Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 214 Flower, Bird and Fish Market

"Boom boom boom!"

Lin Heng twisted the accelerator frantically, and the sidecar motorcycle sped down the street, the cold wind was blowing in his face, and the speed was very fast.

This thing used to be used by the military. With the development of domestic production in recent years, it has gradually been opened to ordinary people.

The pedestrians on the street were still very curious when they saw this motorcycle. They turned their heads to watch, and there was curiosity in their eyes.

Lin Heng also experienced the feeling of a yellow-haired man blowing up the street, not to mention it was quite cool.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Heng had been riding for more than ten minutes and didn't stop. The man surnamed Zhao couldn't help but remind him: "Is this far enough?"

"Ride for a while, I want to see if there is any problem." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After he said this, the man surnamed Zhao had to shut up, he couldn't stop people from testing the car.

After about twenty minutes, Lin Heng rode back and said he wanted to try the other two cars.

"You've wasted a lot of money on the gas, and you're still trying it." The man surnamed Zhao was speechless.

"Compared to a motorcycle, this is just how much money it costs." Lin Heng shook his head nonchalantly.

The man surnamed Zhao spread his hands and said, "Of course it is so. Then you can try it."

Lin Heng just rode the military green one, and now he changed to this black one.

He rode for more than ten minutes and went to see Xiulan to explain that he was testing the bike.

After an hour-long test ride, Lin Heng found the most reliable one among them through his years of experience, which was the one with the original military green paint.

The other two bikes looked more handsome because they were painted black, but it was obvious that the engines had been overhauled, and you could see the scratches on the screws that were not handled well.

And the military green one had no signs of the engine screws being twisted. It just replaced the chain and some other severely worn parts, and the roar was more normal when riding.

The domestic fine-tuning technology was not good enough at this time, and Lin Heng was confident in his judgment.

Lin Heng looked at the sly-looking man named Zhao and said, "Two thousand and eight, I'll take this one. Do you think you can make a profit at this price? One can replace several other cars."

The man named Zhao shook his head: "Two thousand and nine, if it's any lower, I can't even make back the transportation costs."

"How is it possible..."

After a long time of arguing, if a normal young man would have bought it long ago, Lin Heng just kept arguing and bargaining, with great patience.

Having experienced too much, he doesn't think bargaining is embarrassing at all, and the more affordable it is, the better.

"Okay, okay, I can't argue with you, so I'll do as you say."

In the end, the man named Zhao was forced to agree by Lin Heng.

The motorcycle was finally settled at a price of two thousand and nine, but it also came with 50 liters of gasoline, three motorcycle helmets, and simple tire repair tools, wrenches, etc.

He covered all the documents and license plates, and provided warranty if it broke within three years.

After that, the man named Zhao went to write the purchase contract, and Lin Heng looked at the military green sidecar again.

The displacement is 750CC and the weight of the whole vehicle is 350 kg. The horizontal twin-cylinder air-cooled engine has a maximum horsepower of 24 and a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Although it is second-hand, it is twice as large as the previous 250 horsepower of Xingfu, so it is worth taking some risks for this.

The car purchase contract was drafted. Lin Heng read it once, signed it, pressed his fingerprints, and then called Xiulan over.

"Just buy this one."

Lin Heng handed the key to Xiulan and said with a smile.

Xiulan looked at the military green motorcycle in front of her. Although she didn't like the color, she nodded and said, "Okay."

Walking into the finance office, she took out the money, confirmed the amount and put it on the table.

After counting, the man surnamed Zhao gave Lin Heng an invoice and said with a smile: "Now, this motorcycle is yours."

Lin Heng nodded, took Xiulan out of the car and put on a helmet for her: "Let's go, I'll take you for a ride."

He can get the license plate next time he comes down.

The two put on their helmets, packed their things, and Lin Heng started the car and drove out slowly.

After getting on the car, he stepped on the gas and ran at full speed.

After running around the city, they stopped at a beautiful place. Lin Heng turned his head and asked with a smile: "How do you feel?"

"Very cool, too fast." Xiulan nodded with a smile, and then added: "It's just that the color is a little unsatisfactory, why don't you buy black."

Lin Heng smiled and explained: "Because this one is the best quality, the other two are not so good. If you want red, you can change it yourself with paint or find someone to spray paint it."

In fact, he was a little suspicious of the origin of this motorcycle, but he bought it from a regular store, with an invoice and a contract, so even if something happened, it had nothing to do with him.

Xiulan nodded: "Is that so, then green is green, it's also good, no need to bother to change it."

"Let's continue to walk around the city."

Lin Heng said with a smile.


Driving the car, the two walked around the city twice and found two motorcycle repair shops. Lin Heng firmly asked about the color change and planned to come here to change the color when he had time.

Changing the color is not expensive, just ten yuan. If it didn't take a long time, Lin Heng would have wanted to change it now.

The military green does look a little ugly. If it is changed to black or red, it will be much more handsome.

Driving the car, the two soon came to the flower, bird, fish and insect market in Taibai City, where all kinds of animal cubs are sold.

Lin Heng drove a sidecar motorcycle in and attracted the attention of countless people in the market. It was not that Lin Heng was showing off intentionally, but there were things on the car, which could be easily stolen if left outside.

"Young man, how much is your car?"

An old man selling puppies next to him asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "A few thousand yuan."

"Rich man, do you want to buy a wolf dog?"

The old man sighed, thinking that Lin Heng was a rich kid from somewhere, and smiled and recommended his own puppies.

These are some very beautiful wolf dog puppies, but they are far from the same as Xiongba when he was a child.

"I'll take a look." Lin Heng shook his head and had no idea about the dog for the time being.

Walking into the market, people were dazzled by all kinds of flowers, birds, fish and insects, but there were no foreign cats and dogs in this era, all of them were local breeds.

There are tabby cats, Jianzhou cats, orange cats, etc. There are also various colors, and there are more dogs. The most common ones are five black dogs, Chow Chows, wolf dogs, five red dogs, etc.

In this era, most people buy dogs to guard the house, and few people buy them as pets. What they value is practicality.

The most common species here are birds, and there are all kinds of rare species. After all, they are not protected now.

Lin Heng and Xiulan stopped from time to time to touch the puppy and look at the kitten. This is also a new experience.

"Is this a five-red dog?"

Lin Heng looked at the puppies with light yellow hair and asked curiously. The puppy was very cute, with red mouth, nose, eyelids, claws, and anus.

The dog seller was a woman in her thirties or forties. She looked at Lin Heng's motorcycle with envy and smiled and said, "Yes, this is a five-red dog. It is a good guard and also very prosperous."

In this era, having a motorcycle at home is like owning a Mercedes-Benz in 10 years. It is an existence that will be envied wherever you go. Girls on the road will take the initiative to flirt, hoping to get on and sit.

And Lin Heng's three-wheeled motorcycle is so rough and unrestrained, full of mechanical sense, just like driving a Mercedes-Benz G out, it is impossible not to attract attention.

Lin Heng looked at the puppy, then at the big dog behind him. It was a little small and not suitable for breeding with Xiongba.

Continuing forward, after walking for a while, Xiulan suddenly pulled him and said, "Look at that dog."

Lin Heng turned his head and was immediately surprised. It turned out to be the famous hunting dog.

"This dog is good, a famous hunting dog."

Lin Heng took a look at the majestic dog. It was black all over, with fine and dense hair. Its body was the same as its name, whether it was the head, body or legs, it was long and thin.

Although it looked a little fragile, those who knew it knew that this kind of dog ran fast and was a good hunter.

Although this size was not suitable for breeding with Xiongba, and the offspring would be very ugly, Lin Heng still wanted to buy one.

His family needed to look at many places, whether it was Hongfeng Mountain or his own home, they all needed dogs.

"How much is this puppy?"

Lin Heng walked over and asked.

"Purebred greyhound, ten yuan each." The dog seller looked at Lin Heng and responded, his eyes inevitably stayed on Lin Heng's motorcycle.

Lin Heng looked at it and began to look at the dog.

In rural areas, when looking at whether a dog is good or not, first look at the paws. Dogs usually have four paws. If there are extra paws and they are not connected to the root bone, the dog has a congenital defect and is generally not bought.

Secondly, look at the nose and mouth. If it is not round and complete, and there is a groove in the middle that divides it into two, it is called a "broken nose". The mouth must also be normal and cannot be overbite.

After reading these, it means that the dog has no major problems.

The dog seller picked up the largest one and recommended: "This one is the best. You can see that it has the largest physique, which is a circle larger than other dogs. Buy it back and it will be a good hand whether it is guarding the house or going up the mountain to hunt."

Xiulan also looked at it and thought that the dog was quite strong. It would probably be good to buy it back, so she turned her head to ask Lin Heng for his opinion.

Lin Heng glanced at the dog and said casually: "It looks like a stupid dog. Although it is strong, it will be useless if you buy it back. Boss, don't fool me."

"Young man, don't say anything if you don't know how to look at dogs." The boss had a full beard and laughed a little fiercely.

Lin Heng rubbed the dog, looked around, and said fearlessly: "This dog tucked its tail when it was caught. Who doesn't know that this is a sign of cowardice and fear.

No matter how strong it is, if it has a bad personality, it will be useless if you buy it back. Boss, do you think we are young and easy to cheat?"

As soon as Lin Heng said this, the dog sellers around laughed.

"Haha, young people can look at dogs, not bad."

"Boss Liu, take this dog away quickly, don't cheat people."

"Young man, my wolf dog is first-class, come and have a look, I'll sell it to you at a low price."

The stall owners around him coaxed him together, and the bearded boss suddenly felt a little embarrassed. I thought Lin Heng was a rich second-generation sucker, but who knew he was so knowledgeable.

Lin Heng didn't care. He had lived for so long in his previous life and suffered all kinds of losses. It would not be so easy for these unscrupulous businessmen to cheat him in this life.

When looking at a dog, it is not only the size of the dog, but also the character. Just like choosing a wife, it is useless if she has a beautiful appearance but a bad character. Who can stand her being emotional and smashing things and benches at any time?

Some girls who were shopping nearby had stars in their eyes. They thought that Lin Heng was so handsome with his wealth and knowledge. The only pity was that there was another woman beside him.

Lin Heng picked the second largest one among the five black dogs. This one was very friendly. When being played with, its tail was wagging and it was not afraid of people at all.

Although it was not as big as the previous one, it must have much better future potential.

"I'll buy this one for five yuan."

Lin Heng played with it for a while and said to the boss.

"That won't work. It'll cost at least eight yuan." The boss shook his head repeatedly.

After a lot of arguing, Lin Heng finally bought it for six yuan.

Xiulan's eyes lit up as she watched from the side. Lin Heng was not only knowledgeable, but also had better bargaining skills than him. It was safe to hang out with him.

Some of the stall owners nearby also saw Lin Heng's ability and their eyes became respectful. This young man was not only rich, but also very capable.

"Young man, are you still buying? I have a blue wolf dog here. Do you want to see it?"

A stall owner in the distance asked with a smile.

"Blue wolf dog, let me see it."

Lin Heng took Xiulan to watch curiously.

This blue wolfhound is somewhat similar to a German Shepherd, but it looks more like a wolf, both in terms of hair and body shape.

The stall owner is an old man, who looked at Lin Heng and introduced with a smile: "This blue wolfhound is not smaller than a greyhound when it grows up, and can grow to 130 or 40 kilograms.

This kind of dog is a hybrid of a local wolfhound and a wolf. It is very loyal to its master and very ferocious. It will definitely be very majestic when it is brought out."

The old man put his hands in his sleeves and pointed at the male breeder standing next to him while speaking. It was a blue-gray wolfdog with a shoulder height of more than 70 centimeters, which looked very majestic.

Lin Heng actually saw this dog early in the morning, but was delayed by the greyhound.

He thought it would be a good idea to raise this dog and pair it with Xiongba, who is also a wolfdog, and the offspring born will be very handsome.

As for what the old man said, just listen to it. What about hybridization with wolves, even if it is true, it has been a matter of dozens of generations.

However, these puppies are very happy, howling and fighting with each other.

Lin Heng grabbed a female and looked at it. She was really good in both size and character.

"How many months old is it?" Lin Heng looked up and asked.

"Two and a half months old, I'll give you 15 yuan if you buy it." The old man said with a smile.

"Eight yuan, no more." Lin Heng shook his head.

The old man saw Lin Heng's bargaining skills just now, and he was too lazy to continue talking nonsense and said: "Nine yuan, take it."


Lin Heng didn't waste any words, grabbed a little female dog that he thought was the best, put it in a cage with the thin dog and took it away.

"Are you selling Chow Chows?" someone asked next to him.

"No more dogs."

Lin Heng shook his head, two were enough.

But he didn't plan to leave. There were also people selling goldfish in this place, so he planned to buy two to take back.

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