Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 226 I will accept your apology

Chapter 226 Your apology≠I want to accept it

Lin Heng and his eldest brother took the children out to play with cannons, blowing up mud and dog pots.

It was like reliving the happiness of my teenage years.

In the room, Xiulan Caiyunlin's mother, Liu Juan, and others were playing cards, talking and laughing with each other.

"My dad?"

Lin Heng returned to the room and asked curiously.

"He's asleep, in the house." Mother Lin pointed to the bedroom.

Lin Heng poured a cup of tea into it. His father was lying on the bed and snoring very loudly. Putting the tea aside, he looked at the sleeping man.

This man's cheeks were sallow and rough, and there were two obvious wrinkles on his forehead. Time had left many marks on his face.

Although this man is not perfect and has many minor flaws, he has never treated his brothers and sisters badly since he was a child. He gets up early every day and works till midnight to support them.

Therefore, their childhood was not very happy. They were often ordered to work. Their greatest joy was being taken to the river to catch fish, and occasionally they would be given a wooden toy to chip.

Most of my memories are of working in the fields.

But this is not his fault. After all, it is not easy to have so many mouths to eat and to hand over a lot of public food.

After exhaling, Lin Heng turned around and went out. He still had to make money, otherwise it would be a problem to feed his father when he got old. He couldn't count on a pension of only 100 yuan a month.

However, the world is like this. The rewards for those who contribute at the bottom are always pitiful. There is no real fairness in the world. Only by working hard to get out of the bottom can there be hope.

Those who farm, dig coal, build roads... in the end they can only return to the land where they grow and grow with all their injuries, and the prosperity they build often has nothing to do with them.

However, Lin Heng was relieved that at least he would never let his family become like this again in this life, but more efforts would be needed in the future.

"Son, are you ready for the fight?"

Lin Heng walked out of the bedroom, and Lin's mother smiled and shouted that he was very happy this year.

"Aren't you enough people?"

"Your sister doesn't want to play, she wants to go out for a walk."

"Okay, let me play a few games."

Lin Heng nodded and sat on the table. He was with Xiulan, and his mother was with his sister-in-law Liu Juan.

Both sides start playing from 5, 10, and K. After the fight is over, they start playing from 2.

In the first hand, Lin Heng called the master of clubs, but the card was not very good.

However, when fighting Xiulan, the two of them cooperated very closely and could always guess the opponent's intentions and play the right cards.

This may be the tacit understanding between husband and wife. After living together for a long time, the other party will know what you are going to do with every little move you make.

After a while, Lin Heng and Xiulan had already played 5, 10, and K, and started playing 2-2.

"I don't want to play anymore. What are you playing with? It's like you two are checking cards with each other."

Lin's mother started cheating and said she wanted to start over.


Lin Heng laughed, Xiulan also smiled and said nothing.

"Change it, Xiulan, you and my family can be together." Mother Lin suggested.

"Okay, let's play again."

Lin Heng spread his hands, changed positions, and the four of them started again.

But this time it was mostly chatting. Originally, Lin Heng and Xiulan wanted everyone to go to their place for dinner in the evening. But the elder sister-in-law Liu Juan insisted on letting them go to his house, but she had no choice but to agree and go to his house another day.

Then everyone discussed the matter of going to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the Lunar New Year.

When paying New Year greetings, they usually go to their uncle's house first, then to their father-in-law's and mother-in-law's houses on the second day of the Lunar New Year, and then to other important relatives.

But it’s entirely up to your own will.

Lin Heng's family should go to his uncle's place first. Among his three uncles, the eldest uncle and the third uncle are not married and live together, while the second uncle lives in a rented house in the suburbs, far away.

Mother Lin wanted Lin Heng to go to his second uncle's place. After all, he had a car.

He asked his eldest brother Lin Yue to go to his uncle and third uncle, who lived with his grandmother in the mountains, not far away.

Lin Heng was unwilling to do this, and shook his head and said, "Well, let's go together tomorrow morning to pay New Year's greetings to my eldest and third uncle. As for my second uncle, I'll go there later when I have time."

"The main reason is that I want to visit my grandma. My uncle and uncle will definitely like it if we all go there." Lin Heng added.

His grandmother went to the city for a check-up and recovered a lot last time, but Lin Heng remembered that she died not long after this year.

I don’t know if it can be changed now, but at least I’ll visit him during the New Year. If the old man leaves then, it won’t be so uncomfortable.

"That's fine, we might as well go see your grandma. Let's go up and have lunch and then come back."

Mother Lin nodded, she also wanted to see his mother.

Everyone played cards for a while, and at about four o'clock, Father Lin woke up from the wine, looked at everyone and said, "Let's go, it's time to give gifts to our ancestors."

"Let's go." Lin Heng and others also stood up.

Worshiping ancestors on the New Year's Eve afternoon is also a must-have activity every year. Sending lights is also called sending lanterns.

They will light a candle on the door of the ancestor's tomb until it goes out naturally.

This custom comes from ancient sacrifices. At that time, people believed that sending light could light the way home for ancestors and get rid of darkness and evil.

Naturally, the fire paper and incense had been prepared long ago. Lin Heng went to get the fire paper, took Xiong Ba with him, and the family went up the mountain to worship their ancestors.

Xiaoxia also holds her puppy Laifu with her wherever she goes.

There are only three graves that the Lin family needs to pay homage to their ancestors, namely his great-grandfather, great-grandmother, and his grandfather.

It is said that his ancestors were not from here, but fled from the south. The mixed surnames in their village are also related to this.

So much so that his family now chooses names very casually, there is no genealogy, and seniority doesn't matter.

The family walked up the mountain talking and laughing, and the people they met on the way were all going up the mountain to worship their ancestors.

The ancestral graves of the three members of the Lin family are all buried in a place called Cypress Slope, which is a cypress forest. It is said that his great-grandfather asked a Feng Shui master to look at it when he was still alive, and then planted a large number of cypress trees here, which later became the ancestral land of the Lin family.

At this time, Lin Yue pointed to the distance and said: "Hey, there is smoke in the cypress slope. I wonder if it is my third father or the eldest father and the others?"

"Oh!" Father Lin howled over there.

The echo echoed in the mountains, and soon the echo left: "Second father, you guys came late this year."

The voice belonged to Lin Hai, and everyone understood that it was Lin Heng's third father's family.

"Good morning, you're here. We'll come back after you finish it."

Father Lin responded loudly.


The little puppy Laifu barked twice and dragged Xiaoxia forward, running very happily.

After a while, their family also arrived at Cypress Slope. Standing here and looking at it, there are huge mountains extending behind them. Not far in front is the Shiban River, which is like a jade belt entwined. The scenery is very good.

"Third father!"

Lin Heng smiled and said hello.

"Come and help weed, there's a lot of kudzu vines growing here, we need to get rid of them."

Lin Heng's third father, Lin Xutao, said with a smile.

"I'm here to help, while the rest of you burn paper."

Father Lin said something and walked over with a machete.

Lin Heng said a few words to Lin Hai, and went with Xiulan Xiaoxia to burn paper for his great-grandfather.

"Why are you burning paper?"

Xiaoxia took the paper and threw it into the tomb door, muttering in her mouth.

"Burn the paper and kowtow, and you will have more candies to eat in the coming year." Lin Heng said while burning.

"Then I will burn and kowtow!"

Xiaoxia's paper burning speed increased a lot. It was obvious that the attraction of candy was too great.

After burning the paper and kowtowing, Xiaoxia kept mumbling about eating more candies.

Looking at these stone tombs, Lin Heng could only pray for the safety and health of his family.

After burning the paper, he went to his grandfather's grave to remove some grass and found that the perilla he planted had disappeared.

When his grandfather was alive, he liked perilla very much and planted a large area at home. Grandpa liked to put some perilla leaves in everything he ate.

Later, his grandfather passed away, and when he was 12 years old, he planted a few in front of his grave, but now they are gone, probably because they are dead.

In a daze, Lin Heng remembered the days when his grandfather often picked thornberries for him to eat. Compared to his stingy grandmother, his grandfather was a really good person. He treated his grandchildren equally, and everyone had something to eat.

But it seems that no one remembers that he likes to eat perilla. Lin Heng wants to wait for the Qingming Festival to replant a few.

"It seems like snow is falling in the sky!" Xiulan stretched out her arm and looked at Xuezi falling on her arm.

"It's snowing."

Caiyun is also wearing black clothes, and she can clearly feel the sporadic snow.

Mother Lin smiled and said: "Snow is a good thing. Auspicious snow heralds a good year. There is moisture in the ground, so crops will grow next year."

Lin Heng looked at the sky, and went with his elder brother to help clean up the weeds and vines around him. The cypress trees also needed to cut down some branches.

"When you have money later, let's build this place into a cemetery." Lin Yue cut down a few vines and said with a smile.

Lin Heng also had this idea and nodded: "I guess this day won't be too far away."

If you have money, you can build a road up here so that your ancestors can be prosperous.

They had just finished it, and when they heard voices below, everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they obviously didn't like the people coming.

"Hey, you two and three dads are here too. Thank you for your hard work."

The first person to speak was Lin Hui, the second son of Lin Heng and his eldest father Lin Xuping, with a smile on his face.

"Of course I'm here. Who wouldn't come to worship our ancestors?" Father Lin said calmly.

"You guys are here, the vines and weeds are all overgrown, please help me get rid of them." Lin Heng's third father, Lin Xutao, said.

"What's the use of this? Let it grow. But this cypress tree is big enough. I want to cut it back and use it." Lin Hui said with a smile.

Father Lin's face suddenly fell: "If you have the ability to chop me, I have the ability to break your legs. This land is also in my name."

"Haha, seeing how serious you are, Second Dad, I'll just tell you a joke." Lin Hui laughed.

But no one present laughed with him, and he felt a little embarrassed. He turned to look at the front of the tomb and said with a smile: "Brother Lin Heng, you have made a lot of money. The fruits you brought to your ancestors also contained meat. But we My mother-in-law doesn’t have any meat at home, and you don’t even ask me to get some.”

Lin Heng smiled slightly and said: "The old man gave it to your family for old age care. He used to love you the most, so you should give it to him."

"I'll definitely take it."

Lin Hui came over and put a hand on Lin Heng's shoulder, but he ducked away before he could catch Lin Heng, completely disrespecting him.

Lin Hui's face remained normal and he said with a smile: "My parents have gone too far this year. I apologize to your family on behalf of them. We are all a family and should help each other. There is no need to act like enemies. You think so?" Bar?"

Lin Xuping, who followed behind, looked at Lin Heng's father with a smile and said, "Xu'an, we made a mistake this year. We thought you dug ginseng from my forest. I'm sorry."

Lin Xuping and his wife Li Ping also smiled and said: "I'm really sorry. We were misled by our mother at that time. We also found a ginseng in the forest and thought it was too small so we didn't dig it. I thought you had dug it and came to the door." "

Everyone was stunned by these words, and Lin Heng couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny that these two people had to find an excuse to apologize, and they also put the responsibility on the old man.

But his mother-in-law deserves it, there’s nothing to be pitiful about.

Is it because his family is so rich that even the third father can't sit still anymore and wants to ease the relationship?

In fact, Lin Xuping and Li Ping were unwilling to apologize, but after their second son learned that Lin Heng had made a lot of money, he came up with an idea and asked them to come to the old clan's grave to apologize, saying that Lin Heng and the others would never be able to apologize in front of the old clan. Zong’s face is saying evil things, right?

No one said anything, Father Lin and Mother Lin all looked at Lin Heng.

Lin Heng smiled slightly, took Xiulan's hand and said, "Now that Liang has been sent away, let's go back."

It's really funny. Are you thinking of apologizing now? He had bullied his parents for so many years and just wanted to resolve it with just a word of apology. Isn't this a fool's errand?


Everyone walked downstairs without saying a word, not talking to these people at all.

Lin Hui stopped Lin Heng: "Lin Heng, you don't have to do this. My parents are your elders after all, and they both apologized."


Lin Heng laughed again. He felt that his cousin had the qualities of a little fairy. He looked like he was apologizing and what else could he do to me?

"Just because you apologize doesn't mean I have to accept it."

Lin Heng spread his hands and sneered. Not to mention in front of the ancestors' tombs, it won't work even if the ancestors crawl out.

Not only did they steal money for ginseng this year, they also used to ask for money from time to time under various pretexts such as treating the elderly.

Seeing Lin Heng and others leaving quickly, Lin Hui kicked the tree angrily: "It's just a few bad guys, why are you pulling!"

Lin Xuan and Li Ping also looked ugly, and Li Ping started to curse, scolding Lin Heng and the others that they would lose their family fortune sooner or later, and cursed them to die out from raising fish and shrimp next year.

"Hey, I'm just angry because I have money."

Lin Heng, who was down the mountain, laughed loudly when he heard what was said above.

When I heard another sound of kicking the tree from above, I felt very good. I like the way you look at me and get angry because I have money.

"Second brother, you are more direct. It's so cool." Caiyun also laughed. Her parents always want to leave some room, but Lin Heng is not like this at all. She thinks this is the right thing.

"It's to relieve their qi. I'm afraid their intestines will turn green this year." Mother Lin said with a smile.

"It's not just the intestines that are blue, but the whole body is blue." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Father Lin didn't speak, but he smiled. Now that he thought about it, maybe Lin Heng's approach was the right one, and patience was of no use to them.

Thanks to Lin Heng, a good son, otherwise his eldest brother would not have lowered his face and apologized to him. Father Lin felt even more relieved.

The only person who was scared on the road was Lin Heng's third mother, Li Xue. She was glad that she had not offended people so harshly.

When they arrived at the intersection, the two families exchanged polite greetings and made an appointment to say New Year greetings and go home today.

"Hurry up and go home and turn on the lights. It's going to be a blast tonight."

Father Lin said with a smile and walked back quickly. After lingering on the mountain for a while, it was almost dark.

Viewed from the mountain, every household has turned on its lights, and red lanterns can be seen in the distance.

"Go home."

Lin Heng also shouted, picked up Xiaoxia and hurried down the mountain.

"Wait for me." Xiulan led Laifu and chased after her.

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