Seeing that Lin Heng didn't move for a long time, and the naughty child was crying more and more miserably, his grandmother didn't know whether to beat him or not.

"Why don't you apologize to your cousin?" She kicked the child on the butt and scolded.

"Wuwu uncle, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was really wrong wuwu!!"

Liu Hao wiped his tears with both hands and apologized sobbingly.

"I can't hear what you said clearly."

Lin Heng said calmly, you didn't listen to the warning before, and now it's not so easy to forgive.

"Don't cry, apologize to your cousin clearly." His grandmother said and raised the ruler again.

Liu Hao wanted to stop but couldn't, because this time it was really too painful, the worst beating ever.

"Wuwu uncle, I was wrong." He looked at Lin Heng and said after barely stopping some of his crying.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to retaliate against me?" Lin Heng said angrily.

"Wuwu I don't dare."

"And you don't dare." Lin Heng asked back with a smile.

Liu Hao stopped talking. He looked at Lin Heng with fear in his eyes.

Lin Heng spread his hands and looked at his aunt and said, "Aunt, where are your grandson's parents?"

"They are all busy working for others. I stay here usually." The woman said embarrassedly.

After a pause, she said embarrassedly, "Well, I don't have so much money now. I will save it when I go back and compensate you."

Seeing that Lin Heng didn't respond, she said again, "I was just anxious just now. Don't blame me."

"It doesn't matter whether I am angry or not. Let the baby's parents give the money. If they don't teach him, they can't blame others. I warned him three times in a row today and he didn't listen. If you let it go, you have to take responsibility."

Lin Heng spread his hands and took out the calligraphy and painting to show everyone. This calligraphy and painting with plum blossoms was completely useless.

Anyway, the money today can't be less, he won't give in. What's wrong with relatives? He didn't give face.

He was not afraid that this person would gossip about him when he returned. He could say whatever he wanted. It was good that there were no relatives to bother him. In his previous life, he had never seen these relatives help his family when they were in trouble. It was useless to keep them.

Lin Heng's words made Liu Hao's mother-in-law confused instantly. He still wanted money. Where could she get so much money?

Lin's mother looked at Lin Heng and said quickly: "Lin Heng, how can you ask your aunt for money? I gave the money. It's my problem."

Lin Yang ignored his mother and looked at his aunt and said: "I'm not asking for money, but I want to teach the naughty child a lesson. Don't you think so, aunt?"

"Yes, that's right, you are not wrong." Liu Hao's mother-in-law let out a long sigh, looking at her grandson who was still crying on the ground, she was furious.

"Then we won't stay, we'll go back now."

After saying that, she pulled her grandson out of the house.

"Then let's go too." The other three relatives also felt a little embarrassed and didn't plan to stay.

"It has nothing to do with you. Stay and have dinner." Lin Heng held Lin's mother and the remaining three relatives.

Lin's mother looked at Lin Heng with helplessness on her face, thinking that Lin Heng was too cruel.

"That's right, let's go and have dinner, Third Aunt. My brother was also confused by anger. The painting was bought yesterday and it was destroyed today."

Caiyun Xiulan also hurriedly came up to smooth things over. After keeping the people, Xiulan went to cook.

Soon a table of delicious food was served. Lin Heng introduced it with a smile, and the remaining three relatives were all attracted by the food.

After drinking some wine, Lin Heng apologized and said that it was not against them, and it was easy to pull them to his side.

Originally, it was the naughty child who was wrong. With these relatives as witnesses, it would not be so easy for them to spread rumors in the future.

On one side are relatives with a monthly income of 10,000 yuan, and on the other side are relatives as poor as them. Lin Heng believes that he does not need to teach him how to choose.

When the three of them leave, he will ask Lin's father to give a bigger red envelope, and the matter will be settled.

It fully proved that he was a polite and sensible young man. When they left, the three of them held Lin Heng's hand with a smile on their faces and invited him to visit them when he was free.

Their attitude was even more friendly than when they first came. This was the result of seeing Lin Heng's strong and ruthless nature, and his polite treatment.

It was like giving a big date after hitting someone with a stick. The principle was mutual.

After everyone left, Lin's mother and father looked at Lin Heng helplessly: "That naughty kid just needs to be beaten up, why do you have to be so heartless."

Lin Heng waved his hand: "Like son, like father. You can tell a person's character from his upbringing. There's nothing worth associating with such a person."

After that, he smiled and said: "Mom and Dad, believe it or not, this family will not come to compensate, they will just deliberately forget about this matter and never associate with us again."

Caiyun also nodded and said: "I think my second brother did nothing wrong. Mom and Dad, you just care too much about these face and so on."

Lin's mother was still unconvinced: "What if they come to compensate?"

"Mom, if they come to compensate, I will give you ten times as much, and then apologize to them." Lin Heng said with a smile.

His parents themselves are the kind of honest and decent people. If they borrow money or owe money, they will pay it back first if they don't eat well.

But there are too many people who only think about taking advantage, borrowing money and not paying it back, and taking all kinds of small advantages. There are too many.

Facing such a person, his parents would suffer. Caring too much about other people's evaluation and feelings is abusing themselves.

"Forget it, forget it. It doesn't matter if there is one less relative. That kid is really annoying." Father Lin waved his hand and turned back.

Lin Heng also turned back home to help Xiulan clean up the dishes.

Lin Heng just entered the house and saw Xiaoxia coming over. She held the corner of her clothes with her little hands and looked at him timidly: "Dad, I won't rummage around."

Lin Heng was amused by her appearance. He understood that she was scared of seeing him beating people. That naughty kid was beaten too badly this year.

Lin Heng squatted down and touched her face and said with a smile: "I know, Xiaoxia won't touch other people's things. You just need to ask her first, and if she agrees, you can do it."

"I know, Dad."

Xiaoxia nodded and went back to the table to play with her clockwork frog, which was one of the toys she bought for her in the city yesterday.

Lin Heng was about to go into the kitchen when Xiulan came out and said with a smile: "I've finished washing, so you don't need to help."

"Then I'll go make my little wooden car." Lin Heng nodded, took the tools and continued to make his little wooden car.

In order to make this little wooden car, Lin Heng bought four bearings in the city yesterday.

The base of this wooden car has been made before, and Lin Heng now only needs to make the shape on it and make a steering wheel.

Lin Heng first used mortise and tenon joints, and then watered it, striving to make it firm, and first made a rectangular car bucket.

He made this car in the shape of an SUV, one meter long, eighty centimeters wide and twenty centimeters high. After it is completed, it can be pulled by a dog or pulled, and can seat up to two children.

Of course, he can't be as delicate as a professional carpenter, but it won't be too bad. He also did carpentry work for a period of time in his previous life.

First, make the square body and install it, and complete the general shape first, and then polish the edges and details later.

Lin Heng was busy doing this all afternoon, while Xiulan was processing the Jerusalem artichokes brought back from his uncle's house next to him, leaving some for seeds, and most of them were peeled and soaked in the jar where bamboo shoots were soaked before.

It's still very good to eat sour, sweet and crispy when it's sour.

After Xiulan finished with the Jerusalem artichokes, Caiyun asked her to go out to dig wild vegetables. Shepherd's purse has grown beautifully during this period.

When Xiulan came back from digging wild vegetables, Lin Heng finally finished the general framework of the car and polished the edges and corners a little.

The next step was to polish the details and install the wheels.

Lin Heng went to his father to help saw five pieces of 10 cm thick oak, about 25 cm in diameter, four of which were polished for tires and one for the steering wheel.

"Aren't you going to your second uncle's place?"

Lin's father asked while sawing wood.

"No, it's too far and I don't want to run." Lin Heng shook his head.

"That's fine." Lin's father nodded, it depends on Lin Heng himself.

After finishing the wood, Lin Heng piled it under the eaves and waited for time to come back. He was busy all afternoon today and wanted to rest.

In the evening, I did what I loved to do with Xiulan and worked for a long time.

The next day was the fifth day of the first lunar month. The New Year was almost over, and all the relatives who were supposed to leave had left.

Lin Heng discussed inviting the village party secretary Tian Dongfu and his family to dinner. Xiulan thought it was no problem and set it for the evening.

Surprisingly, at noon, his second uncle's son, his cousin Lu Zhe and his family actually took the initiative to come to the door to pay New Year's greetings.

Lin Heng was quite familiar with this cousin. He often saw him when he was a child, but he rarely saw him after he was fifteen years old because he was sent to the county town by his second uncle to study.

He greeted them with a smile, took them around the village, played for a while, and talked about what he had seen and heard over the years.

This cousin Lu Zhe was very shocked by Lin Heng's current achievements. In his opinion, his cousin could not have such a skill.

But after talking with Lin Heng, he was shocked again. Lin Heng had changed too much from before, no wonder he had different achievements.

After lunch, Lu Zhe was about to say goodbye. They were going up the mountain to see his mother-in-law, as well as his eldest and third fathers.

Lin Heng sent him away, and invited the village party secretary Tian Dongfu and his family to dinner in the evening. Tian Yan ran over early to play with Xiulan.

"Your yard is so beautiful now."

Tian Dongfu said in shock as he entered the yard.

"I was just guessing, mainly for my own pleasure." Lin Heng smiled casually, and did not mean to treat Tian Dongfu as a leader, but just an elder older than himself.

"It's much more beautiful than my yard." Tian Dongfu said with a smile.

After entering the house, Tian Dongfu noticed the new furniture in Lin Heng's house again, touched it and asked: "I heard that you picked up some yinchen wood. Is this furniture made of yinchen wood?"

"Yes, these are all made of yinchen wood, and this table in the study here is also made of yinchen wood." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Tian Dongfu touched the table and chairs and the bench. He usually doesn't envy others, but today he envied them fiercely.

He thought to himself: "This kid has a very good eye. The wood has been thrown by the river for who knows how long, but he was the only one who found it."

Some people regret that if they had known that this kid had such potential earlier, they would have matched him with their daughter. Although Lin Hai is also motivated, he is still a little behind Lin Heng.

Lin Heng looked at Tian Dongfu and said with a smile: "Uncle Tian, ​​I heard that you write calligraphy very well. Can you give me a pair of calligraphy?"

"That's no problem." Tian Dongfu agreed happily, and then smiled again: "I think these two rulers are good. How about giving them to me?"

"Uncle Tian, ​​take them if you like them." Lin Heng laughed. This thing was made of five pairs of the red toon tree with a broken heart, and there was no shortage of them.

Tian Dongfu sat down, and Lin Heng ground ink for him beside him. I heard from his father that Tian Dongfu used to go to a private school. He practiced calligraphy since he was a child, and he often practiced when he had nothing to do in recent years.

Just by looking at Lin Heng's handwriting, he knew that this old man was much more powerful than him. The words were full of grace and appearance.

As he continued to write, a piece of Ouyang Xiu's "Die Lian Hua" appeared on the paper.

"Uncle Tian, ​​you can become a calligrapher." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Tian Dongfu waved his hand: "It's far from perfect. I just imitate the calligraphy of my predecessors, and I can't write much charm."

"I think this word is beautiful. I will frame it and hang it on the wall." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's up to you, as long as you like it." Tian Dongfu laughed, and naturally it was useful.

Soon after the meal was ready, Tian Yan called her mother Wang Qin over. Wang Qin was even more envious when she saw the layout of Lin Heng's house.

Especially the bluestone floor tiles and dark wood furniture made her drool with envy. They were so beautiful and felt much better than ordinary furniture.

However, he was too embarrassed to speak, and Tian Dongfu would not allow it.

"Uncle Tian, ​​Aunt Wang, try this dish." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, okay." Tian Dongfu looked at the table full of dishes and couldn't help but sigh that Lin Heng was too good at enjoying it. He really didn't save money at all.

Tian Yan also smiled and said: "Mom and Dad, Xiulan's craftsmanship is so good. Come and try it."

"It's delicious. Learn from Xiulan. If you can learn half of it, you won't have to worry about getting married." Wang Qin said with a smile.

"I don't have to worry about getting married even if I don't study." Tian Yan hummed.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, eating food and drinking wine. The food at Lin Heng's house undoubtedly made everyone extremely satisfied.

After having a full meal, Tian Dongfu invited Lin Heng to his home tomorrow night, and then left with a glowing face and a pair of rulers.

This old man usually doesn't take other people's things, so taking Lin Heng's ruler on his own initiative shows that he really regards him as one of his own.

After the others left, Xiulan asked curiously: "You invited the village party secretary, but not the village chief?"

"Of course not." Lin Heng shook his head.

"That's good, I don't want to see Zhao Hu come to our house either." Xiulan nodded, she also wanted Zhao Hu.

"After you have this drink tomorrow, it's time to think about other things." Lin Heng said while helping to pack things.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to start building the warehouse over at Hongfeng Mountain?" Xiulan turned around and asked.

"Those who are not in a hurry can still buy saplings. These will be over after the Spring Festival. I want us to go fishing in the upper reaches of the Heihe River. There are a lot of plum blossoms there. Let's have a picnic as a family and see the big rivers."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

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