Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 236: Fisherman never returns empty-handed

There is little grass on the riverside in winter, and the trees are all bare, but this open river valley is still full of interest.

After walking along a path for more than ten meters, you will reach the river valley. Any bluestone is at least half the height of Lin Heng. The pebbles here are generally the size of a baby's fist, so it is not easy to sprain your ankle when walking on it.

This place is so beautiful to lie on the bluestone to rest or have a picnic, but Lin Heng is more concerned about whether there are fish in the river.

In this era, the river is still very primitive, and various native fish species should be very rich. As a large river originating from Taibai Mountain, the Heihe River has excellent water quality, and the native fish in it are said to be three flowers and five Luo.

Lin Heng even brought a plastic bucket with a lid, ready to catch some live ones back.

Lin Heng and his son quickly came to the waterside, and at first glance, they didn't get much.

But this is normal. If there were so many fish, people would have been thinking about it a long time ago.

The three of them first turned over stones in the shallow part of the river to search. The river water comes from icebergs. It is cold in summer, not to mention winter. The fish must be hiding under the stones.

"It's so cold." Lin Heng touched the water and felt that his hands were not his own. It was really cold.

After a while, Lin's father made a discovery: "I found a lot of minnows here. This fish is so beautiful."

Lin Heng just took a look and didn't go over. Minnows are native fish everywhere and are not rare.

After turning over two stones, he saw another native fish, the ground tiger and the sand loach. He didn't care that the sand loach was unpalatable, but the ground tiger was quite big.

The meat of this fish is delicious and delicious. The largest fish is more than ten centimeters long, but the one under the stone that Lin Heng turned over is more than ten centimeters.

"The ecology is really good in this era."

Lin Heng sighed and began to roll up his sleeves. Before his rebirth, the ground tigers he caught were two or three centimeters long, and he almost never saw big ones.

The activity of this ground tiger in winter is very low. It didn't run away when Lin Heng uncovered the stone. It lay motionless on the sand, as if it thought it could deceive Lin Heng.

Enduring the freezing water, Lin Heng put his hands in, slowly closed them from two directions, and picked up the sand together. This is the trick of catching small fish.

It is just necessary to pay attention to not leaving any gaps when closing your hands. As the village's number one fish catching expert, Lin Heng has a success rate of up to 90%, so it is natural for him to catch fish easily.

"It's so cold!!"

Lin Heng shivered, opened his palm, and a fat ground tiger struggled in his palm.

"What did you catch?"

Big brother Lin Yue ran over with a smile, and when he saw the fish in Lin Heng's hand, he was surprised: "It's so big, ten are enough for a plate."

Lin Heng grinned: "Yes, this fish is quite easy to catch."

He is no longer an air force now, and he is very happy. He found a small pool of water and put the fish in it to continue to investigate the situation.

"Damn, son, come here, it's a big fish!"

Lin Heng had just put the fish down when he heard his father exclaiming in front of him by the river.

"What fish?" Lin Heng asked without saying a word while running.

"Oh, it's running, it's running, it's a big mandarin fish."

Before Lin Heng got there, he saw his father slapping his thigh with regret.

"Mandarin fish?"

Lin Heng came over to check curiously. The water was quite deep where his father was, and there was a splashing place further ahead. There was a one-meter drop between the water surface and the top, causing white bubbles all over the place.

"It's under this stone, there's a big mandarin fish weighing one or two kilograms hiding, I just looked at it a few more times and it ran to the middle."

Father Lin pointed to the big stone under his feet and said with great regret.

Lin Heng took a look and said, "It's hard to catch it if it doesn't run. This kind of fish needs to be fished. It's good to have it. We have a great chance."

Since they were all here, he was too lazy to leave and started searching here.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw three or four fish appearing four or five meters ahead of the dense water splashes, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Meihua fish, this place is good for fishing."

Meihua fish is the most precious freshwater fish in Heihe River, Qinling fine-scaled salmon, a kind of freshwater salmon. According to scientific research, it comes from the last Little Ice Age.

These Meihua fish are much larger than the ones he saw in the stream in Sanchagou, and they are estimated to be more than one or two kilograms. No wonder people say that Heihe can catch a lot of them every year with fishing nets.

Father Lin nodded and pointed to the hillside inside the road and said: "Yes, let's go get bamboo, I see there are some on the hillside over there."

No matter where you fish, you have to get a fishing rod.

"I found a bream over there, and it ran away in the blink of an eye."

Lin Yue trotted over and said.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "I don't think there's any hope for bream. Let's see if we can catch plum fish and mandarin fish today. These are fish that like cold water very much."

This section of the river valley is wide, so the water is shallower on the side and you can see the bottom of the water. If the water in the narrow river is green or dark, fishing depends on luck.

Taking a machete, the three of them went to the road to cut bamboo.

There is no road on the mountain, and there are many shrubs and thorns in this forest. The three of them were uncomfortable to drill. But there is no way, there are only bamboos there, and other trees are too heavy and tough, so they can't be used for fishing.

After walking more than 200 meters, they felt better. When they were about to come to this small bamboo forest, they found something unexpected.

"There is an itch tree in this place. It seems that there are many wild boars on this mountain." Father Lin said while looking at the tree in front of him.

The itch tree is a tree used by wild boars to scratch themselves. They have all kinds of bugs on their bodies, and they habitually scratch themselves on a tree. Over time, the bark of this tree was worn away, and it looked very obvious. It was a way to find wild boars in the wild.

Lin Heng looked around and shook his head and said, "This should have been abandoned. Maybe the wild boars here migrated or were killed."

The itch tree is used by wild boars every two or three days, and there will be obvious footprints and other traces around it.

But even if it is abandoned, it is enough to show that there are more wild boars here.

After taking a look, the three of them entered the bamboo forest to look for bamboo.

The bamboo forest is full of finger-thick bamboos. It is not difficult to find a suitable one. The three of them picked one and picked two, cut them down and pulled them back.

When they arrived on the road, they cut off the bamboo tips and smoothed them, and a simple fishing rod was successfully made.

The three of them made five fishing rods and then took everything to the river.

Lin Heng walked two or three hundred meters up the place where he found the mandarin fish. The water here is much deeper, and the bottom is so green that he can't see it clearly. He measured the water depth with a fishing line and it was about two and a half meters.

"I've made a nest here. If you can't catch plum fish and mandarin fish, you can try to catch crucian carp and carp here."

Lin Heng said as he made a nest. The crucian carp in Heihe River is also famous for its delicious taste. Making a nest is a guaranteed option.

He even felt that one nest was not well maintained, so he walked another fifty meters up and made another nest.

After the nest was made, he first gave two homemade seven-star floating line groups from Zhuzibang, threw them into the nest to fish, and pressed the tail with a big stone of thirty or forty kilograms.

The three of them took fishing rods to the place where they had just found plum fish and mandarin fish to try if they could catch mandarin fish.

"Both of these fish are carnivorous fish, so just hang the whole earthworm."

Lin Heng gave some instructions to his father and elder brother, and also hung a big black earthworm and threw it into the water to try.

There is more than one meter of water on the edge of this place, and the splashing place is also two or three meters. At this moment, there is no trace of fish.

Lin Yue threw the fishhook directly into the deepest splash, Lin's father threw it in the middle, and Lin Heng found a stone edge to throw it, because he knew that the habit of mandarin fish is to hide in the stone and ambush passing small fish.

There is a high possibility of catching mandarin fish with this method.

He kept trying in places with many stones, using the teasing fishing method to try to let the mandarin fish find it. Their habit is to have an instinctive desire to chase this kind of active creature.

Today the sky is blue, with only a few white clouds. It is already twelve o'clock at noon, and the sun is very warm.

As long as there is no river wind, it is a very pleasant thing to sit on the rocks by the river and fish. When you look up, you can see the mountains and rivers, and the beautiful scenery is in full view.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them have been fishing for half an hour, but no one has made any movement, and they are a little disappointed for a while.

"Could it be that these fish don't eat in winter?" Lin's father asked in confusion.

"Yes, it's been so long." Lin Yue also nodded.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "It's impossible not to eat. It's possible that they are not interested in earthworms. I'll get a few stream groupers to try."

As he said that, he threw down the fishing rod and went to the shallow water to look for stream groupers. There will be no shortage of stream groupers in any river.

After more than ten minutes of searching, Lin Heng found the stream grouper in a shallow water. He used his superb fishing skills to catch four at once.

After shaking off the water on his hands, Lin Heng ran back with the bucket.


Just halfway through, he heard his father's exclamation upstream.

Looking up, a beautiful plum fish was pulled out of the water, and its beautiful scales reflected colorful light in the sun.

"Amazing, how did you catch it?"

Lin Heng ran over to ask.

"I don't know either. I threw the fishing rod with the earthworm hanging on it somewhere. I saw it was pulled, so I quickly pulled it up and caught the fish." Father Lin said as he took out the hook.

This fish weighs one pound. It is slender and can be barely caught with one hand. Its scales are fine and dense, and there are black spots on its body.

Father Lin looked again and again, and Lin Heng took out the fish guard sewn by Xiulan and threw it into the water.

"It seems that this Qinling fine-scaled salmon also eats earthworms."

Lin Yue said with a smile, and he was in high spirits. As long as he could catch a fish, there would be hope.

"Hehe, it seems that my luck is good." Father Lin laughed and caught another earthworm and continued to wait.

The most feared thing for fishermen is that they don't catch a fish. As long as they catch one, they can continue to wait.

Lin Heng took back his rod and the earthworm on it was intact, with no signs of being eaten. This is normal. If the mandarin fish eats it, it will be caught.

He just lamented that there is no lure fishing rod in China now, otherwise it can be used to catch salmon and plum fish.

The fish hooks he used to catch these fish were all very large. He caught the stream grouper and cruelly passed the fish hook through its tail, so that the fish would not die in the water. When struggling, it would be like a wounded fish. As long as the carnivorous fish saw it, they would definitely not be able to resist.

After threading it, Lin Heng threw the fish into the water. As soon as it entered the water, the stream grouper swam around with the fishing line. Whenever it was about to enter the crack of the stone, Lin Heng took it out and threw it again.

Just when he threw it for the ninth time, he suddenly stopped.

"I caught a fish."

Lin Heng excitedly lifted the rod, and soon a big fish floated to the surface of the water. The green-yellow body had dark brown spots, shining in the sun.


It stabbed in again after a turn. The fishing rod was too soft and was pulled into a big bow.

"I really caught it. I'll get you a scoop net."

Lin Yue was shocked at first, and dropped the fishing rod to get the assembled scoop net from the back.

"Don't worry."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and slowly slid it around twice, enjoying the fun of slinging fish.

Half a minute later, the mandarin fish was scooped out directly by the scoop net.

Lin Heng took out the hook, grabbed the mandarin fish and looked at it again and again: "This fish is big, more than two kilograms, and the fur is so beautiful."

Mandarin fish don't eat much in winter, but it doesn't mean they won't eat, just like this stream grouper that was delivered to its mouth.

"Awesome, it's worth coming here today." Lin's father said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded. He couldn't bear to eat this fish. The pattern was so beautiful that it could be used as an ornamental fish.

This kind of ferocious fish is very interactive to feed, and it eats fish very ferociously.

After watching it for a long time, Lin Heng put it into the fish basket. No matter what, fishing in Heihe today is finally a good start.

"I didn't catch it, I'll try the brook grouper too."

Lin Yue said with a smile.

"I'll hook it for you." Lin Heng nodded, caught a brook grouper and hung it on the hook for his elder brother, and hung another one for himself.

Throwing the bait again, the three of them were a little excited. This fish is easier to catch than expected. It may also be related to the location they chose. This place is sparsely populated and the fish have not suffered the "beating" of society.

After fishing for another half an hour, there was no bite even with the brook grouper. This made people a little strange. Even if there was no mandarin fish, there must be plum fish. Why can't they catch it?

"Forget it, let's eat. I'm hungry."

Lin Heng looked at the watch and it was almost two o'clock.


The three of them pressed the fishing rod with a stone, went to the back to find a big bluestone and started to eat lunch.

Their lunch was simple, just stewed dishes and three steamed buns from home.

The stewed dishes, stewed donkey meat and half a chicken were all served cold. It was so pleasant to eat while basking in the sun.

"This place is getting more and more beautiful." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng also nodded, ate a bite of donkey meat and said, "It's beautiful to have a picnic, barbecue and fish here, but it's a pity that I didn't bring anything this time."

He decided to bring his wife, daughter and family here to play next time he has a chance. This is an excellent camping site.

"Come next time, there's plenty of time."

Lin's father also smiled and said that he thought this place was good after catching fish this time. If you can get this harvest in winter, then summer must be even more charming.

"Damn, the fishing rod was pulled away!!"

At this moment, Lin Yue turned his head and exclaimed.

I don't know if it was not pressed well or what happened, his fishing rod was being dragged into the water.

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