Liulin Village is not far from Baisha Township, and it takes more than ten minutes to drive there.

The temple fair here is very lively, and the sound of gongs, drums and opera can be heard from a distance.

There were not many people on the street. After crossing the street, they arrived at the temple fair. In the surprised eyes of some passers-by, Lin Heng stopped the car and the five of them walked in to play together.

The scenery here is beautiful, with many wintersweets planted, and the yellow flowers sway in the cold wind, bringing with them wisps of fragrance.

There are theater performers and jugglers here, but Lin Heng had seen these last time and found them boring. But his father-in-law and mother-in-law liked it, and Xiulan accompanied him to watch everywhere.

Lin Hengze took a look at some stalls selling things on the roadside. All kinds of weird and weird things were sold, but it was quite interesting to look at them without buying them.

"There are people playing diabolo here, which is rare."

Lin Heng looked with interest at the two players playing diabolo not far away.

"Come on, let's go burn incense?"

After a while, Xiulan waved to him not far away.

Lin Heng nodded and walked over, then heard Xiulan explain that her parents wanted to burn incense to pray for peace. He didn't have any objections to this, and it didn't cost much, so he went in with them and burned a stick of incense.

This is a Buddhist temple, with Guanyin Bodhisattva enshrined on several sides. The temple statue looks fat and fat. I heard that it was restored within two years of the renovation.

Lin Heng burned a stick of incense worth one yuan, and the family was invited to the backyard to drink tea and enjoy the flowers. All kinds of wintersweets are in bloom in the backyard, which is quite nice. The tea is also very good. It is really nice to drink tea and admire the flowers.

The mother-in-law was delighted with the peace talisman in her hand, while the father-in-law was happy to see the backyard of the Bodhisattva temple, and he could have more to talk about in the village when he returned.

Xiaoxia is curious about the baby and seems to be asking questions, full of curiosity about the world.

After drinking a pot of tea, several people got up and went out. Miao Zhu sent them to the door.

"This temple fair is nice and lively. No wonder they all say it's fun here." After leaving the temple, Chen Changxia, Chen's father, said with a smile.

"I have gained experience, and this is my first time here during the Chinese New Year." Wang Zhi, Chen's mother, also lamented that she never had time to come out during the Chinese New Year in the past.

"If you like playing, let's go shopping for a while. There's no rush."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

After shopping around for a while, Chen Changxia smiled and said, "I'm satisfied too. Let's go back to eat."

"Is it already twelve o'clock?" Chen's mother Wang Zhi asked.

"Yes, it's already half past twelve." Xiulan replied.

"Then we have to go back quickly. You must all be starving." Chen Changxia said quickly, unknowingly playing for such a long time.

"I'm okay." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was actually hungry for a long time, but fortunately this place sold food.

Returning to the parking place, Lin Heng drove everyone back in his car.

As soon as I returned to Liulin Village, I found three people standing outside the door. They had obviously been waiting for a long time. From a distance, I could see the three people walking back and forth. They were obviously impatient to wait.

However, as Lin Heng's car came to a stop, the expressions of the three people softened significantly.

Xiulan recognized that this was her second sister and greeted her with a normal expression: "Second sister and second brother-in-law, have a good New Year."

"Did you buy this??" Chen Xiuhua's eyes widened, wondering why her little brother-in-law had bought such a domineering motorcycle after not seeing each other for a few months.

"Yes, I just took my parents to the temple fair." Xiulan nodded.

Chen Changxia got off the car and said with a smile: "Xiuhua and Chen Lin, I'm sorry, I ran out to play. I'm afraid you won't be able to wait long."

"It's okay dad, this is normal." The man named Chen Lin smiled and waved his hand.

"I've been waiting for more than an hour." Chen Xiuhua said angrily.

Chen Changxia opened the door and welcomed everyone into the house. Wang Zhi pulled Chen Xiuhua to say good things, and indeed forgot that his second daughter came to pay New Year's greetings.

Chen Xiuhua's husband Chen Linze greeted Lin Heng: "You must be Lin Heng. I heard my parents say it last time. I have admired you for a long time."

As he spoke, he handed over a cigarette.

"Thanks, but I don't smoke." Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand.

"That's okay." Chen Lin originally wanted to smoke, but when he heard Lin Heng said he didn't want to smoke, he put it back.

After entering the room, he took the initiative to sit next to Lin Heng and chatted with him. Chen Lin felt that Lin Heng was rich and powerful, and he was relatively related to him. It would not be a bad thing to have a relationship with him, and maybe he could get rich from it.

Lin Heng had nothing to do so he started chatting with him. He thought this man was quite interesting and his words were pleasant and humorous.

Not far away, Chen Xiuhua's eyes turned green with anger. Her husband actually took the initiative to chat with her brother-in-law. Isn't it just a motorcycle? What's so great about it?

"Chen Lin, come out and help me." She made an excuse and shouted to Chen Lin.

After going out, she couldn't help but ask questions: "What do you mean? Are you deliberately going against me?"

Chen Lin was helpless: "I think we should take advantage of this kind of resource. A brand-new motorcycle costs 6,000 to 7,000 yuan, and a second-hand one costs 3,000 to 4,000 yuan. People who can drive this car must be very rich. You and Chen Xiulan are sisters, Don’t we have a natural competitive advantage?”

Chen Xiuhua was shocked that this motorcycle was so expensive, but then she snorted with a straight face: "I won't bow to Chen Xiulan, so give up on this."

"Besides, who knows if that motorcycle was borrowed or rented?" After saying this, Chen Xiuhua turned around and entered the house.

Chen Lin was speechless for a long time. He smoked a cigarette before returning to the house. After entering the house, he apologized to Lin Heng and said nothing more.

Lin Heng understood what had happened, but he didn't care at all. He didn't want to have any communication with Chen Xiuhua and her husband, but Chen Lin took the initiative to talk to him just now, and he thought this person was not bad, so he chatted for a few words.

As for Chen Xiuhua, he didn't want to pay any attention to her. This woman was jealous of Xiulan because of her appearance, and resented Xiulan because her parents were partial to her. It can only be said that she was too narrow-minded. These things have nothing to do with Xiulan herself.

There are many different people, and there is nothing you can do about this kind of thing.

"The meal is ready."

With a voice from the kitchen, Lin Heng hurriedly got up to help serve the dishes.

The dinner table was quite happy. Lin Heng didn't drink, after all, he still had to drive. He held Xiaoxia and fed her the meal. She liked the persimmon cake on the table very much.

It was already two o'clock after dinner. Lin Heng and Xiulan didn't want to stay any longer, so they said goodbye and left.

Xiulan's parents stuffed Xiaoxia with a red envelope, took two large bags of dried fish to Lin Heng and Xiulan, and watched the three of them leave.


After leaving Liulin Village, Xiulan took a deep breath and felt a lot more relaxed.

"Shall we go to the city to play next?" Lin Heng looked at her and asked.

"Let's go. Anyway, there's nothing to do at home." Xiulan nodded.


Lin Heng nodded and headed towards the city. They arrived in the city a little after three o'clock.

After entering the city, Lin Heng first went to the car shop to take a look. When he found that the door was open, he decisively went in to get his license plate.

After the car was put on, he went to the custom-made clothing shop, but it was a pity that the door was not open here.

But he didn't care. He took Xiulan to the most lively Baishui Temple in the city. This temple is close to the Baihe River, the largest river in Taibai City. There are snack streets, commercial streets, antique streets, famous streets, etc. around it.

As long as it is a festival, this place will be very lively.

Lin Heng first came to the antique street, parked the car in the parking area next to it, and took Xiulan Xiaoxia in to play.

There are high-end jade and antique shops, as well as small stalls set up by private individuals, selling all kinds of antiques.

Lin Heng doesn't have golden eyes, he came in mainly to watch the fun, buy something he likes, and it doesn't matter whether it's real or fake.

"This market is so big."

Xiulan was surprised, it was much bigger than the one in Baisha Township.

"I'll take you to the antique market in Ancheng or the antique market in the capital in the future, that's really big." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Perhaps due to the huge number of ancient tombs in the Qinling Mountains, there are also many antique markets, almost everywhere, but the scale varies greatly.

Xiaoxia was pulled by Lin Heng, looking here and there, she didn't dare to speak much because there were too many people, and she also held Lin Heng's tree tightly.

After a while, Lin Heng stopped at a stall selling calligraphy and paintings, which sold all kinds of ancient calligraphy and paintings.

"Which one did you like, boss?" The middle-aged man selling calligraphy and paintings asked with a smile.

"How much is this good bamboo painting?" Lin Heng pointed to a painting of bamboo in ink and asked.

"Boss, you have a good eye. This painting is really great. It is a famous painting from the Ming Dynasty..."

Before the stall owner finished speaking, Lin Heng interrupted him directly: "Stop talking nonsense. How much is it?"

If he said it was a painting by a scholar in the Qing Dynasty, he would believe it. But he really treats people as fools when he said it was from the Ming Dynasty.

The stall owner nodded and agreed: "Okay, if you really want this painting, just give 50 yuan. It will be no problem to sell it for thousands or tens of thousands in the future. This is a Ming Dynasty thing."

Xiu Lan was shocked: "So expensive?"

Lin Heng smiled slightly, stretched out three fingers and said: "Three yuan, plus the orchid painting next to it."

"That's it... Deal!" The stall owner wanted to pull it, but when he saw Lin Heng was about to leave, he hurriedly said.

"It's too late."

Lin Heng shrugged, indicating that he was going to the next store.

"Don't worry, brother, I'll give you another one."

However, it was too late, and Lin Heng left without looking back.

"Do you understand now?" Lin Heng smiled at Xiulan.

Xiulan blinked: "They are all fake, right?"

"You can't say they are all fake, but there is only one genuine one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand. If an outsider plays with it, he will lose everything." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"I have learned a lot." Xiulan said with a chuckle.

Not far away, they saw another place for gambling on stones, and many people were watching.

Lin Heng held Xiaoxia and looked for a while, mainly to learn more. It is impossible to play, this is more of a scam than buying antiques.

After looking for a while, Lin Heng found another stall selling calligraphy and paintings, which was bigger than the previous stall, and there were some bracelets and other things.

After looking for a while, he bought three paintings of plum, orchid and bamboo for three yuan, plus two bodhi root bracelets.

These paintings are of course fake, but he originally decorated them in the house, as long as they look good, it doesn't matter whether they are authentic or not, as long as he is happy looking at them.

It is not difficult to buy authentic products, you can go to the national designated cultural relics store, but the things there are generally more expensive and unaffordable.

Xiaoxia was so happy wearing the bracelet that she shook it every now and then.

When he was about to leave the antique market, Lin Heng saw a stall set up by an old man.

"Uncle, how much is this box?"

Lin Heng asked curiously. The stall was selling nothing else but bamboo mahjong.

This is a kind of mahjong handmade with cow bones and bamboo. Even if it is a fake, it is worth a lot.

"This is from the Republic of China. A box is thirty yuan." The old man said.

Lin Heng bargained: "Will you sell it for three yuan?"

The old man waved his hand unhappily: "I said it's from the Republic of China, the lowest price is twenty-five."

Lin Heng stopped talking and took Xiulan Xiaoxia to go shopping at the snack street. Although I wanted it, the price made me think that I would buy it.

"Twenty is fine."

When Lin Heng left, the old man shouted from behind again, but Lin Heng didn't even look back.

We strolled around the snack street and bought sugar candies and candied haws for Xiaoxia. Lin Heng and Xiulan bought two kilograms of candied fried chestnuts to eat while walking.

Then I went to take a look near Baishui Temple, but I didn’t go inside. I leaned on the railing and looked at Baihe River. The sun was setting, and orange-red clouds covered half of the sky. The light shone down, making Xiulan’s hair seem to be covered with tangled hair. A hint of pink.

After shopping, the three of them walked to the parking place.


With the roar of the engine, golden puffed rice popsicles popped out of the holes of the tractor, and a group of people were waiting to buy them.

These rice popsicles are made by tractors using corn and sugar. Both adults and children like to eat them.

"Dad, I want to eat that too!"

Xiaoxia smelled the sweet smell in the air and whispered.

"Then I'll buy you some."

Lin Heng nodded. This thing is not expensive and very delicious. He also likes it very much.

He walked over and asked the price. It cost one yuan per catty. Lin Heng bought one catty directly. Three one-meter-long plastic bags were filled to reach the weight of one catty.


Lin Heng folded the one in his hand into three pieces and handed one piece to each of Xiaoxia and Xiulan.

"Good times!" Xiaoxia bit into bites one after another, like a greedy puppy.

After shopping, Lin Heng got in the car and sat down. Lin Heng started the car and walked towards Hongfeng Mountain.

I walked slower on the road because the weather suddenly became much colder as the sun went down.

By the time the three of them got home, it was already seven o'clock. Fortunately, the motorcycles had lights, so they didn't have to worry about not being able to see the road clearly at night.

"I thought you weren't coming back?"

Father Lin saw the three people coming back and said with a smile.

"I stayed in the city for a long time and came back late." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Grandpa, the city is so fun. There are so many places to eat." Xiaoxia said in a sweet voice.

"Did you bring it to me?" Father Lin leaned down and looked at Xiaoxia.

"Bring it with you, they are all in the car." Xiaoxia pointed to the rice popsicles in the car.

"What a wonderful granddaughter I am."

Hearing this, Father Lin smiled happily and hugged her.

"You guys put your things over here to eat. I've been waiting for you."

Father Lin hugged Xiaoxia and said again.

"Okay." Lin Heng and Xiulan agreed in unison.

Xiulan took the things, Lin Heng drove the car into the yard, and then walked towards the old house.

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