Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 224 People will eventually be trapped by things that they cannot obtain when they are young.

After breakfast and a short rest, Lin Heng and Xiulan went to deal with the pig head and internal organs. The hair of the pig head needs to be burned clean and then peeled off before stewing.

The internal organs are simply washed. The ones bought may not be cleaned clean, so they need to be washed again with alkaline noodles.

After Lin Heng finished processing the pig head meat, he looked at Xiulan and said, "Let's kill another chicken and make a stewed chicken."

"Then you kill two chickens and two ducks, which will be enough for the New Year." Xiulan thought for a while and said.

"Okay, you boil water, and I will kill them."

Lin Heng took a rope and went to the back mountain. The chickens and ducks were still in the pen and had not been released. The ducks then drew two unlucky eggs, and the chickens turned the door to catch and eat two big roosters that like to attack centipedes and scorpions.

The wings and legs were tied and carried back to the backyard. Even if they screamed, it was useless.

After Xiulan's water was boiled, Lin Heng started to kill the chickens. Killing a chicken is also very skillful. You need to hold the wings, legs and neck of the chicken with one hand, pluck the hair on the neck, and cut the trachea and aorta with a 100-tempered steel dagger.

After cutting, hold the chicken leg with your right hand and let the blood flow down better. Lin Heng always catches the chicken blood. He and Xiulan don't like to eat this, but his parents like it very much. He can send it to them after it is done.

After a while, the chicken stopped moving after the blood was drained, and it was thrown aside to continue killing the next one.

Lin Heng and his brother have been in charge of killing chickens in the house since they were young. They are very skilled and it only takes one minute to kill a chicken or duck.

"The water is here!"

After Lin Heng killed the chicken, Xiulan also came with a bucket of water.

The water was boiled, and there was no cold water. Put the killed chicken in it to scald it, and the hair was easily plucked.

Xiaoxia had nothing to do, so she ran around in the backyard with the blue wolf dog Lai Fu, as if simulating hunting. Lin Heng and Xiulan were busy plucking the feathers of the chickens and ducks. It took them half an hour to pluck them clean.

"I'll get a scale to weigh them."

Xiulan went into the house and took the beam scale. After weighing, they were both satisfied with the weight. The roosters weighed six pounds and seven pounds respectively, and the ducks weighed more than four pounds each.

This was a chicken that had been raised for half a year. This weight was already very good.

It took another half an hour to dissect the intestines and deal with the internal organs. The chicken was finally killed.

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. Xiulan cooked the chicken and duck blood and asked Lin Heng to take them to his parents. She started to make lunch.

"Dad, let's go together."

Lin Heng went to deliver the things, and Xiaoxia followed behind him with the blue wolf dog Lai Fu. She likes Lai Fu now, and takes it with her wherever she goes, and she plays less with Xiongba.

Lai Fu howled like a husky, and his baby voice was really attractive. Several little girls in the village were also very envious.

After giving the chicken and duck blood to his mother, Lin Heng strolled outside the yard for a while. There were many children playing with wooden spinning tops in the yard of Li Caifeng's house next door, and the laughter could be heard from far away.

There were also a few people playing with iron rings on the road below, pushing the iron rings with hooks to see who could roll farther, and the competition was also very lively.

Lin Heng felt that the memory of playing with these things seemed to be still yesterday, and it felt that there were many mists between them, and those memories were blurred by the wind of time.

He wanted to try it, but shook his head again, and pulled his daughter into the house, thinking that he should keep it for playing with his daughter and son in the future.

For lunch, Xiulan made fried pork with garlic sprouts, using fresh pork given by his father, and the taste was extremely fragrant.

These two things were fragrant enough just by frying them casually, not to mention that Xiulan's cooking skills were very good.

"It's so delicious."

Lin Heng praised it endlessly, sandwiching a few garlic sprouts with a piece of meat, and then eating it with a mouthful of rice, this is the most delicious enjoyment.

"The meat is delicious!"

Xiaoxia doesn't eat garlic sprouts, but she also praises the meat.

"It's OK as long as it tastes good." Xiulan ate with a smile, feeling happy.

After dinner, Lin Heng washed the dishes and was bored, so he prepared to make a wooden car for Xiaoxia to play with some scraps of boards left over from making furniture, the kind that she could sit in.

"Knock, knock!"

"Lin Heng, open the door!"

Just after he finished making the bottom plate of the car, Liu Sheng's shout came from outside.

Lin Heng opened the door and saw Liu Sheng walking in with two bottles of Erguotou. He smiled and said, "There's nothing good to take, so I just brought you two bottles of Erguotou, don't be disgusted."

"It's really unnecessary. Given our relationship, you still bring gifts when you come to my house." Lin Heng looked at him speechlessly.

Liu Sheng entered the house, put the wine on the long grain cabinet, and said with a smile: "This is not a gift. It's almost the New Year and it's not good to come empty-handed."


Lin Heng shook his head helplessly and prepared to take him to the study for tea. But Liu Sheng said he was not thirsty, and said hello to Xiulan, and wanted to make a wooden cart for Xiaoxia with Lin Heng.

"This is not fun, and it can't be finished in a day." Lin Heng shook his head.

Liu Sheng has a very long horse face like his father. This face shape is often ridiculed in the village as "a tear shed last year, and it hasn't reached the mouth this year". When he was a child, he often fought with others for this, and Lin Heng was always loyal enough to help.

Now he has grown his bangs a little longer, and looks a lot better. He wears a black cotton jacket and is a little fatter than before.

Liu Sheng laughed: "Recalling my childhood, I always wanted to make a wooden cart of my own. Now making one for my niece is a dream come true."

When they were young, they loved playing the game of pulling carts. One person tied a wooden board with a rope and pulled the other person to run on the main road.

Several children in the village later had wooden carts made by adults and showed them off everywhere. Liu Sheng also wanted one, but unfortunately his father had no idea of ​​making one for him. He would only spank him with a wicker stick and say that he was not doing his job properly.

Lin Heng looked at him and smiled and said, "If you don't want to drink tea, let's go out and play. I'll take you to see the wooden house below that I built on Hongfeng Mountain."

Having their own secret base outside was also one of their childhood dreams.

"Okay, then I'll just go over and have a look." Liu Sheng smiled and nodded, quite interested in this.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan who was smashing walnuts and asked in a low voice: "Honey, Liu Sheng and I are going to play in Hongfeng Mountain, are you going to go?"

Xiulan raised her head and glanced at him, and said softly: "You go ahead. I won't disturb you and reminisce about old times. Just come back before dark."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and said, "You don't have to smash the walnuts. I'll do it for you tomorrow morning."


After agreeing with Xiulan, Lin Heng took the key, bow and arrow and Xiongba, and walked to Hongfeng Mountain with Liu Sheng.

"Now that I think about it, I shouldn't let you run around with us."

When Liu Sheng walked out of the yard, he sighed with emotion. He was extremely envious of the relationship between Lin Heng and Xiulan.

"It's all about making money." Lin Heng smiled. He went out just to make money, but he made the mistake of trusting Zhao Hu too much.

"You have made money in the house now. I'm so envious. What did you think at first that you suddenly went home?" Liu Sheng asked curiously.

Lin Heng smiled slightly and said: "I had a long and very real dream, and then I woke up. I feel that money is important and family is important."

"Okay, it seems you have figured it out." Liu Sheng is not surprised. Sometimes people will change a lot after they have figured it out.

Xiongba ran in front, while Lin Heng explored the road at home. Lin Heng and Liu Sheng chatted, and it didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at Hongfeng Mountain.

Arriving in front of the wooden house, Lin Heng said with a smile: "Look, this is the wooden house I built this year. Is it okay?"

Liu Sheng's eyes lit up when he saw this wooden house: "This is not only good, it is so good and so beautiful."

He said and tried the swing first, then looked at the wooden platform, and finally entered the wooden house. After looking at it three times, Liu Sheng took a deep breath: "It would be great if I could build such a house when I was a child."

When he was young, he, Lin Heng and Lin Hai spent more than half a month collecting wood to build a simple wooden house. They called it a secret base. They liked to hide in it when they got angry at home, and even grilled frogs and river grouper in it. .

It's just a pity that the secret base didn't exist for a month before it was deliberately pushed down by the old man from the Tian family who was dead in the village, took it home and burned it. At that time, they were so angry that they secretly beat two of the old man's chickens to death, and the vegetable garden was ruined. The angry old Tian family man cursed in the village for several days.

Lin Heng also sighed with emotion: "It was because we didn't have one when we were young, so we built it when we grew up."

People will eventually be trapped for life by the things they can't get when they are young.

There was no wind in the woods today. Lin Heng took some charcoal from the house to light it, boiled a pot of water, and made a cup of tea.

There was no snow in winter, and there was nothing to see in the distant scenery. The two of them wandered around in the forest, and Liu Sheng suggested catching two fish to grill and eat.

On a cold day, only two people could catch fish in the freezing mountain stream. Lin Heng fished one out from under the stone in a short while.

"Your skills haven't changed at all." Liu Sheng said in surprise.

"That's natural." Lin Heng smiled slightly, his ability to catch fish was already engraved in his bones.

I caught about ten stream groupers, none of them big, so I washed them in the stream water, took them up and grilled them on the charcoal fire.

"It's not bad, it tastes the same as before." Liu Sheng took a bite and said with a smile.

Lin Heng also nodded. The fish taste of the river grouper is not very strong. After grilling, the fish tastes tender and fragrant, and seems to have a hint of sweetness.

After playing here for a while, Lin Heng took him to search in the nearby woods, but unfortunately there was no trace of the prey.

During this time, you have to go hunting in the mountains, or squat in the green wheat fields and rapeseed fields where there will be wild boars, or wait until night to go to the edge of the ditch to have a look.

Lin Heng didn't expect to catch any prey. When it was getting dark, the two of them walked back. On the way, they met Liu Ciwen, who was herding cattle. Lin Heng chatted with him for a few words.

After returning home, Liu Sheng insisted on helping Xiaoxia build the wooden cart, but Lin Heng did not stop him anymore. He went to help Xiulan and made the wooden cart with him.

At half past six, Xiulan finished frying the vegetables, and Lin Heng asked Liu Sheng to eat.

Liu Sheng saw the dishes on the table and said in shock: "Oh my god, are you making a New Year's Eve dinner? It's so rich."

The four meat, four vegetarian and eight dishes are of a higher standard than his New Year’s Eve dinner.

"I've hunted the most wild boar meat. Let's eat it freely. Let's have a drink first." Lin Heng raised his glass with a smile.

"This is too much, Xiulan's craftsmanship is so good." Liu Sheng also picked up the wine glass and said with a smile.

"You praise me before you even eat it, but you can barely eat it."

Xiulan said modestly, she took Xiaoxia with her, drank rice wine, and occasionally added a few words.

"It smells delicious, and one bite is better than what's served in a restaurant."

Liu Sheng praised a few words and started drinking with Lin Heng.

After the meal, Liu Sheng felt that it was more comfortable than going to a restaurant. It could be said that he was full.

After finishing the meal, when sending Liu Sheng away, Lin Heng brought him a piece of meat: "I'll bring you some wild boar meat and give it to your parents to try. You've seen a lot of it in my house, so don't refuse."

"Okay, thank you." Liu Sheng looked at it, didn't refuse, took the meat and left with a smile on his face.

After seeing off Liu Sheng, Lin Heng helped Xiulan clean up the table.

The next day, it suddenly became much colder in the morning. After exercising, Lin Heng smashed the walnuts. He knew that this was what Xiulan was going to use to make dumplings.

In the south, there must be rice cakes for the reunion dinner, while in the north, dumplings are a must. They are in the Qinling Mountains, the border between the north and the south, so it depends entirely on their own preferences. Lin Heng's family likes dumplings.

Xiulan hurriedly made breakfast and was busy with braised meat, because she had the old stewed soup that she had saved before, and her sister-in-law and Lin's mother came to ask for some braised meat to take back.

Lin Heng helped to light the fire for the whole morning, and at noon he drove his sidecar three-wheeled motorcycle to Huangtan Town.

Today is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, which is also the 31st day of the first lunar month in the solar calendar. He has to go down to settle the accounts when the store is closed, and by the way, pay Wang Zhou's wages so that he can go home for the New Year.

He also brought his own cakes, honey, and a braised golden chicken to Grandpa Gao. Although he certainly won't lack these, this is also his intention.

The golden rooster was not shot by himself, but bought from Wang Kaidian in the village.

Before the Chinese New Year, he also gave some gifts to Director Jin, Li Chengguo, Guo Xu, and even Ge Qingshan.

When Grandpa Gao saw Lin Heng taking these things, he was naturally happy. As the saying goes, good gifts are not blamed.

"Brother Lin, I have calculated the accounts for this year. We opened on September 7th, and now it is seven days and five months away. The total profit is 2,020 yuan."

Seeing Lin Heng coming out of Grandpa Gao's house, Wang Zhou smiled and handed the account book to Lin Heng.

Lin Heng nodded and took the account book. After looking at it for a while, he didn't find any problems.

The store and the purchasing station originally estimated that the profit was a little more than 3,000 yuan a year, but now it has sold 2,000 yuan in five months.

This is not unrelated to Lin Heng's sales routine. Another point is that the purchase price of mountain products here is not so harsh, and some people from other towns will come to sell, especially some more valuable mountain products.

"How much cash is here now?"

Lin Heng asked.

"There are 823.78 yuan in cash." Wang Zhou handed over a black cloth bag and said.

Lin Heng counted the money and found that it was correct. The money he took was just right.

After thinking for a while, Lin Heng took out four ten-yuan bills and handed them to Wang Zhou, saying with a smile: "Twenty is your salary, and the other twenty is the year-end bonus. You have done a good job this year."

"This... so much!"

Wang Zhou's eyes widened suddenly when he saw so much money. He thought that the year-end bonus Lin Heng mentioned would be good for five yuan, but it was directly his monthly salary.

This was a huge surprise.

"What's wrong, do you think it's too little?" Lin Heng smiled.

"Of course not, thank you Brother Lin."

Wang Zhou shook his head quickly, took the money and nodded vigorously, feeling very flattered.

"It's the same. Just sign the salary slip. Then wait for me here. I will take you home after I finish my work," Lin Heng said with a slight smile.

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