Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 233 Beating up the naughty kid

Every New Year's Eve dinner was filled with fish and meat, as if to make up for all the food they had not eaten in the past year.

Everyone chatted while eating, telling each other about their experiences today. Lin Heng and Xiulan talked about their play in the city, and their parents said that Li Shiwei and Lin Hai came to pay New Year's greetings today, and they would go back to the festival tomorrow.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day. After warming up, Lin Heng picked up the compound bow and shot fiercely. Even if he didn't go up the mountain, he would habitually exercise. Every time he shot an arrow, he felt refreshed.

"Well, let's go into the mountains in a different direction in a few days." Lin Heng put down the bow and arrow and said to himself.

It is impossible to give up going into the mountains. This is a hobby and a life. He looks forward to the scenery deep in the mountains that no one has ever seen. He likes the feeling of fighting wits and courage with prey, and he likes the exploration of the unknown even more.

This mountain range is too big, and there are still many places that have not been explored. The places he has been to are just a drop in the bucket.

Pull out the arrow, wipe it, put it in the bow bag, and then go to wake Xiaoxia up. After dressing and washing her, the father and daughter go to feed the chickens, horses and musk deer together.

After feeding them, Xiulan's meal is ready. Although it is only breakfast for three people, it is quite rich. The fried donkey meat is very good with rice, and the crucian carp and tofu soup is very nourishing.

While eating, they quietly watch the sun melt the frost. After eating, they can also enjoy the blooming winter plums in the backyard. The koi in the pond seem to have some vitality.

After resting for a while, they got up and went to the mountain to pay New Year's greetings to his aunt's family. In the past, Lin Heng was not welcome, especially by Li Shiwei's wife Cao Haiyan, who was annoyed by him, and Li Shiwei's grandmother also disliked him very much.

But this year is different. Before Lin Heng arrived, their family came out to greet him. Cao Haiyan also became a well-behaved rabbit, speaking gently and pleasantly.

This surprised Lin Heng a little. It turned out that this woman also has this side.

Lin Heng gave all the gifts he brought to his aunt, showing his support for her. Others who want to bully her in the future should think about the possible impact.

He has a large family, and they are all crowded in one house. The food is naturally far inferior to that of Lin Heng's family. Except for pork and the badgers and golden chickens caught from hunting, there is no beef, mutton, or fish, not to mention donkey meat.

However, his aunt Lu Hongyun's cooking skills are good, a little better than his mother.

After eating, Lin Heng was allowed to leave. It was not good to stay for a long time during the New Year. Moreover, there is not even a pond on this high mountain, and there is nothing fun at all.

When Lin Heng was about to leave, Li Baiquan asked with a smile: "Lin Heng, aren't you going to build a feed warehouse on Hongfeng Mountain? When will it start?"

"It's not certain yet. Let's do this, uncle. When it starts, I'll have someone bring you a letter." Lin Heng thought about it and said that the details depended on the situation. He hadn't planned it yet.

"That's fine. This year, it's still just me and Li Shiwei." Li Baiquan smiled and nodded. Working for Lin Heng is much more cost-effective than planting crops.

Lin Heng nodded, and then smiled and said, "The plan for Hongfeng Mountain has not been completed yet, but I may ask you to help plant fruit trees in a few days. This only provides meals."

This kind of mutual help in farm work is part of friendship, so naturally money will not be mentioned. If you talk about money, they will be embarrassed to ask you for help next time.

Li Baiquan smiled and said, "Haha, that's no problem. When the time comes, our whole family will come down to help you plant."

After saying this, Lin Heng said a few words to Li Shiwei. Xiulan was chatting with her aunt Lu Hongyun, while Xiaoxia was reluctant to leave Li Shiwei's daughter Li Leyan. The two were about the same age and could play together.

Li Leyan especially liked Xiaoxia's puppy Laifu.

"Let's go, Xiaoxia!"

Lin Heng shouted.

Xiaoxia glanced at Lin Heng, embarrassed and didn't want to leave.

Xiulan winked at her and smiled, "Then you play here, shall we go back?"


Hearing this, Xiaoxia ran over with Laifu and threw herself into Lin Heng's arms.

"Then let's go, aunt and uncle."

Lin Heng hugged Xiaoxia and said, and then walked up and down with Xiulan.

After walking for a while, he saw Li Leyan running over here, reluctant to leave Xiaoxia, but was quickly stopped by his father.

When he got home and just lit the fireplace to heat up the house, Lin Hai came over and looked at Lin Heng and said, "Brother Lin, come to my house for dinner tonight."

"My brother and his family went there." Lin Heng said helplessly, the meals were one after another.

Lin Hai smiled helplessly, "This is the order of my parents. If you don't go, I can only pull you over."

"Okay, we'll go there ourselves in the evening." Lin Heng nodded and agreed.

As a result, before it was even night, his third mother Li Xue came to call them in person.

After Li Xue left, Lin Heng smiled at Xiulan and said, "It's amazing. My third mother didn't want to let people drink water before, but now she takes the initiative to invite people to eat."

Xiulan also laughed: "It's good that she can correct her mistakes. And you should speak softly, it's not good to be heard."

Lin Heng spread his hands. He believed that even if he was heard, his third mother would pretend not to hear. And he didn't like this person in the first place. If it wasn't for the face of his third father and cousin Lin Hai, he didn't want to talk to her at all.

Every time he thought of the scene of him mocking her for wanting to drink water half a year ago, he was angry.

Then he smiled and said, "Fortunately, you are not that kind of person, otherwise I would have been kicked out of the house long ago."

Facts have proved how important it is to marry a good wife.

Xiulan poked him: "If you want to experience it, I can try to learn it."

"Don't, you can't learn this..."

The two chatted and laughed, then took Xiaoxia over for a meal.

His third mother's craftsmanship was mediocre, but of course Lin Heng wouldn't say it.

Early the next morning, my parents invited their family over for dinner again. This is how they eat everywhere during the Chinese New Year.

At noon, two more groups of New Year's guests came to his house, both of whom were unknown to Lin Heng. They were all left to his parents to deal with.

However, these two groups of relatives have always been close to Lin Heng, saying that they had met him when he was a child. Lin Heng could not remember these at all, but he remembered that they said that he was a waste of money.

Lin Heng didn't want to say anything more. These people insisted on visiting his house and brought their children with them. The five-year-old boy entered the yard and climbed onto the tricycle. It was shaking again and again, but there was no one there. Tube.

Lin Heng wanted to remind him several times, but for the sake of his parents, he took a deep breath and let it go.

Lin Heng was relieved when he saw him get out of the car, thinking that if this was his child, he would have to be beaten.

"What a big dog. The fur is so strong."

Suddenly, the little boy rushed towards Xiongba again, but fortunately Xiongba saw that the situation was not right and dodged away.

As soon as he turned around, he ran towards the little dog Fengshou again, as if this was his home more than his own.

"Don't touch it, the dog is too small." Lin Heng couldn't help but quickly stopped him. This child didn't know how to measure.

Hearing Lin Heng's voice, the woman who was talking to Lin's mother turned around and shouted: "Liu Hao is back, don't touch him!"

"I didn't touch it, grandma, I just looked at the puppy." The little boy named Liu Hao stuck out his tongue and defended.

Lin Heng was too lazy to say anything. He turned around and went into the house to let Xiaoxia take the green wolf dog Laifu and her toys back to the bedroom. It would be terrible if she was beaten by this naughty child.


Lin Heng sat in the bedroom and took a deep breath. His favorability towards these relatives had turned negative.

When he heard Mother Lin taking them to the backyard, he was too lazy to go out and show his kindness as a landlord. I just hope that after reading it, I can take this child away as soon as possible. I don’t even want to leave them with food, so let his mother cook it.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Xiaoxia raised her head and asked curiously.


At this moment, a popping sound suddenly came from the backyard.

"Holy shit!!"

Lin Heng stood up, his anger soaring.

I ran out of the backyard and saw that the naughty kid named Liu Hao just picked up a volcanic stone from the edge of the fish pond and threw it into the bottom of the water.

"What are you doing?" Lin Heng's expression turned serious.

"It deserves a beating, your hands are very mean!"

The mother-in-law next to her grabbed the boy and slapped him on the butt several times, beating and scolding him at the same time.

"I was wrong, mother-in-law, I don't dare to do it anymore!" Liu Hao begged for mercy while covering his butt, which seemed to be in great pain.

Lin Heng felt that the beating was too light and it didn't hurt at all through his cotton pants.

"I apologize to your cousin Lin Heng, hurry up." The woman next to her who was older than Lin's mother said angrily.

"Uncle, I was wrong." Liu Hao looked at Lin Heng and said quickly.

Lin Heng wished he could come up and give him a couple of bucks, because he could see that he didn't feel any pain from the beating at all, and he was pretending to be one.

After taking a deep look at his mother, he found that the fish was not hurt. Lin Heng endured it again and said, "Just don't move around next time. Cousin, please hold this child in check. He is very naughty."

Her mother said this was a distant cousin of hers who was very kind to her when she was a child. And he didn't want to make things worse with the four people here to see his house.

Lin Heng forgave him, and his mother-in-law stopped beating the naughty child, but kept the child close to her.

"Lin Heng's house is not built roughly. I'm afraid it cost a lot of money."

"Yeah, this is so pretty."

"I've always thought Lin Heng was a good kid since he was a kid. He really has a lot of potential."

Relatives nearby praised the house and helped smooth things over.

Lin Heng felt a little relieved when he saw Liu Hao being held back. He replied casually and perfunctorily, then said that he was going to pick up Xiulan and went out.

He did it on purpose. If he went out, it would be hard for these people to stay in his house.

Xiulan and Caiyun had just gone to the river to wash clothes, and Lin Heng met them halfway there.

"Why are you here?" Xiulan asked curiously as she handed a basket of clothes to Lin Heng.

"I'm almost driven crazy by my cousin's grandson." Lin Heng took the basket and complained, telling what had just happened in detail.

Caiyun couldn't help but agree after listening halfway: "That's right, he ran to my bedroom over and over again and rummaged through my things, otherwise I wouldn't have locked the door and excused myself to come out to do laundry."

"I can't wait to give him a kick." Lin Heng said angrily.

Xiulan also frowned: "Don't the parents of this child discipline him?"

After exhaling, she added: "Husband, don't be impulsive, otherwise your parents won't be able to come to the stage. They will leave in the afternoon anyway."

Lin Heng nodded and walked home with a basket in one hand.

When they arrived at the door of the house, they found that the group of people were still in the house. They were speechless. The three of them looked at each other and walked in.

When I found Mother Lin and four relatives sitting in the main room, and the child was missing, I suddenly felt panicked.

Xiulan and the others said hello and went to dry their clothes, while Lin Heng quickly went into the house to look for them.

As soon as he opened the study, he saw Liu Hao. This kid was stepping on his chair and scribbling there with a brush. Lin Heng looked carefully and saw that the paper he was using was the painting he bought, and he suddenly became angry.

"Who asked you to come in and mess with it? Do you know how much this painting is worth?"

With a loud roar, Lin Heng rushed over, grabbed his neck and lifted him up. He picked up the ruler next to him and slapped him hard on his buttocks.

He couldn't bear it anymore. Not to mention his relatives, even if the King of Heaven came, he would still beat me.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'll fight with you as a fool, if you hit me again,, wah..."

This naughty kid was still unconvinced after being slapped by Lin Heng, so he wanted to catch him and bite him. But Lin Heng exercised all his strength every day, grabbed both of his hands and lifted one up to continue beating him.

"What's going on?"

"Stop hitting him. He's broken. You're not doing it lightly or harshly. He's still a child!"

Outside, the child's mother-in-law ran in as soon as she heard the child's heartbreaking cries, and stopped Lin Heng from being beaten without asking whether it was right or wrong.

Mother Lin was also stunned and quickly helped to stop it. Xiulan Caiyun Xiaoxia also came in, so she had no choice but to stop it first.

Lin Heng laughed angrily at his mother-in-law's move, threw the naughty child over, pointed at the calligraphy and painting on the table and said: "Okay, no beating, right? Then you can just pay for it, cousin. I saw this calligraphy and painting at the antique market yesterday I bought them for twenty yuan a pair, five yuan for the wolf-hair brushes, and forget about the gloomy wooden tables and chairs.”

"Ouch, you bitch, just wait for me!" Liu Hao shrank behind his mother-in-law and cursed fiercely while rubbing his butt.


"So expensive?"

Several people's eyes widened when they heard the price. Liu Hao's mother-in-law was also confused. This thing costs more than 20 yuan?

Several people looked at Mother Lin.

Mother Lin raised her hand and then retracted it, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Lin Hengze lost his composure at all. He looked at his cousin and said, "This kid was shaking and swaying in my car. Then he chased my dog, hit the fish pond with rocks, and now he messes with my valuables. I'm going to hit him." You made a mistake right away? You didn’t care at all from beginning to end. I just want to ask if he has a tutor?”

Then he waved his hand again and said, "Don't say so much. Just tell me what to do. My things are also broken."

When Lin Heng asked this question, his cousin's face turned red. Then she suddenly took another ruler on the table and spanked her grandson on the butt.

"I'll beat you to death if I let you move. Whoever asked you to move? Kneel down and don't block it with your hands..."

Accompanied by the pitiful cry of the naughty child, his mother-in-law became more and more cruel.

Lin's mother, Xiulan, and the accompanying relatives all pulled her, but the more they pulled her breasts, the harder they were beaten.

Obviously this is waiting for Lin Heng to pull it.

But Lin Heng acted as if he hadn't seen it at all. He watched with interest and felt more and more comfortable.

Didn't he never give him a chance? Didn't he like to block people when he hit them? Now you know you can’t afford to lose money? Do you know that spanking a child will gain sympathy?

He won't pull it, just to see what you can do.

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