Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 216 Xiulan wants to build a secret treasure chest

Lin Yue took Lin Heng back to his home and took out a basket from the house, which contained some purple and red crystal stones.

Lin Heng looked at it, turned it over again, and couldn't recognize it at all. He asked, "Where did you dig this?"

Strictly speaking, this thing can't be considered a stone, but it looks like some kind of crystal. There are two pieces that look translucent and present a beautiful purple color. There are also some tetrahedrons on it, which are very smooth.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "I accidentally encountered it when I went to the mountain with your sister-in-law to dig yam and kudzu root today."

He paused and continued, "I dug it out when digging yam by the stream. I don't know if there are any more nearby. Do you think this thing can be sold for money?"

Hearing this, Lin Heng roughly understood, and looked at it again and said, "This should be some kind of crystal. It can definitely be sold for a little money, but it's hard to say specifically. I don't think there are buyers here."

There are a lot of crystals, and generally only those of particularly high quality are valuable. The colors of his eldest brother's pieces look pretty beautiful, but they are not transparent enough.

Lin Heng's words disappointed Lin Yue a little: "Is that so? I thought I could sell it for some money."

Influenced by Lin Heng, he also wanted to make money. He dug medicinal herbs and found some random things in the mountains every day.

"You keep it. Find someone who knows the goods and ask. Maybe it's some precious mineral." Lin Heng said with a smile, but he didn't have any hope for it.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if it's not worth money. At least it looks beautiful."

Lin Yue said, and took out another piece and handed it to Lin Heng: "Here, you take one back to play with."


Lin Heng didn't refuse, and took it with a smile. When he was a child, his elder brother would always give him some good things.

But he didn't buy many gifts for his elder brother and sister-in-law when he went to the city today. He just bought a shirt for each of his three nephews.

It's not that he can't bear to spend money, but his elder brother also has dignity. If he buys like this, he will not be able to get along with him. What he should do is to take him to do something and let him make money by himself, instead of giving him charity.

Just like he helped him sell the yam he dug before.

Lin Heng played with the purple crystal for a while, and said with a smile: "Actually, you can look for this thing again. The more bizarre it is, the higher its value. If you can't sell it now, you will definitely be able to sell it in the future."

"Okay, then I'll go back and look for it."

Lin Yue nodded with a smile, and walked out with Lin Heng.

"Brother, is your motorcycle really three thousand yuan?" On the way, Lin Yue inevitably brought the topic to Lin Heng's newly bought motorcycle.

There is no way, motorcycles are as rare as watches in rural areas.

Previously, the richest families in the village only had a 28-bar bicycle. Only half a year ago, Zhao Hu, the son of the village chief Zhao Xiancheng, bought one. At that time, the villagers were envious.

And Lin Heng's three-wheeled motorcycle is bigger and more impressive than that, and Lin Yue also likes it from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's convenient to go to the city with a car. Motorcycles can't carry so many people, so I bought this one."

"Great." Lin Yue gave a thumbs up and smiled, "I can also benefit from it in the future. I haven't ridden a motorcycle yet."

"That's no problem. I'll let you drive it for fun." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Yue's smile became brighter and brighter.

He didn't ask Lin Heng how he got so much money. There was no need to think that it must be related to the man and woman who drove a jeep to his house a few days ago.

But if Lin Heng didn't say such things, he naturally wouldn't ask. Knowing more would not do him any good, it would only add to his boredom.

When they arrived at Lin Heng's yard, Lin's father and a group of nephews were still watching here. They didn't climb on the car because of Liu Juan's scolding.

Seeing that the meal was not ready yet, Lin Heng introduced the buttons and details of the car to everyone.

They even gave out things and rode around the yard for a few laps. Lin Wei and his two nephews rushed to ride on it, and Lin's father and eldest brother also experienced it.

After getting off the car, Lin Wei cheered loudly: "It's so cool. I've also ridden a motorcycle. I must buy one when I grow up."

The second nephew Lin Tao shouted: "I want to buy two, one for myself and one for my parents."

"Come on, second dad is optimistic about you." Lin Heng said with a smile. Buying a motorcycle of his own was also one of his childhood dreams. It feels great to realize it now.

Lin's father touched the seat on the side of the motorcycle and smiled and said: "It's so soft, no wonder it costs so much money."

Just now, Lin Heng pushed him to sit on the car, and the experience was very good. At this time, his heart was mixed with relief and pride.

Lin Yue looked again and said with a smile: "You still need to build a shed? Otherwise, the car will leak outside in the rain."

Lin Heng nodded repeatedly, "Of course, you can help me saw some wood in a few days. Not only do I need to build a car shed, but I also need to build two kennels for the dogs."

As the few people were chatting, Caiyu came out of the house and said, "Second brother, the hot pot is ready. We can't cut the frozen beef. Come and help."

"Okay, let's eat."

Lin Heng nodded, went out to take a look, and saw Wang Zhou and his people had come to the bottom of the road. He immediately went to pick them up for dinner.

Seeing Lin Heng's family, Wang Zhou was a little socially anxious, and greeted them with a simple smile.

"Come in and eat, the hot pot is boiling." Lin Heng said with a smile, and took everyone into the main room.

At this time, the sky was already unclear. I closed the door and turned on the lights. The white walls of Lin Heng's house and the 80-watt tungsten filament bulb made the house not much brighter than the daytime.

Everyone sat down, Lin Heng went to cut a large plate of beef and poured half of it directly into the hot pot, then smiled and said: "Let's eat, don't be polite!"

"Okay, okay."

Everyone was not polite, picked up chopsticks and started to pick up the dishes.

There was a lot of charcoal in the copper stove, not only did the dishes cook quickly, but the heat radiated made everyone warm all over. This copper stove hot pot was really warm in the winter.

Although there were no fresh mushrooms, the dried mushrooms of Lin Heng's family tasted great when boiled in the clear soup pot, especially when black truffles and matsutake were added, making the dishes in the clear soup pot extremely popular.

Lin Heng naturally liked the oil pan, even if it was green vegetables, he would put them in it to eat.

Seeing Xiulan eating green vegetables all the time, Lin Heng picked up a chopstick of tripe for her and smiled and said: "Here, these won't make you fat."

After that, he picked up some beef for her.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and started eating.

Then Lin Heng picked up some beef and tripe for everyone else, which was evenly distributed.

He himself liked to eat the cilantro boiled with beef and tripe.

He went to get another plate of beef. Lin Heng took care of Wang Zhou at the right time and asked with a smile: "Wang Zhou, are you still used to it?"

Wang Zhou nodded repeatedly: "Brother Lin, this food is so good. This is my first time to eat hot pot. It's so delicious."

After eating this hot pot, he felt that what he had eaten before was pig soup and dog food. Compared with this, it was simply weak.

At the same time, he also had an intuitive concept of the wealth of Lin Heng's family. This was simply heaven. Meat could be eaten until full. He couldn't imagine it before.

And it was precious beef.

But what shocked him most was the atmosphere in Lin Heng's family. It was so harmonious. It was not like his parents would quarrel and complain over a meal. Whatever he said, his father would suppress him.

This kind of happy atmosphere does not exist at all in his home. Even though he has a good salary now, his home is still a mess.

"Eat more if you like." Lin Heng took a pair of clean chopsticks and picked up a large chopstick of beef for him.

"Thank you, Brother Lin." Wang Zhou said quickly.

Lin Heng waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be so polite.

Unknowingly, everyone had been eating for almost an hour. The children were full first and ran to the yard to play.

Although Xiulan, Lin's mother and other women were still sitting at the table, they basically didn't move their chopsticks. Only Lin Heng and his friends continued, got some bacon, and finished all the remaining vegetables before they finished.

"Every time I eat hot pot, I am so satisfied." Lin Yue sighed.

Liu Juan also smiled and said, "You must be satisfied every time you eat so much meat. If it were someone else's house, you would have been driven away long ago."

"That's why you eat at my brother's house." Lin Yue laughed.

Lin Heng also pointed to the bacon hanging upstairs and said, "Eat as much as you can, I'm afraid you can't finish it."

In his opinion, frugality is the most unnecessary. If a person can't eat well in his life, then there is no point in living.

"Yes, Lin Heng said a few days ago that there was too much pork and he couldn't finish it." Xiulan also said with a smile.

Her family is really worried about not being able to finish the pork now. They eat eggs every day and it doesn't seem to have reduced much.

Everyone in the Lin family is used to this, but Wang Zhou was shocked and speechless.

He only knew that Lin Heng made his fortune by hunting before, but now he really felt Lin Heng's power. Those bacon are too impactful.

After sitting in the seat and resting for a while, Lin's mother stood up and said, "Clean up, I'll help."

Liu Juan Caiyun and others also stood up to help clean up, while several men were too lazy to move.

Lin Yue took a sip of tea, looked at Lin Heng and said, "By the way, brother, I made some money from buying yams before. I'm thinking about buying a hunting rifle. Do you think it's worth it?"

Lin Heng nodded: "Sure, of course it's worth it."

There are still five or six years before the hunting ban. It's worth investing 100 yuan to buy a gun to go hunting.

After a pause, he said, "But I don't recommend you to buy a homemade hunting rifle for dozens of dollars. It's too dangerous and the power is average. You should buy a double-barreled hunting rifle, the kind with shotgun."

"How much is a double-barreled hunting rifle?" Lin Yue asked curiously.

Lin Heng took a sip of water and replied: "It depends on the model. The cheapest one can be bought for about 100 yuan. This thing is also very simple to produce. Even the bullets cost money. But even if it's a homemade hunting rifle, you still have to buy gunpowder and ball bearings. The difference is not much."

"Okay, I know."

Lin Yue nodded and prepared to go back and discuss it with Liu Juan.

After the dishes were cleared, everyone got up and went back. When Lin's father went back, he insisted that Lin Heng cover the car with a tarpaulin, saying that it would be easy to freeze in the cold weather.

Lin Heng knew that his father was careful, so he had to cover the car.

Wang Zhou also followed Lin's father to the old house. Although Lin Heng's new house had quilts, there was no extra bed.

After they left, Xiulan asked: "Will the clothes bought for parents and nephews be given in a few days?"

"Yes, let's give them when the New Year is approaching."

Lin Heng nodded, locked the gate of the yard, and went into the house with Xiulan.

Xiongba was left to guard the front yard. Lin Heng went into the house and went to the backyard to check on the two puppies. Seeing that they were fine, he felt relieved and made some batter to feed them.

In the house, Xiulan boiled water and began to sort out the things she bought today. Xiaoxia was making trouble on the side, babbling that she had learned to paint with her aunt today.

Lin Heng poured water for her to wash her face and feet, put her on the bed and told her a story to coax her to sleep. Actually, he bought her a lot of toys, but she would definitely play with them for a long time at night, and he and Xiulan were very tired.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Xiulan also sorted out the things.

She packed the remaining 35,000 yuan into two new iron boxes bought today, turned her head and looked at Lin Heng and said, "Do you want to dig a hole under the bed and bury it? I always feel that it is not safe to put it in the bookcase."

Lin Heng thought about it and nodded, "Okay, then I'll take some time to uncover a piece of bluestone and make a treasure hiding place."

This is indeed a lot of money. He bought two dogs to guard the house. In this way, even if Xiongba and himself went up the mountain, there would be someone to guard the house.

His family is now rich. Everyone knows that someone must be thinking about it. This precious property should indeed have a place to store it.

The bluestone on the ground is 50 cm into 100. It is not a problem to connect a piece at the bottom of the bed near the wall to make a small treasure hiding compartment underneath.

"Let's do it tomorrow morning." Xiulan said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

After finishing these, the two washed up and went to bed to rest. They were really tired after walking around the city for so long today.

The next morning, when they woke up at seven o'clock, Xiulan hugged his neck and urged, "Let's go to the secret compartment where the money is hidden. Xiaoxia hasn't woken up yet."

"Okay." Lin Heng had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​​​staying in bed and get dressed.

After the two got up, they moved the bed to one side. Lin Heng took an iron skewer to smash the cement that blocked the gap, and then he lifted the bluestone with all his strength.

Although the thickness is only three centimeters, it weighs more than 80 kilograms. Lin Heng's hands were numb after taking it out.

Xiulan rubbed him and rested for a while, and Lin Heng picked up the tools to dig. The soil below was not very hard. It took more than an hour to finally dig out a pit with a depth of 40, width, 44 and length of 94 centimeters.

Why not 50 and 100? Of course, some are left on the edge, otherwise the bluestone will fall into the pit when it is put on.

But this is only the first step, to get the soil out and pour it in the garden. Lin Heng took out the remaining gypsum powder at home or made it into mud and painted it inside. This not only prevents water from entering, but also prevents some insects from getting in.

"Then it will take more than one day to finish it." Xiulan looked at the plaster that had just been painted and said distressedly.

"Of course, but it's okay. Just cover it with a wooden board and move the bed back. Anyway, no one will come into the bedroom casually."

Lin Heng nodded. When the plaster is dry, it can basically be used, but it will have to be decorated to be perfect.

He often wanted to do this when he was a child. He didn't expect that he didn't dig it when he was a child, but he got it when he grew up.

A secret that only the two of them know, this seems to be a kind of romance.

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