Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 230 Pickled Fish and Piggy Bank

"what is wrong?"

Lin Heng heard a cry from ahead and thought his father had fallen, so he ran forward quickly.

The eldest brother Lin Yue also rushed forward immediately, even though he drank a little too much.

"Keep your voice down."

At this time, Father Lin's voice came from the front.

"What's going on?"

Lin Heng came over and saw that his father had not fallen, and was a little puzzled for a moment.

"There is an injured eagle that seems to be unable to fly."

Father Lin pointed at Lin Zi in front of him and said.

"A wounded eagle?"

Lin Hengyi was confused. He walked over first, followed by his elder brother.

Looking in the direction my father was pointing, I saw indeed a large bird with gray feathers and trailing wings. Judging from the messy appearance of his feathers, he must have been injured for a long time, and his figure is also a bit thin, as if he is about to die.

"It's so big. Is this a golden eagle?" Lin Yue came over and asked curiously.

Lin Heng shook his head. Naturally, he didn't know him. His knowledge base had not increased after he was reborn. Although he read a lot of books last year, he didn't know anything about species classification.

While they were talking, Lin Wei also came. Looking at such a big eagle, he said excitedly: "Let's catch it back and raise it."

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head: "Of course this is impossible. Eagles only eat meat. One rabbit a day is nothing. You can't afford it at all."

"And even though it's injured, its claws are still sharp. If you peck you, a piece of flesh will be gone." Father Lin also said.

Lin Yue nodded: "Then we can only find a way to capture them. We can't kill them today, but we can raise them until tomorrow."

Lin Heng knew that both nephews wanted to raise them, but it was impossible. These were adult eagles. He smiled and patted their shoulders: "Let's raise a parrot or something later."

After saying that, he also went up to help.

The eagle stayed there for a long time without moving. It seemed that it sensed the malice of Lin Heng and others and began to flee into the forest.

But it couldn't fly because it was walking too slowly. Lin Heng and his elder brother found two sticks and chased it for dozens of meters in the forest to hold it down. Then they held it down with their hands, tied its legs and pinched its neck.

"This is a broken wing."

After controlling the eagle, Lin Heng looked at its shoulder and said.

This guy's shoulder was somehow broken in the middle, and only the flesh was connected, so one wing was dragging the ground.

Lin Yue thought for a while and said: "I guess this is the young eagle that came out of the nest last year. It broke due to poor flying skills."

"Whatever, let's take it back and talk about it later."

Lin Heng lifted the eagle and weighed it. It weighed about four or five kilograms, and the pure meat was probably just over a kilogram. Although the skeleton of an eagle is hollow, its feathers and internal organs also weigh a lot.

Taking out the forest, Lin Heng handed the eagle to his father and went to find Xiulan to beat the snow off her body. The slightest movement in the forest would cause large swaths of snow to fall, and he was covered in snow.

"What's the use of this? Just take it." Father Lin shook his head.

"Let's bring it up first and then talk about it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes, walk faster, it's windy and it's too cold now." Mother Lin also nodded, watching Lin Heng and the others catch the eagle, their feet were numb from the cold.

Father Lin didn't hesitate anymore and walked forward with the eagle in his hand. The guy seemed to have no strength and didn't struggle.

Lin Heng carried Xiaoxia on his back and walked back quickly.

The way back was more downhill than when we came here, but it was difficult to walk in this kind of snow, especially after we stepped on a road and found a wooden stick as a walking stick to make walking easier.

Although it is no longer snowing, there is no sun and the snow has not melted much. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon by the time everyone got home.

Lin Heng went into the house and burned the fireplace and charcoal fire. He stayed in the house for an hour before his body felt warm.

"I'll go out and take a look to see if the snow has melted on the road."

Lin Heng rubbed his hands, said something and went out.

Even if it is snowing, the village is naturally bustling during the New Year. Children gather to play in the snow and cannons, and adults play cards and drink.

Lin Heng looked at the road. The snow on it had been trampled and turned into water. But if the sun didn't come out tomorrow, it would easily turn into ice, which would be even more slippery than snow.

After walking around the village, Lin Heng also saw a few unfamiliar motorcycles and bicycles parked in front of many people's doors, but he just glanced at them and didn't care.

On the way back, I met his eldest brother's family carrying gifts. I knew without guessing that they were going to his eldest sister-in-law's natal home to pay New Year greetings. When I asked, it turned out to be the case.

His sister-in-law's mother-in-law is from Baima Village, which is not far away.

Lin Heng originally wanted to invite their family to dinner, but from the looks of it, his sister-in-law couldn't wait to go home and show off. Although his eldest brother's family was not as good as his own, it was still a well-to-do family.

After all, Lin Heng helped his elder brother earn 200 yuan just by selling yams, which is equivalent to the annual income of a normal rural family.

Turning back, Lin Heng went to see the eagle. His father put it in a cage and fed it some water. Its condition was much better.

Lin Heng finished watching the eagle and then said: "Dad, come over for dinner tonight, otherwise it won't be fun just the three of us. Kill the black fish and make pickled fish tonight."

"Okay, we'll be there in a moment."

Father Lin nodded. There was nothing to refuse from eating in his son's room.

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he went home to catch snakeheaded fish. The fish pond was only covered with a thin layer of ice and it shattered with a light tap. This is because its water source is groundwater after all, and the temperature is much higher.

On such a cold day, almost no fish in the water were swimming. Lin Heng took the net and headed towards the black fish net suspended in the water.


There was a splash of water, and the black fish that had just entered the net rushed out. Waiting for the splash to dissipate, it was already in another corner of the fish pond.


Lin Heng stretched out the net on the second level, but before he could reach the black fish, the guy darted to the other side again.

"Okay, okay, if you don't take the road to heaven, if you don't want to live, then die."

Lin Hengqi smiled. The fish pond was four meters long. It was really not easy to catch this guy, especially since there was a small wooden bridge in the middle. It was not easy to catch this fish with a net, but the fish kept running away.

He went back to the house, took out his compound bow, put a wooden arrow he made on it, and shot out.

With a splash, the wooden arrow entered the water, and a large amount of water splashed. Gradually, a wisp of blood appeared. When the water splash disappeared, the big black fish floated up, and its body was still struggling and swinging slightly.

This arrow directly penetrated the head of Heiyu, and then the wooden arrow hit the stone and broke. If the metal arrow had shot the stone, it would have broken.

"This is what happens."

Lin Heng shook his head and pulled the black fish up easily by pulling the arrow.

"Not only has this fish not lost weight, it has also grown a lot. It seems that the creek grouper has enjoyed it."

Lin Heng weighed it and said to his wife who came out of the house, the snakehead fish originally weighed six or seven pounds, but now it is estimated to weigh eight or nine pounds.

Xiulan smiled and nodded: "No, there is no place for the small fish here to hide. In autumn, you can hear its hunting sounds every day."

Lin Heng nodded, padded the ground with a rotten snakeskin bag, pulled out his arrow and took a dagger to start handling the fish.

Xiulan took Lin Heng's net and put the koi in the secondary reservoir into the fish pond.

She likes these koi fish very much and goes back to feed them every two days.

Lin Heng quickly removed the scales and gills of the black fish, and then used a dagger to cut along the spine. Take out the viscera and divide it in half, remove the head and tail, and then use extremely professional techniques to remove the bones and the only bit of fish bone from the black fish, and cut the remaining fish into thin fillets.

He likes to eat pickled fish very much. He taught himself how to cook it in his previous life. He killed no less than fifty black fish, so he is naturally very skilled in this technique.

"Your technique is okay." Xiulan blinked. This technique is the same as that of a fish seller.

"I've been killing fish since I was a child. I know how to do this after just one look. It's not difficult."

Lin Heng smiled and said that he had indeed learned it after reading it once.

"Do you cook pickled fish?" Xiulan asked.

"Yes." Lin Heng nodded.

It was already getting late, so the two of them started cooking directly. Even members of their own family didn't have to cook too many dishes, and there were all kinds of braised meats already braised.

Xiulan cooked five hot dishes and made a sweet potato, and it was Lin Heng's turn to cook the fish.

Sauerkraut fish is also simple to make. First chop some sauerkraut and stir-fry some sour chili, and then stir-fry some minced garlic.

Then fry the fish head and fish bones in oil until both sides are golden brown. After frying, increase the heat and pour in a pot of 98-degree boiling water. As the boiling water boils, the fish soup will turn into a beautiful milky white color.

This is not the addition of milk, but the fat in the fish bones has dissolved and settled into this color. Of course, there are other nutrients, but not much.

The fish bones are further smashed to decompose all the nutrients in them, and finally the residue is filtered out.

Then add the fried sauerkraut and minced garlic. Lin Heng also likes to add some vermicelli. The vermicelli absorbs the spicy and sour fish soup and tastes extremely delicious. Lin Heng will always add vermicelli when making pickled fish.

After the vermicelli is added, you can season it. After cooking, take out the vermicelli and pickled cabbage and put them in the basin. Then throw the blackened fish fillets that have been coated with starch and egg liquid into the soup and cook on low heat for half a minute. Pot.

The authentic way of making it is to pour oil with green and red Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers, but Lin Heng thought that was too greasy, so he added a handful of coriander cut into two sections and served it.

Xiulan took a bite before serving. The fish was tender and sour, and the vermicelli had the spicy and sour flavor of the fish soup. After one bite, she couldn't help but have another bite.

"It tastes so good, better than anything I cook." Xiulan said with a wink. She found that Lin Heng was very good at cooking fish.

"When you fish with me in the summer, I will make pickled fish and eat it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded with a smile and took the dishes out.

Soon the dishes on the table were all served, and everyone started to get started.

"Everyone try the pickled fish I made, with vermicelli underneath."

As Lin Heng said this, he picked up a chopstick of vermicelli and put it in the bowl, and then gave Xiaoxia some fish meat. The fish meat had no bones and could be eaten with confidence.

Caiyun ate a piece of fish and said in surprise: "This fish is so delicious. Is it really made by you, second brother?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, ask your sister-in-law." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"This vermicelli is delicious. I didn't realize it, son." Mother Lin didn't like fish but she fell in love with the vermicelli.

Father Lin just gave a thumbs up and took several bites.

"Dad, I want more."

After Xiaoxia finished eating, she asked again.

Lin Heng gave her a pair of chopsticks. The fish was easy to digest, so she didn't have to worry about eating it bad.

Lin Heng, Xiulan and Caiyun ate the most vermicelli. After a while, there was nothing left in the pot of pickled fish and all the soup was finished.

Without the pickled fish, everyone started to eat other dishes. Braised donkey meat, chicken, pig ears, etc. were all extremely popular.

Xiulan's fried chicken, stir-fried pork with garlic sprouts, etc. are also delicious, but they are not as appetizing as the pickled fish. This kind of dish with its own appetizing effect makes you want to eat it again.

Lin Heng drank rice wine tonight, which was fragrant, sweet and low in alcohol, and he loved it very much. Xiulan Caiyun Lin's mother also drank rice wine, only Lin's father drank syrupy wine.

Drinking and eating, talking about everything, very happy. The lower class people work hard, and they look forward to a few days of comfortable days all year round, so that they can eat and drink without worry, taste the food that they can't afford at other times, and talk about their visions for the future.

As long as the people sitting are all acquaintances, the New Year's dinner is never boring, just feel that there is no end to the words, and feel that the time for dinner is too short.

After waiting for the wine and food to be full, everyone's faces are filled with satisfied smiles.

Father Lin burped and asked with a smile: "Son, will you take Xiulan back to her parents' home tomorrow?"

Lin Heng nodded: "That's what I decided, but it depends on whether the snow melts. If it melts, we will leave early in the morning and plan to go to the city to see the excitement first, then go to my father-in-law's place at noon and come back in the evening."

From tomorrow, many relatives will probably come to his house. After all, as the saying goes, the poor in the downtown area are unknown, and the rich in the mountains have distant relatives. The news that his family has become a millionaire has spread a long time ago, and many relatives will come during the New Year.

For many people who have not been out for many years, Lin Heng does not want to receive them. It is quite troublesome to be polite. So he plans to go out for a day tomorrow and come back in the evening.

"That's fine, you play your own, and I will receive relatives when they come." Father Lin nodded with a smile, and he also knew what Lin Heng was thinking.

"When I buy a taxi one day, the whole family can go out to see the temple fair and lantern festival during the New Year." Lin Heng sighed, it's good to spend the New Year in the mountains, but it's also good to go out occasionally.

"Don't spend money recklessly. There's no rush for these." Lin's father patted his shoulder.

After chatting for a while, Lin's father and mother went back. Caiyun took a book from Lin Heng's study and read it for a while before going back.

After washing and resting, Lin Heng saw Xiaoxia opening the red envelope she got today.

The red envelopes given to her by Lin Heng and Xiulan were all five yuan in large bills, and the one given by Lin's father was also five yuan, and Lin's mother was one yuan, and his uncle and uncle gave three yuan.

These red envelopes were all big red envelopes, which added up to a worker's monthly salary.

"Xiaoxia, put the money in this, and use it when you grow up and spend money."

Lin Heng brought her a square red toon tree dark wood box with a side length of 15 cm. This box was fixed with mortise and tenon joints and watering, and a three-millimeter-wide gap was opened on it, which was specially used to save money.

This box was one of the boxes that Liang the carpenter made with scraps before.

Xiaoxia took the piggy bank and looked at it, but didn't quite understand how to use it. After Lin Heng taught her once, she saved all the money on her own.

"Then I... I grow up... buy candy."

She muttered softly while filling the box. After filling it, she shook it happily and put it on her bed.

Xiulan originally advocated taking the money back. It was not that she was unwilling to give it to her, but she was afraid that she would lose it. It would be dangerous to take so much money out.

Lin Heng gave her this method and gave her a piggy bank. If she is taught how to spend money from a young age, she will gradually form her own view of money.

When she grows up and opens the piggy bank, she will also get a surprise and gain.

And if you say you will give her a village, but forget it in the end, it will only make the child feel that you are untrustworthy and gradually lose trust in you.

"You make sense." Xiulan nodded, thinking that Lin Heng was right.

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