Seeing the fishing rod run away, the three put down their food and ran over. When they arrived at the river, the fishing rod had been pulled into the water for two or three meters.

"Damn, what should I do?" Lin Yue watched the fishing rod being dragged away bit by bit and was helpless.

"I'll do it."

Lin Heng said with a smile, taking his fishing rod and hooking it.

This is really three bites a day, eating, sleeping, playing with mobile phones, and not eating if he doesn't do anything else. It's very metaphysical.

He took the fishing rod and hooked it twice and finally hooked it. It took some effort to pull it ashore.

Lin Yue picked up the fishing rod and pulled it, and said excitedly: "The fish didn't run away."

He and Lin's father didn't play the fish at all, and pulled it ashore directly. Fortunately, Lin Heng used a thick enough line.

"Another plum fish, this one is a little bigger, it can be two kilograms." Lin's father looked at the fish in his eldest son's hand and said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not empty-handed today." Lin Yue said with a smile. He was often told by Lin Heng that he was empty-handed, and he was also infected.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, saying, "There are indeed a lot of fish here. It will definitely be good to fish again in a month or two."

There are indeed a lot of fish in this place, and the scenery is beautiful. It is a good place.

The fish was also put into the fish basket, and the three continued to eat. After the meal, there was no movement on the fishing rod. Lin Heng tried the previous method for half an hour, but no fish was caught.

He was very disappointed with this place. He took the fishing rod and fished everywhere. He didn't believe that he couldn't catch any fish.

The sun was warm at this time, and the sand under his feet seemed to be covered with a golden coat. The sky was blue, and the sunlight sprinkled on the river, making it very difficult for Lin Heng to see the situation in the water.

He cast countless rods along the river, and the stream grouper couldn't bear the back and forth casting of the rod and died. Lin Heng caught two more and hung them up again.

Unconsciously, he was already seven or eight hundred meters away from his father and eldest brother. If he walked forward and turned a corner, he would not be able to see them.

"Son, we caught another one!"

Just as Lin Heng was about to continue walking up, the river breeze brought his father's laughter.

From a distance, his father was holding a plum fish, shining in the sun, and his cheeks carved by time were filled with joy.

Lin Heng gave a thumbs up from a distance, and his father was happy and he was happy in his heart.

But he did not go back, but continued to move forward against the ruthless river wind. After passing this bend, the river bank became narrower, but because it was winter, there were still many dry places in the riverbed, so he could continue to move forward.

After walking more than 200 meters, Lin Heng came to a place covered with stones, which was definitely an ideal hunting place for mandarin fish and fine-scaled salmon.

Looking at the stream grouper that could still jump on the hook, Lin Heng threw it in and started fishing again.

When he threw it for the thirteenth time, there was a pause, and a clear feeling came from his hand.

"Get up!"

Fearing that the fish would get under the rocks and could not be pulled out, Lin Heng also chose to pull violently. A palm-sized mandarin fish was directly pulled out of the water, and the olive-colored fish body was full of beauty.

"It's not big, but it's not bad. Take it back and keep it."

Lin Heng took a look and kept it in the small water next to it.

He guessed correctly that this place really hides fish. The deep water and complex environment are a good place to hide fish.

He caught a fresh stream grouper again. He continued to cast the rod. After a while, he felt a pulling sensation again. It turned out to be a plum fish when he pulled it up.

Although it was only about 70 or 80 grams, it was not bad. He threw it into the small water and continued to fish.

After two fish came in just ten minutes, they suddenly stopped, and there was no one for half an hour. Just when Lin Heng was about to change the place to retrieve the fish, there was a sudden pause, and then the fishing rod was instantly pulled into a big bow.

"Oh my god, big fish, big fish!!"

Lin Heng's hands were shaking with excitement. This pulling force was unprecedented, and the tip of the fishing rod was pulled into the water.

"No, it can't go into the cracks of the rocks."

Lin Heng gritted his teeth and pulled back hard. The bamboo pole was a bit too soft and he couldn't use his strength.

But fortunately, the fish in winter are not very strong. He took some effort to pull it to the side. After another round, he finally pulled it to the surface of the water for the first time and saw its true body.

"Mandarin fish, this mandarin fish must be four or five pounds."

Lin Heng was so excited looking at the mandarin fish that was a little black. This one was big and rich.

After two rounds, Lin Heng couldn't wait to pull the fishing line back. After a while, the fish was caught in his hand. The mouth was as big as his daughter's fist. The top was dark brown and looked a little black.

After taking the hook, Lin Heng ran down with the fish in his hands. At this time, he wanted the whole world to know that he had caught a big mandarin fish of level 4 or 5.

"Dad, big brother, what do you think this is?"

The high-pitched voice came before the person arrived.

Lin's father and the others, who were originally staring at the river, turned their eyes and looked carefully and suddenly widened their eyes.

"Damn, brother, you are going to be awesome!" Lin Yue ran over to greet him. The fish was too big.

Lin's father also praised repeatedly: "Awesome, awesome, this fish is four or five pounds, and you caught it on the top?"

Lin Heng raised his head and smiled: "Yes, I judged that there were fish in that place. In addition to this big one, I also caught two small ones."

"Awesome, let's go up too." When Lin Yue heard this, he couldn't wait to go up.

"Let's go, this place is not good." Lin's father also nodded.

Lin Heng put the fish into the fish guard, checked the firmness of the fish guard, and then took the plastic bucket and led the two people up.

On the way, Lin Heng was still very excited, and kept telling his father and eldest brother how he caught it. The two of them were also excited and walked quickly up. They caught the fish that Lin's father had caught before, and then there was no bite.

"It's here, these are the two small ones I caught."

Lin Heng pointed to the place where he was fishing, and then pointed to the two small fish in the puddle.

The 1980s were so cool. Before his rebirth, he couldn't believe that wild fishing was such a resource. Wild fishing was nine out of ten empty, and big fish were not dared to think about it.


Lin Yue said with a smile, and threw his fishing rod in without saying a word.

Lin Heng caught a big one, and he was already addicted. Now he would give up his position to guide his eldest brother and father to fish.

"I caught a fish!"

After a while, Lin Yue excitedly pulled up a half-pound plum fish.

Father Lin felt a pause, and failed to catch fish three times in a row, but even so, it was much better than the previous place.

"Dad, don't worry, wait for it to eat more." Lin Heng looked at his father and said with a smile.

Father Lin nodded: "Okay, I'll try."

About three minutes later, he came again, and after listening to Lin Heng's words, he slowed down the speed of lifting the rod. After a while, a beautiful mandarin fish was pulled out of the water by him.

"Hey, this place is good." Looking at the mandarin fish in his hand, Father Lin showed a sincere smile on his face.

"Dad, you keep fishing, I'll go catch a few stream groupers."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and walked towards a stream above. The three of them fished happily together, and he was happy even if he didn't get anything. He felt that life should be lived like this.

After searching in the stream for a while, Lin Heng caught ten stream groupers that were five or six centimeters long. Although the water was extremely cold in winter, the fish were much dumber, so it was much easier to catch them.

Holding the fish, Lin Heng turned back.

"Son, how about you come and fish?" Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and said.

"No, you guys fish, I'll walk around and play for a while."

Lin Heng waved his hand and put the fish next to him. Seeing that Lin Heng didn't want to play, Father Lin had to continue trying.

Lin Heng walked up a little more and laid a huge black stone on the riverside in a round shape. The surface of the stone was polished by the water and was as smooth as a mirror, and it felt very delicate.

For him, this was simply a natural bed. He climbed up and lay down. The black stone absorbed the heat of the sun and it was very warm to lie on it. He could feel the endless heat drilling into his body.

It was so beautiful to lie on it and bask in the sun with clothes on his head. The temperature of the warm winter sun was just right.

Feeling the river breeze blowing past my ears and listening to the noise of the turbulent river, I felt a sense of forgetting all my worries. I fell into a state of self-emptying, quiet and free, down-to-earth and lonely.

I fell asleep unknowingly, and when I woke up again and looked at the watch, I found that I had slept for half an hour.

Walking down, father and elder brother were still fishing and had changed places.

"How is it?"

Lin Heng asked curiously.

Father Lin shook his head and said, "After you left, we caught another half-pound mandarin fish, and then there was no bite. We changed places but still couldn't catch anything."

"Okay, then I'll try."

Lin Heng nodded and took up his fishing rod and hung it on the stream grouper to try everywhere.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed. It was already half past three. The sun had left the valley and went halfway up the hillside. There was no sun and the river wind was chilly.

"Forget it, I'll go see if I can catch crucian carp over there." Lin Heng shook his head and gave up. The fish don't move around in winter, and it's hard to catch them again after fishing.

The real big fish are in deep water.

"Let's try crucian carp."

Father Lin and his partner also decided not to fish for plum fish and mandarin fish.

After taking all the fish down and putting them in the fish basket, Lin Heng counted them. There were exactly ten fish in total. He caught four, his father caught four, and his eldest brother Lin Yue only caught two.

Among these ten fish, there were five mandarin fish and five plum fish, with a total weight of more than ten kilograms. The main reason was that the mandarin fish that Lin Heng caught was large enough, accounting for half of the weight.

These are carnivorous fish, which are much more delicious than ordinary fish.

Change the fishhook to the smallest size, put on earthworms and start fishing for crucian carp.


Half an hour later, Lin Heng directly broke the bamboo pole in his hand into two sections.

"No more fishing, let's stroll around, these cheap fish don't know what's good for them."

Lin Heng said while collecting the fishing line. If there was no explosives, he would really want to blow it up to see if there were any fish. It was so annoying.

"Then let's go. It's really boring."

Lin's father also started to collect the fishing line.

After reeling in the fishing line, he dumped all the fish into the two plastic barrels he brought with him. Whether they lived or died depended on their own luck.

After packing up the things and taking away the garbage, the three of them got in the car.

Lin Heng drove the car without going back, but continued to go up to see the situation above so that he could come back next time.

Going up, the cliffs on both sides became steeper, and the road was narrow and dangerous. If you fell off the road, you would definitely die.

After walking about four or five kilometers, the highway disappeared and turned into a narrow road of half a meter. Some ancient plank roads could be seen on the opposite side.

"It is said that if you walk five kilometers from here, you will reach the foot of Taibai Mountain, and there are one or two villages over there." Lin's father said.

Lin Heng nodded and looked up from here to see that Taibai Mountain was very close at hand. The peaks here were mostly covered with shrubs, moss and weeds, and looked a bit bare.

However, Wangshan is a dead horse. If you want to enter Taibai Mountain, you will probably have to walk more than ten kilometers. No matter how you say it, it is definitely much closer than walking from Hongfeng Mountain.

And there is an ancient road leading directly to the peak. Although it is difficult to walk, some places may have been in disrepair.

"Find an opportunity to come over and explore. Climb Mount Taibai and have a look." Lin Heng said to himself. The road leading to the foot of Mount Taibai is difficult to pass with three wheels, but riding a motorcycle should be no problem.

"Well, let's go together when I buy a shotgun." Lin Yue also nodded.

After watching for a while, the three of them gave up the idea of ​​getting out of the car and walking inside. Mainly because time is running out and it’s time to go home.

On the way back, whenever they encountered a place with water, the three of them stopped to change the water for the fish, trying to ensure its survival.

The first half was fine, but in the second half the road was too far away from the river, and the three of them were too lazy to change.

Under the setting sun, the three of them returned to Hongfeng Village at 5:30. They parked the car and Lin Heng first ran home carrying a bucket.

"What's wrong? I'm in a hurry." Xiulan opened the door and looked at Lin Heng who ran into the house.

"I'm afraid my fish will die. These fish are all good fish."

Lin Heng said as he ran towards the backyard, Xiaoxia Xiongba followed him.

Putting the fishing net in the big wooden basin, Lin Heng felt a chill in his heart. Ten fish were tightly packed, the gills of three small mandarin fish and a plum blossom were still moving.

"There are so many fish, Dad! I want to eat this fish." Xiaoxia pointed to the largest mandarin fish and said.

"I'll make it for you tomorrow."

As Lin Heng said this, he caught three mandarin fish and plum blossom fish and put them into the secondary reservoir coming out of the well. This place has the most oxygen.

As for the others, all of them died, so naturally there was no way to save them.

"You guys caught a pretty good harvest today. Who caught the biggest one?"

Xiulan walked in and looked at the fish in the basin and asked curiously.

"Of course it's me." Lin Heng raised his chin, very proudly.

"so smart?"

"Of course, I'm a fishing master."

Lin Heng said a few words, then ran out and drove the car in.

When Father Lin and the others came in and found out that only four fish had any hope of survival, they were all very disappointed.

"It's no pity. You guys can divide the remaining fish dad has left. I'll just take this big mandarin fish." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"What's the difference? If you make it, we can come over and eat it." Father Lin shook his head and said.

Lin Yue also said: "That's right, it's all about eating anyway, so we can still enjoy a meal at your house."

Lin Heng didn't show any pretense, nodded and said: "We will cook these fish that night."

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