"Big fish, fish, caught again, caught again!!"

Not long after the rod was cast, Xiaoxia discovered it herself, pulled the fishing rod and ran back, cheering loudly.

With a splash, a golden crucian carp was pulled out of the water, and the splashing water made the golden sunlight form a fleeting rainbow.

"Is this the aura of a novice?"

Lin Heng caught the fish in his hand and envied it. This golden crucian carp weighed more than one catty and was the largest one so far this morning. Xiaoxia's small body could hardly pull it, but fortunately the fishing line was thick enough.

"I want to eat this big fish!"

Xiaoxia poked the body of the crucian carp with her finger and said in a baby voice.

"Okay, okay, I'll make it braised crucian carp for you when I go back."

Lin Heng nodded in agreement, put the fish in the bucket, and gave her an earthworm.

"I caught a fish, too."

At this time, there was a noise from Xiulan's side. Lin Heng looked up and saw that Xiulan had excitedly pulled a silver crucian carp directly out of the water and onto the shore.

"Well, it seems that I have to rely on you two this morning. I am useless."

Lin Heng laughed and ran over to help get the fish and put on the bait.

In fact, he knew that it was easy to fish when the nest was formed, but saying so would make his wife and children happier.

And sometimes novices have magical powers.

"Then you watch carefully."

Xiulan blinked and also experienced the fun of fishing. In the past, I always thought that people who sat by the river to fish were stupid, but now I feel really good after playing with it.

In the next half an hour, Xiulan pulled up five crucian carps weighing almost one pound in succession, one every five or six minutes, which was very stable.

Xiaoxia only caught three, and now she had thrown the fishing rod by the river and ignored it. She was hungry and was sitting on a rock eating shrimp strips.

Lin Heng also took a pack of biscuits, ate half of it himself, and fed the rest to Xiulan. It was past twelve o'clock now. I had eaten in the morning and was already hungry.

Lin Heng counted the fish and found that there were 15 in total. This morning's harvest was not bad. He felt that he had made a good harvest.

"Do you want to go back?" Lin Heng asked Xiulan.

The sun was shining on her face at this time. The fine hair on her forehead was covered with a layer of gold. She was a little hot and took off her coat. Inside was a white turtleneck sweater, which outlined her plump figure and made her look smart.

Lin Heng thought that she was very beautiful when she was focused at this moment, especially her profile.

Hearing Lin Heng's words, Xiulan turned her head and looked at her, smiling: "It's nothing important. You can play until what time you want."

"Then play for a while. This river is very happy."

Lin Heng smiled and didn't want to go home so early.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and looked at the fishing rod again. The joy of harvest is also addictive.

It seems that even gods cannot catch fish at noon. The fish are not biting well now. Only one half-jin fish is caught every ten minutes, and occasionally a yellow thorn is caught.

During this period, Lin Heng did not fish, but leaned on the stone to look at the mountain and watched Xiulan fishing.


By chance, Lin Heng glanced and found that the fishing rod that Xiaoxia threw on the shore seemed to move.

"Not good!"

Lin Heng shouted in a low voice, climbed up and rushed forward.

With a snap, he stepped into the water and finally caught the fishing rod.

"Damn, big fish!"

As soon as the fish tank was caught, Lin Heng felt a strong pulling force, and the fishing line hummed.

"Can the fishing rod that Xiaoxia threw on the shore still catch fish?"

Xiulan was also stunned. Before she could react, Lin Heng had already rushed out.

"Fishing is unpredictable. I estimate that this fish must be at least five jin. It has great strength."

Lin Heng said while playing the fish. Fishing is a very mysterious thing. Sometimes you wait for a whole day without a bite, and when you turn around to go to the toilet, the fishing rod is pulled away.

Fish are weak in winter, and the lines used by Lin Heng are already very thick, so the fish floated to the surface in a short while.

The fish was as Lin Heng expected, a beautiful big carp, its scales glowing with golden and red in the sun.

"So beautiful!" Xiulan said in surprise.

"Super big fish!" Xiaoxia danced with joy, if Xiulan hadn't been watching, she would have jumped into the water.

Lin Heng slipped for another two minutes, pulled it to the side and directly grabbed it by the gills and brought it to the shore.

Holding the big carp, he smiled: "This fish must be five pounds, it's thirty or forty centimeters long, and the fish mouth can fit two fingers."

"Then I made a lot of money fishing today."

Xiulan said in surprise.

Lin Heng also nodded repeatedly, looking at his daughter who was touching the fish with her little hands and said: "This carp caught by Xiaoxia, let her keep it for her birthday."

His family had no shortage of fish for the New Year. There was already a carp, black fish and some yellow croaker in the fish pond. Now there are so many crucian carps, so there is no shortage.

"Okay, this fish is indeed commemorative." Xiulan had no objection to this.

With this fishing rod, the three of them stopped fishing. There was little water in the bucket, and the big carp struggled wildly, splashing water.

After taking the fish to the store, Lin Heng looked at Wang Zhou and said: "Go get a basin quickly, we caught a big carp."


"I think you bought it? I don't believe that you can catch such a big one by fishing."

Some people around immediately looked over, a little unbelieving.

"Of course, what I caught in the river just now was caught by my daughter." Lin Heng said proudly.

When everyone saw Xiulan and Xiaoxia walking over with a fishing rod, they became even more disbelieving.

"Can this little girl catch such a big fish?"

"I'll definitely buy it. I'll eat shit if I catch it."

"That's right, it's not shameful to buy this. I even wet my shoes in order to act like one. You are so dedicated."

Lin Heng was speechless. Now he just wished he didn't have a mobile phone, otherwise he would have slapped these people in the face.

"It's just jealousy. I pulled it up with my own hands. Look at how nice the fish's fur is."

After saying that, Lin Heng went to share the joy with Uncle Gao very happily.

"I envy this lucky old man."

Uncle Gao did not question Lin Heng's statement at all. He believed that Lin Heng was a principled fisherman like him.

"I'm envious too. The novice halo is too scary. Fortunately, I held it back."

Lin Heng was so excited that he didn't feel anything even if his feet were cold.

"The little doll is amazing."

Uncle Gao praised Xiaoxia and looked at the big carp again.

Then he said: "Where is your nest? I'll try again."

Lin Heng knew that Uncle Gao's hands were itchy, so he took him to his home and invited him to celebrate the New Year at his home on the way.

But Uncle Gao expressed his unwillingness to go up. If Lin Heng wanted to, he could come down to his house at some time.

In this regard, Lin Heng could only say that he would find a time to come down, and there was no way to give an accurate time during the Chinese New Year.

Back at the shop, Lin Heng saw his elder brother looking at the big carp there. After chatting for a while, he loaded the things into the car, and finally put the fish into the bucket and covered it, then returned home with Xiulan and Xiaoxia. .

Crucian carp and carp are not easy to die, especially in winter. They are still alive when they go back. Lin Heng put the carp into the fish pond, while the crucian carp was raised in a bucket and eaten during the Chinese New Year.

Asking Father Lin and the others to help move things, Lin Heng went on another trip and picked up all his elder brothers and sisters-in-law.

"Soak some soybeans and make some tofu for the New Year. Mom just said they will grind tofu tomorrow too."

Lin Heng entered the room and looked at Xiulan and said.

"Okay." Xiulan turned around and soaked ten pounds of soybeans.

The next day, these soybeans were made into tofu, half of which was normal tofu and half of which was mugwort tofu.

After making tofu at one o'clock at noon, Lin Heng finished his meal and sat comfortably in the yard to bask in the sun.

"The sun is not bad. I'm going to wash clothes by the river. Would you like to go?" Xiulan walked over with a bamboo basket and winked at him.

Lin Heng stretched out, touched her belly, and said with a smile, "Is it okay if I say not to go?"

"Of course that doesn't work, you have to follow me." Xiulan pursed her lips and smiled.

Lin Heng was naturally happy to go with her, so asking like this made him more important.

He stood up and said with a smile: "Then let's go, I'll go to Yoyo Xiongba and train the two little dogs."

I went to find two ropes to tie up the puppy and pull it out. If Xiongba obeyed, he didn't need to tie it up.

"Dad, I want to pull the dog~"

Xiaoxia saw Lin Heng holding the puppy and ran over and stretched out her little hand.

"It's for the little wolf dog." Lin Heng gave her the green wolf dog's rope. This pup looked too much like a wolf.

Xiaoxia held it, and the little bastard rushed forward with a squealing sound, its ears dangled in a very cute way, and then Xiaoxia also laughed happily.

Lin Heng locked the door and followed Xiu An to the river.

"Second brother, you are doing the laundry. I will go there later."

Caiyun, who was reading in the yard of his old house, saw Lin Heng and Xiulan and said quickly.

After they waited for a while, Caiyun came over with a basket of clothes, touched the puppy Lin Heng was holding, and started talking to Xiulan.

A few people walked to the river talking and laughing. The slate river water was much smaller in winter and was extremely cold.

While Xiulan and the others were washing clothes, Lin Heng was training two puppies on the river bed, while Xiaoxia watched curiously.

Training must start from the most basic, you must first understand the instructions. Lin Heng took some dried meat as a reward.

"sit down!"

Lin Heng gave the order. The two puppies looked confused and were still fighting with each other. Only Xiongba sat down obediently.

Lin Heng gave Xiongba a piece of dried meat, and then asked him to demonstrate it to the two puppies again. After repeating it for more than ten times, the two little guys sat down for the first time.

"There is such a big difference between dogs and dogs."

Lin Heng shook his head. Smart dogs like Xiong Ba were too rare.

After practicing for half an hour and with Xiong Ba's demonstration, the two pups understood the two most basic commands of sitting down and shaking hands.

During this period, two more people came to the washing place by the river. They were Tian Yan and Lin Hai who came to play. These two people were now very upright.

"Brother Lin, I caught two creek groupers!"

Lin Hai held up the two small fish in his hand to show off. If he caught two fish, it would be known to the world.

"You're still too good at this. It's up to me."

Lin Heng smiled and ran to the river to perform.

In winter, fish are too cold to move and are not as active as in summer, so they are very easy to catch. Lin Heng caught three fish by touching two rocks.

"How's it going? Isn't it awesome?"

Lin Heng showed off the fish and said that when it came to fishing skills, he was second in the village and no one dared to say first.

"Brother Lin, your skills haven't deteriorated at all." Lin Hai laughed.

Next to them, Xiulan, Tian Yan and others watched the two compete like children and found it amusing.

After touching two more times, Lin Heng couldn't bear it any longer. He shook his head and said, "No, the water is too cold. It's bone-chilling."

Caiyun raised her head and said with a smile: "Second brother, if you know it's cold, why don't you light a fire quickly? My sister-in-law's hands are all red from the cold."

Lin Heng looked at her: "I guess you can't hold on and want to warm yourself up?"

"Then my sister-in-law also wants to bake, right, second sister-in-law!" Caiyun winked at Xiulan.

Xiulan smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

"Forget it, I'll light the fire. I'm the lowest status and I know myself."

Lin Heng grinned, got some firewood and started to light a fire.

Lin Heng also smiled and went to pick up some firewood. After a while, a fire was burning brightly, and Xiulan Caiyun came to warm his hands by the fire.


At this time, there was a roar of motorcycles on the road in the village. Lin Heng and others looked up and recognized that Zhao Hu, Jin Hai, Liu Sheng and the others were back.

"Zhao Hu and the others, I don't know if they have made any money out there." Lin Hai looked at the three people on the road and wondered.

"You can definitely make some money. If you don't make any money, there won't be such a big fuss." Lin Heng said with a smile. Going out would definitely be much better than being in the village.

"That's right." Lin Hai felt a little nervous inexplicably. He also wanted to make money.

Caiyun Xiulan heated up the fire for a while and washed the remaining clothes. Everyone played by the river for a while and then got up and went home.

As soon as they walked onto the road, several people saw Zhao Hu Jinhai walking towards them, obviously coming to show off.

"Jin Hai, come back here."

Before Jin Hai could go far, he was stopped by his sister Jin Yan.

"What are you doing, sister?"

Jin Hai asked impatiently. He still wanted to show off the money he had earned in the past six months.

Jin Yan glanced at Lin Heng in the distance and said to her brother: "Don't go out and embarrass yourself with the little money you have. Go back as soon as possible."

Jin Hai was unconvinced: "What's so embarrassing? Why can't I show off that I've made more than a thousand yuan in half a year?"

No one in the village could earn so much money. Of course he wanted everyone to know that he was rich.

Jin Yan shook her head and said, "I earned more than two thousand just to dig a fish pond. I even bought a three-wheeled motorcycle a few days ago. Why are you showing off?"

"While... on a three-wheeled motorcycle!" Upon hearing this, Jin Hai couldn't help but stutter.


Zhao Hu, who had prepared all kinds of bragging rights, also stopped, turned his head and asked in disbelief.

They have seen a lot of the market outside, and they have naturally seen three-wheeled motorcycles. Even if they are second-hand, they can't afford them, so they can only watch them from a distance.

And even if Lin Heng has a household worth ten thousand yuan, he digs fish ponds and opens a shop, how can he get so much money?

"I've seen it with my own eyes, how can it be false?" Jin Yan looked at Jin Hai and said again, "A few days ago, someone driving a jeep came to his house in person, and they didn't know what they were talking about. Don't go asking for it. It’s hard to eat.”

After hearing this, Jin Hai felt like a deflated balloon being pulled back by her sister.

Zhao Hu looked at Lin Heng who had arrived not far away, looked embarrassed, and turned back dejectedly.

"how so!"

He couldn't figure it out and decided to go back and investigate. This was too weird.

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