Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 219 The origin of the New Year atmosphere, how many pieces of furniture can be made?

"It's me."

"Carpenter Liang."

Hearing the voice, Lin Heng showed a look of realization.

Carpenter Liang showed a kind and honest smile and said: "I just finished the work in Shimen Village today. I thought I would rest here tonight and work for your family tomorrow."

"Please come in. I'm cooking. Let's have a drink later."

Lin Heng looked at him and said with a smile.

Carpenter Liang grinned: "That's great. I've missed your family's food for a long time."

Following Lin Heng into the yard, he saw the sidecar three-wheeled motorcycle parked in the yard at first glance, and stayed where he was.

He took a deep breath and asked: "Lin Heng, did you buy this?"

"Haha, yes." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

"Awesome, too awesome, young and promising." Carpenter Liang sighed.

For a moment, he felt that the disparity in this world was so huge. When he came here half a year ago, he looked down on this family, but now he was afraid that he could not reach them.

The red tiles, white walls, bluestone floor tiles, the motorcycle that he didn't even dare to ask the price, and the property owned by Lin Heng were all beyond his imagination.

"No, it's just a means of transportation. I bought it second-hand."

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand, inviting him into the house.

Hearing that it was second-hand, Carpenter Liang felt a little relieved and said casually: "It should be one or two thousand. I haven't seen this kind of motorcycle yet."

Lin Heng said casually: "Almost, this one is three thousand yuan."


Carpenter Liang took a breath of cold air. A second-hand one costs three thousand yuan, which is really scary.

He was a little curious. Is Lin Heng's acquisition station really so profitable, or did he pick up some treasures in the mountains?

After entering the house and putting down the tools, Carpenter Liang was secretly surprised by the current layout of Lin Heng's house.

There were some simple calligraphy and paintings on the snow-white walls. The house was clean and tidy, and there were some decorations made of bones and horns. It didn't look like a mud house at all, and it looked more beautiful and warmer than some brick houses.

There was a pot of charcoal fire in front of the table, and a huge red-haired cat was lying on a chair with its paws in its hands. Xiaoxia would occasionally turn its ears over, and after a while, the big red cat would shake its head and turn its ears back, and then Xiaoxia would let out a silly laugh.

"Roast by the fire."

Lin Heng poured a cup of tea from the kettle for Carpenter Liang and said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Carpenter Liang seemed a little reserved at this time, but fortunately Lin Heng did not have any domineering posture, which made him feel a lot more at ease.

Lin Heng talked to Carpenter Liang for a few words, and went to the kitchen to ask Xiulan to add two more dishes.

"Your cat and dog are not ordinary."

After warming up, Carpenter Liang looked at Xiongba and Jinbao curiously.

"This cat is a wild cat picked up from the mountain, and the dog is just a little bigger." Lin Heng explained with a smile.


Xiongba seemed to know that people were talking about it, raised his head and called, and then lay down again.

"Is that so? I saw you have two puppies outside. Did you buy them?" Carpenter Liang asked again.

"Yes, I bought them recently in the city." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I said they looked unusual." Carpenter Liang sighed. The puppies were all bought. He was indeed rich.

Then he talked about the wooden horse made by Lin Heng. He thought that although it was ugly, Lin Heng was still very talented. He said that he could make a wooden car for Xiaoxia.

Soon, Xiulan's meal was ready, and Lin Heng went to help bring it over.

Six dishes and one soup, three of which were meat dishes. The soup was still a milky white crucian carp, green vegetables and mushroom soup. Carpenter Liang was very hungry and thought it was good to work in the Lin family.

"Come on, have a drink first!"

Lin Heng smiled and raised his glass, and drank a few glasses with Carpenter Liang.

After a meal, Carpenter Liang was full of wine and food. Lin Heng took him to the old house to settle down. He planned to make an extra bed this time so that people who came to the house could stay.

Back in the house, Lin Heng saw Xiulan taking a wooden bathtub and boiling water with a hot plate, and couldn't help but smile: "Why, do you want to take a bath with me?"

Xiulan rolled her eyes at him: "You're overthinking, I just want to take a bath."

Without waiting for Lin Heng to speak, Xiulan raised her hand and poked him again: "You, you should go and tell Xiaoxia a story to coax her to sleep."

Xiaoxia was fiddling with the educational toy Luban lock on her little bed. Lin Heng played with her for a while, then pointed to the fairy tale book and taught her to read, and was not in a hurry to let her sleep.

Xiaoxia was quite interested in it, and she was very interested in recognizing words and pictures. Caiyun would teach her to draw from time to time.

Lin Heng played with Xiaoxia for half an hour, and Dengta fell asleep, so he started telling her a story to make her fall asleep.

On the other side, Xiulan had adjusted the water temperature, put her hair up high with a hairpin, and stepped into the bathtub. The misty water vapor and her snow-white skin had a hazy feeling.

When she turned around and leaned against the edge of the wooden barrel, she attracted people's attention even more. The huge white rabbit was squeezed out of an extraordinary arc by the edge of the wooden barrel.

"Wife, I'm coming."

Lin Heng coaxed Xiaoxia to sleep, took off his clothes in a few seconds and ran over. He felt that Xiulan was deliberately seducing him just now.

"Take a good bath, don't mess around."

Xiulan blinked and said.

"Then I will rub my wife's shoulders, okay."

Lin Heng laughed and leaned against Xiulan.

This skin is so smooth that he couldn't help but rub it to other places, and answered seriously: "I'm just checking if you are sick."


Xiulan blushed and said angrily.

But she was quite happy, especially with Lin Heng's performance during the day.

Slowly the two of them merged together, Xiulan holding on to the edge of the barrel and not daring to make a sound, for fear of waking up the child.

After taking a shower, we went to bed for another in-depth communication. We checked each other's physical condition and experienced some different movements.

Early the next morning, Lin Heng woke up earlier than Xiulan and couldn't help but hold her in his arms to wake her up.

"Bad guy~"

Xiulan opened her eyes, bit her red lips and whispered.

"Hurry and hug my neck, let's whisper, be good." Lin Heng said with a smile, feeling his wife's soft skin.

"What are you talking about?"

Xiulan was still a little innocent and put her arms around his neck.


But she didn't expect that Lin Heng's whisper turned out to be the legendary tongue tongue. She was so fascinated that she soared into the sky.

"Is this what you whispered?" Xiulan breathed out and stared at him.

Lin Heng laughed: "Doesn't it sound good?"

Xiulan blinked and bit his chest. The pain and strange feeling made Lin Heng hiss and suck in cold air.

"I also whispered a little, so it sounds nice."

Xiulan hummed, feeling very satisfied after seeing the tooth marks.

Lin Heng didn't know whether this was a punishment or a reward. He was just glad that she didn't have tiger teeth, otherwise it would have hurt even more.

After glancing at Lin Heng, she leaned her head over again.

Lin Heng looked at the time and continued to lie down for a while. It was really a pleasure to experience this with Xiulan, who had never seen the broad world of the sexes.

This couldn't help but make Lin Heng glad that he was born in this era, where only pure love warriors could survive.

If there are second-hand cars everywhere, and the second-hand cars have been severely developed, then it will be really difficult for a pure love warrior like him.

When it got daylight, Lin Heng watched his wife put on new underwear and got up too.

After the exercise, he looked at Xiulan and said, "Don't move."

"What's wrong?" Xiulan was confused, but still trusted and didn't move.

Lin Heng raised his hand to tidy up her messy hair. Xiulan blinked, pursed her lips slightly, and reached out to smooth his collar.

"I'm going to find Carpenter Liang to come over and do some work."

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said.

"Go ahead." Xiulan smiled and waved, then turned to help Xiaoxia get dressed.

Lin Heng came over to the old house. Carpenter Liang was already having breakfast. His parents got up very early.

Father Lin looked at him and said, "Son, please take a bite too. After you finish eating, let's go over and get it together."

"Okay." Lin Heng didn't refuse and ate a bowl of pickled cabbage noodles.

After dinner, the three of them went over together. Father Lin was holding a chain saw. Carpenter Liang couldn't help but asked curiously: "This is a diesel saw. How much does it cost?"

"More than a hundred, Lin Heng gave it to me. This one can open the board very quickly." Lin's father said with a smile.

Carpenter Liang was a little skeptical: "Can this thing open the board?"

"It's very useful." Father Lin said with a smile, and also said that they cut out a lot of planks and built a small wooden house, which made Carpenter Liang jealous.

After entering the courtyard, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "Xiulan, I've had breakfast. Just do what you and Xiaoxia do."


Xiulan nodded and prepared to cook yesterday's leftover crucian carp soup and rice into porridge, plus vegetables, which would be enough for the two of them.

A few people moved things in the main room and went up to the second floor.

"Dad, let's make a fixed staircase for the second floor later." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The walls on the second floor of his house are naturally painted with plaster, and the floor is made of three-centimetre-thick wooden boards. Except for the lack of treatment on the top, it is still very comfortable for people to live on it.

However, Lin Heng has no one at home now, so the second floor is not decorated much and is used to store sundries.

"Okay, it's not difficult."

Father Lin nodded.

After some discussion, a few people moved all the gloomy wood to the yard. After the beam carpenter finished laying the wire, Lin Heng and his father fixed the wood and started cutting with the electric saw.

This four-meter-long gloomy wood was not only cut open in five minutes, but also showed a light yellow color inside. It looked much more delicate than ordinary wood.

"This is fine camphor wood. It still smells fragrant."

Carpenter Liang said with envy that Lin Heng picked up such a good thing for free.

"This is worth making into furniture." Father Lin understood when he saw the wood. It was so extraordinary.

"How many days will it take to make this?"

Lin Hengze was worried about this problem. The Chinese New Year was coming soon and it would not be good if it took too long.

Carpenter Liang shook his head and said, "With your diesel sawing the boards, it will be much faster to do the home work. It won't take more than a week."

After seeing the power of this diesel saw, he was very envious. Unfortunately, it was too expensive, otherwise he would have bought one.

There were only three camphor trees, and they were all bloomed soon. Then they started to bloom the red toon tree and the gloomy tree.

When this wood is sawed, the sawdust that comes out is dark red, which makes people wonder about its inner performance.

"Hey, this red oak tree is really pretty."

When it opened, everyone was surprised. It wasn't blood red, but it felt like it was deep red. It also had a very unique pattern, and it looked very beautiful.

Carpenter Liang said with emotion: "With a little polishing, we can make a tabletop. The quality of the dark wood you picked up is really good."

There are seven or eight gloomy branches of the red toon tree that are three to four meters long, and each one is about thirty centimeters in diameter.

Three branches in a row were fine, but something unexpected happened on the fourth branch. The core of the red toon tree was rotten.

"This is such a pity. It's so red. It shouldn't be rotten." Father Lin said with pity.

Lin Heng didn't care, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it can be used as a ruler or something. It's okay to cut it into small pieces and make small gadgets."

He planned to pick the reddest parts and make them into beads, and make a few bracelets to play with himself.

It took the three of them more than two hours to cut all the gloomy wood into boards. Only two had internal problems, and the others were usable.

Lin Heng looked at the wooden boards in the yard and asked, "Carpenter Liang, how many homes do you think these wood can be used for?"

Carpenter Liang looked at the wooden planks on the ground and said: "You can make a big table that is two meters long and one meter wide, a small square table of one meter, and a small tea tray. There is nothing wrong with ten armchairs." Question, I guess the rest can be used to make a bookshelf or something.”

Lin Heng nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, as long as it's enough. I don't want modern ones, just make them classical ones for me, and make them more refined. It doesn't matter even if you can't finish them. I'll ask you to go to Hong Kong next year." Fengshan is helping me make some things, so I have plenty of time.”

"Don't worry, I'll make it and make sure you like it." Carpenter Liang said, patting his chest.

His confidence comes from his inheritance. His family has been a carpenter for generations, and his ancestors have worked for landlords and officials. There are many types of carpenters.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded. He was still very confident in Carpenter Liang's skills.

Asking his father to help here, Lin Heng went back to the house and got tea for the two of them.

"Husband, your maltose will be ready soon. Do you want to come over and take a look?"

Xiulan looked at him and shouted. After she finished her breakfast, she started making maltose for Lin Heng. By now, the water had dried up and only three or four kilograms were left.


Lin Heng nodded, and went inside first to get the rice krispies he bought on the street, the raisins he bought in the city, fried and peeled peanuts, his own red dates and chopped nails, as well as a large plate and two glasses. Can.

After preparing these, let’s look at the maltose. At this time, the sugar water has turned reddish brown, with dense bubbles, and you can already feel the viscosity when stirring with chopsticks.

Xiulan lowered the fire a little, and Lin Heng stirred vigorously. After ten minutes, the cannon turned into dense bubbles, and at this time it was basically sugar liquid.

Twenty kilograms of glutinous rice will produce about four kilograms of maltose. Lin Heng first scooped some of it out and put it into glass jars. Both jars were one kilogram and contained two kilograms of liquid maltose.

After filling the jar, Lin Heng quickly scooped the remaining portion into a greased plate, poured the rice krispies, peanuts, raisins and red dates into it and stirred quickly evenly.

After mixing it, spread it out and it becomes a homemade home-made cut cake. This was one of the most anticipated foods during the Chinese New Year when I was a kid. My mother would make it every year.

Now that he has a family, Lin Heng also wants to feed Xiaoxia, and this is how he makes the New Year flavor bit by bit.

Xiaoxia had been watching from the side for a long time, but now her eyes were attracted to Xiulan. Xiulan stirred up the remaining maltose in the pot with chopsticks, and continued to stir it up to make white stirring sugar.

"I want to do it too!"

Xiaoxia took the chopsticks, followed Xiulan's example and stirred it a few times before putting it in her mouth and eating. The sweet maltose made her beautiful big eyes curve into small crescents.

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