Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 211 The final price of the century-old wild ginseng

When Bai Xueqing and Jin Fuqiang heard this, they immediately looked over.

In the exquisite wooden box, the dried ginseng with shrunken skin lay quietly there, with a red string tied to it, like a little person.

"This is indeed what ginseng looks like over a century ago."

As a person from a state-owned acquisition company, Jin Fuqiang could tell at a glance that this ginseng was not simple.

Bai Xueqing didn't say anything. Her family ran a pharmaceutical group and she knew ginseng better than Jin Fuqiang.

She has been exposed to it since childhood. She can tell the difference between a ginseng tree and a ginseng tree at a glance.

Bai Xueqing took a closer look, then raised her head and asked, "Can I take it out and take a look?"

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Of course."

Bai Xueqing took out the ginseng, walked to the window, opened the window and looked carefully, gently touched the ginseng whiskers, and then looked at other parts.

Finally, she put the ginseng back, with no expression on her face.

The room fell into silence for a while. Lin Heng was not in a hurry and had no intention of asking.

At worst, if he doesn't sell it, he will go to Ancheng after the Chinese New Year to find a seller who can sell it at a good price.

The century-old wild ginseng is a treasure that can be found but cannot be obtained. If it were not for the rapid 'development', he would want to keep it.

Bai Xueqing found that Lin Heng didn't speak for a long time, and was a little surprised. This man seemed to be so calm at such a young age.

After swallowing, she spoke: "Have you weighed how many grams of ginseng there is?"

Lin Heng nodded: "It was not weighed when it was fresh. Later, I borrowed a small steelyard from a drug store and weighed it. It weighed thirty-six grams. It must be one hundred and fifty years old."

Bai Xueqing nodded and said: "This thing is not fake, but one hundred and fifty years is a bit reluctant, just a little over a hundred years, so I will give you fifteen thousand, and you will pay immediately if you agree."

This made Lin Heng couldn't help but smile: "Since Ms. Bai is from a pharmaceutical group, she should know the age and value of this ginseng. Telling such a price will only make outsiders laugh."

Bai Xueqing smiled slightly and said, "How much does Boss Lin think is appropriate?"

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "Thirty thousand."

Bai Xueqing sneered: "Haha, Boss Lin is crazy about money. He can even offer the price of 30,000 yuan."

Lin Heng looked calm and responded with a smile: "A century-old wild ginseng is a rare treasure. It does not talk about bringing the dead back to life, but it can greatly replenish vitality and prolong life. There is no problem.

Moreover, our country's ginseng resources are depleting day by day. This thing in my hand will only become more and more valuable, not depreciate.

If you think the price is expensive, it doesn't matter if we can't reach an agreement. We can't do business in a righteous way. In a few years, I will take this thing to a coastal metropolis. I believe that some people who know the goods will offer high prices. "

Lin Heng's words made Bai Xueqing grit her teeth secretly. It seemed that she couldn't be fooled. The other party fully knew the value of this ginseng.

As Lin Heng said, the value of this thing will become higher and higher.

After thinking for a few minutes, she looked at Lin Heng and said, "Let's each take a step back. I'll take the 20,000 yuan. Although you said so much, I think you still want to sell, otherwise you wouldn't have released the news." "

Lin Heng still smiled and shook his head: "This is too much of a step back. In fact, I'm not that short of money. You can ask around.

Although I can't compare with Ms. Bai and Director Jin, I can still be regarded as a small household worth ten thousand yuan. It's not impossible to survive without selling ginseng. Even if I don't go to the coast, I can still find suitable buyers in Anseong. "

After taking a sip of tea, Lin Heng lit a wisp of cypress incense and placed it on the window sill. A faint scent of prepared cypress was immediately wafted into the room.

Bai Xueqing looked at the Boshan furnace and seemed to realize that it was an antique, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

After thinking for a while, Bai Xueqing looked at Jin Fuqiang and motioned for him to say something.

Jin Fuqiang looked at Bai Xueqing, then at Lin Heng, and said with a smile: "Well, let me be fair. This ginseng is indeed precious, but thirty thousand is indeed a bit too much. In this way, twenty-eight thousand for you What do you think?"

Before Lin Heng could speak, Bai Xueqing spoke first, looking at Jin Fuqiang with strange eyes: "Uncle Jin, your fair words are too fair."

Lin Heng was also shocked. He thought Jin Fuqiang would help negotiate the price, but he didn't expect that he would turn to his side. This was really incredible.

Jin Fuqiang grinned and said: "Don't blame me, your Baiyao Group is not short of this money at all, and it is very profitable to take this thing back at this price.

I only gave you this news because we have a good relationship. In fact, if I tell a few more people, there will definitely be people willing to buy it for 30,000 yuan.

It is not easy for a farmer from Xiaolin to find a century-old wild ginseng tree after traveling through mountains and ridges through hardships, so you should not argue with her about this small amount of money. "

Jin Fuqiang really likes Lin Heng. He knows how to repay kindness without saying anything, he speaks well, and he respects him very much. He also takes the facts and situations lightly. He thinks this is a potential stock.

Bai Xueqing didn't want to talk anymore, and looked at Jin Fuqiang a little angrily. If this man wasn't related to her family, I really wanted to tell him why his elbows were turned outward.

What happened to her having money? Even if you have money, you don’t want to spend an extra cent on these outsiders.

As soon as Jin Fuqiang said this, she couldn't bargain anymore unless she really didn't want to buy it.

But she drove here in person and was so anxious that she was determined to win.

"Well, then listen to Uncle Jin. I'll give you 28,000 yuan. What do you think?" Bai Xueqing looked at Lin Heng and said, thinking that it was a good thing that this man was pretty. If he was ugly, she wouldn't even want to give him 20,000 yuan.

Lin Heng smiled slightly and nodded in agreement: "Since Uncle Jin said so, I naturally have no objection."

In fact, he didn't think he could sell it at this price at first. It's not that ginseng is not worth this price, but that he can't find a particularly rich person.

When he saw Bai Xueqing appear this time, he knew that this person was not ordinary, so he quietly raised the expected price of ginseng.

Facts have proved that it is worth spending fifty or sixty yuan to treat Jin Fuqiang to a meal every time. This person is really good.

"How about we go to the town to trade again?" Bai Xueqing looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng nodded, looked at his watch and said, "Yes, I can, but I'm afraid the credit union in the town is closed now."

"It doesn't matter, I have my own way." Bai Xueqing waved her hand, stood up and asked, "Where is your toilet? I want to go to the toilet."

"The toilet is in the backyard."

Lin Heng took her out and pointed in the direction, then turned and went into the house.

After entering the house, he looked at Jin Fuqiang and said with a smile, "Director Jin, thank you so much. I will definitely visit you in person to thank you someday."

Jin Fuqiang smiled and waved his hand, "It's nothing. This is also a help to me."

Being able to introduce the sale of century-old ginseng is also a manifestation of his connections.

"It's nothing to you, but it's a big deal for me. I must thank you."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Lin Heng, you still have musk deer here!!"

Just as the two were about to greet each other, Bai Xueqing's exclamation suddenly appeared outside.

Lin Heng and Jin Fuqiang hurried out and saw Bai Xueqing looking around at the male musk deer in the backyard.

When Lin Fuqiang saw the scenery of Lin Heng's backyard, he was also a little surprised. The backyard was decorated so artistically.

Bai Xueqing looked up and asked: "Did you raise this musk deer?"

She was originally shocked that Lin Heng decorated the backyard so beautifully, but when she took a closer look, she found this musk deer and felt even more amazing.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, is there any problem?"

Bai Xueqing looked at it again and again and said: "Why don't you sell it to me?"

She liked this musk deer. Living musk deer are too rare these days, and it is difficult to breed them.

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "I won't sell this. If you want to buy musk, I can sell it to you next year."

Bai Xueqing really wanted to buy it, and said: "You name a price, as long as it's not outrageous, I'll buy it."

"It's really impossible. To tell you the truth, I use this for breeding. I also have a pregnant female musk deer in the back mountain, so I can't sell it.

If you want musk, we can still talk about it, or wait until my population is larger in the future."

Lin Heng smiled and mentioned the existence of the female musk deer. This is actually an opportunity. It is definitely more cost-effective to sell musk directly to pharmaceutical companies.

"You still have a female musk deer? Do you have a trick to catch musk deer alive?"

Bai Xueqing was shocked. She thought Lin Heng was just a lucky guy, but she didn't expect him to have this ability.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Lucky to catch."

The more Lin Heng said this, the more Bai Xueqing didn't believe it. She looked at him and said: "You really don't want to sell it?"

"Of course, this is the foundation of my life." Lin Heng smiled.

Bai Xueqing said, "It's not easy to raise musk deer. Be careful not to lose all your money."

"I have confidence." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go and pay you in town."

Bai Xueqing didn't insist. Besides, Lin Heng couldn't sell it.

Lin Heng nodded, went into the house to pack the ginseng and put it away, then said something to Xiulan and followed the two out.

The three got on the jeep and drove towards Huangtan Town.

When they reached an empty bay below, Bai Xueqing suddenly stopped the car.

Lin Heng's eyes tightened and he kept an eye on Bai Xueqing's movements.

"Don't worry, I don't have any bad intentions."

Bai Xueqing waved her hand and said, "I've brought the money a long time ago, but it's more appropriate in this place."

She didn't dare to take the money out of Lin Heng's house. After all, one must be on guard against others.

"I know."

Lin Heng nodded. He actually understood that he dared to come out alone with the ginseng because he was confident that he could beat Jin Fuqiang and Bai Xueqing without guns.

Bai Xueqing took out a black cloth bag she had been carrying with her. Inside were bundles of ten-yuan bills, one stack as thick as a fingernail, that is, one hundred bills, equaling one thousand yuan.

She took out two stacks in total, and threw the remaining money and the black cloth bag to Lin Heng: "This is twenty-eight thousand, count it yourself."


Lin Heng put the ginseng aside, took the money and began to slowly check and count, and his peripheral vision was still paying attention to Bai Xueqing.

Ten minutes later, he nodded and said, "No problem."

Then he gave the ginseng to Bai Xueqing.

Bai Xueqing seemed to be worried that Lin Heng would go back on his word, so she drafted two copies of the sales contract.

Both of them signed and pressed their fingerprints. Bai Xueqing looked at him and said, "Then the transaction is completed, you can get off the car by yourself."

Lin Heng turned his head and said something to Jin Fuqiang, and then got off the car.

As soon as Lin Heng got off the car, Bai Xueqing stepped on the accelerator and blasted out. A burst of black smoke came out and choked Lin Heng and made him cough repeatedly.

"Damn, this woman!"

Lin Heng was jealous and speechless. If he drove fast like this, something would go wrong sooner or later.

Looking at the money in the bag again, Lin Heng zipped it up and turned around to walk back.

It was very windy today. Except for the people who came out to see when the car just arrived and just left, there was no one when Lin Heng came back.

It was a good thing that no one saw Lin Heng. Lin Heng returned home smoothly with a bag of money.

"Why did you come back so soon?" Xiulan opened the door and looked at Lin Heng with a puzzled look.

Lin Heng grinned and said, "Of course the transaction is completed. Do you know how much it was sold this time?"

"How much?"

Xiulan was curious. When Lin Heng was talking about business, she was in the main room with Xiaoxia and didn't hear it.

"Twenty-eight thousand."

Lin Heng whispered in Xiulan's ear.

Xiulan was stunned in place: "How much more...?"

"Come on, let's go into the house and show you."

Lin Heng smiled slightly and pulled her into the house. Xiaoxia was playing wooden horses in the main room, and she didn't stick to Lin Heng at this time.

After entering the bedroom, Lin Heng locked the door and handed a bag of money to Xiulan, saying, "Look for yourself."

"Oh my God, so much... too much!"

Xiulan looked at the money in the bag and exclaimed.

It was the first time she had seen so much money. She didn't know what to say for a moment. She felt that this was completely beyond her cognition.

She picked up the money and touched it again and again, and looked at it again and again.

After taking two deep breaths, Xiulan asked again: "How did you sell it for so much money?"

Lin Heng simply comforted her, and Xiulan felt even more shocked. Finally, her eyes returned to the money: "What are you going to do with all this money? Keep it at home or deposit it in a credit union?"

Lin Heng took his wife's hand and smiled and said: "Keep some at home, and deposit some more in the credit union."

Such a large sum of money is definitely a huge sum in this era. It must not be kept in one place, especially not all in a local credit union.

"Well, let's save it first."

Xiulan nodded, let go of Lin Heng's hand and went to find a box. Her heart was pounding now. If so much money was not stored properly, there was always a feeling that it would be lost at any time.

After dividing the money into three parts and putting them in three small boxes respectively, Xiulan felt at ease.

Lin Heng looked at her like this, pulled her over and sat her on his lap, and said with a smile: "Look how careful you are, we will take it out to save it tomorrow."

Xiu Lan rolled her eyes at him: "You have to keep it safe when you save it tomorrow, otherwise you will cry if you lose it."

Lin Heng laughed and said: "Tomorrow we will not only save money, but we will also buy a motorcycle. You and I will go to the city together, and Xiaoxia will be taken care of by Caiyun."

This time he sold so much money, he was going to buy a better motorcycle.

"Okay." Xiu Lan nodded, looked at Lin Heng's face again, stretched out her hand and pinched it: "How can you say that your luck is so good?"

Lin Heng laughed: "This is all thanks to Xiongba, I have to feed him better in the future."

"But my luck is naturally also indispensable, and you, without you to watch the house, I can't go to the mountain with peace of mind."

Lin Heng smiled and patted Xiu Lan's face. Making a lot of money and being able to share it with the person you love most is the happiest thing in the world.

Xiulan wiped the saliva off her face helplessly, but Lin Heng immediately smacked his mouth again, causing her to pat Lin Heng lightly and said angrily: "You are not serious."

"You sound unhappy, your heart is beating fast."

Lin Heng held his wife's majestic body with his hands and laughed.

Xiulan blushed, stood up and said: "Okay, you should think about how to get your carriage back."

I was delayed again today, so I can only make up for what I owed yesterday tomorrow.

And don't worry, I won't take leave this month, because I don't have a leave note.

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