lin Heng looked at Li Chengguo again and said, "Didn't you say you wanted wild yams last time? My elder brother dug up four to five hundred kilograms. Do you want them?"

"Yes, how about 40 cents per pound?" Li Chengguo said with a smile.

Lin Heng suddenly became unhappy: "Lao Li, let's take this to the mountains and experience how difficult it is to dig yams. Let's talk about the price."

Li Chengguo suddenly laughed: "Then how much do you want?"

Lin Heng held out five fingers: "Fifty cents."

Li Chengguo was helpless: "We are old friends. Your price is really too high. I can't make any money even if you keep it."

Lin Hengcai didn't listen to him. This wild yam was very effective. It was a hot commodity in the city, and people were buying it for the price of pork.

In the end, Li Chengguo still didn't claim to win against Lin Heng. He waved his hand helplessly and said: "Your brother can pay this price for this batch. If you collect another batch for me, you must sell it to me for 40 cents, otherwise it will be a huge loss."

"Haha, this is at least forty-five cents. Let's go then, you can go to my house."

Lin Heng waved his hand. The normal price for collecting wild yams in the town was 30 cents per catty. He could make 15 cents from collecting them.

Even though he asked for a high price, he actually had no problem selling this thing in the city. There are many rich people who like this kind of real mountain product, and they don't have to worry about the price of the pork.

Let Caiyun stay here to help organize the goods, Lin Heng took his Li Chengguo's truck all the way back to Hongfeng Village.

Lin Heng went back and called his elder brother and father, and they quickly moved their yams to the road.

Li Chengguo was still there checking the scales bag by bag. After checking, he felt a little embarrassed. There was nothing broken at all.

Lin Heng's father and eldest brother were both honest people, and the bad ones were picked out in the house.

Finally, after weighing, Lin's father's yam weighed 120 kilograms, and Lin Yue's yam weighed 480 kilograms.

In the end, one person took sixty yuan and the other two hundred and forty yuan.

"Brother, I really have you, thank you so much." Lin Yue took the money and said with an honest smile.

"Yes, Lin Heng, you are so capable." Liu Juan also had a smile on her face. If it weren't for Lin Heng, it would have been impossible to sell it at this price.

Father Lin patted his thigh and said in annoyance: "If I had known, I would have gone deep into the mountains to dig more."

"Haha, it's okay. I'll give you a red envelope during the Chinese New Year."

Lin Heng grinned.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng took Li Chengguo's ride back to Huangtan Town.

When he arrived in Huangtan Town, Lin Heng went directly to the school. This time he bought a gift of about fifty yuan and took it to his teacher Guo Xu.

"Why did you bring something with you? I didn't ask you for it because I needed something from you." Guo Xu looked at Lin Heng and scolded.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "I'm not giving a gift, I'm just expressing my gratitude. Whether it's helping me or taking care of Caiyun, you have taken a lot of trouble."

After being polite, Lin Heng put down the gift.

Guo Xu poured Lin Heng a cup of tea and said with a smile: "The buyer I asked about is a friend of my dad's. He is very interested in this and said he would be willing to spend 10,000 yuan if it was a real 100-year-old ginseng." Seven bought it.

I went with the price tag of 20,000 yuan as you mentioned. My dad’s friend is not short of money and is engaged in real estate. I think you can talk about 18,000 yuan. "

"How do we talk about it specifically? Should I go down or not?" Lin Heng turned around and asked.

Guo Xu took a sip of tea and said, "I can bring him to town to talk."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Let's do this. I'll give you an accurate answer before you leave this afternoon."

"Okay, I won't leave until four in the afternoon."

Guo Xu nodded again, the two chatted for a while, and then Lin Heng left.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon when we returned to the store, but the pickup truck never came, which surprised Lin Heng.

Even though there is no news about ginseng buyers, the truck collecting the ginseng products should have arrived long ago, as agreed on the 15th of every month.

Just when Lin Heng was about to go to school to reply to Guo Xu, he finally heard the roar of the engine.

"Brother Lin, come out quickly. Two cars are coming, a truck and a jeep!"

At the same time, Lin Yue's exclamation also came from outside.

Lin Heng hurried out and saw a yellow jeep following the truck. The driver was a woman in a black windbreaker, and the passenger seat was Jin Fuqiang, who was very familiar to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng was a little shocked. What was the identity of the woman driving the car? She even asked Jin Fuqiang to accompany her here.

After tidying up his clothes, Lin Heng smiled and walked over to greet her: "Director Jin, why did you come up in person?"

Jin Fuqiang smiled and pointed to the beautiful woman in a black windbreaker next to him and said: "Let me introduce you. This is Miss Bai Xueqing from Baiyao Group. She heard that you have a hundred-year-old ginseng here and had to drive up to see the goods."

"Hello, Miss Bai, I'm Lin Heng."

Lin Heng looked at Bai Xueqing and smiled and stretched out his back. The woman looked about the same age as him, with big curly hair, very fashionable.

Bai Xueqing looked at Lin Heng and was also a little shocked by his youth and handsomeness. She thought his eyes were particularly bright.

She smiled and shook Lin Heng's hand and said, "Hello, Boss Lin, do you really have a hundred-year-old ginseng? Are you sure it's over a hundred years old?"

"Of course, the ginseng is at my house. We can go and see the goods."

Lin Heng smiled slightly.

When Bai Xueqing heard this, she said directly, "Then let's go and see the goods directly. Get in the car, and the price and everything are easy to negotiate."

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Heng turned around and said something to Wang Zhou, then got on the jeep and went to Hongfeng Village.

This Bai Xueqing was really crazy when driving, speeding all the way, and Lin Heng, who didn't get carsick, almost vomited.

It took more than ten minutes to arrive at Hongfeng Village. The car stopped outside Lin Heng's house, and Lin Heng took the two of them directly to his house.

Opening the gate of the yard, both Jin Fuqiang and Bai Xueqing were slightly shocked by the situation inside.

"Your house is well built." Bai Xueqing couldn't help but praise.

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "The country folks just made some, which is not as good as those in the city."

When seeing Xiulan and Xiaoxia come out, Bai Xueqing was shocked again. Lin Heng's wife was so beautiful and his daughter was so cute.

"Let's talk slowly in the house."

Lin Heng invited the two to go to the bedroom to warm up by the fire while saying something to Xiulan.

After entering the house, Lin Heng poured a cup of tea for the two. Jin Fugui and Bai Xueqing took it and said they were not thirsty, and put the teacup on the table without drinking.

Lin Heng didn't say much. Even though he used celadon teacups, the two of them were obviously a little disgusted.

Bai Xueqing said very directly: "Let's get straight to the point. I have to go back in the afternoon after seeing it, and there is not enough time."


Lin Heng nodded, walked over and took out a rectangular exquisite wooden box from the cabinet, which contained completely dried ginseng.

"Take a look, both of you. This is the century-old ginseng I mentioned."

With a slight smile, Lin Heng put the ginseng on the table.

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