Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 228 Things that cannot be changed even after rebirth

Lin Heng's main purpose of worshiping God was to pray for peace and health. The other things didn't matter, and he didn't pray at all for money.

It was already bright when the yellow watch was being burned, and some women in the village were waiting and chatting. In addition to saying hello during the New Year, they were just complimenting each other, saying your shoes are beautiful, her clothes look good, and so on.

But when Xiulan came over, these people were a little embarrassed to praise her. There was really a big difference.

An unknown woman from Shimen Village asked in a low voice: "Is this an educated youth from the city? He is so beautifully dressed."

"Where is she from the city? Lin Heng's wife from Hongfeng Village is the one who bought the stone in your village. That's the young man in black next to her." Someone pointed to Lin Heng in black not far away. .

"Hi, this young man is quite handsome. No wonder my wife is so beautiful too."

"How can he be so rich at such a young age?"

"They make a lot of money from hunting and farming mulberry trees, and they even open a buying station and a store. The comparison between people is so irritating."

"No wonder..."

"I'm so envious."

"Look at his parents, the clothes they wear are obviously made of very good materials and the styles are very new..."

As several women chatted, everyone around him couldn't help but cast envious looks. But Lin Heng and the others didn't notice the noise. He was busy burning paper and going home.

However, Jin Yan, Li Caifeng, Liu Lan and others who were close to them heard it clearly and had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Half a year ago, they were still secretly mocking Chen Xiulan for not being able to wear new clothes. Now when compared with others, it's like Grandma Liu is very different from Wang Xifeng.

"The burning is over, let's go over there and wait for our parents."

Xiulan finished burning the yellow watch and walked over and said.


Lin Heng nodded and carried Xiaoxia and Xiulan to a platform not far away to wait for the others. His parents were slow to ask for an amulet.

After waiting for a while, it was completely bright and light snow was floating in the sky. Looking up, the mountains and fields were covered with white snow. It could be said that there was thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifting. It was so beautiful.

The trees on the mountain seem to be blooming with white flowers. Only the Shiban River not far below has not frozen yet. The gurgling river water is like a ribbon, and the clear voice is the ice and snow goddess singing softly.

Xiaoxia stretched out her little hand to catch the snowflakes, while Xiulan looked into the distance with a sigh of relief. The snowflakes fell on her waist-length black hair, adding a touch of coolness to her.

Noticing that people were looking at her from time to time, Xiulan turned around to look at the scenery at the bottom of the mountain, and whispered: "I knew I wouldn't look so good in clothes. I feel so uncomfortable being stared at."

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Maybe he is looking at me. After all, I am also very handsome."

Xiulan glanced at him and said nothing, but the meaning was self-evident.

"Okay, okay, let's go home."

Not long after, Father Lin and his group came out, looked at Lin Heng and the others and said.


The three of them nodded and walked back along the rugged mountain road.

Soon we went down the mountain and came to the road.

"Everyone, please pick up some 'money' and go home." Father Lin said, picking up an acorn tree stick and holding it.

Collecting firewood means collecting wealth. If you go out on the first day of the New Year, you have to pick one up and take it home.

"It's still far from the house, don't worry." Lin Heng spread his hands. The cold firewood was not comfortable on such a cold day.

"That's right." Lin Wei and others quickly agreed with Lin Heng.

Mother Lin looked at Lin Heng and asked, "Are you going to pay your first uncle and third uncle a New Year's greeting this morning?"

Lin Heng looked at the sky and said, "Let's go, it won't snow much anyway, I think it's no problem."

"Then go, you have to go anyway and you can't run away." Lin Yue also nodded.

Mother Lin nodded and agreed: "Then when we go back, I will eat the next dumpling and then we can leave."

Everyone had no objection to this and walked back quickly.

On the way back, there were groups of people everywhere, some going back and some going up.

When they were almost home, everyone picked up a piece of firewood and took it. After taking it home, everyone's hair and shoulders were all white, as if they had grown old in an instant.

Unfortunately, Lin Heng did not have a mobile phone. Xiulan, whose head was covered with snow, had a different temperament.

"It's so cold, but luckily there's a fireplace burning at home."

Xiulan got into the house and first wiped the snow off her head with a towel, then wiped it with Lin Heng and Xiaoxia, and then gathered around the fireplace to warm their hands and feet.

It was almost warm, so the two went to feed all the animals and pets in the house. They couldn't go hungry on New Year's Day.

Today, the food for dogs and cats is all meat and nothing else.

After feeding them, Lin Heng and Xiulan packed up their things, getting a bottle of Sanliangye and a box of biscuits for his uncle and uncle, and a pack of milk powder and a box of biscuits for his grandmother.

"It's time to eat, second brother."

As soon as the two finished cleaning up, Caiyun opened the door and came in.


After agreeing, several people hurried over.

When they came over, Mother Lin had already scooped out the dumplings and poured vinegar soup on them. All they needed to do was eat them.


Lin Heng tasted one. It was a dumpling stuffed with pork and green onions. The dumpling filling was hand-chopped and had a grainy texture. It tasted very fragrant.

"I put the coins, and whoever takes them will get a red envelope."

Mother Lin said while everyone was eating dumplings.

Upon hearing this, Lin Wei and the other children became excited. This was a red envelope, and they ate the dumplings with big mouthfuls.

"I got it, I got it Po!"

After a while, Lin Tao cheered and ran to his mother-in-law, the coin in his hand still stained with saliva.

"Here you go, study hard this year."

Mother Lin took out a stamp coin from her pocket and handed it to him.

"I want a red envelope too~"

Xiaoxia tilted her head and whispered coquettishly.

"We still have some for when we eat dumplings tonight."

Lin Heng touched her head and smiled to comfort her.

He had finished eating himself and was feeding his daughter with chopsticks.

"Let's go."

After eating the dumplings, everyone set off to the home of Lin Heng and his third uncle.

Lin Heng went back to get the gift, locked the door and set off. He didn't take Xiongba with him when he went up the mountain, leaving him to guard the door at home.

They walked at the front, his eldest brother in the middle, and his parents at the back.

To go to his uncle's third uncle's house, he had to climb two and a half hills. His house was located in the direction of Shuijinggou. It only takes thirty or forty minutes to walk in normal weather, but today it's snowing and it's probably going to take an hour.


"What a big pheasant."

Everyone had just climbed the mountain northwest of the house when suddenly a huge pheasant flew up, flapped its wings in the air a few times, and disappeared into the vast forest.

"When it snows, there's nothing to eat on the mountain, and the pheasants fly down the mountain."

Lin Heng sighed, hugged Xiaoxia and moved on.

The heavy snow was a good time for hunting, but he didn't want to go up the mountain at all now because it was too cold.

Going up and down the mountain, everyone was not only not cold but also hot and sweating. The amount of exercise was too much, and only the hands and feet were a little cold.

The trails in the mountain forest are not difficult to walk, and you will always be shocked by the snowy scenery when you stop to rest.

"Oh, Lin Wei, you're miserable, I'll tell you!"

"Auntie, I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

The laughter of Caiyun and others came from behind. Lin Wei admitted that he just kicked on the tree and ran away without paying attention, and then let the snow fall on his head.

After Caiyun finished playing tricks on him, he wasn't satisfied and went to play tricks on his grandparents again.

After a while, Caiyun caught him and gave him a hard lesson. Each of them was spanked.


Lin Heng also kicked on a tree, watching the snow fall with contentment. He used to play this way, but now he only kicked empty trees where no one was.

"Okay!" Xiaoxia clapped her hands and cheered.

Xiulan shook her head slightly and said with a smile: "Just like a child."

"I have a younger child, believe it or not." Lin Heng raised his cold hands and laughed.

"No, no, no, I was wrong husband."

Seeing Lin Heng's claws stretched out, Xiulan begged for mercy again and again, and then when Lin Heng wasn't paying attention, she threw a small snowball into his neck and ran away.

Lin Heng was caught off guard by Bing and couldn't help but shudder, and then chased Xiulan, leaving Xiaoxia on the spot.

"Okay, you, I have to let the white rabbit taste the taste of snow today." Lin Heng said while chasing.

Xiulan knew that she was no match for Lin Heng, so she began to apologize: "Husband, I was wrong, I really don't dare anymore."

"No, I have to get back on ice." How could Lin Heng let her go so easily.

"Look, Xiaoxia has fallen." Xiulan suddenly said seriously.

Lin Heng looked back and felt a snowball hit his lower back. When he looked at Xiulan again, he saw her running away with a sly smile.

"You hurt my wife."

Lin Heng gave her a sharp look, then went back to hug Xiaoxia and get something. He really didn't dare to leave her alone.

After picking up the things and moving on, Xiulan walked far ahead, begging for mercy from time to time, but Lin Heng just laughed and said nothing, and even instigated Xiaoxia to beat her.

Not long after, a house came into view. It was made of loess and its black terracotta tiles had been covered with snow. Part of it melted due to the hot smoke, revealing its original appearance.

Behind the house is a large green bamboo forest. In front of the house, the terraced fields are planted with wheat and rapeseed. When it snows, the scene is like a fairy temple, which is very beautiful.

At this time, Lin Wei and others who had been behind also rushed over. Lin Heng's two uncles heard the sound and walked out of the house. Although they were hundreds of meters apart, Lin Heng could clearly feel the happiness of the two of them.

Xiulan was waiting for Lin Heng in the bay on the side of the house. She knew that she had to go to see the adults now and it was too late for Lin Heng to seek revenge.

"I'll hold Xiaoxia."

She came over and took Xiaoxia, smiled and winked.

Lin Heng naturally wouldn't play around with her now, so he straightened his clothes and walked over with her.

"Happy New Year to my uncle and uncle."

Lin Heng looked at the familiar house and the familiar people greeted him with a smile.

Xiulan followed Lin Heng and said Happy New Year, and called Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia glanced at the two of them and said in a sweet voice, "Happy New Year to my third uncle, uncle."

"Everything is fine, everything is fine. Happy New Year to Xiaoxia. Come in quickly, it's freezing."

Lin Heng's uncle Lu Honghai smiled and patted Lin Heng on the shoulder.

"Fortunately, it's not cold when walking." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Aren't your parents here?" Third uncle Lu Honggang asked curiously.

"They're all here, they're probably still behind."

Lin Heng responded with a smile, walked into the house, put down the things, and said, "These two identical ones are for my uncle and my third uncle, and the one with milk powder is for my grandma."

"You come to my uncle's house and you get gifts. It's the same as your own home." The uncle said reproachfully. The thing Lin Heng got seemed to be expensive at first sight, and he was happy in his heart. He had loved his nephew in vain since he was a child.

"It's because they are our elders that they took it. It's not easy for you to go down the mountain." Lin Heng said with a smile. His two uncles were very good to him. When he was a child, they even cut wooden swords for him, which made him cool in the village for several months.

After a few polite words, the third uncle Lu Honggang poured honey water for the three people and said, "You came at the right time. We killed a deer a few days ago. We have delicious food today."

"That's great." Lin Heng said with a smile. He remembered that these two uncles were like this when he was a child. Once they killed prey, they would ask their family members to come up and have a meal.

"By the way, third uncle, where is my grandmother?"

Lin Heng drank a sip of water and asked again.

Lu Honggang pointed to the back and said, "She is warming herself by the fire in the room at the back. I gave her the Ganoderma lucidum I picked up to make water for her. She has been in good health recently."

"Then I'll go over and take a look."

Lin Heng nodded and stood up. Xiulan held Xiaoxia and the other two went to another stove room at the back.

Lin Heng walked into the house and saw his thin grandmother at a glance. She was wearing an indigo cotton jacket full of patches. With deep eye sockets and wrinkles all over her face, she lowered her head to warm herself by the fire. Seeing Lin Heng and the other two, she was stunned for a moment, seemingly not recognizing them.

"Happy New Year, grandma. I am your grandson Hengwa." Lin Heng said loudly in his ear.

After a few seconds, a smile appeared on the old woman's face, and she reached out to grab Lin Heng's arm: "Hengwa, happy New Year, you are here to see your grandma, good, good."

She was trembling, but extremely happy. The old woman was already 76 years old, which was an absolute longevity in this era.

"Yes, we are here to wish you a happy new year. This is your granddaughter-in-law Xiulan, and this is your great-granddaughter Xiaoxia."

Lin Heng pointed at Xiulan and Xiaoxia and introduced them. His grandmother had only met the two once, and he estimated that she had forgotten them.

"Happy New Year, grandma." Xiulan smiled and whispered in her ear.

Xiaoxia also said under Lin Heng's instruction: "Happy New Year, great grandma!"

The old man paused for eight or nine seconds before smiling and nodding: "Okay, everything is fine, Xiaoxia is so big now. The last time I saw her, she couldn't speak. Time flies so fast."

What surprised Lin Heng and Xiulan was that the old man actually remembered Xiaoxia. It was incredible.

"Xiaoxia is so fair and pretty. She looks like my granddaughter-in-law." The old man touched Xiaoxia's cheek and pulled Xiulan and said with a smile.

Xiulan smiled sweetly at what she said. Xiaoxia opened her big eyes and looked at the strange old man curiously. It seemed that she didn't quite understand this kind of aging and this kind of wrinkled face.

Lin Heng helped the grandmother sit down, and she asked tremblingly: "Heng baby, your parents didn't come? I missed your mother for a long time, and I brewed a jar of thick wine for her."

"I'm coming, I'll be here in a while."

Lin Heng answered quickly, looking at the grandmother's appearance, he felt more and more moved and helpless.

What touched her was that her grandmother was so good to her and her mother even in this state. What was helpless was that she could only watch the old lady grow old and die, and could not do anything to change it.

Her grandmother had a miserable life. She was bullied by her grandfather all her life. He would beat her up with fists and feet when she drank, and would insult and beat her at any time. She was able to raise six brothers and sisters including her mother, uncle, etc., because she worked like an ox all her life.

When Lin Heng's grandfather passed away, she was finally able to live a good life for a few days, but she was soon plagued by illness. The injuries accumulated from working like an ox when she was young finally broke out.

Many people in the village said that she was cowardly, and Lin Heng thought so at first. Later, after seeing more and thinking more, he realized that it was not that his grandmother was cowardly, but that she met a bad person.

She was a gentle and kind person like water. Even if she was beaten and scolded by her husband, she never took her anger out on her children. She always had a kind love for her children and grandchildren, and would leave good things for the grandchildren if she didn't eat them herself.

Seeing the old man's appearance, Lin Heng felt mixed emotions. Facing these things, he found that even if he was reborn, he would have no way to deal with them.

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