Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 235 Exploring the Black River

After washing the dishes, Lin Heng went to get a bathtub and went into the house to boil water as fast as he could. During the Chinese New Year period, although every meal is rich in fish and meat, I am actually quite tired. I want to take a bath to relax myself today.

The water was boiled and Xiulan had already gone in to take a bath, but what Lin Heng didn't expect was that Xiaoxia yelled that she wanted to take a bath with her mother and forced him out.

"Okay, okay, you and mom take a bath."

Lin Heng took off her clothes and handed them to her mother, then sat on a chair and drank tea while watching the mother and daughter take a bath and play in the water.

I have read more than half of the thirty or forty books stored in the house in the past six months, including the fairy tale books I don’t know how many times.

Thanks to my enhanced memory after rebirth, I have memorized most of these books in my mind after reading them. Coupled with my sixty years of experience in my previous life, my understanding is much deeper than the average person.

Lin Heng felt that he could write a novel and incorporate his own life experience into it. Moreover, he is familiar with what themes are popular in this era and can easily become popular.

After thinking about it for a while, he continued drinking tea and writing for a while.

I have this idea, but I think the accumulation is still a bit lacking, so I’ll talk about it later.

Being able to write a book and leave it in this world is a special mark. Even after you die, you can still pass on your stories and thoughts.

And this is also a kind of packaging for oneself, making people feel that they are cultured and thoughtful, not just a nouveau riche, and their children will admire them more.

"Okay, let your dad wipe you down."

After soaking for half an hour, Xiulan said aloud.

Lin Heng came over and hugged her and put her on the bench. He dried her with a towel, put her clothes on and put her on the bed, letting her crawl around on the bed.

Lin Heng saw Xiulan also wiping herself up, and said with a smile: "Won't you join me for a while?"

Xiulan tilted her head and smiled: "Heat some water and take a dip yourself."

The room was not cold, so she wore a set of black underwear and sat in front of the fireplace to dry her hair.

The snow-white skin and black underwear formed a strong contrast, with a mysterious atmosphere that fascinated Lin Heng.

The bath water was still clear and translucent. Xiulan Xiaoxia took regular baths and was not dirty at all. Lin Heng inserted the hot water heater into it and burned it for a while, then he got into the bathtub comfortably.

He rested his head on the edge of the barrel, feeling the hot water eroding his body, feeling comfortable and motionless.

It wasn't until the water cooled down half an hour later that he reluctantly got up from the water, dried himself and went over to tell Xiaoxia a story.

Xiulan dried her hair and sat on the bedside to read novels. She had not been exposed to these things for a long time and it was difficult to read them at the beginning. But under the influence of Lin Heng in the past six months, he also fell in love with the novel, and found that the stories in it were countless times more exciting than the gossip in the village.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng went to bed and Xiulan was still reading. She read very slowly. She might not be able to finish a book in a month. She often asked Lin Heng the meaning and pronunciation of some words.

As the saying goes, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark. You will probably be affected by the kind of people around you. Just like those who study with top students in school, their final grades will not be too bad.

"Go to bed, go to bed."

Lin Heng got into bed and said with a smile.


Xiulan finished reading this paragraph, put the book on the bedside table, turned off the light and went to sleep.

After a while, Lin Heng's hand came over and messed with her underwear.

"I hate it, I'll do it myself~"

Xiulan whispered something, but failed to do so. Lin Heng preferred to take his time.

The two played around under the bright red quilt for a while, and could see each other's faces clearly by the firelight of the fireplace.

Xiulan's cheeks turned red. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it very much. She seemed to have put aside her shame and cooperated with Lin Heng fully.

In the blink of an eye, the next morning, Lin Heng woke up and found that Xiulan was already reading a book. Apparently Shuzheng had seen a certain key node.

Lin Heng rolled his eyes and sneaked into bed to eat a big white steamed bun.

"Oh, you're so annoying!"

Xiulan was suddenly attacked and slapped Lin Heng on the head.

"It's okay. You read your book and I eat my food. We don't affect each other~"

Lin Heng's rumble came from inside the bed.

After a while, Xiulan's cheeks turned soft and her body became soft. How could she read a book here?

Throwing the book away, he turned around to teach Lin Heng a lesson, trying to squeeze him dry. But the final result was that both parties died together and sat together.

Lin Heng was helpless. He just wanted to eat a steamed bun, but he lost a lot of life essence. It was a big loss.

"Would you like to get up?" Lin Heng looked at the beauty next to him and asked.

"I have no energy, I can't afford it, I just stay in bed!"

Xiulan's jade arms were stretched across his neck and she said confidently.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "I didn't expect this. It was your foul..."

Xiulan came up to him and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Are you starting to dislike me now?"

"I'm just afraid I won't be able to get up today."

Lin Heng smiled and said, after all, we are still honest with each other now, who can bear to be hung up like this?

"Then I don't care~ It was you who messed with my reading in the first place."

Xiulan blinked and followed closely.

After lying down for a while, just when Lin Heng was about to get up again, Xiulan quietly dressed and ran away, taking away all the sheets.

"It's not like I'm not afraid."

Lin Heng smiled and was ready to risk his life to accompany his wife.

Xiulan snorted softly: "I'm afraid Xiaoxia will wake up."

After saying that, she deliberately threw a new set of clothes to Lin Heng and covered his face.

It was already after eight o'clock when I got up, and the things in the morning remained the same. After the exercise, I fed the livestock with Xiaoxia.

For breakfast, Xiulan mixed the shepherd's purse she dug yesterday with fern root powder. It tasted very refreshing.

After a hearty breakfast, there is nothing else to do today. Lin Heng is ready to continue making his own wooden cart.

After spending a morning's work, Lin Heng made four wheels. He found a very strong tendon tree as a crossbar, put on bearings and pressed on the wheels. Most of the work on the car was done.

After lunch, I continued to polish other details. By evening, a small wooden car with a slightly rough style was completed. Lin Heng looked around and was very satisfied.


Xiong Ba also called out twice, seeming to be very curious.

"Hey, you happen to be here, then try pulling the car for me."

Lin Heng went into the house and took a rope to make a simple strap to put on Xiong Ba, and then connected it to the wooden cart.

"Run up and dominate!"

Lin Heng patted Xiong Ba's butt and said.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba was obedient and started running. Because the wooden cart used bearings, it was easy to pull up without any effort. He started running happily in the yard. Xiongba was very happy.

"Dad, I want to play too, I want to play too~"

Xiaoxia, who was riding a wooden horse in the house, saw this scene and ran into the yard to chase the wooden car.

"I'll play with it for a while and then give it to you!"

Lin Heng couldn't put it down. He held Xiongba in front while Xiaoxia chased after him.

Xiulan looked helpless at this scene. She is still like a child even though she is an adult.

"We're going to Tian Yan's house for dinner soon. You'd better let her play for a while." She shouted.

Lin Heng was satisfied after playing for two rounds. He stood up and handed it over to Xiaoxia. It would be even easier for Xiongba to pull Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia was laughing while sitting in the car.

After playing for a while, Tian Yan ran over and knocked on the door to ask them to come over for dinner. Xiaoxia reluctantly came down and pushed the car into the house.

As soon as he arrived at Tian Dongfu's house, he said, "Come on, Lin Heng, let's play a game of chess. Your Aunt Wang still has two dishes to finish."


Lin Heng may have given up and played two games with Tian Dongfu. Tian Dongfu's chess skills have improved a bit, but he can still cope with it.

We played two games of chess and chatted for a while, mainly about future development planning.

The food is only good at seven o'clock. Although it is much worse than Lin Heng's family, there are more than a dozen dishes, which is enough to show that they are carefully thought out.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening after the meal. Since the introduction of electric lights, people in the village obviously went to bed much later at night.

The next day was already the seventh day of the first lunar month. When Xiaoxia got up, she wanted to play with the wooden cart. Lin Heng made a new strap for Xiongba and let him play with Xiaoxia in the yard.

After breakfast, Lin Heng went to find his elder brother Lin Yue: "Brother, do you have anything to do today? If nothing happens, let's go explore the Heihe River and go fishing."

He planned to drive to the Heihe River to explore and see the situation first, and then find a beautiful place to take Xiulan and the others for a picnic next time.

Get familiar with the environment first, and then it will be easier for hunting and other things.

"I have nothing to do. I'm about to go find you, go fishing, and there's nothing else to do." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go ask dad if he can go."

Lin Heng nodded, turned around and walked out.

Lin Yue turned around and spoke to his wife, then followed Lin Heng out and said, "Your sister-in-law and I have already discussed it. I have decided to buy a double-barreled shotgun."

"This is the right decision. We will definitely get our money back." Lin Heng nodded and asked again: "Brother, do you have enough money? Do you want me to lend you some?"

"Barely enough." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Then I'll lend you a hundred, and I'll contact the village party secretary to get you a certificate to buy a gun."

Lin Hengdao, guns were still very common at this time and could be purchased in many places. But it was difficult to take it out openly without a certificate. He contacted Tian Dongfu to get a shotgun certificate without any problem.

"Okay, then I'll pay you back when I'm done hunting." Lin Yue didn't show off to Lin Heng and said with a smile.

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the old house. Father Lin was cutting potatoes in the yard, seemingly preparing to plant potatoes.

Seeing the two of them, Lin's father raised his head and asked, "What are you planning to do?"

"Would you like to go fishing in Heihe River?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

He was a little doubtful: "Heihe, can we catch it now?"

"Today's weather is so good, it's definitely possible. There's no rush to plant potatoes right now. It'll be fine in a few days." Lin Heng looked at his father and said.

Father Lin wanted to say something else, but Mother Lin next to him spoke up: "Just go and play if your child asks you to. You don't have to walk or anything."

"Okay, I'll pack up and let's go." Father Lin nodded with a smile.

"Then I'll go back and pack up and drive."

Lin Heng nodded and turned back.

As soon as he returned home, he heard Lin Wei next door shouting that he wanted to join his father. Lin Heng smiled, glanced at Xiaoxia who was playing with a car in the yard, went into the house to get fishing lines and hooks, and dug some in the ground. Earthworm took the nesting bait he made and put it in the car.

Naturally, the compound bow is not drawn down. The ecology on the edge of the Heihe River is rich, so you may encounter something unexpected, so be prepared with it.

"You should bring Xiongba with you, maybe you can find something good." Xiulan looked at him and said.

Lin Heng thought for a while and shook his head: "Xiongba will accompany you, and I will take him with me next time."

After saying that, he filled up the car with gas and drove out. Although there was a screen at the door of his house, the road was still enough for driving a tricycle, but there was no way to get in with a four-wheeler.

Father Lin was already waiting on the road. He took a small hoe, a machete, and a bag.

"Don't you take the fishing rod?" Lin's father asked curiously when he saw him coming down.

"The purple bamboo fishing rod is too long. Let's go over and cut some bamboo to use." Lin Heng said with a smile. It was too long to put it in the car and it was difficult to carry it. A fishing line is enough.


Father Lin nodded and got into the car. When he saw a scratch on the car, he checked it carefully and was relieved when he found that it was a mud mark.

"I am coming."

At this time, Lin Yue also persuaded his son Lin Wei, ran down, and sat directly behind Lin Heng.

After doing it, Lin Heng looked at the time. It was 10:03 in the morning. The sun was warming up. It was estimated that it would take 40 to 50 minutes to get to Heihe.

The distance is slightly closer than entering the city. In fact, the straight-line distance is very short, but driving can only take a detour.

The three of them chatted and moved forward, and half an hour later they saw the Black River. This river is much larger than the Huangtan River. The width of the valley is only one to two hundred meters in places. The river water is also relatively fast, and the rushing sound can be heard from a distance.

Next to the river is Songlin Town, which has a population similar to that of Huangtan Town. But this was not the destination of the three of them. They walked up a dirt road by the river, and from here they could reach the foot of Taibai Mountain.

"The water of this Black River doesn't look black either." Lin Yue looked at the Black River and said curiously.

"Maybe it was black in the past, or it was black in a certain period." Father Lin said beside him, anyway, he has been called this name since ancient times.

As we go up, the mountains become steeper, the dirt roads become steeper, and the river becomes much smaller.

After walking for about ten kilometers, after passing a narrow pass, a beautiful and wide river valley appeared in front of everyone.

There are no homes around the valley, except for two households on the high mountains in the distance. The valley is filled with huge bluestones, dense cobblestones and lots of sand.

The sand looks golden and beautiful in the sun.

The river has become much gentler here, slowly and leisurely. Looking to the southwest, the tall Taibai Mountain seems to be right in front of us.

"This is the place, it's so beautiful." Father Lin said with a smile.

"Yes, you'll reach Taibai Mountain if you go up." Lin Yue also nodded.

Lin Heng had already parked his car on the side of the road. He also took a fancy to this place. It was so beautiful that people were fascinated by it. Everything was original and there was no garbage on the riverbed.

"Let's go down and take a look at the situation."

Lin Heng said with a smile. In fact, he saw many nice places along the way and he didn't stop.

This is because he is always full of curiosity about the unknown area ahead, and feels that there is more beautiful scenery there. If he didn't think that walking up would be too far, he would still want to go.

"Go and take a look first."

The three of them got out of the car and walked towards the beautiful river valley.

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