Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 217 Beautiful Little Garden Konjac Warm Sun

After moving the bed back and fixing it, Lin Heng sat down and drank a cup of tea. After resting for a few minutes, he got up and went out to exercise.

Whether it's physical exercise or archery, you need to persevere and don't stop if you can.

After the exercise, Xiulan looked at the remaining 34 koi in the wooden basin and asked, "Should this be poured directly into the fish pond?"

Lin Heng waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't dare, there is a snakehead fish in the fish pond. These artificially bred fry have enough fish food."

Xiulan nodded and said: "Then we can only put the fish in after eating the black fish during the Chinese New Year."

"You can put two in the well first. One or two will not pollute the water quality."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

The ancients have always had the habit of raising fish in wells. Having a live fish is very convenient for testing the water quality. If someone poisons the fish, you can tell it immediately.

The water in Lin Heng's fish pond flows from the well spring, which can already be used to test the water quality, but it doesn't matter if two more are put in.

The fish in the well do not feed and grow very slowly. They are fed some native insects, so there is no such thing as polluting the water quality.


Xiulan nodded in agreement, caught two twenty-centimeter koi fish, and threw them into the well. The water in this well has always been crystal clear, without any moss or impurities. The koi fish started swimming happily when thrown in.

The two guys don't know yet, but what awaits them will be long days of starvation.

"How about keeping the rest in this secondary pond?"

Xiulan pointed to the secondary buffer pool flowing out of the well. This is a pool fifty centimeters deep, connected to a five centimeter deep stream channel.

There is a giant salamander cave in the middle of the stream. Inside, the giant salamander given to Lin Heng is hibernating. Blackfish cannot swim up in such shallow water.

Xiulan always felt that fish would die easily if kept in a basin, but fish could be kept alive only in places with flowing water.


Lin Heng naturally didn't have any objections. It was just a few fish, and he didn't have any objection if she wanted to take them out and throw them to death.

Xiulan took the fish and poured it into the secondary buffer pool, while Lin Heng went to the old house to find three clay pots with small holes. When I came back, I simply repaired the small hole, added the loess dug out from the house, and then planted the lotus roots of the ornamental lotus I bought.

After planting, tie them with your body and slowly sink them to the bottom of the water from the four corners of the fish pond. In this way, the lotus roots are planted. Lotus leaves will grow next spring, and there will be beautiful little lotus flowers to watch in summer.

Lotus roots won't rot in the mud, but they will rot more easily if left alone.

After finishing it, Lin Heng looked at his fish pond again. The calamus and moss planted this year were all alive, especially the calamus, which was lush and green. It looked like fairy grass with some water drops. It looked even more beautiful when the sun came out.

"Let's plant wintersweet too."

Xiulan looked at the fish for a while and said.


The two discussed it and finally planted it next to the fish pond and stream.

There are more and more flowers and plants in the backyard. It will definitely be a beautiful little garden next spring. Both of them are looking forward to the breathtaking scenery.

Right now, what the two of them are looking forward to most is the wintersweet. The buds are full and the day is not far away from opening.

After staying in the backyard for a while, Lin Heng went back to the house to look at the malt. It was already seven or eight centimeters long and light yellow. It would be impossible to make maltose without making it.

While Xiulan was working, Lin Heng first tore the malt off the bamboo sieve. In the past few days, the roots of the malt not only penetrated the cloth underneath, but also penetrated the bamboo sieve.

The sound of the roots breaking when tearing is extremely pleasant.

After tearing off the malt, Lin Heng weighed it and found that there were five kilograms of malt in total.

After determining the weight of the malt, Lin Heng turned around and weighed twenty kilograms of glutinous rice and soaked it in hot water.

"The noodles are ready. If you don't like it, come and eat it."

As soon as Lin Heng finished making the glutinous rice, Xiulan's call came from inside the room.


Lin Heng wiped his hands and walked into the kitchen with a smile.


Xiulan had already scooped the noodles into a bowl for him. The noodles had just been boiled for a while, and there was still a little bit of white core inside.

Lin Heng likes to eat noodles in this state. He doesn't like noodles that are soaked and have no chewy texture at all. He added some garlic chili to the noodles, and Lin Heng finished the bowl of noodles within three minutes of squatting under the eaves.

After taking a sip of noodle soup and rubbing his belly with satisfaction, he turned around and went to wake Xiaoxia up in the room and put her clothes on.

While Xiulan and Xiaoxia were eating noodles, Lin Heng had already started to wash the pot. After cleaning the pot, he placed the wooden barrel containing glutinous rice in the pot, added water and started the fire.

After letting the glutinous rice steam, Lin Heng chopped the malt and piled it in a basin.

After doing this, Lin Heng remembered why Wang Zhou hadn't come over yet. He went over to the old house and asked, only to find out that the boy had slipped out after breakfast, apparently looking for Liu Cihua.

"Would you like to dig konjac?"

Father Lin asked, holding a hoe.


Lin Heng nodded. Konjac grew near the door of his house. He didn't have to go far. The glutinous rice in the house would take a while to be cooked.

Every year when the Chinese New Year is approaching, my family digs up konjac and uses it to make konjac tofu, which is also a special dish during the Chinese New Year.

The two of them took the tools out of the yard and met Lin Wei and Lin Tao.

"Master, second father, what are you doing here?" Lin Wei looked at the two of them and asked curiously.

Lin Heng touched his head and responded: "Digging konjac."

"Then let me help you find the second father."

Lin Wei said quickly, wanting to play with Lin Heng very much.


Lin Heng said something and walked forward.

Although the konjac plants wither in winter, they will leave round holes on the ground, which are very easy to identify.

"Here's one."

As soon as he arrived in the field, Father Lin was the first to find one.

Lin Heng looked up and saw that the hole was a little thicker than his thumb, and the konjac was probably only about a pound.

However, such a large konjac is completely edible. It is difficult to find a large konjac of about ten pounds.

"Second Dad, we saw two konjac here."

After a while, Lin Wei, who was running around in front, shouted excitedly, and he and his brother were found.

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up and praised: "Awesome! Remember to mark it so we can't find it later."

Children will be very happy if they are encouraged, and then they will work happily, especially this kind of effortless work.

With them searching, Lin Heng and his father dug much faster.

Father Lin walked over and took a look, then turned to Lin Heng and said, "There should be a very large konjac in my area. Look for it. Lin Wei and the others can't seem to find it."


Lin Heng nodded and used a hoe to pull apart the fallen leaves and rummage around. His father said that if there is anything there, it must be there. If he can't find it, it's most likely because the holes are blocked.

After all, it is just a soil hole left by a rotten konjac stalk. It is normal for it to be blocked due to various reasons.

After searching for a while, he couldn't find anything, so Lin Heng had to dig around in several suspected locations.

When digging to the third place, Lin Heng was stunned after digging out the hardened soil. What he saw was a palm-sized piece of snow-white color.

"Damn it, I dug this big konjac to pieces."

Lin Heng looked helpless, wondering how such a big konjac could grow so shallowly.

This konjac reaches a height of 20 to 30 centimeters. It is definitely a large konjac weighing over ten kilograms.

Father Lin has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he was even more helpless when he saw this situation. He spread his hands and said, "It's all about eating anyway, it doesn't matter."

Lin Heng nodded and carefully dug out the rest. This konjac had to be held in both hands and was the largest one dug so far.

After digging a few more, the basket was full, with about forty or fifty kilograms of konjac, which was enough for three families to grind konjac and tofu.

"Let's go back."

Father Lin said something and walked back with the konjac.

His parents did all the making of konjac tofu. Lin Heng could just take some when they were done, there was no need to work on it again.

When she returned to the house, Xiulan had already taken out the steamed glutinous rice to dry. When she saw him coming back, she said, "The temperature is almost here, you can start cooking."


Lin Heng washed his hands and touched the glutinous rice in the basin. It felt warm at almost fifty or sixty degrees.

Pour in all the malt chopped early in the morning, stir evenly with your hands and leave it for six hours. When the time is up, control the juice and boil it dry to get the maltose.

After the lecture was finished, Lin Heng walked out of the yard and looked at mother and son and asked, "My parents should be grinding konjac. Do you want to go over and play?"

"You go ahead and let me get some sunshine."

Xiulan leaned on the bench and basked in the warm winter sun. She squinted her eyes and didn't want to move. She just waved her hand to Lin Heng.

Xiaoxia was playing with two newly brought dogs nearby and had no time to pay attention to him. Xiongba lay lazily on the ground and seemed very happy watching the two puppies being played with, as if he was recalling his childhood.

It was played with by Xiaoxia like this before, but now it seems to be very happy watching other dogs being played by Xiaoxia.

And whenever the two pups were misbehaving and wanted to run away, Xiongba would always act like an enthusiastic and good dog and run over to catch them and hand them to Xiaoxia.

The squealing sounds continued in the yard, which sounded quite pleasant.

Lin Heng looked at it for a while, then turned around and went out.

He did not go directly to the old house, but first went to find Wang Zhou.

After searching for a long time, Wang Zhouren could not find it, but he saw his father Lin Xuping and his aunt Li Ping walking towards them. The two people were walking down the mountain carrying many kudzu roots.

Seeing Lin Heng keeping a straight face and not saying anything, he couldn't help but think of the news in the village that Lin Heng bought a three-wheeled motorcycle yesterday.

At this time, the two of them could not help but think about how much better it would have been if their relationship with the Lin family had not been so bad.

In fact, although the relationship was cold in the past, it was not so bad that it would break out. In fact, it was in May this year that he learned that Lin Heng's father had obtained ginseng, so he couldn't help but come to ask for it, which completely made him fall out.

Watching Lin Heng's family become richer day by day, with plenty of food and fish every meal. And they still had two meals a day of cornmeal, white rice and western noodles, which made the two of them feel even more uncomfortable. I feel regretful and jealous at the same time, feeling that all the good things in the world have been taken away by Lin Heng.

As time went by, the two of them regretted their original decision more and more, but they both understood that their previous actions had completely lost the opportunity to integrate into Lin Heng's circle.

Lin Heng didn't know what the two of them were thinking and didn't care.

After searching for a while, he saw Wang Zhou on a slope up the river. This boy was talking to Liu Cihua, who was herding cattle.

After a few glances, he left and turned around to see the situation at the Hongfengshan shrimp pond.

Except for the fish pond where grass carp is raised, the other ponds are only 20 to 30 centimeters deep, indicating that there is still 10% thin ice.

I looked around and there was no sign of leaks.

After the Chinese New Year, we will ask someone to build the warehouse and indoor breeding pool, and then we can start raising shrimp.

When Lin Heng returned, his father had already ground all the konjac, and only a little was left.

Konjac is a magical thing. It is poisonous in itself, but it can be eaten after being ground into pulp with alkaline water and cooked.

"Don't you really need my help?"

Lin Heng asked again.

Mother Lin shook her head: "You can't get it, don't make things worse."

Lin Heng thought that he not only knew how to make it, but also did a good job, but he didn't say anything because he could eat it ready.

He turned around and went back to the house.

"Have you finished the konjac?"

Xiu Lan saw him coming back and asked with her head tilted. The warm sunlight hit her loose hair, as if it covered her black hair with a layer of light golden light.

Lin Heng glanced at Xiaoxia who was still playing with the puppy, walked over and sat next to Xiulan, and said with a smile: "I didn't help, I went out for a walk."

"Is that so, then do you want me to clean your ears?" Xiulan tied her hair up casually and asked with her head tilted.

"Very good."

Lin Heng nodded repeatedly.

Xiulan took out the ear pick, and Lin Heng lay comfortably on her legs, basking in the sun, enjoying her gentle covering of her ears.

After cleaning the ears, Xiulan let Lin Heng lie down for a while.

Sometimes he was busy, and sometimes he dozed off out of boredom. Lin Heng felt that this time was worth wasting by basking in the sun.

At two o'clock, when Xiulan was about to make lunch, Wang Zhou walked in from the door.

Looking at the scene in the room, he was a little envious.

"How was the private meeting?"

Lin Heng sat up and asked with a smile.

Wang Zhou immediately stuttered: "It's... it's okay."

"What do you mean it's okay?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

Wang Zhou continued to stutter: "Well, I told her that I will go to her house tomorrow to propose marriage when I save some more money."


Lin Heng estimated that he was too brave to do anything out of the ordinary, and he probably didn't even hold hands for a while.

Xiu Lan prepared a few dishes for Wang Zhou for lunch, and he said goodbye in the afternoon and prepared to go back to town.

Lin Heng had a motorcycle, so he naturally wouldn't let him walk back, so he drove out and sent him down.

"Dad, I want to ride in the car too."

Xiaoxia chased from home to the road with the rag doll in her arms, wanting to ride this big moving toy.

Xiu Lan shouted at the door: "You can take her to play, and my sister-in-law and I are just going to dig some wild vegetables."


Lin Heng nodded, turned his head and looked at Wang Zhou: "Then you can help hold Xiaoxia."

It's okay to take Xiaoxia for a ride, but I'm afraid she will catch a cold.


Wang Zhou held Xiaoxia and sat on the side seat. He was also a little excited. This was the first time he sat in a sidecar.

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