Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 231: Parents-in-law are shocked

Xiaoxia deposited the money, and Lin Heng told her two more related stories.

She decided to sleep with her money.

After coaxing her to sleep, Lin Heng stretched and went to bed to rest.

He felt a little tired today, and he didn't know why.

"Do you need a massage?"

Xiu Lan noticed Lin Heng's abnormality, came to him and asked with a wink.

Although she was asking, her hands were already moving.

"Thank you, wife."

Lin Heng grinned and lay down on the bed.

Xiu Lan smiled and didn't say anything, and massaged his whole body twice, with delicate and gentle techniques.

Lin Heng immediately felt less tired, and smiled and said, "Rest."


Xiu Lan combed her hair and tied it up gently with a rubber band, then lay down next to Lin Heng.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning. Lin Heng got up early, but didn't rush to exercise, but walked around to relax.

It was only seven o'clock now, and the sky had just brightened. He walked out of the gate of the yard, and Xiongba followed him out to have fun. He was already a big dog, but he was still so cheerful and playful.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw his father, who was carrying a bundle of straw and feeding the cows. In his impression, his father never slept in.

"Dad, you got up so early?"

Lin Heng walked over and said with a smile.

"I'm used to it." Lin's father said nonchalantly.

After feeding the big yellow cow at home, he turned his head and said, "I asked someone yesterday, and they said that the snow on the Baima Village Road has melted. You and Xiulan should be able to go back to your mother's home."

"Okay, I know." Lin Heng nodded. The sky was blue today, and it looked like the sun would come out, so there was no need to worry about snow.

"Dad, I'll take you to the river to fish for crucian carp in a while." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Sure, it was fun to fish for catfish last time." Lin's father nodded.

He used to think fishing was boring, but after catching a fish that time, he liked the feeling.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng went to other places and then went back to the house to exercise.

Xiulan came out to join her. As the two finished exercising, the sun also emerged from the top of the mountain on the other side of the Shiban River. The golden light shone out, but the angle was not enough at this time, so they could only see it but not enjoy the warmth.

But the warm breath had already flowed, the ice and snow on the trees began to melt, and the eaves began to drip.

"The wintersweet seems to be blooming."

Xiulan pointed to the two yellow wintersweets planted by the stream of the fish pond, and the huge buds seemed to be slowly opening.

"You can only wait until tomorrow to appreciate it." Lin Heng nodded. The flowers of the wintersweet bloom for a long time, so there is no need to worry about not being able to see them.

"Then I'll pack up and let's go."

Xiulan nodded and turned back to the house.

After packing up, Lin Heng also loaded the gifts into the car and drove it to the road.

After telling their parents, Lin Heng and Xiulan put on helmets and got on the car under their parents' instructions. There were many people who got up early in the village, and some outsiders widened their eyes when they saw Lin Heng's sidecar.

Yesterday they were still showing off their bicycles, motorcycles or watches in the village, thinking that the villagers had never seen the world. Now they just felt so embarrassed. If they had known that there were such things in the village, they would never have boasted.

Lin Heng didn't know these things, so he helped Xiulan sit on the side. Xiaoxia was held in her arms, covered with a small quilt and a scarf, for fear of catching a cold.

Xiulan and Lin Heng both wore helmets and scarves, and they were wrapped very tightly.

But even so, as Lin Heng started the car and drove forward quickly, he could still feel the cold wind drilling into his neck.

The body temperature seemed to be blown away by the cold wind all at once, which forced Lin Heng to slow down a little.

The snow on the road had not melted. If it was a two-wheeled vehicle, it would definitely not be able to move, but the stability of the three-wheeled vehicle was much better, so it was no problem to walk slowly.

When we arrived at Baima Village, this problem disappeared because the sun shone on the road and the thin ice and snow melted quickly.

With the sun shining on us, driving was not as cold as before.

There was almost no snow on the Huangtan River side, as the terrain here was low and could not hold snow.

As we moved forward, Xiaoxia would occasionally get out of Xiulan's arms to look at the scenery outside and ask her how far we still had to go.

In forty minutes, Lin Heng had already arrived at the junction of Nanping County and Lushui County. If the road had not been too slippery, he would have come here in half an hour.

Going a little further, we came to the small river where Lin Heng had hunted rabbits last time. Lin Heng stopped here, and the water in the river dried up in winter.

"Dad, where is this?"

Xiaoxia got out of her mother's arms and looked around curiously with her big eyes.

"Have you forgotten where I hunted rabbits last time?"

Lin Heng took off his hat as he spoke.

Xiaoxia thought for a while and cheered: "I remember, I shot a big rabbit last time!!"

"Yes, it's here. We'll be at your grandma's house in a while."

"Eat some biscuits. The hot water I brought is not cold yet."

Xiulan had already taken off her helmet and took out a water bag made of squirrel skin from her arms. This water bag can warm the body when it is hot. Now the temperature is about right and it is just right to drink.

After that, she took out a pack of biscuits from the side of the seat. They didn't eat in the morning, and they probably went there in time for lunch, so they naturally had to fill their stomachs.

Lin Heng ate two bites of biscuits and took a sip of the water bag. The squirrel skin was processed through multiple processes such as degreasing, and the water in it tasted without a trace of peculiar smell.

After eating and drinking, the three of them sat on the rocks to bask in the sun. Xiaoxia was too busy to stop and picked up small stones to throw into the river. Whenever the water splashed, she would laugh.

After resting for a while, I looked at the watch and it was already nine o'clock. I got on the car and continued to head towards Liulin Village, Baisha Township.

On the other side, Liulin Village was also bustling at this time, and many relatives came to visit.

Many people in the village ran out to bask in the sun and play cards. Xiulan's father Chen Changxia finished breakfast and was cleaning the shells left by the firecrackers in front of the door.


The roar of a motorcycle came, and soon a small black motorcycle sped past. Obviously, this was also a relative of a family in the village, coming to pay New Year's greetings.

After a while, Chen Changxia heard laughter coming from behind. He couldn't help but take a second look at the rare motorcycles. In addition, many people came to the door on bicycles.

The standard 28-inch bicycle, the clear sound of the bell can be heard from a distance, usually just with two people, walking in the village is also very glorious. Even a bicycle is definitely a symbol of wealth in this era, and you can have face wherever you go.

"Alas, I didn't feel it before, but I didn't expect that there are so many rich relatives in this village." Chen Changxia sighed.

The neighbor next door was also cleaning the shells on the ground. Hearing this sigh, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "Your son-in-law is not bad, doesn't he have a carriage? Why didn't he come to wish you a happy new year?"

Chen Changxia glanced at his neighbor Fang Xingbing. This man's daughter rode a bicycle to wish him a happy new year yesterday, which made him very happy.

"It's far away, even if it's a bicycle, it's not easy to go back and forth. It snowed again yesterday, and I guess he won't come back." Chen Changxia said nonchalantly.

"Hey, bicycles are fast. You don't know if you haven't ridden one. It can run very fast without effort." Fang Xingbing immediately got excited when he mentioned bicycles.

While sweeping the floor and chatting, it seemed that he was about to say that bicycles were better than motorcycles. Chen Changxia didn't want to listen and sped up the sweeping progress.

Boom! !

Just when he was about to finish sweeping, he suddenly heard the roar of a motorcycle again. Looking up, he saw a sidecar motorcycle that he had never seen before slowly coming from a distance. The person sitting on the car seemed very familiar, but he didn't dare to confirm it for a while.

"Happy New Year, Dad!" Lin Heng shouted with a smile.

It was not until he heard Lin Heng's shout that Chen Changxia dared to confirm that this was his son-in-law Lin Heng.

"Okay, Happy New Year." Chen Changxia hurriedly responded with a smile, and threw the broom aside.

The neighbor Fang Xingbing who was sweeping the floor next to him was dumbfounded, stopped his hand movements, and rubbed his eyes.

What's going on? Didn't Chen Changxia's son-in-law drive a horse-drawn carriage before? How did it become this kind of motorcycle?

Although he had never seen a sidecar motorcycle, he knew at a glance that it was definitely much more expensive than an ordinary motorcycle. After changing to such a nice car in half a year, Fang Xingbing seriously suspected that it was borrowed.

"Dad, Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year, Grandpa!"

Xiulan hugged Xiaoxia and got out of the car, and greeted with a smile.

"Happy New Year!" Chen Changxia nodded with a smile, and couldn't help pointing at the sidecar motorcycle and asked: "What kind of car is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

He actually wanted to ask if the car was borrowed, but it was not easy to ask in front of outsiders. After all, this car is not cheap at first glance. Even if there is a purchasing station, it is impossible to afford it in such a short time.

Lin Heng understood his father's eyes at a glance, and smiled and said: "This is a sidecar motorcycle. I made some money in the second half of the year and bought it for transportation."

It was really bought. Chen Changxia was shocked when he heard this. His son-in-law is amazing.

"Xiulan Lin Heng, you are here, come in quickly." At this time, Xiulan's mother Wang Zhi came out of the house and said hurriedly when she saw the three of them.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and parked the car at the gate of the yard.

There was a stone staircase in the yard of his parents-in-law's house, and the motorcycle could not enter, so it could only be parked outside.

Chen Changxia looked at Lin Heng and said, "How about I help you carry it into the house? It's not safe to leave it here."

Lin Heng waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's okay, Dad. Besides, this thing is more than 300 kilograms, and the two of us can't move it."

As he spoke, he took the gifts off the car, and then went into the house with Chen Changxia.

Outside the house, Fang Xingbing looked at the car and was still a little unbelievable. Some other people in the village noticed this strange sidecar three-wheeled motorcycle and cast curious eyes, and many children ran to watch from afar.

The news about the sidecar three-wheeled motorcycle soon spread throughout the village, and many people would curiously take a look. This novel thing is very attractive.

There was even a lot of debate about whether it was bought, rented or borrowed.

After entering the yard, Chen's mother Wang Zhi asked curiously: "Is this the new car you bought, Xiulan?"

"Yes, I bought it before the New Year." Xiulan nodded, and then asked curiously: "Where are my brother and his family? Have they gone out to pay New Year's greetings?"

"Yes, they have all gone to pay New Year's greetings. Now there are only me and your father in the room." Wang Zhi nodded and said.

After entering the main hall, Lin Heng put the gifts on the cabinet. Xiulan looked at her parents and said: "These are all for you. Eating them is good for your health."

"It's enough for you to come, why bring gifts." Wang Zhi blamed.

"Then you should be polite to give Xiaoxia a red envelope when we leave." Xiulan smiled.

The two elders laughed and said that they would give Xiaoxia a big red envelope this time. After saying a few words, Chen's mother Wang Zhi ran to the kitchen to prepare lunch, leaving Chen's father to chat with the two.

During the chat, Lin Heng truthfully told Xiulan the price of his father's tricycle and the fact that it was a second-hand product. He has never been a person who brags about his wealth.

Besides, even if they knew, no one would look down on him. After all, even if it was second-hand, it was worth three thousand. While being shocked, they would also be impressed by Lin Heng's honest character.

After chatting for a while, Chen Changxia suddenly smiled and said, "I heard that there is a temple fair in Baisha Township today. It is very lively. Do you want to go and see it?"

"Sure, we are not hungry yet. Let's go for a walk and come back to eat. Let mom come with us."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded. His father-in-law obviously wanted to go out to play in his own car, so he naturally couldn't refuse.

Besides, going to the park and the temple fair is more fun than being here. It's boring to sit in the house.

"Can so many people sit?" Chen Changxia asked curiously.

"We can sit down if we squeeze in." Lin Heng nodded.

"I'll go get our mom." Xiulan also got up quickly. His mom hadn't been able to visit a temple fair for several years, so she wanted to take her to play once.

Chen's mother Wang Zhi wanted to go to the temple fair very much, but she was still worried about wasting gas money and so on. Xiulan directly pulled her into the house to change clothes.

After the two elders packed up, the five of them went out together.

There were still many children and adults outside the door looking at Lin Heng's sidecar three-wheeled motorcycle from a distance. When they saw them coming out, someone asked curiously: "Chen Changxia, what are you doing?"

Chen Changxia smiled honestly and said: "My son-in-law took us to Baisha Township to see the temple fair."

"So many people are going. Can this car carry it?" Someone asked curiously.

"Sure." Chen Changxia nodded.

Lin Heng turned the car around and let his father-in-law and mother-in-law squeeze in the side position. Xiulan sat behind him and sandwiched Xiaoxia in the middle. After sitting down, he started the car and drove out in the envy of the children and adults.

"This three-wheeler is great. It can actually carry five people."

"I think it can carry two more."

"Chen Changxia is really lucky to have such a great son-in-law."

Watching the sidecar leave, a group of people went home with emotion. Many children shouted that they would buy such a handsome sidecar motorcycle when they grow up.

Lushui County is very flat. Lin Heng drove very fast. The faces of his parents-in-law in the car were shocked and happy. They had never even ridden a motorcycle before, let alone a sidecar motorcycle.

"This feels really good. It's so fast with five of us." Chen Changxia laughed. Today was a great experience. There would be something to talk about when he returned to the village.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "This car has enough horsepower to carry ten more people. The horsepower is better than that of ordinary tractors."

Seeing his parents-in-law happy, he was also happy. Isn't it for these that he worked hard to make money?

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