Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 215 Returning home, everyone is shocked

"Can the goldfish still survive if we take it back so far?"

Xiulan was a little worried about this issue when she heard Lin Heng talking about buying goldfish.

"In winter, yes."

Lin Heng nodded, even if there is no oxygen in winter, because fish are not active during this period, the demand for oxygen is not that high.

"Then let's go take a look." Xiulan looked at the fish stalls in front and walked over.

In this era, the domestic ornamental fish species were very single, mostly chubby goldfish and egg-type goldfish that were round like eggs.

There is also the dragon-eye goldfish with particularly large eyes, and the colors and types of koi are not as diverse as those of later generations.

There is no such thing as a gold dragon, silver dragon fortune map, or zebra, peacock and fighting fish. After all, most people nowadays don't have enough to eat and have no time to do these ornamental things.

Lin Heng did this casually, and he came here as soon as he came. He also had a fish pond at home, so it would be good to buy a few and take them home.

"How much does this goldfish cost?"

Xiulan asked, pointing to a few silver-white goldfish with blood-red foreheads in the water.

The woman selling fish smiled and explained: "This is the imperial red forehead, an old variety, and it costs two cents a piece."

Xiulan was slightly stunned. This fish was so expensive. She didn't say anything at that time and went to the next store to have a look.

Lin Heng just glanced at it. This fish was indeed rare, but it didn't appeal to his aesthetic taste at all. He didn't like the goldfish that was as round as an egg or the goldfish with big eyes.

After walking for a while, Xiulan stopped at a stall. The beautiful koi carp sold here were slender and beautiful when swimming.

But there are very few colors, only red and red and white.

"How much does one cost?" Xiulan reached out and touched it, asking curiously.

"Twenty centimeters long are two cents each, ten centimeters long are ten cents each, and three or four centimeter long ones are five cents each. If you buy more, I can even give you ornamental lotus flowers specifically for flower viewing."

The fish seller pointed to the goldfish in three frames, and then pointed to the small lotus root placed next to it. It was obviously some kind of ornamental lotus root.

"This is okay, let's just buy this?"

Xiulan raised her head and looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"Okay." Lin Heng naturally had no objection.

Xiulan thought for a while and said crisply: "I want five pieces of 20 centimeters, ten pieces of 10 centimeters, and twenty-five pieces of 34 centimeters."

When he heard that he had bought so much, the old man suddenly grinned: "Okay, it adds up to two and a half yuan. There are plastic bags here for you to pack yourself. I will give you three small lotus roots."


Xiulan was a little happy, picking up fish like a little girl.

Lin Heng looked around and bought two plastic buckets from a fish selling place nearby. It's okay to walk around the city with plastic bags, but it's impossible to walk on mountain roads.

After the two fish were packed, Lin Heng bought some lotus roots for ornamental lotus flowers and two pots of wintersweet.

After loading all the purchased items into the passenger seat on the right side of the tricycle, they tied them up with ropes and left the Flower, Bird and Fish Market.

Lin Heng was driving his motorcycle, and Xiulan was sitting behind him, her hands tightly wrapped around his waist, and her body pressed against him.

Lin Heng, who had longed for this feeling, felt extremely comfortable and liked this feeling.

Xiulan hid her little face on Lin Heng's generous back, and felt full of security. Their little family became more and more prosperous and warm.

"Let's go buy some more things for Dad and the others."

Lin Heng said while driving.


Xiulan nodded in agreement.

Then they walked around the city twice more. Xiulan didn't visit Taibai City much, so Lin Heng took her sightseeing twice and introduced everything.

During this period, I also bought a set of winter clothes for my parents Caiyun, and they also bought a set for themselves. Lin Heng also customized a set of Chinese tunic suits.

In addition, I bought some milk and milk powder for my daughter Xiaoxia, as well as some scattered daily necessities.

The total cost was two hundred yuan, which was nothing to Lin Heng now.

Since the tunic suit was custom-made, I only gave a deposit of ten yuan, and the remaining forty yuan was not given yet.

"Go home!!"

After everything was done, Lin Heng looked at the dim sun in the west and got on the motorcycle with a cheer.


Xiulan immediately sat down and hugged him tightly.

As the motorcycle engine started, accompanied by bursts of roar, the two rode the mountain wind and the setting sun towards home.

Although the road back was all dirt, it was fairly flat, and the two of them could endure the cold mountain wind even with helmets and gloves.

The mountains and forests were gray in winter, and there was nothing to see. They both wanted to go home quickly and be warm when they got back.

While passing through a canal and stream, the two stopped to change the water for the koi. Inevitably, one or two died, but most of them survived well. After all, the plastic bucket Lin Heng used was quite big.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, when the sun was about to disappear, they returned to Huangtan Town. The roar of the motorcycle attracted the attention of many people, and they all looked surprised when they saw it was a three-wheeled motorcycle they had never seen before.

"What kind of motorcycle is this? It's so strange."

"I know, the Japanese were riding like this back then."

"Fart, the ones we have now are all made by ourselves, and our People's Liberation Army also uses these."

"This is much more expensive than a motorcycle. Lin Heng is rich."

Some people watched Lin Heng riding a motorcycle and talked a lot. No matter what they said, their envious expressions could not be concealed.

This thing is a symbol of wealth in this era. Seeing this car will make you speak softer.

As the motorcycle stopped at the door of the store, Wang Zhou, who was sitting by the fire in the store, was surprised: "Brother Lin, did you buy this three-wheeled motorcycle?"

This car looks heavy and domineering, full of a strong mechanical style. Any man will fall in love with it at first sight.

"Yes, but it's second-hand." Lin Heng replied with a smile.

Some people who came to watch outside also understood when they heard Lin Heng say it was second-hand. They said that this motorcycle looked strange, and it turned out to be bought second-hand.

"Second-hand, it must be several thousand, right?"

Wang Zhou walked over and touched it and looked at it, drooling with envy.

"It's not very expensive, only three thousand. You can sit on it and try it."

Lin Heng said, and pulled Xiulan to the front of the brazier to warm up by the fire. Both of them were freezing.

Suddenly, there was a sound of sucking cold air outside, and they were so shocked that they couldn't speak.

What do you mean by only three thousand! Their family only earns two or three hundred yuan a year. Even if it is calculated at three hundred yuan, it will take ten years to save.

Wang Zhou was stunned at the time: "Oh my God, a second-hand one costs three thousand yuan."

Some people did not believe it and whispered: "A second-hand one also costs three thousand yuan. I am not cheated."

"That's right, it's more expensive than the new Xingfu motorcycle bought by the grain station in the town. Is this thing so valuable?"

Lin Heng turned a deaf ear to these doubts and had no intention of explaining. Even if he explained, these people would not believe it.

"Of course it is so valuable. Don't you see what it is? This is something made for war. The horsepower is greater than that of ordinary tractors. Haven't you heard of the motorcycle brigade of the Japanese devils back then?"

Uncle Gao, who came back from the vegetable field with a basket of vegetables, heard the discussion of the crowd and responded with a sneer.

Some people didn't believe it: "So awesome? How did Lin Heng buy a military-use motorcycle?"

Grandpa Gao didn't even look at the man. He walked over to take a look and said with a smile: "It's indeed a Changjiang 750. I've seen it in the newspaper before, but this is the first time I've seen the real thing."

After that, he looked at Lin Heng and asked: "Is it already in civilian use?"

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is now in civilian use."

Industrial products of this era have a characteristic, that is, they are extremely durable. It is no problem for a motorcycle to be used for decades.

"Let me feel it later." Grandpa Gao said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng's people had no objection to this.

After listening to what Grandpa Gao said, the onlookers around him immediately understood that even if it was a second-hand motorcycle, it was more expensive than ordinary motorcycles. After all, it was used by the military before.

When it comes to military use, everyone immediately believes in its reliability.

After Lin Heng warmed up, he took Grandpa Gao for a stroll. After the stroll, Grandpa Gao also said with emotion that it would be great if the co-pilot had a machine gun.

Lin Heng, who was anxious to go home, looked at Wang Zhou and said, "Wang Zhou, please help me ride the horse to my house. Stay at my house tonight and come down tomorrow."

If Hongzao was not still in Huangtan Town, Lin Heng would have gone back to Hongfeng Village directly.


When Wang Zhou heard this, he immediately agreed. He was happy to see Liu Cihua in Hongfeng Village.

After going back and changing his clothes, he tried to ride twice, but found that it didn't work, so he had to lead the horse to Hongfeng Village.

Lin Heng didn't wait for him, and disappeared with Xiulan on the motorcycle.

It was very fast all the way, and it took less than fifteen minutes to get home.

The villagers were more and more curious when they saw Lin Heng riding a sidecar motorcycle back again.

"Did Lin Heng buy a car?"

"Of course, you didn't see him driving it back by himself."

"It seems to be a three-wheeler. I'm afraid it's not cheap."

The villagers walked over while talking. Although they were surprised that Lin Heng bought a motorcycle, they didn't find it strange.

After all, they are a ten-thousand-yuan household. They can build a twenty-acre fish pond in Hongfeng Mountain, so it is normal for them to buy a motorcycle.

When Lin's father saw Lin Heng driving back on a motorcycle, he couldn't help asking, "Lin Heng, did you buy this?"

When Lin Heng left today, he didn't tell him that he was going to buy a car.

"Yes, I just bought it today, but it's a second-hand car."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and rushed directly up the slope inside the road with the accelerator, and then pushed it towards his yard.

His yard originally had a wooden threshold, which was common in houses of this era. It was to prevent rats and poisonous insects, and the structure of the door determined that there must be a threshold.

When laying the bluestone before, Lin Heng took this into consideration, so he changed the threshold to a detachable one, and he also built the 30-meter slope under the door.

Now that the threshold is removed, the car can be pushed directly into the yard. The villagers who wanted to watch saw Lin Heng push the car into the house and returned disappointedly.

While helping, Lin's father asked curiously, "Second-hand, how much does it cost?"

"Three thousand!" Lin Heng grinned.


When he said this, Lin's father almost fell to the ground.

"Why is a second-hand car so expensive? You are not lying to me." Lin's father did not believe it. Although this car is so domineering, three thousand for a second-hand car is still too incredible.

Lin Heng parked the car and explained while unloading the things: "This was used by the military before. A first-hand one costs at least five or six thousand..."

After Lin Heng's explanation, Lin's father finally accepted the price when he knew that this thing was used by the military before and had more horsepower than a tractor.

But then came another question: "Didn't you say you still need money to raise fish next year? Why did you buy this kind of thing?"

I always feel that Lin Heng is spending more and more lavishly, buying such a big thing at once.

"Well, I've made a little money recently, so you don't have to worry about these things, I'll tell you in a few days." Lin Heng said with a smile.


Father Lin spread his hands. He bought it, and it was bought with his own money. What else can he say?

I can only go over and take a look. This big guy is good except for the high price. It looks very domineering.

Lin Heng and Xiulan first scooped a large basin of water and poured all the koi into it to raise.

"What a pity, five of them died on the bumpy journey." Xiulan looked at the dead koi in the basin and shook her head.

"Fortunately, the dead ones are all small."

Lin Heng said as he fished out the koi and threw it to Jinbao, who was curled up on the bench. When he saw the fish, he immediately ran over and ate it.

I wanted to give Xiongba two, but now he was so excited to see the two puppies in the cage that he had no intention of eating the koi.

"Dad, Mom!"

Caiyun brought Xiaoxia over from the old house. As soon as Xiaoxia entered the house, she trotted towards them, as if they had been separated for a long time.

Xiulan held the puppies for a while and gave them to Lin Heng, then turned to prepare the food.

Lin Heng took a bag of shrimp strips for her, and Xiaoxia immediately got off his arms and sat there to eat.

Lin Heng: "..."

It seems that you are so squeamish just for food, right?

"Second brother, your car is so cool."

Caiyun said while looking at Lin Heng's car. It was his first time to ride a tricycle like this.

"Of course." Lin Heng smiled slightly and said, "Help feed the dog."

He and Caiyun tied the puppies to the backyard and fed them some warm water, but no food for the time being.

"Caiyun, did you prepare all the dishes this time?"

Xiulan pointed to the many vegetables in the kitchen and asked.

Caiyun nodded: "And mom is helping too. Didn't you say we're going to have hot pot tonight? We've prepared all the dishes."

"That's perfect. I'm too tired to cook."

Xiulan smiled and waved to Caiyun, saying, "Come on, help us, and we'll be eating soon."

"Oh my god, so cool!"

"What a big motorcycle!"

"Second dad is so awesome. I want to ride it."

At this time, there were exclamations from outside, and Lin Heng immediately knew that his nephews were here. They were all loud.

He immediately went back to make charcoal and prepare for hot pot. If he stayed in the front yard, he would have been asking questions and he didn't have much patience at the moment.

While Lin Heng was making charcoal, he could hear his eldest brother Lin Yue scolding him from time to time in the front yard. Several children had to crawl under the car to take a look. It was so scary.

After a while, the eldest brother Lin Yue came in. He first praised Lin Heng's newly bought car, and then said with a smile: "Brother, I found a good treasure today, can you help me take a look."

"What is it?"

Lin Heng showed a trace of curiosity.

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