"Mom, Happy New Year."

After a while, Lin's father, mother and others came over and smiled to wish the old lady a happy new year.

Seeing so many people coming up, the old lady was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth and kept talking to several people.

Lin Heng and Xiulan gave up their seats and went outside to take a look.

Except for the inconvenient transportation, this place is good in other aspects, with beautiful scenery and beautiful environment. Standing in the courtyard, you can see the beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Heng first went to the pen to see the sheep raised by his third uncle. There were more than a dozen of them. This was raised by his third uncle from a little ewe. It took six or seven years to reach this scale now, which is his wife's capital.

"Look, this is the deer we shot, more than 40 kilograms, a fat yellow deer."

Lin Heng's third uncle saw him coming and took out the deer meat with a smile.

The deer skin was peeled, and the meat was bright red and very tempting.

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up: "Great, where did you shoot it?"

Lu Honggang grinned: "On the beam opposite, we suddenly heard a muntjac call a few days ago. Later, we found that this guy was stealing wheat seedlings. We waited for two days and shot him down with one shot."

Swallowing his saliva, he continued: "Let your mother help make it later. Your uncle and I are not good at cooking. You can take some when you leave."

"No need for that. I also shot a lot of wild boars this year. I can't eat all the meat." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Then he pointed to the Jerusalem artichokes piled up in the house and said: "I'll just take some of this. I like to eat this."

Jerusalem artichokes are also called Jerusalem artichokes and devil ginger. They look like ginger and have a very good crisp and sweet taste. Lin Heng's family didn't grow them, but his third uncle's family grew a lot.

"You can take as much of this as you want." Lu Honggang said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

Lin Heng had eaten a lot of Jerusalem artichokes when he was a child, and his favorite was to soak them like bamboo shoots. His family hasn't planted them in recent years, and he still misses them a little.

Sitting in the living room with a charcoal fire in front, Lin Heng talked about hunting with his uncles.

When they heard about Lin Heng's harvest last time in the mountains, they showed incredible expressions and thought it was too fierce.

While processing the bacon, Lu Honghai looked at Lin Heng and said, "Lin Heng, you have a car. We have a chance to go to Changping County to find black bears. I heard that there are still many black bears in the mountains to the northwest. We can make a fortune if we can kill one."

As a hunter, there is no one who doesn't want to kill bears and tigers. He is full of interest in these large beasts.

Lin Heng agreed without hesitation: "Then let's go and try it when we find a suitable time."

There are only a few kinds of prey he has not unlocked in the mountains now, especially after killing so many wild boars, he has a sense of challenge.

Also, it is not illegal to kill these things in this era, so naturally you have to get more, and keep them at home even if they are protected by legislation in the future.

The issue does not have retroactive effect, as long as it is not sold in the future, it will be fine.

"I will ask about it when the time comes, and we will go together after asking."

Lu Honghai said with a smile that he had a great time hunting with Lin Heng in Sanchagou last time.


After chatting for a while, Lin's father and mother also came from the back room, and the children ran out to the yard to play snowballs and build snowmen, having a lot of fun.

The adults were warming up around the stove. After warming up for a while, Lin Heng's grandmother slowly came over from the back room, came to Lin Heng, grabbed his hand and stuffed something in it: "I'll give you a good thing."

"Grandma, keep it for yourself, I have some at home."

Lin Heng didn't need to look to know that this was the rock candy given by his grandmother. Every time he came up, the old man would secretly stuff a few rock candies into his hand.

Because if he gave it to him openly, his grandfather would scold him, saying that his things were not prepared for people with other surnames, and he would leave them to his grandson.

At that time, Lin Heng was also afraid of his grandfather, so he quietly stuffed the candy into his mouth without saying anything. Now that he has grown up, he doesn't eat candy anymore, and doesn't care about two pieces of rock candy, but his grandmother still keeps this habit, as if he is still a child.

"If you are asked to eat, take it, eat quickly."

Lin Heng's grandmother said with a smile.

"Thank you, grandma." Lin Heng had no choice but to accept it, and ate one himself and fed Xiulan one.

Seeing this scene, the old man smiled and nodded, turned around and went to the fire house in the back.

Lin Heng got up, helped her to the back room, opened the milk powder he brought and made him a pack.

Then he talked with her for a while. Whether it was his uncle or his parents, the people in the room thought that it was enough to prepare food and drink for the old man, and they were too lazy to communicate, because the old man couldn't understand and it was very difficult to communicate with him.

Lin Heng was willing to talk to her, even if it was very difficult to communicate. This is because he has experienced old age. Compared with material food and clothing, the old man is actually more spiritually empty.

Even the children are bored and unwilling to communicate more. They are extremely empty in their hearts.

This is not the fault of the children, because it is difficult to understand such things without experiencing old age, and they always think that it is enough to feed and dress well.

His grandmother drank milk powder and listened to Lin Heng talking, with a smile on her face from time to time.

Others were playing in the front, and there were only the grandmother and grandson in the back room. Xiulan found that Lin Heng had not come back for so long, and walked to the back room, listening to Lin Heng telling stories and jokes to his grandmother, and gradually felt a little moved.

It seems that since he came back in May this year, this man has become so gentle, so patient with an old man, and exudes a gentle charm all over his body.

Sometimes I really feel that he has been possessed, but as a pillow person, she understands that this man just strangely matured suddenly.

After looking at it, Xiulan went back to the front to see Xiaoxia.

Lin Heng chatted with his grandmother for thirty or forty minutes. He didn't get up until his mother came over to bring her food.

When he went to the toilet at the back, Lin Heng saw the corn cobs piled up in the bamboo basket in the toilet, and a feeling of fear came to his heart.

Because his uncle's family used this kind of thing to wipe their butts, which was rougher than sandpaper.

When I was a child, I liked everything when I came to his uncle's house, but when I went to the toilet, I would go to the mountains to find leaves to wipe my butt.

After shaking off after going to the toilet, Lin Heng started walking around the back hill alone. His uncle's house was located on the left bank of the ravine, and Lin Heng walked all the way into the ravine.

It's no longer snowing, but it's so quiet in the mountains that you can hear the sound of stepping on the snow. When you look up, you can see the branches bent by the snow, and occasionally there's the crisp cry of a lark.

Walking in such an environment is like a fantasy dream.

When he came to the ditch, Lin Heng first saw a red squirrel holding an acorn. He quickly climbed up the tree and dropped a few wisps of goose feathers.

Lin Heng was not interested in the squirrel, otherwise it would be easy to catch it.

His eyes were on the camellia trees not far away. These trees were not only green, but also in bloom, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

Lin Heng is just a layman. He likes to fold beautiful flowers when he sees them, so he reaches out and folds a handful.

Holding the flowers, he leaned against a big tree and took a deep breath. He liked to stay in such a quiet forest after snow, even if he did nothing, it was still a kind of enjoyment.

After staying there for ten minutes and feeling a little cold, he got up and went home, holding camellias behind his hands.

Before returning home, Lin Heng heard familiar voices. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Xiulan and Xiaoxia building a snowman on the platform outside the crystal.


Walking quietly over, Lin Heng suddenly stomped his feet and made a sound. His original intention was to scare Xiulan and retaliate against her for freezing him today, but by chance Xiulan was about to get up, bumped into him and fell to the ground.

"Oh, what are you doing!"

Xiulan lay on the ground and looked at Lin Heng with helpless eyes.

"Haha! Let's have a snowball fight!" Xiaoxia hit Xiulan with a snowball, laughing so hard that she didn't know whether to live or die.

"Here, it's for you."

Lin Heng quickly brought the flowers in front of him and said with a smile on his face.

"Pull me up."

Xiulan looked at the flowers, stretched out her hand and said.

After getting up, she beat the snow off her body, took the flower, and smelled it happily.

"It's pretty good." She smiled.

Lin Heng said: "Why don't you reward me? It's hard to get such beautiful flowers."

Xiulan glanced at him, stood up on tiptoes and pecked him on the face, then turned back to deal with the filial daughter who was still hitting her with snowballs.

After giving Xiaoxia's butt a few hard blows, Xiulan found that she was still smiling, pinched her face and said with a smile: "If you think it won't hurt if you wear thick clothes, then go back and take off your clothes and give her a good spanking."

Upon hearing this, Xiaoxia suddenly panicked, hugged her legs and acted coquettishly: "Mom, I was wrong~"

"It's late, let your dad help you build a snowman, I won't play anymore." Xiulan poked her, turned around and left pretending to be angry.

Xiulan left, Xiaoxia became smiling again, took Lin Heng's hand and said with some inarticulate words: "Dad, I will give you...I will help you beat Mom...you want it tonight...too help me."

"is it okay……"

Seeing that Lin Heng didn't speak, she shook Lin Heng's hand again.

"Okay, I'll help you when the time comes." Lin Heng nodded with a smile, thinking that his precious daughter is so considerate.

Xiulan didn't go far. After hearing this, she came back and gave her two buttocks again. She smiled and said, "So that's it. I'll beat you after the door is closed that night."

Xiaoxia seemed to be hesitating between begging for mercy and hard work, and finally puffed out her chest and said in a milky voice: "Don't be afraid, my dad will help me."

Xiulan also found it funny and was about to continue teasing her when Mother Lin's voice came from behind: "It's time to eat."


Lin Heng nodded, picked up Xiaoxia, and went over to eat.

Xiulan followed behind with flowers, leaving half an unfinished snowman outside the well.

When we entered the room, the table had been set and the dishes had been served. His uncle’s family had a lot of game, including muntjac and golden pheasants.

Seeing everyone sitting together, Lu Honghai said with a smile: "Let's start eating when everyone is here. Don't talk about any rules and eat openly."

Then he picked up the wine glass and invited Lin Heng and others to take a sip first.

"This sugary wine is good!"

Lin Heng said with a smile that his uncle made sugary wine, which tasted sweet but was actually quite strong.

"If you like, I'll drink it back and give you some. We made a lot of syrup this year." Lu Honggang said with a smile.

"It's just very strong, but I can't drink too much."

Lin Heng said that he didn't want to drink too much.

"There are also shredded sweet potatoes today."

After taking a sip of wine, Lin Heng picked up a shredded sweet potato and couldn't help but ask. The taste is very good, and the children like it the most.

"I made it after watching other people make it. I thought children would like to eat it." Third uncle Lu Honggang smiled honestly.

This was beyond Lin Heng's expectation. His third uncle actually learned this and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up.

After picking up a piece for Xiaoxia, Lin Heng picked up a large piece of muntjac meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth. While eating, he curiously asked: "Uncle and third uncle, have you ever shot a sika deer?"

This thing also exists in the Qinling Mountains, but he has never hit it.

"I saw others beating me, but not many. I was beaten all the time in the early years." Lu Honghai recalled.

Compared to muntjacs, sika deer are naturally more valuable. There were many of them in the early years, but now their number has dropped a lot.

Lu Honggang also said: "People say that there are many places to the west of Taibai Mountain, but I have only heard that. I have never been there myself."

Lin Heng nodded. He still wanted to shoot a sika deer. However, this kind of thing is a matter of luck. The mountain is too big and it is impossible to explore it all.

In addition to the noisy muntjac meat, there is also stewed radish and yam. Lin Heng also ate a lot of them. They are two completely different tastes.

But the best one is the golden chicken. His mother fried it a little dry, and the bones can be chewed and swallowed together. This meat is too chewy.

"Lin Heng, eat meat!"

As soon as Lin Heng stopped eating, her grandmother picked up a big piece of fat meat for her.

"I'll eat this."

Lin Heng took it and put it in the bowl, and quickly picked up a chicken and continued to eat. The elderly like to pick up food for the younger generation.

And the older generation thinks that fat meat is better. Lin Heng can't refuse, so he can only occupy his mouth.

He really couldn't eat such big fat pieces of meat.

When he had almost finished eating, he hurried to scoop up some rice, so that his grandmother wouldn't be polite to pick up dishes for him.

Xiulan was caught off guard and several pieces of fat meat were picked up. Lin Heng knew that she couldn't eat it either, so he took the initiative to take it over, and took it out to feed the dog when he put down the bowl.

After lunch, Lin Heng chatted with his grandmother again, because he was leaving soon and couldn't stay for long during the New Year.

"Heng, baby, please show me the almanac. I can't see clearly. I want to find a day to move the bed."

After sitting for a while, Lin Heng's grandmother took out another almanac.


Lin Heng opened it and read it. His grandmother used to be able to read the almanac and see the date, but unfortunately she can't see clearly now.

Lin Heng read to her for a while, and she thought the sixth day of the first lunar month was a good day, so she planned to move the bed when the time came, because the original place was a little damp.

"Son, I'm leaving."

Lin Heng looked at the almanac, and Lin's mother and others all came in, obviously to say goodbye to the old man.

Hearing that they were leaving, the old man reluctantly held the hands of several people and asked them to play for a few more days, but each family had something to do and really didn't have time to play for a few more days, so they could only promise to come back in a few days.

"Wait a minute."

After saying that, the old woman went back to get some rock sugar and gave two to each of Lin Heng and others. This was the best thing she could give.

"Thank you, grandma."

Lin Heng didn't need these, and his grandma needed them even more, but this was the old man's intention, and she wouldn't feel comfortable if she didn't take it. She thought she would come up to get her some more milk powder in the spring.

After saying goodbye to his grandma, the two uncles tried to keep her, and finally knew that they couldn't stay, so they gave each child a red envelope.

"Thank you, uncle."

Xiaoxia said in a baby voice while holding the red envelope.

Lin Heng took some Jerusalem artichokes and ten kilograms of sugar syrup given by his uncle.

"Dad, can you still walk?"

Walking on the road, Lin Heng asked, his father drank a little too much, and he was worried about something happening.

In fact, he wanted to wait until his father sobered up before returning, but he insisted on leaving now.

"It's okay, I'm not drunk."

Father Lin waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

Lin Heng looked for a while and found that there was indeed no problem. He was relieved when his mother was watching.

But he didn't expect that just after he climbed over a mountain, his father suddenly exclaimed.

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