Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 218 The more dazzling he is, the more uncomfortable she feels

After Wang Zhou sat down with Xiaoxia in his arms, Lin Heng started the car and disappeared on the road with the sound of the accelerator.

Although the three-wheeled car here can reach a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour, Lin Heng can only reach 30 to 40 kilometers at the fastest on this mountain road.

But even so, it is much faster than riding a horse, and it only takes more than ten minutes to arrive. After all, horses will get tired while machines will not.

After sending Wang Zhou to the store, Lin Heng played here for a while and went to the river to see Grandpa Gao fishing.

"Did Grandpa catch anything?"

Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"I caught a big crucian carp after two hours of fishing."

Grandpa Gao lifted the fish basket and showed it to Lin Heng. The crucian carp was not small, weighing more than one pound, and it was shining golden in the sun.

"What a big fish, it's awesome!"

Xiaoxia was a flatterer, looking at the fish with her eyes wide open and said in a baby voice.

"Hahaha, what a good girl!"

Grandpa Gao was amused by her unintentional flattery.

"Do you want to come and play?" Grandpa Gao asked with a smile.

"No, I'll go after playing for a while." Lin Heng smiled and shook his head. He actually wanted to fish, but he was afraid that Xiaoxia would run around.

Fishermen are like this. Even if they know that nine out of ten fishing in winter are empty, they can't help but go down to the river to try.

After emptying the river, he walked back shaking his head, vowing that he would be a dog if he went fishing next time. Then he went again two days later, thinking that it must not be the fish last time, and attributed the reason to the environment or bait.

Grandpa Gao handed the oily and smooth purple bamboo fishing rod to Lin Heng, and said with a smile: "Don't refuse, come and play for a while, the nest is ready, Xiaoxia, I will take you."

"Okay then."

Lin Heng smiled shyly, took the fishing rod and started fishing.

Grandpa Gao accompanied Xiaoxia to pick up stones. There were many white flints by the river. Xiaoxia picked them up while shouting that they were pearls.

Lin Heng picked up the fishing rod and looked at it. Grandpa Gao was now using the table-style fishing method with a seven-star float and a long main line.

However, he looked at the earthworm and felt that it was too delicate. It was picked into a very short section and pierced two or three times.

This has lost the meaning of using live earthworms to tease fish, and it is easy to block the fish if it is pierced too many times on the hook.

He found an earthworm as thick as a ballpoint pen core, pinched it into two sections, pierced it on the fish hook and threw it into the water.

However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, there was still no bite, and Lin Heng began to doubt his life: "No, there can't be no crucian carp in this place, don't they eat?"

He tried to pull the fishing line and tease it twice, and suddenly he saw the seven-star float being pulled down, and immediately raised the rod with joy.

"I caught a fish, and it's not small!"

Lin Heng's mouth opened wide when he felt the pulling feeling from the other end of the fishing line. This is the feeling, the feeling of playing games with fish is too good.

"I caught a fish?"

Grandpa Gao pulled Xiaoxia and walked over quickly.

Lin Heng slid around twice, and the fish was pulled out of the water. A large silver crucian carp emerged from the water, rolled twice and dived towards the bottom of the water.

"Big fish, big fish, big fish!" Xiaoxia jumped and danced when she saw the fish.

Lin Heng brought the fish directly to the shore, held it in his hand, and smiled: "Not bad, it must be half a catty."

"Not bad, it caught a fish right away." Grandpa Gao praised.

"I want to see fish, fish."

Lin Heng put the fish into the fish basket, Xiaoxia shouted to see fish, so he had to put the fish in a small pool behind.

Then, he continued fishing. The teasing method just now worked, so Lin Heng continued to do the same.

He teased twice every half a minute, and after about three or four minutes, Lin Heng suddenly raised the rod, and the fishing line was pulled with a whirring sound.

"Wow, this is big!" Grandpa Gao was shocked.

"Big fish, fish..." Xiaoxia also applauded and cheered.

Lin Heng fished for more than a minute before pulling it out. This was a beautiful yellow-colored large crucian carp, which looked even bigger than the one that Grandpa Gao had.

"It's bigger than my foot!" Lin Heng said with a smile as he caught the fish in his hand.

Grandpa Gao also nodded: "It's almost two kilograms. Xiao Lin, your skills are really good."

Lin Heng laughed. After all, he has been a fisherman for decades, so he still has a basic level.

The place where they fished was in a water collection bay not far from the Huangtan Town Bridge. Many people on the bridge who were basking in the sun and watching the scenery saw this scene and pointed and made shocked sounds, as if they were lamenting the great fishing skills of Lin Heng.

Lin Heng felt that this was also closely related to the good resources of the Huangtan River.

In the next half an hour, he caught six or seven crucian carps, the smallest of which was about half a kilogram and the largest one kilogram, but he failed to break the previous record.

Lin Heng felt that the reason why he only caught so many was because the fish hook was too big, almost equivalent to the No. 3 Ise Ni, and the small crucian carp could not eat it.

But there was no way, this was already the smallest fish hook.

"Grandpa Gao, come and play."

Lin Heng stood up and looked at Grandpa Gao and said with a smile.


Grandpa Gao also wanted to try Lin Heng's fishing method.

He used the same teasing fishing method and caught a small half-jin silver-white crucian carp in a short while.

In just 20 minutes, he caught three fish. Although they were getting smaller and smaller, it was much better than the one he caught in two hours before.

"Xiao Lin, you have a quick mind."

Grandpa Gao said happily after catching the fish.

Lin Heng smiled slightly: "Haha, I was just guessing. It's mainly because you chose a good location. Fish don't move in winter. If you choose a bad place, you can't catch them no matter how hard you try."

After checking the time, he continued: "Uncle, it's getting late, so I'm going back first instead of fishing with you."

Uncle Gao pointed at the fish in the fish guard and said with a smile: "Then you take a few fish back and I'll keep two. I won't be able to finish any more."


Lin Heng smiled and nodded, went to get a net bag and caught six crucian carp, about four or five pounds, and then left with Xiaoxia.

When he arrived at the bridge, Lin Heng tied the spare tire hub on the back of the three-wheeled motorcycle next to the fishing net, sat on the seat with Xiaoxia in his arms, and fastened her seat belt.

Many people sunbathing on the bridge looked at Lin Heng's motorcycle and fish with envy. Not only did this young man have good skills, he also had money, and his daughter was cute. It was so enviable.

Lin Heng was used to those compliments, but when he heard people say that his fishing skills were good, he would smile involuntarily.

"Boss Lin, your fishing skills are pretty good, and this motorcycle is even better."

Just when Lin Heng was about to leave, a shout came from the year after.

He turned around and saw that it was Wang Jie, the owner of the solidarity show.

"Long time no see, Boss Wang."

He also smiled and said hello.

"You are getting rich one after another."

Wang Jie came over and handed Lin Heng a cigarette and started chatting with Lin Heng.

The more he looked at Lin Heng, the more incredible he felt. Half a year ago, this man was a farmer who came to his brick factory to buy bricks. In the blink of an eye, half a year later, he was already driving a motorcycle that he didn't even own.

Lin Heng didn't know what Wang Jie was thinking, so he simply asked him about the situation in the brick factory. With the planning document he gave, the quality of the bricks produced by Tuanjie Brick Factory has been much better than before. Recently, it has received several orders of business and has established a firm foothold in Huangtan Town.

Lin Heng was a little envious and thought that when he got rich, he would invest in real estate and construction companies. This would be the most profitable industry in the next few decades.

After chatting for a few words, Wang Jie left. In his opinion, although Lin Heng was getting better and better, he would soon surpass him. Apart from surprise, there was not much envy in his mood.

"Xiaoxia, sit down and don't move around."

After Lin Heng said this, he started his motorcycle and walked back.

There was a lot of wind on the road, so Lin Heng drove slowly, but Xiaoxia was obedient and didn't move erratically.

About halfway through the walk, Lin Heng saw two women walking on the road ahead, which seemed a bit familiar.

Hearing the sound of the motorcycle, the two women turned their heads, and Lin Heng saw clearly that it was Jin Yan and her mother.

When the two of them saw Lin Heng, their eyes were a little complicated. Why was this man getting richer and richer?

Lin Heng ignored the two of them and walked away silently.

"Take us for a ride, Boss Lin. Can you also go back to the village?"

What Lin Heng didn't expect was that Jin Yan's mother actually started talking to him.

Everyone started talking, so Lin Heng had to stop. If he didn't stop even though he was from the same village, this woman would definitely say bad things about him behind his back again when he got back.

"Then you just have to squeeze."

Lin Heng looked at the two people and said.

Jin Yan's mother waved her hand and said with a smile: "It's okay. Isn't your back seat empty? Just let Jin Yan sit in it. That's okay."

Jin Yan's cheeks turned red when she heard this. Sitting there, she could have close contact with Lin Heng. This was a distance she had never reached before.

I used to be very disdainful, but now I feel like my heart is beating. This man is too attractive.

Lin Heng shook his head and said, "You guys squeeze in a little bit. You can't sit behind me. I don't want my wife to misunderstand."

Jin Yan froze when she wanted to take a step forward. She took a deep look at Lin Heng and was pulled and squeezed together by his mother.

"Oh, you are too afraid of your wife. What's the point?"

Jin Yan smiled sourly, walked over and picked up Xiaoxia, and the three of them squeezed into the side seats.

Fortunately, the place was quite large, and two women could barely sit down with a child in their arms.

"This is called respect, not fear. Sit tight and I'll start."

Lin Heng said something and started driving his motorcycle slowly.

Jin Yan was stunned. This was the first time she had heard of respect. When she saw the fish hanging behind her, she changed the subject: "You also bought fish?"


Lin Heng chatted with her wordlessly and walked back quickly.

Sitting in the car, Jin Yan's mother became more and more envious, regretting in her heart why she didn't realize that Lin Heng was still a potential stock.

This motorcycle runs so fast, and sitting on it is so majestic.

Jin Yan held Xiaoxia in her arms and remained silent. She looked at Lin Heng's side face from time to time. She also thought that if she married Lin Heng in the first place, the child should be older than Xiaoxia, and she could also sit upright. On this motorcycle.

It was impossible to say that she didn't regret it. The more dazzling Lin Heng was, the more she regretted it. She couldn't help but think about how nice it would be if Lin Heng and Chen Xiulan were at odds. She might still have a chance to step in and drive the woman away.

But the husband and wife were not harmonious, and Lin Heng did not want to look at her again. He even refused such a good opportunity for intimate contact. How could he do this?

She dared to say that no man in the village could refuse in the situation just now. She was full of confidence in her beauty and huge lactation organ.


During this period of Jin Yan's fantasy, the car had already arrived in the village.

"Thank you. Come to my house to play for a while?"

Jin Yan got out of the car and said with a smile.


Lin Heng shook his head and drove the car to the door of his house.

Xiulan heard the sound and came out to pick up Xiaoxia, but she just glanced at Jin Yan and didn't care.

"Did you meet them on the way?"

Xiulan pulled Xiaoxia over and asked, her tone was very calm and she didn't mean to question.

"Yes, Jin Yan stopped me and gave me a ride on the way." Lin Heng nodded in reply.

Xiulan nodded, tilted her head and asked with a smile: "Why don't you let someone sit behind you and let the two of you squeeze together?"

Lin Heng smiled and said: "How can I let other women sit behind me?"

"Dad doesn't let my aunt sit in the back, and that aunt always touches my face." Xiaoxia said in a coquettish voice next to her.

Xiulan blinked when she heard this, feeling very happy. She never spends time alone with other men, and she knows that Lin Heng will definitely do the same.

Lin Heng turned around and looked at Xiulan, then pushed the cart into the yard.

"Did you catch this fish?"

Xiulan entered the yard and saw the crucian carp hanging on the car, and asked.

"Yes, big or not?"

"Big, I can still catch it at this time."

Xiulan nodded and took the fish and put them in the basin. These crucian carps were not dead and started to swim immediately when there was water.

"Dad is amazing!"

Xiaoxia waved her little hands and explained to her mother how Lin Heng was fishing in the river.

Lin Heng was very satisfied when he saw his daughter praising her so hard. She was indeed her good daughter.

After parking the car, Lin Heng came over and said with a smile: "Don't you like crucian carp soup? I made it tonight. It's fresh and delicious."

Xiulan looked at these big crucian carp and said, "Just keep them for the New Year, don't worry."

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand and said, "You have what you want. Now that we have a car, we can go fishing in the Huangtan River at any time. You bring the knife and I will kill the fish."

With a car, it is much more convenient to go fishing in Huangtan River, which only takes ten minutes.


Xiulan nodded and went into the house to get a knife to kill the fish.

Lin Heng took the knife and asked while killing the fish: "Did you get the maltose water?"

"I thought you wanted to do it yourself, I didn't care." Xiulan said with a wink.

"I'll do it myself later."

Lin Heng smiled and killed several crucian carp in three strokes, five divided by two.

After Xiulan finished cooking, he washed his hands and filtered out the juice from the maltose and glutinous rice that had been soaked for six hours.

After such a long reaction, the juice in the big basin has almost submerged the glutinous rice. It took Lin Heng ten minutes to filter out a bucket of juice.

But looking at the weather, I can't make it through today, otherwise I'll have to stay up until two or three in the middle of the night. I'd better leave it there and wait until tomorrow morning.

Putting the sugar water aside, he was going to make a temporary den for the two puppies. The two guys hadn't named them yet. Lin Heng planned to wait until the kennels were ready before naming them.

Mainly because I can't think of a suitable one at the moment.

"Dong dong dong!"

Halfway through the kennel, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.


Lin Heng was a little surprised. It was already dark, who could it be?

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