Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 213 Buying a motorcycle with Xiulan

On the 16th day of the first lunar month and the 14th day of the twelfth lunar month, Lin Heng and Xiulan got up early in the morning, mainly because they had to go to the city to do business today.

The first thing he did after getting dressed was to go to the toilet. After coming out of the toilet, Lin Heng began to observe the world.

In the morning, whether it was the ground, the roof, or the trees, there was a white frost, but it was obvious that the sky was blue.

"It seems that today is a good day." Lin Heng muttered to himself while looking at the sky, and did not go back to the house, and started to exercise on the spot.

Today, Lin Heng wanted to shoot arrows very much. He took out the compound bow and played with thirty rounds before starting regular exercise.

When he was halfway through the exercise, Xiulan and Xiaoxia came out together. Xiulan also started to exercise, while Xiaoxia looked at Lin Heng and learned to twist randomly.

After the training, when Lin Heng finished washing, Xiulan brought him a set of clothes. He was wearing a black coat and gray pants on the outside, brown boots on his feet, and a green sweater on his upper body.

After Lin Heng was dressed, Xiulan carefully arranged his clothes for him.

"It's just a trip to the city, you can wear whatever you want." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan shook her head: "That won't work. If you wear ugly clothes outside, people will laugh at you. Besides, there are good clothes."

After she was ready, she clapped her hands and said: "Go buy another Zhongshan suit today. It will be more formal to wear it when you go out to talk business."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded. He really needed a more formal outfit.

Xiulan nodded and said: "Look after Xiaoxia. I'm going to cook."

Lin Heng made a pot of corn paste and brought it to Xiaoxia. They went to the back mountain together.

At this time of year, the area behind the house was still green except for the purple bamboo planted by Lin Heng. There was no other green.

The corn paste was distributed to the red dates and the female forest musk deer. Now you can see that its belly is slowly getting bigger.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!"

Xiaoxia was feeding the chickens with corn. As Lin Heng opened the chicken coop, more than a dozen chickens ran to her to grab food, making her laugh.

Lin Hengze picked up three eggs from the chicken coop. The chickens were reluctant to lay eggs in winter. Fortunately, they laid enough eggs before, and the family had enough to eat.

Because they had always hunted wild chickens and golden chickens, the chickens at home had always lived well, but they would probably suffer during the Chinese New Year.

The 12 chickens his family bought were all black chickens, eight males and four females, all black, and their feathers looked very smooth.

Especially the two big roosters, which seemed to have eaten centipedes or scorpions and became extremely aggressive. Not only did they dominate the hens in Lin Heng's family, but the colorful big roosters bought by his eldest brother next door were beaten so hard that they dared not fight back, and the hens became their forbidden food.

When Lin Heng was not around, they even wanted to pounce on Xiaoxia. Lin Heng had remembered these two and slaughtered them first during the Chinese New Year.

Now that there is electricity, he plans to hatch some chicks himself in the spring. Although there is no professional incubator, he can make a simple one with a tungsten filament lamp.

After feeding the chickens in the back mountain, Lin Heng and Xiaoxia went back to the house together. In the morning, Xiulan simply made a pickled cabbage noodle, and Lin Heng went to call Caiyun to eat together.

After dinner, Lin Heng and Xiulan coaxed Xiaoxia and promised to bring her delicious food when they came back, and then told their parents, and the two rode red dates to Huangtan Town together.

It was only half past eight when they arrived in Huangtan Town, and the sun had just come out.

When they arrived in the town, Lin Heng handed the horse to Wang Zhou for care, and then rented a motorcycle to take himself and Xiulan to the city.

Originally, they were going to deposit some money in the credit union in the town yesterday, but considering that there was still 5,500 yuan in the deposit, they gave up for the time being.

Lin Heng let the motorcycle take him directly to the central area of ​​​​Taibai City. After arriving, Lin Heng took Xiulan directly to the place where motorcycles were sold.

They did not go to save money. Last night, Lin Heng and Xiulan discussed carefully at the sage moment and felt that they would not save money for the time being, so they kept it at home.

Mainly considering that the reform and opening up has just begun, the major banks are not interconnected, and it is extremely inconvenient to deposit and withdraw money. It is better to carry cash yourself.

So when they left this morning, they took a leather bag with 3,000 yuan in it to buy a motorcycle.

After the restrictions on private car purchases were lifted, motorcycles have become more and more popular, and you can see one on the road from time to time.

Taibai City naturally sells them. Lin Heng took Xiulan to the only motorcycle store in the city center.

The store was cold in the morning. The boss was still brushing his teeth and washing his face. He was stunned when he saw Lin Heng and the two of them coming.

"Are you here to buy motorcycles?"

The boss looked at Lin Heng and Xiulan's dress and seemed to be quite rich.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, what motorcycles do you have here?"

"Then I have a lot of types here. It depends on which one you need. The price is different." The boss said with a smile.

At that time, he didn't brush his teeth, wiped his face and took Lin Heng and the two into the house.

Lin Heng took Xiaoxia into the house. There were many motorcycles parked in the hall, some pedal-type, some light-weight ones similar to shared bicycles, and some heavy ones similar to motorcycles.

"What kind do you want? All models are here."

The boss pointed to the motorcycles in the hall and asked.

"Tell me the price." Lin Heng asked while taking Xiulan to look. The colors of these motorcycles are pretty good, mainly red and orange, and some blue and white.

There are few other colors.

The boss pointed at the cars and introduced them one by one: "This Jialing 50 is the cheapest, only 900 yuan, the Star 50 is 1,800, and the Happiness 250 here is 3,000."

All the motorcycles here are domestically produced and none are imported.

Generally, the officially imported ones can only be bought in Anseong, and there is also the smuggled one, which is cheaper, but you need channels to buy it.

In this era, there were many foreign smuggling ships near the coast, and all kinds of cheap industrial products could be purchased. If they were transported to the inland, they could make a lot of money.

However, Lin Heng does not discriminate against domestically produced motorcycles. The technology of motorcycles in this era is very mature and there are almost no problems.

Xiulan was a little dazzled looking at the motorcycle. She had never thought about owning a motorcycle at home. Looking at the beautiful spray paint and shiny color, she felt intoxicated.

Many people still find it incredible that such a tough guy can run faster than a horse.

"Which one do you think is good?" Lin Heng turned to look at Xiulan and asked.

Xiulan blinked and smiled: "I don't understand this. Just buy whichever one you think is better."

She will never give random suggestions on things she doesn't understand.

Lin Heng liked his wife's answer very much, and asked again: "Then which color do you think is good-looking?"

"Red, it looks very festive." Xiulan pointed to the color red and said.

Lin Heng nodded, turned around and looked at the owner of the car dealership and said, "Will you sell this Happy 250 and two thousand two thousand?"

The boss suddenly opened his mouth: "What? Two thousand two thousand? Are you kidding? Do you know what kind of car this is? This price is simply impossible."

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "Of course I know, this is the Xingfu 250A type copied from the famous Jiawa 250 by Shanghai Bicycle Factory No. 2. It has a horizontal bar of 2 strokes, a displacement of 239CC, and a horsepower of ten horses. Its ex-factory price is less than two yuan. Thousands of dollars.”


The owner of the car dealership was stunned when he heard this: "Why do you know better than me? Are you also a car seller?"

He was really shocked. People in this era were generally not very well educated, and they had no knowledge of mechanical knowledge. He usually did whatever he was told, or listened to what others said was better.

This was the first time he saw someone who knew Lin Heng so well.

And Xiulan was also impressed by Lin Heng's confidence. Although she couldn't understand what he said, she knew from the boss's face that he was right.

The boss took a breath, shook his head and said, "You have no idea how much it costs to transport it. The minimum is two thousand five thousand. No matter how low it is, you really can't sell it."

Lin Heng looked at him and said: "If it's two thousand three thousand, I'll buy it. If it doesn't work, forget it. I won't add more."

"Two thousand and five thousand, it really can't go any lower." The boss shook his head and was unwilling to lower the price no matter what.

Lin Heng spread his hands and said, "Okay, I won't buy it."

After saying that, she pulled Xiulan away.

After leaving the gate, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said, "Are you really not going to buy it?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, let's go to Ancheng to buy some in a few days."

This boss is so evil, even if he has money, he won't let him be cheated like this.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and asked curiously: "How do you know so much?"

Lin Heng showed a wry smile: "Because I have wanted to buy it for a long time and have researched it frequently, but unfortunately I have never been able to afford it."

When Xiulan was about to ask where to go next, a voice suddenly came from the side: "You want to buy a motorcycle? I have one here, do you want to come and take a look?"

Lin Heng turned around and saw a hook-nosed man in black clothes who looked to be in his twenties or thirties. This man looked a bit sinister.

"Second-hand or smuggled?"

Lin Heng glanced at him, not expecting someone to be soliciting customers here.

"There are also second-hand ones, brought over by Anseong Motorcycle Repair Shop." The man said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go take a look, just wait a moment."

Lin Heng said something, turned around and took Xiulan to the nearest bank with the package.

"You wait here, don't come out no matter what you do, I'll be back in a moment."

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said. This kind of second-hand factory must be in a remote place, and I don't dare to take Xiulan and Qian there with me.

Xiulan nodded and agreed: "Okay, be careful."

After placing Xiulan in place, Lin Heng followed the man named Zhao to see the car.

Not long after walking, he came to a second-hand car store, which made Lin Heng a little curious. He didn't know there was a second-hand car store here.

The man surnamed Zhao looked at Lin Heng and said: "They are all here. You can discuss whichever one you like. They are all covered by cards."

Lin Heng went into the room and took a look. There were still a few people looking at cars here.

All kinds of refurbished motorcycles are displayed here, but the refurbishing workmanship is a bit poor, and the flaws can be seen at a glance.

There were not many cars here, there were about fifty or sixty in the sea. The more Lin Heng looked at them, the less interested he became. He had ridden a motorcycle for a long time in his previous life and also repaired it himself.

The motorcycle repairmen here, Lin Heng, seemed average to a layman, which raised great doubts about their safety.

Lin Heng is not a motorcycle novice and knows a lot about these things, so he wants to see if there are any core components that have not been repaired. It is a good deal to buy them back at such a low price.

What he was looking for were heavy motorcycles, similar to the Xingfu 250.

There were twelve Xingfu 250s in this place. After taking a look at them, Lin Heng was not satisfied. He already had the heart to retreat and was ready to take a quick look around and then leave.

"Well, why do you still have this thing here?"

Lin Heng was stunned when he saw the three cars placed at the end. These were not two-wheeled motorcycles, but three-wheeled motorcycles.

The military green one is very powerful and domineering.

This thing is very rare, usually for military or police use, and second-hand ones are rare.

The man surnamed Zhao smiled and said: "They are all regular. Some are retired from the army, and some are used for second-hand maintenance. I don't know exactly, but they all have license plates."

"how much is this?"

Lin Heng was quite interested in this. There were many people making this thing, and it had enough horsepower and a large fuel tank.

Lin Heng walked over and took a closer look and saw the nameplate of the Yangtze River 750. They were all made in China.

"Five thousand yuan each." The man surnamed Zhao said with a smile.

"forget it."

Lin Heng immediately stopped looking, turned around and walked out.

"Haha, the price is negotiable, don't be so anxious."

The man surnamed Zhao stopped Lin Heng and said with a smile.

"Forget it, this thing is broken and it's hard to repair. It's also expensive. I can't afford it."

Lin Heng shook his head. This thing has probably been used for who knows how long, so he is worried about buying it.

The man surnamed Zhao looked at Lin Heng and said, "Say a price and I'll see if I can accept it."

His three cars have been gathering dust here for more than a year. They really can't sell them. When he saw Lin Heng's interest, he really wanted to sell them.

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "Two thousand."

The man surnamed Zhao suddenly widened his eyes: "Brother, this is a three-wheeled motorcycle. Even if it is second-hand, it is not so cheap."

He paused and then said: "In this case, I will sell it to you for four thousand yuan."

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's not that much money, just two thousand. You must have traveled countless kilometers. You can't get it without selling."

Touching the dust on the car, Lin Heng added: "And it's hard to sell your car. People who come here to buy cars are all trying to get a bargain. There are still people buying cars for more than a thousand or a few hundred yuan. No one will care if it's so expensive." of."

The man surnamed Zhao thought for a while and said: "Three thousand yuan. I no longer make money at this price. It can't be lower."

"I don't have that much money, unless you can issue an IOU." Lin Heng shook his head.

"That's impossible." The man surnamed Zhao shook his head repeatedly. What a joke. He didn't even know where Lin Heng lived, so how dare he issue an IOU.

Lin Heng was not in a hurry. He lay down and looked around at the cars. One of the three cars was painted in military green and two were painted in black.

At first glance, the black paint was changed in color. It was originally supposed to be military green.

The exterior looks very handsome, and there are no signs of major repairs, but in some places it can be seen that the car must have been used for a long time.

"Three thousand yuan, it really can't be lower. If you don't buy it, forget it." The man surnamed Zhao looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng didn't say anything. He started the three cars one after another, turned the accelerator and listened to the roar. Then he raised his head and said, "I don't want to talk about the price yet. Can I drive it out and give it a try?"

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