When Xiulan said that, Lin Heng remembered that his carriage was still in the town and Caiyun was waiting for him in the town.

"Damn it, I forgot about this when I was so happy."

Lin Heng patted his head, feeling a little annoyed.

Xiulan glanced at him and said, "Caiyun should be able to drive the carriage back by himself, so don't worry."

"It can only be this way."

Lin Heng nodded helplessly. There was no way to contact him without a phone, so that was all he could do for the time being.

"You're hungry, I'm going to cook."

Xiulan said this and turned around to go out to cook.

Lin Heng took a sip of tea and followed him out. Xiaoxia was tired of playing with the Trojan horse and saw Lin Heng opening his hands to ask for the bag: "Dad, go out and make candy wrappers."

"Okay, okay, let's go out and play."

Lin Heng didn't refuse, because he wanted to see if Caiyun came back.

Opening the gate to the yard, Lin Heng saw several boys from the village rummaging around in a pit on the left front. He knew without guessing that they were looking for candy wrappers.

All the garbage from his family was dumped into the pit, and they were going to fill it up. In the past, the candy wrappers that Xiaoxia had finished were often thrown there.

But since Xiaoxia came into contact with the candy wrapper game, she also started collecting them. They are very precious when placed in small paper boxes.

When walking through his parents' yard, Lin Heng saw that his elder brother Lin Yue was also there. The two had just returned from burning charcoal in the mountains.

Father Lin saw Lin Heng and spoke out of curiosity: "Lin Heng, your mother said that two people came over in a jeep just now. What were they doing?"

"I'm just here to buy mountain products, and take a look at my forest musk deer. That person's family owns a pharmaceutical group. In the future, the musk deer may be sold directly to her."

Lin Heng said with a smile, but did not talk about selling century-old wild ginseng.

The fewer people who know about this matter, the better. Being a householder worth ten thousand yuan is enough to make people jealous. Adding a century-old wild ginseng to it and spreading the word about it and not being able to protect it will make people jealous.

It's not that he is afraid that his parents or elder brother will ask him to borrow money. He often buys clothes and makes delicious food for them. He doesn't care about that little money at all.

Even if no one has evil intentions, it is not good for the news that he has so much money to spread. When his relatives see that he is so rich, they will definitely come to borrow money one by one.

Many of his relatives still live in one house with three generations, and they have been short of money to build a house.

"Is that so? I thought it was for something."

Father Lin and others did not have too much suspicion. It was normal for drug sellers to have money.

Mother Lin asked curiously: "Have you reached an agreement?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, that person wants to buy my Lin Shek directly."

After saying a few words, Lin Heng was pulled away by Xiaoxia: "Dad, let's go out and play!"

"Okay, okay."

Lin Heng could only be dragged out with her.

When we arrived under the big ginkgo tree in the center of the village, we saw children playing on a bench, shooting candy wrappers.

Xiaoxia let go of Lin Heng's hand and ran over to find someone to play with.

Lin Heng watched them play from the side. The children also had a lot of fun playing the candy wrapper game. It was also interesting to watch from the side.

Xiaoxia lost all her money after playing for a while. This time she didn't ask Lin Heng for it, but grabbed one and ran away.

However, before she took two steps, Lin Heng grabbed her clothes and lifted her back: "What are you doing?"

"This is my candy wrapper~"

Xiaoxia pinched the candy wrapper and said weakly.

"If you have lost to someone else, it belongs to someone else. Since you are playing, you must abide by the rules."

Lin Heng looked at her face and became serious. What he wanted most was a naughty child, but he couldn't let his daughter become such a person.

There are degrees of pampering, and not all requirements are met.

Seeing Lin Heng's stern expression, Xiaoxia reluctantly returned the candy wrapper.

"You should also apologize."

Lin Heng looked at her and said again.

Xiaoxia looked at Lin Heng, then at the boy who had taken the candy wrapper from her, and apologized in a sweet voice: "I'm sorry!"

The boy said nothing and ran away.

Lin Heng looked at Xiaoxia and thought that it was too difficult to teach children, even he was a little tired.

At this stage, we have to let her gradually understand the rules, and then provide other education, gradually letting her understand the truth of the world, and even learn to break the rules.

It’s really hard to raise a child. I don’t want her to be stupid and sweet, but I also don’t want her to become a villain.

Lin Heng looked at her, trying to make her understand the truth. When he finished speaking, he found that Xiaoxia's big eyes were pure and ignorant, and he was helpless.

After thinking about it, he changed his teaching method and took out a candy to play rock, paper, scissors with Xiaoxia, losing the candy to her, and then grabbing it back.

"Dad, you lose, this is mine!!"

Xiaoxia was stunned at first, and then looked at Lin Heng angrily, her little hands on her hips very unconvinced.

"Now do you know how it feels to steal other people's things? They felt the same way when you just took their things."

Lin Heng came over and looked at her with a smile, then stretched out his hand to give her the candy.

Xiaoxia digested Lin Heng's words for a while and seemed to understand a little bit. She looked at the candy in Lin Heng's hand and returned it: "If you want to eat, I'll give it to you!"

Lin Heng: "..."

Why is this different from what I expected? Is this education a success or a failure?

While Lin Heng was stunned, Xiaoxia took the candy back, peeled it open, hesitated for a while, and then handed it to Lin Heng's mouth.

"If you want to eat, tell me, don't grab it!" Xiaoxia looked at Lin Heng and said crisply.

Lin Heng: "???"

"Who taught you this? Do you know that you just robbed others of their things?"

Lin Heng was speechless. Why did Xiaoxia not follow the routine at all? Co-author You know you can’t steal other people’s things but you do it on purpose, right?

"Mom said, eat quickly."

Xiaoxia stuffed the candy on Lin Heng's lips.

"I don't want to eat, what do you think?"

Lin Heng shook his head and looked at his daughter's little head, becoming more and more confused.

Xiaoxia stuffed the candy into her mouth and got into Lin Heng's arms, trying to be cute.

"Tell me, why are you trying to steal other people's things?"

Lin Heng wanted to understand the logic of this more and more.

"She always beats me!"

Xiaoxia said unconvinced while eating the candy.

Lin Heng was speechless: "Then you can't rob others. Without me, you would have been spanked."

Hearing this, Xiaoxia became frightened: "Then I won't steal it next time!"

"No matter whether you will be beaten or not, you can't rob him." Lin Heng warned.


Xiaoxia ate the candy and her smile was sweet.

Lin Heng wanted to say something more when he saw Caiyun driving the carriage back.

"Second brother, why don't you come down? I've been waiting for a long time."

After getting closer, Caiyun started to complain.

Lin Heng smiled helplessly: "I can't help it. It happened suddenly. I'll treat you to hot pot later to make up for it."

Caiyun's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Well, I want to make you poor, second brother."

"If you're not afraid of eating fat, just eat it." Lin Heng laughed.

After placing Xiaoxia on the road, Lin Heng went to help unload the carriage and took the horse to the horse pen on the back mountain to keep it.

When Lin Heng came back to get the carriage, Caiyun said curiously: "Second brother, what kind of business are you talking about today? That woman looks so majestic."

Lin Heng's voice was very low when he was talking to Jin Fuqiang and Bai Xueqing. She and Wang Zhou were helping to get the goods, so they didn't hear him clearly at all.

"Buying and selling mountain goods, what else could it be?" Lin Heng laughed.

"Aunt hug!"

At this time, Xiaoxia opened her hands again.


Caiyun hugged Xiaoxia and entered the room with her transcript and certificate of merit.

After a while, the surprised voices of her parents came from the room. Caiyun proved that her study was not in vain, and she felt proud.

Father Lin and Mother Lin felt a little guilty, but they were more happy. Caiyun's achievements were really nothing to say.

Seeing Xiaoxia and Caiyun having fun, Lin Heng was temporarily liberated and turned back to the house.

In the kitchen, Xiulan had already fried the vegetables. When Lin Heng entered the room, she was ladling the freshly prepared crucian carp soup.

"It smells so good."

Lin Heng hugged his wife's small waist from behind and said with a smile, but the feeling was not as comfortable as in summer, and the clothes were too thick.

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him and said in a coaxing tone: "Don't make trouble, go add some firewood, and we can eat."

"All right."

Lin Heng didn't want to mess around and went to add some firewood.

After the rice is boiled and the rice soup is controlled, you can start the meal.

"Bring me a bowl of rice soup."

Lin Heng looked at the milky white rice soup in the basin and said with a smile. This rice soup tasted rich in rice flavor and he had always liked it.

"You are not allowed to drink it now. There is crucian carp soup."

Xiulan put the rice soup aside and handed the chopsticks to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng smiled, spread his hands, and called Caiyun over to have dinner together.

There are three dishes and one soup, including a small pot of fried pork with sour cowpeas, which is too good to eat with rice.

Xiaoxia has now begun to eat with a spoon by herself. She sits on the small bench and immerses herself in the rice. Xiulan mixed a little sugar with her rice, which is delicious.

"Sister-in-law, your skills have improved again. I'm so satisfied."

After finishing the meal, Caiyun said with a smile.

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "You are so happy eating. Please help take care of Xiaoxia tomorrow. Xiulan and I will go to the city and we will have hot pot when we get back."


Caiyun readily agreed to this. She also liked Xiaoxia very much and it was not difficult to take her with her.

After finishing the meal, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng who ran to wash the dishes and said, "If your malt is not made into sugar, it will grow up."

"Okay, then I'll do it in the afternoon." Lin Heng said quickly, almost forgetting about it.

"By the way, is your bean curd ready?"

Lin Heng asked again.

"Absolutely, it's all fermented in the jar." Xiulan blinked and said, she has never failed since she learned it.

The most difficult thing about fermented bean curd is that it grows white hairs after fermentation. After that, it’s just a matter of chopping it up and mixing it with spicy pepper and other seasonings. Finally, it’s poured into a jar, covered with wine, and fermented for a year.

As long as the white hair grows out, there is no way it will get damaged due to the wine used for antisepsis in the following steps.

Lin Heng finished washing the dishes and went to look at the malt. Xiulan has been changing the water these days, and the malt is growing very well. Since there is no light, the malt is a beautiful light yellow, the same color as leek.

Look at this, you are ready to start making maltose.

"Do it quickly, I'll help you."

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said that she wanted to work with Lin Heng, which was always very happy.

Lin Heng looked at the time, shook his head and said, "Why don't we wait until we come back from the city tomorrow? There's no rush for a day or two. It's going to be late at night today."

The steps of making maltose are still very cumbersome, especially when it is fermented with glutinous rice, which takes six or seven hours, and it is already 5:30 in the afternoon.

Xiulan was a little disappointed when she heard this, but when she thought that Lin Heng was right, she nodded and said: "That's okay."

"Let's play cards."

Lin Heng felt quite bored, so he invited Xiulan and Caiyun to play cards together.

We played until eight o'clock, and Caiyun had to go back to sleep.

"I'm going to cook. Caiyun, you can go back after eating."

Xiulan was about to leave, but Lin Heng held her back: "I'm not hungry, let's eat some biscuits, drink some kudzu powder and go to sleep."

"That's fine."

Xiulan blinked, not refusing, and she wasn't very hungry either.

"Caiyun, don't go back either. Eat before you go back."

Lin Heng said to Caiyun again, who was about to go home.

"Okay, thank you, second brother."

Caiyun was not polite and stayed with a smile.

Lin Heng took out the red dates and cut them into small pieces, added brown sugar, and washed it with boiling water. The colloidal kudzu powder turned into a beautiful deep red color, which greatly increased his appetite.

Then Lin Heng crushed the biscuits, soaked them in it, stirred them together, and then handed them to the three of them: "Try this."

"It's delicious. Second brother, you are so good at eating."

Caiyun couldn't help but praise after taking a spoonful.

Xiulan also blinked, with surprise in her eyes: "It's indeed very good."

Only Xiaoxia pointed at the hawthorn paste and shouted, "I want this too."

Lin Heng added another spoonful of hawthorn cream to her, and her eyebrows suddenly became crooked.

After eating, Lin Heng sent Caiyun home. After returning, he washed up and put Xiaoxia to sleep.

After Xiaoxia fell asleep, Lin Heng was finally able to go to bed and rest.

It's not cold in a room with a fireplace, so it's even more comfortable to hug my wife's warm body after going to bed.

"I still feel it when I hold it. My clothes are too thick during the day."

Lin Heng put his arms around Xiulan's small waist and chuckled, "This feels really good."

Xiulan blinked, feeling very comfortable, and said softly: "Go to sleep, we have to go to town tomorrow."

"No, I have to celebrate having made so much money today. Wife, please serve me." Lin Heng said with a bad smile.

Before Xiulan could reply, Lin Heng's hands began to move randomly.


Xiulan originally wanted to sleep peacefully, but her body was softened by Lin Heng after a while. Faced with Lin Heng's strong invasion, she had no choice but to hand over herself.

The friction between the two of them, and their coming and going, added a new memory to this special day.

"Phew, you are so disgusting!"

Xiulan glanced at Lin fiercely.

Seeing Lin Heng's silent smirk, she added, "Go and get me a glass of water. I'm so thirsty."

The sheets were all wet and she was severely dehydrated and very thirsty.

"Hehe, shall I help you get through?" Lin Heng said with a bad smile.

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him, "You can make up for what's missing so much." She pushed her and said softly: "Hurry up."

Lin Heng got up and went to pour water, while Xiulan changed the sheets.

After replenishing her water, Xiulan lay down satisfied and took the initiative to lean into Lin Heng's arms.

Lin Heng immediately hugged his wife who was still undressed. Although she said she didn't want to, she cooperated very well.

Although the sticks are always out of control in this state, it always makes people feel closer to each other.

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