Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 227 The most beautiful fireworks in Hongfeng Village

After returning home, Lin Heng first turned on all the lights in the house and lit the fireplace.

Finally, he got a lot of charcoal and burned a lot of fire, which meant a prosperous life.

In the past, he thought these customs were meaningless and could be omitted, but later he found that life still needed some rituals, otherwise it would be even more boring.

Life is like this, and he still loves life after recognizing the essence of life. He only understood it when he was old.

"As the saying goes, the fire on the 30th night and the lights on the 15th night, tonight must be prosperous."

After the fire was lit, Lin Heng began to tell Xiaoxia the story of the Nian beast. This was the story his parents told him when he was a child, and now he told it to his daughter.

After listening to Lin Heng's words, Xiaoxia tilted her head and said, "Dad, let's go set off firecrackers to scare the Nian beast away!"

"Okay, I'll show you fireworks."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and went to the house to move a box of fireworks out. It was dark outside now, and it was a good time to set off fireworks.

Put the fireworks near the door outside the courtyard gate, light the fuse with a lighter, close the door quickly and run to the courtyard.

"Fireworks are coming!"

Lin Heng picked up Xiaoxia, and with a bang, the fireworks shot up into the sky, and exploded with a bang, like a flower blooming.

This kind of patterned fireworks is more expensive, even the most ordinary ones are expensive. The ones bought in the village are the kind that only explode without scattering colorful patterns, usually called sky rockets.

Therefore, seeing the beautiful fireworks released by Lin Heng, many people raised their heads to appreciate.

"Look, what beautiful fireworks."

"So beautiful!"

"This is Lin Heng's family, it's great to have money."

Accompanied by sighs, most people in the village raised their heads to appreciate. There is no fireworks show in the village, this year it depends on Lin Heng.

In the yard, Lin Heng held Xiaoxia, Xiulan leaned beside him, and the three of them were also watching the gorgeous fireworks.

"Is it beautiful?"

While watching the fireworks, Lin Heng asked.


Xiaoxia nodded fiercely.

Soon the fireworks were all over, but Xiaoxia and Xiulan hadn't come back to their senses yet.

"Do you want to see more?" Lin Heng asked with a smile. There were still seven large boxes of 49 fireworks in the house.

"I want to see." Xiaoxia said, leaning against Lin Heng's face.

Xiulan also nodded. Who doesn't want to see the beautiful scenery?

"Then let's see it."

Lin Heng went into the house and took another box. Soon the fireworks went up into the sky, and the children in the village cheered again. Xiaoxia was also very happy.

After this box was finished, Lin Heng stopped setting off fireworks. He took a firework stick for Xiaoxia, and after lighting it, she ran happily in the yard with it.

Lin Heng lit one himself, and Xiulan also lit two to play with. They liked to draw circles in the air, or simply watch the fireworks burn out quickly.

When there were no fireworks when I was a child, I liked to light wooden sticks in the air and go back to the house to make various patterns, but I would always get a fucking lesson, saying that I wet the bed because of playing with fire.

He was very confused at the time. Why didn't they care about playing on the night of the 30th? Later I realized that this was an excuse not to play with fire.

Their fireworks stopped, and other families started to set off firecrackers and sky rockets. The sound was deafening and extremely lively.

Xiaoxia was tired of playing and went into the house to talk to Jinbao. Lin Heng and Xiulan sat by the fire to warm themselves.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Second father, my meal is ready, come and eat."

It was almost eight o'clock, and the voice of the eldest nephew Lin Wei came from outside.

"Let's go."

Lin Heng did not refuse, and pulled Xiaoxia and Xiulan out. With Xiongba at home, they only needed to lock the gate of the yard.

"It's really rich!"

Lin Heng looked at the ingredients on the table and smiled. This table of dishes must have taken a lot of thought.

"There's nothing good. Cook it quickly. I'll bring another one over." Liu Juan said with a smile, and turned to go to the kitchen again.

"Hey, someone in the village lit a bonfire. It's so big."

Lin Heng sat down for a while before his father walked in from outside.

"I said that the flames over there were soaring into the sky. It turned out to be a bonfire." Lin's mother smiled.

When everyone was seated and the wine and drinks were all poured, Lin Yue said, "Mom and Dad, my brother Xiulan, let's start!"

After drinking a glass of wine, everyone ate and chatted. There were fried sweet potato balls made of sweet potatoes and glutinous rice flour on the table. Xiaoxia liked them very much and ate one after another.

Lin Heng was very interested in fried river grouper. His sister-in-law was a person who could save things. This river grouper should be from summer and dried until now.

During the New Year, you can eat a ton of vegetables to be full. When they finished their meal, it was already half past nine.

I went home with a burp. I would sleep late tonight because I was going to stay up late. The main reason was that there were firecrackers everywhere and I couldn't sleep.

The fireplace in the bedroom was burning, and there was a pot of charcoal fire in the main room outside.

Lin Heng and Xiulan brought in the bathtub to boil water. The three of them took turns to take a bath. Naturally, the person who said goodbye to the old and welcomed the new had to take a bath.

After taking a bath, there was no TV to watch or radio to listen to, so Lin Heng took a book to read to the two of them.

Actually, now that there is electricity, he can buy a black and white TV or a radio, which does not require the Internet, and the TV only needs a TV dish.

But he thinks it is better to wait until later, reading these books by himself is much better than those, and he plans to wait until around 1990 to buy a TV.

"Dad, I'm sleepy."

At 11 o'clock, Xiaoxia couldn't listen anymore and started to act like a spoiled child.

"We can rest soon, so let's play something else."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, it will be twelve o'clock soon.

I played with Xiaoxia until twelve o'clock. I put her on the bed without continuing to tell her stories. She fell asleep soon after putting her on the bed.

"Let's go to sleep, we'll still have a look at the stars tomorrow morning."

Xiulan took a nap, although the cannons were being fired outside.


Lin Heng also nodded, added some firewood to the fireplace, and went to bed to rest with Xiulan in his arms.

As midnight approached, it was quiet outside for a while, but less than three hours after sleeping, the sound of cannons was heard again. This was someone rushing to be the first to see the sky star.

The two slept for another hour. At four o'clock in the morning, the sound of firecrackers outside came one after another. After a while, they heard their parents starting to set off firecrackers.

"It's time to get up."

Xiulan rolled into Lin Heng's arms, patted his face and said with a smile.

"Kiss me and get up."

Lin Heng smiled, hugged her and kissed her for several minutes.

Then the two of them turned on the lights, got dressed, and got up. Naturally, they had to wear new clothes in the new year, and the two of them put on new clothes from the inside out.

Lin Heng put on a black coat, brown trousers, and black boots.

Xiulan wore a white turtleneck sweater inside, a brown woolen coat that she had never worn before, black trousers, and brown mid-calf boots with a fur collar.

After getting dressed and washing up, she sat in front of the mirror and put on delicate eyeliner, foundation, and lipstick. When she turned around, Lin Heng couldn't help but be stunned. She was so beautiful.

In particular, her temperament is very dignified, she looks elegant and peaceful, soft and quiet. She doesn't look like a rural woman, but a beautiful and educated young woman.

Xiulan saw Lin Heng in a daze, stretched his head in front of her, and asked playfully: "Do you think I should wear my hair in a high ponytail, or would it look better if I wore it loosely like this?"

Lin Heng looked at her and said: "Let it be worn loosely. I think your style today is more suitable for wearing your hair down. It looks soft and elegant with it down, and it looks capable and clean with it tied up. It depends on what kind of temperament you want."

"Then wear it."

Xiulan thought for a while and said that her hair was cut last time she went to the city, so it didn't look messy when she wore it.

"They all look good anyway." Lin Heng smiled and stretched out his hand to smooth out a few strands of her hair.

After a pause, he suddenly bowed and said: "Happy New Year, my wife. I wish you live younger and younger, good health and all the best."

"You have such a sweet mouth, I'll give you a red envelope."

Xiulan smiled softly, took a red envelope and put it in Lin Heng's pocket.

Then he smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Happy New Year, hubby. I wish you good health and success in your career."

"You don't want to wish me more and more handsomeness." Lin Heng said pretending to be angry while holding the red envelope.

Xiulan tilted her head and blinked: "There's no need for handsome, so that others won't worry about you. It's fine that you are mine alone."

As she spoke, she took the red envelope from Lin Heng's hand, stood up on tiptoes, kissed him on the mouth, and put a little lipstick on him.

"Okay, you put some more red envelopes, and I'll dress Xiaoxia."

She said after tidying up Lin Heng's clothes.


Lin Heng licked his lips and prepared many red envelopes, some for children and some for parents.

Xiaoxia was woken up and kept crying. She stopped crying until Lin Heng said he would give her a red envelope and buy a lot of candies.

"There are red envelopes for saying Happy New Year today. You can buy a lot of candies." Xiulan also touched her little face and comforted her.

Xiaoxia rubbed her nose and said with a cry: "Happy New Year~"

"Now, this is what mommy gave you. Tell your daddy that there is still more." Xiulan handed her a red envelope with five yuan in it.

"Happy New Year, Dad~" Xiaoxia looked at Lin Heng again and said with a sweet voice.

"Happy New Year, my dear, may you be healthy in the future."

Lin Heng also handed him a big red envelope.

Xiaoxia is wearing a Northeastern-style cotton-padded jacket with lots of peonies printed on it today. She looks like a little lion.

By the time she got up and washed her face, it was already half past five, and it was still dark.

"It's snowing so hard." Lin Heng walked out and opened the door and said in shock.

Although it's still dark, the snow outside is so clear.

"It snowed yesterday, and it really snowed today. This is a good sign."

Xiulan took Xiaoxia to the door and said with a smile.

"Yes, auspicious snow heralds a good year, let's bring out the star in the sky."

Lin Heng nodded with a smile, went back to the house, took the square table, and went out to worship the heaven and earth, worshiping toward the southeast, which would be auspicious today.

The door is opened, a yellow table is lit, incense is burned, and five thousand firecrackers and a box of forty-nine fireworks are set off. This is also called opening the door to wealth.

After the three of them kowtow and worship, they can go out.

Naturally, the first step was to go to his parents' place. There was still light snow falling in the sky, but it did not affect everyone's mood.

"Happy New Year to grandma and grandpa."

With the experience of getting red envelopes just now, Xiaoxia learned by herself without any teacher, and took the initiative to bow to the two elders and ask for red envelopes.

"Happy New Year to Mom and Dad!"

Lin Heng and Xiulan also greeted each other.

"Thank you my good granddaughter."

"Your mouth is so sweet."

Mother Lin was so happy that she gave Xiaoxia a red envelope, and then gave one to Lin Heng and Xiulan.

After Lin Heng collected the red envelopes, he gave one to each of his parents and said with a smile, "This is to honor you during the New Year."

"Thank you, son." Mother Lin was completely rude and accepted it with a smile.

The same goes for Father Lin. The red envelopes on New Year's Day are all festive, so he has to accept them.

"Happy New Year to my brother and sister-in-law. I wish you good health and a stronger love."

Caiyun also said hurriedly on the side.

"Of course there is also one for Caiyun." Xiulan gave her a red envelope.

"Thank you sister-in-law, you are the best, and you must be forever young." Caiyun said happily while holding Xiulan's hand.

Just when she was happy, a baby voice sounded beside her: "Happy New Year, aunt!"

Caiyun touched her little face and smiled: "Your aunt is not married yet, and I am also a child. I don't give out red envelopes during the New Year."

Xiaoxia continued to bow: "Happy New Year, aunt, give me a red envelope~"

Caiyun, there was no choice but to turn around and run back to the bedroom. After a while, she took out a red envelope and gave it to her: "I'm afraid of you. I'm giving you the first red envelope in my life. You must be healthy and smart."

"Thank you, aunt." Xiaoxia laughed and kissed Caiyun.

"Happy New Year, grandpa and grandma, I wish you good health and all the best!"

After a while, Lin Wei and Lin Tao ran in one after another. They knelt down and kowtowed, smiling and asking for red envelopes.

After bowing to Lin's father and mother, he turned to Lin Heng and Xiulan: "Happy New Year to the second father and second mother!"

"Here you are." Their red envelopes were naturally prepared.

After Lin's father and mother and Liu Juan and Lin Yue also gave each other red envelopes, Lin Heng said: "Okay, we should go out to pay New Year's greetings to Guanyin Mother and pick up some money by the way."

Guanyin Mother is naturally a fairy. The temple is located on a hill at the junction of Hongfeng Village and Shimen Village. It is an ancient temple. It has existed since Lin Heng was a child. Every year during the New Year, every household goes there to burn incense and worship.

"Yes, it's time to leave. It's six o'clock."

Mother Lin nodded.

Everyone took incense sticks and firecrackers and set off for the temple.

It was a little light at this time. Everyone was moving forward with flashlights. There were already groups of people on the road, all holding flashlights and incense sticks to pay homage to Guanyin Mother.

Lin Wei, Lin Tao and others played snowball fights and set off firecrackers. All the children on the road did the same.

"Lin Xuan, Happy New Year."

"The New Year is with you."

On the way, Father Lin was also saying Happy New Year to others.

Lin Heng held Xiaoxia, Xiulan and Caiyun hand in hand, and everyone was talking and laughing. Everyone in the village was familiar with each other, and they greeted each other when they met.

When they almost reached the temple, the sky was already much brighter, and it was estimated that the sun would come out in a while, but it was destined that the sunrise would not be seen because of the snow today.

There are many people in the Guanyin Old Mother Temple. Every year, not only their two villages, but also many people from the Baima Village below will come up to worship.

The temple of Guanyin Old Mother is not magnificent. From a distance, it is just a stone house standing on the top of the mountain. The only beautiful thing is a hexagonal money burning furnace next to it, which is extremely simple and solemn.

Lin Heng and his friends waited for a while and finally walked into the temple. At this time, the sky was finally bright and they could see the road clearly.

The person who looked after the temple was a 60-year-old man from Shimen Village. Lin Heng and others greeted him with a smile, and then began to light incense and worship Guanyin Old Mother.

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