Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 223 Naming the dog and the quiet breakdown of the bad friends

"Hey, what happened to Jin Hai and Zhao Hu? Why did they suddenly run away?" Lin Hai asked curiously.

Lin Heng waved his hand indifferently: "Who cares? It doesn't matter."

"Yeah, it doesn't matter."

Lin Hai laughed and walked towards Lin Heng's house with Tian Yan.

Xiaoxia returned home first with the dog and waited at the door.

Lin Heng opened the door and the three dogs rushed in first. The two puppies made baby noises. Jin Bao, who was basking in the sun on the stone table, looked up at everyone and lay down lazily.

There was still sunshine in the yard at this time. Xiulan put up the clothes, and Lin Heng went to get tea sets and snacks. Several people sat around the stone table to bask in the sun.


Jin Bao was squeezed out of his position, and he cried out in dissatisfaction, yawned loudly, walked under the eaves and lay down again.

Lin Heng took a sip of tea and asked, "What do you think are the best names for these two puppies?"

Lin Hai immediately answered, "I think one is Xiaoqing and the other is Xiaohei."

"Then it's better to call them Qinglang and Heilang." Tian Yan rolled her eyes, took a sip of tea and continued, "The Qinglang dog is called Zhuifeng, and the other is called Lightning. Only those who run fast can catch prey."

Caiyun thought for a while and said, "One is called Fengshou and the other is called Yuanbao, which means that you can gain something every time you go out."

"Brother Lin, what names do you think?" Lin Hai asked curiously.

"I haven't thought of it yet, what do you think, Xiulan?" Lin Heng looked at Xiulan.

Xiulan looked up and thought for a while, and said, "The Qinglang dog is called Laifu, and the thin dog is called Nacai."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Then let's do this, I'll get a pen to write down all the names, and let Xiaoxia draw lots immediately."

"This is a good method." Caiyun was the first to agree.

Others also nodded repeatedly, thinking that this method is good.

Lin Heng went into the house to get a pen and paper, and wrote down the names that everyone had thought of. He didn't write because he couldn't think of any.

"By the way, what did Xiaoxia grab when she was doing the Zhou-Zhua ceremony?" Tian Yan asked Xiulan while holding Xiaoxia.

Xiaoxia was fair and clean, and Tian Yan liked to cling to her in her arms, and she didn't care even if her breasts were attacked.

Xiulan thought for a while and said, "At that time, the Zhou-Zhua items included books, pens, money, seals, and flutes, and she grabbed a pen."

"That's good, she has the potential to become a writer and scholar in the future." Tian Yan said with a smile.

The few people drank tea and soon chatted about their own Zhou-Zhua items.

"It's written."

After a while, Lin Heng wrote the words, crumpled all the paper strips into a ball and threw them into the bowl.

"Xiaoxia, come and name the dog."

Caiyun said with a smile.

"You can only grab one at a time." Tian Yan said beside her.

"Okay." Xiaoxia nodded in a baby voice and walked to the edge of the table to grab.

When Xiaoxia was catching, everyone made a bet. They all thought that whoever could catch their own would have to drink a large glass of water if they lost.

Xiaoxia looked in the paper ball and took out the first paper ball that named the blue wolf dog. When she opened it, she saw the words Lai Fu written on it.

"It turned out to be Xiulan's. Is this a telepathic connection between mother and daughter?" Tian Yan said with a smile.

"Oh, I can only pray that the next one will be mine." Caiyun said helplessly.

Xiulan smiled slightly, looked at Xiaoxia and said, "Catch the second one quickly. I'll give you a candy after you catch it."

When she heard about candy, Xiaoxia shook her head and went to catch the second one. When the paper ball opened, Caiyun cheered. It said "Feng Shou".

"Haha, I don't need to drink water." Caiyun laughed.

"Well, the blue wolf dog will be called Lai Fu from now on, and the thin dog will be called Feng Shou." Lin Heng smiled and nodded, and said, "Those who want to drink water should drink it quickly."

He didn't participate in the naming, so he naturally didn't need to drink it.

"I'll tell you, Sister Tian Yan, Brother Lin Hai!" Caiyun smiled and took two large cups and filled them with warm water.

Lin Heng asked Xiaoxia to call the two puppies' names, while Lin Hai and Tian Yan drank boiled water, and the yard was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"I'll give you a drink."

Lin Hai finished his own drink, took Tian Yan's half-finished drink and drank it in big gulps.

"You really love my sister Tian Yan." Caiyun laughed beside her, and Tian Yan took a biscuit to block her mouth.

After playing for a while, Xiulan went to cook, leaving a few people in the house to have lunch.

Young people don't have so many etiquette, and they had lunch at Lin Heng's house.

"Isn't this fish good? This is caught by Xiulan herself."

Lin Heng boasted to everyone about the crucian carp on the plate. Today's crucian carp was braised.

"It's delicious. Xiulan's cooking skills are beyond words." Tian Yan affirmed first.

Caiyun also nodded: "Yes, my brother is so happy."

Only Lin Hai was not at the table, because he went to the toilet and drank too much water just now.

After eating and cleaning up the dishes, Lin Heng sent Tian Yan and Lin Hai out.

"Knock knock knock!"

"Lin Heng, it's me."

Just after closing the door and entering the yard, there was a knock on the door outside.

When Lin Heng heard that the voice was his childhood friend Liu Sheng, he immediately walked over and opened the door.

"Long time no see." He greeted with a smile.

"Long time no see, your house has really changed a lot." Liu Sheng walked into the yard and looked at Lin Heng's house with envy.

This yard and house are completely different from half a year ago. There is no longer any tacky look of mud walls. Now it has become very elegant and warm.

There are also beautiful red official hat chairs in the yard, as well as this domineering sidecar that looks full of mechanical beauty, which makes him feel as if he has not been out for half a year, but for decades.

Looking at Xiulan picking vegetables in the distance and Xiaoxia walking the dog, Lin Heng's life is really perfect. But he doesn't even have a partner now. He was urged by his father as soon as he came back today.

"Haha, it's just a casual decoration. Sit down." Lin Heng took him into the main room and poured him a cup of tea.

For Liu Sheng, Lin Heng has always maintained goodwill and the friendship that grew up since childhood.

Drinking tea, the two chatted for a few words. Lin Heng and Liu Sheng knew everything about Lin Heng. He knew all the things they did when they went out.

Half a year ago, Zhao Hu used his father's relationship, and the three of them took 10,000 yuan from the bank. Zhao Hu borrowed 5,000 yuan, Jin Hai borrowed 3,000 yuan, and Liu Sheng borrowed 2,000 yuan.

The three of them bought a big tractor together and transported some things with price differences from the provincial capital Ancheng to Taibai City and several other small cities for resale.

At the end of the year, they made a total of more than 2,000 yuan, and Liu Sheng got 700 yuan. He paid back the interest and part of the principal and took home more than 400 yuan, while Jin Hai and Zhao Hu only paid the interest and took back a lot of cash.

"Actually, I didn't want to come now, but Zhao Hu and the others kept asking me to come and see your strength, so I had no choice but to come." Liu Sheng was very frank and did not hide anything from Lin Heng.

In fact, if he could choose, he wanted to start a business with Lin Heng, but Lin Heng's work was not suitable for him, so he could only follow Zhao Hu to make some money first.

"I guessed this. He must have been dissatisfied when I left him at the beginning, and wanted to see me regret it." Lin Heng smiled, and was not surprised by Liu Sheng's frankness. After all, the two had been playing together since childhood.

After taking a sip of tea, Liu Sheng smiled and said, "They didn't believe you when they heard you bought a sidecar. Now it seems that they will be very unhappy. They can't celebrate the New Year. When they came back, they were thinking about how to show off to you."

"Haha, that really disappointed them." Lin Heng smiled.

After taking two sips of tea, the two chatted about other things, such as future development plans.

Liu Sheng looked at Lin Heng and said, "They plan to work for a few more years and take out a loan to buy a large truck or a few tractors to set up a transportation company.

This thing is really profitable. I am now following Zhao Hu, which is much better than doing farm work at home. It's just that rural household registration is very inconvenient."

"It's good. Just remember to take it easy when you have important decisions."

Lin Heng nodded. It's good for young people to dare to go out and make a living. It's better than farming at home.

But for transportation, they are okay on a small scale, but it's not so easy to expand the scale. He was so miserable in his previous life because he blindly took loans to expand the scale in the 1990s.

At that time, the company had just been established, and Zhao Hu offended a well-known transportation company, and was tricked into leaving a large number of goods in his hands.

The company's capital chain was broken, and Lin Heng, Liu Sheng and others were still thinking about how to get through this hurdle, but Zhao Hu secretly sold assets and ran away with the money, leaving them with a pile of debts.

Zhao Hu usually looks very loyal, but when it comes to the real crisis, he will only betray his friends.

In fact, it was also Lin Heng's fault. At that time, they trusted Zhao Hu too much and let him take all kinds of seals and materials, otherwise it would not be so miserable.

"There is no problem at present." Liu Sheng said.

Lin Heng looked at him and gave another piece of advice: "I suggest you save the money you make, and don't invest too much in it. Improve your family's life first."

In his previous life, he also made money at the beginning, but he invested it all again, and didn't give much to his wife and children, and finally all went down the drain at once.

"Yes, I will." Liu Sheng nodded, and after taking a sip of tea, he said, "Take me to see your house. You have done a good job."


Lin Heng nodded, not knowing whether Liu Sheng listened to him or not.

After walking around Lin Heng's house, Liu Sheng was a little shocked: "You are really rich. Is hunting so profitable?"

I remember when he played bow and arrow with Lin Heng before, Lin Heng said that even if he had good aim, he didn't want to hunt, but now it seems that it was all a cover-up. Hunting made him a lot of money.

"Haha, this thing depends on luck." Lin Heng smiled slightly.

Liu Sheng shook his head gently: "My dream is the same as yours now, but it's a pity that I can't even shoot accurately with a slingshot, otherwise I would try hunting."

After chatting for a few more words, Liu Sheng went to see Lin Heng's car again, and wanted to leave after seeing it.

Lin Heng wanted to keep him for dinner and have a good chat.

"I can't eat. Zhao Hu and the others are still waiting. Let's do it another day." Liu Sheng pointed outside and said.

"Then tomorrow night?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Okay, I'll come tomorrow night." Liu Sheng nodded and walked out.

He left Lin Heng's yard, but did not go home, but went directly to Zhao Hu's house.

Zhao Hu and Jin Hai saw Liu Sheng coming, and hurriedly came up to ask in unison: "How did you find out?"

Liu Sheng nodded and told them everything he saw and heard at Lin Heng's house, including the three-wheeled vehicle, the wild boar meat on the wall, the furniture made of yinchen wood, including the construction of the house and some words said by Lin Heng.

He asked Lin Heng about these, and then told Zhao Hu and Jin Hai.

Zhao Hu was puzzled: "This is not scientific, how can he be so rich without going out, is there really so much wealth in the mountains?"

Jin Hai shook his head: "Impossible, there are more than one person hunting in the village, and no one is so rich. Did he pick up gold in the mountains?"

The two of them thought it was more reasonable to pick up gold.

Although they didn't say it, a sense of frustration arose. Not only is he rich, but he also has a happy family. It's really infuriating.

Especially Jin Hai, he completely stopped and didn't want to show off to Lin Heng. With such wealth, he couldn't touch porcelain even if he worked outside for a year.

"Our business has just started, it's only a matter of time to surpass him. Even if we pick up gold, we can't pick it up often, right?" Zhao Hu encouraged himself. He couldn't understand why he didn't see Lin Heng had this ability before.

"Alas, my sister said that it seemed that Lin Heng was the one who gave Lin Heng the idea to seduce Tian Yan. This son of a bitch." Jin Hai said depressedly.

When talking about this, even Liu Sheng was a little angry. Tian Yan was the only one in the village who was educated and elegant. They all wanted to take her back as their wife, but who knew that Lin Hai would steal her away.

"Humph, if we can't deal with Lin Heng, how can we deal with Lin Hai?" Zhao Hu snorted coldly, and he felt disgusted with Lin Hai.



On the other side, Lin Heng sent Liu Sheng away, and trained the blue wolf dog Lai Fu and the fine dog Feng Shou in the yard.

The two little puppies were quite cute when they cried, but it was a bit difficult to train them.

Xiaoxia watched Lin Heng training the dogs next to her, and seemed to be learning. Xiulan was bored and found a book to read slowly.

Before I knew it, it was dark, and another day passed like this. As usual, I read a story to coax Xiaoxia to sleep, and then I had a close relationship with Xiulan and bit her ears, and fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day was the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, and every household began to clean the house and prepare for the New Year.

Lin Heng's house is a new house, very clean, and he didn't get up very early in the morning, but stayed in bed for a while.

Getting up to exercise and eat breakfast, this is what he does in the morning, but it's not boring to live with someone you like.

Just after breakfast, Lin Heng heard Caiyun coming over to tell him a piece of news.

Zhao Hu and others showed off in front of Lin Hai, and mocked him for not being worthy of Tian Yan, etc., but the funny thing is that they were upset by Lin Hai's repeated words that Tian Yan was his girlfriend.

He wanted to chase Lin Hai and teach him a lesson, but he didn't run past Lin Hai and was easily defeated.

When Tian Yan heard the news, she went directly to chase Zhao Hu and Jin Hai away, and bluntly said that she had decided on Lin Hai, and would never like the three of them, and she directly pulled Lin Hai to kiss.

"What happened next?" Xiulan asked curiously after hearing the gossip.

Caiyun smiled and replied, "It is said that the two drove away on a motorcycle. I don't know whether they went out to play or not to celebrate the New Year. Anyway, they looked very ugly when they left."

Xiulan couldn't help but smile when she heard it, and Lin Heng asked curiously, "Caiyun, how did you know?"

"A little boy in the village told me." Caiyun spread her hands and said that she also had many little fans in the village.

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