Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 220 The dark wood furniture is completed, and Lin Heng has a small study room

Lin Heng finished cutting the cake and looked at the pot. There was still some maltose sticking to it. He quickly added a little water and some glutinous rice to cook it into a bowl of porridge.


Xiaoxia ate maltose and said milkily.

"It's delicious. I'll make it for you next time."

Xiulan touched her face, took two bottles of maltose and stored them in the cabinet. She couldn't let her daughter eat too much of them.

Lin Heng waited until the maltose cooled and solidified, poured it out, cut it into half-centimeter-thick slices with a knife, and put them in plastic bags. This was the cake cutting he missed most when he was a child.

At that time, the family had no money to buy sugar or biscuits, so they could only eat a few pieces during the Chinese New Year. Most of them were used by his parents to entertain guests, and he and his eldest brother Caiyun could only taste them.

I took a piece and put it in my mouth. The first thing I felt after taking a bite was the crispness and fragrance of rice krispies and peanuts, as well as the toughness and sweetness of raisins and red dates. The taste is extremely rich and sweet to the point of being sweet.

"Try one."

Lin Heng fed Xiulan a piece.


Xiulan ate it in her mouth, her eyebrows curled up, sweetness is the best taste in this era.

"I also want!"

Xiaoxia stood on tiptoes and begged like a baby.


Lin Heng gave her a piece, wrote the rest into small pieces, put them together and weighed them. They weighed six kilograms.

This is much more than what his mother used to make, and it also has more raisins. In the past, it only had rice krispies and peanuts.

Xiulan grabbed a plate and gave it to Lin's father and Liang Carpenter to taste. The rest was given to several nephews, so Lin's mother and Caiyun also had a taste.

When Xiulan came back, Caiyun also came over and brought a basket of konjac tofu. Konjac tofu is gray in color, looks gelatinous, and tastes very unique.

You don't need to think about it to know that it is made from the konjac that Lin Heng dug before.

Putting the konjac tofu in the water and floating it, Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and blinked: "Caiyun and I went to Tian Yan's house to play for a while. She called me several times and I was too embarrassed to refuse. Please look after Xiaoxia. "

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and said, "Bring some cakes and cut them over."

Xiulan thought for a while and went to get half a catty of cut cake. Then he and Caiyun walked to Tian Yan's house.

In the front yard, Father Lin and Carpenter Liang were polishing wooden boards with wooden clippers. At this time, they had polished several smooth boards.

This dark wood board looks very delicate. Originally, the red toon tree is famous for cracking, and the wood is also very loose.

However, after being buried underground for a long time, the high pressure and oxygen-free environment have changed its properties. Not only is it denser and harder, but the texture is also much better-looking.

Of course, it can't be compared with wood like golden nan and rosewood.

Lin Heng looked at his father and said, "Dad, let's go to the back mountain to move some wood and make stairs?"

When I asked someone to help carry firewood, I also moved some large logs and put them in the shade of the back mountain to dry. Now I think they are almost done and can be taken back for use.


Father Lin nodded and followed Lin Heng to the back mountain.

There are twelve shade-dried logs here, all six meters long, three of them are maple, and the remaining nine are all pine.

"What kind of wood are you going to use?" Lin's father looked at Lin and asked.

"Use maple. The wood is hard and won't crack easily."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

After making the decision, the two carried the wood back and returned to the yard to measure it before cutting it.

After the two finished preparing the ingredients, Xiulan and Caiyun came back together and went to the kitchen to make lunch.

After lunch, he continued working on carpentry. Lin Heng did not feel tired, but felt quite fulfilled.

After a busy day, I finally made all the wooden parts needed for the stairs.

The next morning I spent the whole day polishing the wooden clippers, and in the afternoon I installed the stairs into the house. It was already evening after the handrails were installed.


Looking at the wooden stairs, Lin Heng nodded with satisfaction, then took out the varnish he bought in the city and applied it evenly. The stairs were originally white, and he did not change it.

After the stairs were completed, Lin's father continued to work for Carpenter Liang in the following days, while Lin Heng used the leftover wooden boards from the stairs to build a beautiful little house for the two dogs.

Xiaoxia had been watching next to him. After Lin Heng was done, she got in first when the dog was gone.

"This is for dogs, not for you." Lin Heng exhaled and looked at her and said.

"Dad, then I also want a small house."

Xiaoxia stuck out a head from the small house and smiled coquettishly at Lin Heng.

"You already have so many toys, how about I make you a small tent next year?"

Lin Heng looked at her and said. He is really a bit lazy, and the small house he builds for Xiaoxia needs to be very delicate, otherwise wood thorns and other things will easily hurt her.

Such an exquisite little house takes too much energy.

"No, I just want a small house."

Xiaoxia climbed out, shook Lin Heng's hand and said.

"How about I prepare it for you next year?" Lin Heng looked at her and said, this year was too rushed, and he doesn't care if he takes his time next year.

"All right."

Xiaoxia tilted her head and thought for a while, then agreed, and immediately hooked up with Lin Heng again.

After playing with her for a while, Lin Heng went to install the kennel.

Xiong Ba's kennel was in the front yard. Lin Heng arranged the pups of the female green wolf dog in the front yard, side by side with Xiong Ba's kennel.

After all, she was a child bride bought for Xiong Ba, so it would be nice to cultivate some affection from a young age.

The thin black dog was placed in the backyard, under the window of Lin Heng's master bedroom. This way, there were dogs guarding him in front and behind, making it difficult for someone to steal something.

The kennel was set up, and Lin Heng placed warm brown fur inside. However, we are not planning to tie the dogs here for the time being. These two puppies are not as smart as Xiong Ba, and they have to learn from Xiong Ba. Lin Heng also needs to train them.

First of all, you cannot urinate or defecate anywhere in the house. You must also train some basic skills from an early age. At least you must understand commands.

Currently, they all sleep in the front yard at night, and the two puppies sleep in a kennel.

In addition to this, Lin Heng also made a maple box with a length of 93cm, a width of 43cm and a height of 39.5cm. The paint he painted on it in the morning will have dried by now.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep at night, Lin Heng and Xiulan moved the bed and removed the wooden boards under the bed. The plaster in the underground secret compartment had completely solidified, and this secret compartment could be used to hide treasures.

"Just right."

Lin Heng put the maple box he made into it and said with a smile, it was just the right size to fit inside.

"I'll get the money."

Xiulan whispered, turned around and took out the money from the cabinet.

Not counting the money Xiulan had saved before, Lin Heng still had 25,000 yuan left from selling ginseng this time.

Xiulan wrapped the wallet with film paper and put it all into the box, filling the empty spaces with rags. Finally, cover the box, put a piece of film paper on top, and cover it with bluestone floor tiles.

A mixture of soil and lime powder was randomly thrown into the cracks of the bricks. From a distance, they looked the same as the cracks filled with cement, both gray and white.

No one knew that so much money was hidden in his family and was still buried underground. Even if a thief does come, he will definitely leave after stealing the money and jewelry in the closet.

"Okay, now I feel at ease."

Xiulan said softly as she moved the bed back.

Lin Heng thought it was funny to see her like this, she was too careful, but that's right, so much money was hard-earned.

After washing up, Lin Heng went out to the toilet. It was cold and windy outside, and there were no stars in the sky. It was probably going to be cloudy tomorrow.

Back at home, Lin Heng added some firewood to the fireplace. Fortunately, he had such a fireplace this winter, otherwise he would have been freezing to death.

The winters of this era seemed to be colder than those of later generations.

After getting into bed, they hugged Xiulan and fell asleep.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is already the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, and there are less than seven days left before the New Year.

These days, Xiulan, Lin's mother and others went to town once, riding a carriage and bought a lot of new year's goods.

Lin Heng went up the mountain twice with a bow and arrow, but nothing was gained. There was no sign of the golden rooster. The rapeseed and wheat fields in the village are lush and green, and there are no signs of takin coming to eat.

I heard that there was a wild boar coming down the mountain. Tian Baishun, Wang Kaidian and other hunters formed a team to chase it. They also called Lin Heng, but he couldn't finish the wild boar and didn't want to hunt it at all.

As for Carpenter Liang, he has polished all the wooden boards these days, spliced ​​the tabletop yesterday, and installed the two tables this morning.

Both tables are made from red toon tree, which has a beautiful dark red color and only needed a coat of varnish.

Lin Heng placed the long table on the side of the main room. The room where mulberry and lime were previously stored has been vacated, and he planned to use it as a study and tea room.

In addition to this large long table, Lin Heng and his father also made two pine bookshelves these days and placed them here.

The small square table was taken to Lin Heng and Xiulan's bedroom and placed there for use.

The main room is also the living room. The square table used for dining is made of pine wood and painted dark red. Lin Heng is not planning to replace it.

In the afternoon, Carpenter Liang first assembled a large Taishi chair. This is for Lin Heng's long table. It is larger than an ordinary chair and fits perfectly with the long table.

After the chair was finished, Lin Heng moved over and sat down, stroking the smooth tabletop and leaning on the back of the chair, feeling comfortable all over.

It would be perfect if I get a softer cushion behind.

That night, Carpenter Liang finished the remaining nine chairs. These nine were official hat chairs with simple lines but very classical style.

Five of them are made of camphor wood, and the remaining four are made of red toon tree.

After it was done, Carpenter Liang said with a smile: "How about it? It's still attractive to you, Lin Heng, right?"

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up: "Very good, Carpenter Liang, your skills are second to none."

"Haha, when the tea tray and bookcase are finished tomorrow, it will be finished." Carpenter Liang said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work, hurry up and eat. Xiulan rice is already ready."

Lin Heng smiled and invited Carpenter Liang over.

Father Lin also smiled and said: "Today is the Northern New Year, and we can also celebrate the New Year."


Carpenter Liang nodded repeatedly, his appetite aroused when he saw the eight dishes on the table. The level of luxury was already better than his family's New Year's Eve dinner.

After finishing the meal, Carpenter Liang and Father Lin both drank a little too much and staggered back.

Early the next morning, Carpenter Liang came over to make the bookcase and tea tray. The camphor wood tea tray smelled faintly.

In the end, there was some wood left, and the two parties discussed it and finally decided to make a few small wooden boxes, mainly because nothing else could be made.

In the afternoon, Carpenter Liang helped install the wooden bed that Lin's father had made these days, and Lin Heng placed it in the bedroom behind the kitchen.

"Would you like to reserve the remaining pine boards for the second floor so that people can live there in the future?"

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and asked. Lin Heng's house was small, with only three bedrooms and a living room. Now one bedroom has been converted into a study, leaving only two rooms. It will definitely not be enough for living in the future.

"Forget it, let's put the wood boards somewhere first. It won't be too late to order them when we really need them in the future."

Lin Heng shook his head. He estimated that by the time he needed them in the future, the new house would have been built.

Even if the second child was born, it would be completely possible for two children to use one bedroom temporarily.

"Okay then." Father Lin did not force it, and helped to move the remaining pine boards to the second floor and stack them.

Carpenter Liang also began to pack up his tools and prepare to go home today.

Lin Heng also packed up all the wood chips in the yard. These things are very useful whether they are used to start a fire or to bake dried tofu.

The yard was tidy, and people felt much more comfortable looking at it. The two puppies started to play happily on the bluestone ground.

Before dinner, Lin Heng gave Liang Gui 12 yuan and said with a smile: "Carpenter Liang, you have worked hard. This is your wages. The extra money is a red envelope. You did a great job."

Carpenter Liang worked here for exactly seven days. His wages were originally 10.5 yuan, but Lin Heng gave him an extra 1.5 yuan.

"This...thank you Lin Heng!"

Looking at the extra 1.5 yuan, Carpenter Liang accepted it with just a little politeness.

After Carpenter Liang finished his meal, Lin Heng drove him home on his motorcycle.

He didn't stay at his house for long. Lin Heng went home quickly. On the way back, several families were slaughtering pigs for the New Year. It was very lively.

It was cloudy for several days, and there were occasional snowflakes. When Xiulan got home, she was looking at the newly made furniture in the house. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"The New Year is coming soon. Let's go buy some things the day after tomorrow." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said. There are still two market days left this year, the 26th day of the twelfth lunar month the day after tomorrow, and the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month after that.

Almost everything that should be bought has been bought, and only some firecrackers and door paintings are left. In this era, couplets are written by oneself or by someone else. Rural areas generally do not spend money to buy Spring Festival couplets.

Lin Heng plans to write this year's Spring Festival couplets himself.


Xiulan nodded and sat down on the chair. This year's Spring Festival will be very happy.

"By the way, Dad and big brother will kill a pig tomorrow. Remember to go and help then." Xiulan said again.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and asked again: "Then do you think we should kill our sheep? It's quite big now."

The little ewe is now 30 or 40 kilograms, so it's completely okay to kill it.

Xiulan thought for a while and said: "Forget it, let's buy some mutton and let it give birth to some piglets next year."

"That's fine."

Lin Heng nodded. Anyway, they still have to buy other meats. Although they don't lack pork, they have to buy pig heads and internal organs. They can only feel good when they are stewed during the New Year.

Second update, I'm stuck, so I posted it late, sorry

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