Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 238 The Importance of Signboards

"Then let's help kill him."

Lin's father and eldest brother said simultaneously.


Lin Heng squatted down with a dagger and first dealt with the largest mandarin fish. The first step was to remove the scales and gills.

Xiaoxia, Lin Wei and others came over to watch and kept asking questions. Father Lin also took a knife to kill beside him.

Lin Heng took care of the big mandarin fish, and when he cut its belly open, he saw a belly full of fish roe.

"It's a pity for this fish, its belly is full of fish roe."

Lin Heng shook his head. He originally wanted to bring it back alive to breed, but he guessed it was a female fish when he caught it.

"My place is also full of female fish, but it doesn't matter, the fish roe is also quite delicious."

Father Lin showed off his fish roe.

Lin Heng nodded. The roe of his big mandarin fish weighed half a catty and could not be held in one hand.


The fish roe was soaked in a bowl. Lin Heng was about to throw the entrails on the ground when Xiong Ba's big head stretched out.

"I'll cook it for you later, don't worry."

Lin Heng patted its big head. He still felt sorry for Xiong Ba, fearing that parasites might harm it.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba seemed to understand, sitting next to him and waiting with his tongue hanging out. It is now an adult. It is a little taller than Lin Heng when he is squatting. When he sticks out his tongue, it no longer looks like a Samoyed smile. Instead, it looks very majestic and domineering.


The small thin dog Fengfengshou and the green wolf dog Laifu ran over and wanted to smell the fish offal. As soon as they reached it, they were pushed away by Xiongba. No dog could covet its fish offal.

After a while, all the fish were processed, and Lin Heng went to look at the fish in the secondary reservoir again. Three half-pound mandarin fish survived, but the plum blossom still couldn't hold on.

Lin Heng could only fish it out and kill it, and his stomach was full of fish roe.

After killing it, Lin Heng asked his father to take the fish to the kitchen. He cleaned the ground and washed away the blood.

"There are so many fish that I can't finish them all. I will make at most three small ones or one big one tonight."

Xiulan said when she saw Lin Heng entering the kitchen.

"Then just cook all the fish, and then cook less other dishes. We can all eat fish."

Lin Heng blinked and said.

"You really want to destroy people." Xiulan glared at him, patted him and said, "Do you know stinky mandarin fish?"

"I've heard of it, can you do it?" Lin Heng asked curiously.

Xiulan nodded proudly: "Of course. In the early years, there was an aunt who fled from Anhui in our village. She knew how to make it. I learned from her and it tasted pretty good."

"Then you do it, I'll try it just in time." Lin Heng reached out and brushed the broken hair in front of her eyes.

Xiulan explained: "I was afraid that you wouldn't eat, so I asked."

"If you want to eat it, then I will pickle the big and small mandarin fish into stinky mandarin fish, and then call my parents and brothers to eat them."

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, and then watched Xiulan marinate curiously from the side.

The marinating of stinky mandarin fish is very simple, just hit it with some cross-cut knives and marinate it with onion, ginger, garlic slices and white wine for a few minutes.

Then take out these ingredients, apply a layer of salt on the inside and outside of the mandarin fish, put it in a plastic bag and gently press it with stones to ferment.

Generally, fermentation takes four to five days in summer and ten or twenty days in winter.

When Xiulan was making it, she also put some fermented bean curd on it, saying that it would ferment faster.

While watching her making, Lin Heng boiled water and cooked the fish's internal organs, then took them out and fed them to Xiong Ba.

Xiulan finished marinating the mandarin fish, marinated the remaining five fish, steamed all four plum blossoms, made a soup from the remaining salmon, and used the fish roe and fish floats to make a braised fish roe.

Lushui County, where Xiulan was born, has a developed water system, and she is also good at cooking fish.

After cooking the fish, stir-fry the meat with garlic sprouts, cut some braised vegetables, and you're ready to eat.

"This steamed plum blossom fish is really delicious." Caiyun said

"This fish is not fishy at all, and the fish meat still has a little sweetness." Lin Yue said.

Mother Lin also nodded: "The most important thing is that it doesn't have a single fish bone. Xiaoxia and the others can eat it as they like."

At the dinner table, everyone loves the steamed Qinling fine salmon. The meat quality of this fish is much better than that of ordinary freshwater fish.

Lin Heng gave some to Xiaoxia and took a bite himself. It tasted sweet without dipping in soy sauce, but with soy sauce it tasted richer.

"I'm going to raise this plum fish." Lin Heng said while looking at everyone.

"That's okay. We only have this fish here. It should be easy to sell after raising it. There will only be fewer and fewer fish caught in the river." Father Lin nodded.

"This kind of fish without bones will definitely be popular. People who don't eat fish will want to eat it." Lin Yue also nodded.

Without fish bones, this is an overwhelming victory for a large group of freshwater fish, and it can attract a large number of customers with just this selling point.

"I just don't know if it's difficult to raise." Xiulan said the key to this problem. She had never seen plum blossoms raised by herself, so I'm afraid it would be quite difficult.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "Just take care of yourself, let's eat vegetables."

As he said this, he took another chopstick of fish roe and gave it to Xiaoxia. Eating fish roe can improve immunity and is a very good food for children.

Xiaoxia likes to eat plum blossom fish, but she doesn’t want to eat the fish roe after two bites. She doesn’t think it’s as delicious as plum blossom fish.

Lin Heng also tasted it, and it felt like eating egg yolk. It was quite delicious.

Everyone ate their meal very slowly, chatting while eating, otherwise they wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

When Lin Heng was almost done eating, he went to scoop up the rice. The fried pork with garlic sprouts was so delicious that his tongue wanted to devour it.

By the time we finished eating, it was already past eight o'clock.

Lin Heng cleaned up, fed the two puppies, and covered his car with a tarp.

On the early morning of the eighth day of the lunar month, it was raining lightly, but it did not turn into snow.

Father Lin harnessed his oxen to plow a piece of land under the road early in the morning, and then he and his elder brother picked up manure in preparation for planting potatoes.

Lin Heng drove to town in the morning to pay New Year's greetings to Uncle Gao. He also went to find Wang Zhou and asked him to come to work tomorrow.

But what Lin Heng didn't expect was that when he came down, Wang Zhou had already come to town and was already wiping the counter.

"You are quite diligent."

Lin Heng walked into the room and said with a smile.

Wang Zhou laughed: "Brother Lin, you have given me such a final bonus, so I will naturally come to work hard."

"Don't worry, there will be year-end bonuses this year, and there will be more."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and then went to find Uncle Gao with his things.

The three of them had a drink and went fishing for a while at noon, but they ended up talking about the air force.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng went to the credit union and took out 500 yuan in cash and gave it to Wang Zhou. Tomorrow is the market day on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year.

In the 1980s, the Spring Festival holiday was only five days, which ended on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, so the credit unions in the town were already open for business.

After returning home, I leveled a piece of land in the back mountain and made a closed circle for the male forest musk deer. This guy is basically no longer afraid of people and won't think about escaping.

The good days of eating, sleeping, and eating every day have corroded its free heart, but even so, Lin Heng still tied a rope to it very carefully. If it got lost, his forest musk deer breeding plan would be ruined.

The forest musk deer moved their position, and Lin Heng shoveled up the forest musk deer on the ground in the backyard and moved them to the front yard to plant vegetables. By the time the ground was washed, it was already dark.

Tonight, Xiaoxia suddenly wanted to sleep with Xiulan and Lin Heng. It was useless to talk for a long time, so she could only put her in the middle of the quilt and the three of them rested together.

When Xiaoxia fell asleep, Lin Heng and Xiulan were still awake.

"I'm going to the city tomorrow. I'm going to call a truck to go to Ancheng to buy fruit trees and some Chinese medicine seeds. I'll also see if there are any cows or anything like that and buy two."

Lin Heng lay on the bed, looked at Xiulan and said. There was their daughter between the two of them, and they were both a little used to not being close to each other.

In fact, Lin Heng would not want to go to the city at all if he could, but if he wanted to make money and develop the city, he had to go.

There is a saying that goes well, a speck of dust falling on a person is heavier than a mountain. Even if Lin Heng is reborn, he must follow history. It is impossible to reverse the trend of history.

Just like this small mountain village, no matter how hard Lin Heng tried, he couldn't turn it into a city. He had to follow the trajectory of history in order to change his own and even the fate of his entire family.

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Xiulan asked aloud.

"You can take care of the kids at home, and I'll take my eldest brother with me." Lin Heng shook his head. He was discussing business with someone, so there was no need to bring his wife with him.

"Okay, please pay attention to your safety." Xiulan nodded.

The two looked at each other and fell asleep peacefully in the flickering light of the fireplace.

That night, Lin Heng suddenly dreamed of a different future. He was still in a daze when he woke up in the morning.

After washing up and changing into a set of clean clothes, Lin Heng went over and called his eldest brother. He told his eldest brother yesterday afternoon that there would be no problem today.

"Let's set off after breakfast." Lin Heng looked at his eldest brother and said with a smile. He also wanted to take his eldest brother with him to discuss business. The family business will definitely need manpower in the future, and he must start training in advance.

"Okay, your sister-in-law is making it, do you want to eat together?" Lin Yue asked with a smile.

"Xiulan is doing it too."

Lin Heng said something, turned around and walked out towards the village party secretary's home.

He took two pieces of soap made by Xiulan, and they were not for Tian Dongfu, but for Wang Qin.

Wada Dongfu talked about the shotgun license, and he readily agreed and directly issued a certificate. With this, you can apply for a gun license.

Lin Heng returned home with the certificate. After eating, he asked Xiulan to come out with two hundred cash.

"Please pay attention to your safety." Xiulan gave Lin Heng the money and tidied up his collar and hair.

"Do not worry."

Lin Heng lowered his head and took a bite on his wife's face, then took the safety helmet and went out.

He threw a helmet to his elder brother and drove out. The two got into the car and walked towards the city in a hurry.

Since they were two grown men, Lin Heng drove very fast and arrived in the city in less than an hour.

The first stop was in front of a tailor shop where custom-made clothes were made.

Lin Yue said doubtfully: "Brother, you are not here to discuss business, why are you here at the tailor shop?"

Lin Heng patted his eldest brother on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I ordered a 50-yuan Chinese tunic suit here years ago, and I'm here to pick it up."

"Fifty yuan for a Chinese tunic suit? Why did you buy such expensive clothes?" Lin Yue's eyes widened, feeling that this was completely unnecessary.

Lin Heng smiled slightly, looked at his brother and said, "Brother, the first thing to pay attention to when talking about business is momentum. If you don't dress well, people will subconsciously think that your business is not running well, and it will be difficult to negotiate business."

"So we can't save these things, just to make ourselves look fat."

This is like a store where you decorate the interior to attract luxurious customers but save money on the sign. This is not acceptable. When discussing business with others, the way you dress and speak is your own sign, and this sign must be bright enough.

As soon as Lin Heng said this, Lin Yue suddenly realized: "I see, I wouldn't have thought of it unless you told me."

He turned around and saw that all the shops with inconspicuous signs on the street were not doing well.

Lin Heng didn't say anything else. He smiled and took his elder brother into the store. He took out the deposit invoice and soon the clerk took out his Chinese tunic suit.

This is a gray tunic suit. After Lin Heng put it on, his whole temperament changed. He had a beautiful face with a pair of piercing eyes. He had a tall figure and a mature temperament. He stood there like a The leader is a Chen Gong person.

"Boss, you are the most handsome person I have ever seen wearing a Chinese tunic suit." The seamstresses in the store couldn't help but praise.

Lin Yue couldn't help but nod. The feeling of wearing formal clothes and casual clothes was different.

Lin Heng took out 40 yuan and handed it over, smiled slightly and said, "Your craftsmanship is pretty good."

"Thank you, boss. You have to have good craftsmanship and your temperament to be able to wear it." The boss took the money with a smile and packed up Lin Heng's old clothes and shoes.

I bought a tunic suit for fifty yuan, but it was more than just that, including two car shirts, two pairs of leather shoes, and a briefcase.

After grabbing his things, Lin Heng walked out.

He did not rush to the transportation company to find a truck, but first went to the wholesaler Li Chengguo.

There were employees at Li Chengguo's side who were loading the goods. When they saw Lin Hengkai coming in this rare three-wheeled vehicle, he thought it was some boss who came and hurriedly went in to report.

As soon as Lin Heng walked to the gate, Li Chengguo came out. He was about to nod and bow to say hello, but when he took a closer look, he was stunned.

Li Chengguo exhaled and sighed: "Brother Lin Heng, you have changed a lot after a new year."

Lin Heng smiled slightly and said: "Isn't this a business? I changed my clothes and bought a car."

"Your car is unusual. I'm afraid it's very expensive." Li Chengguo said with a smile.

"It's okay." Lin Heng smiled and introduced his elder brother Lin Yue to him.

After entering the house, Li Chengguo gave Lin Heng and the others a cup of tea and asked with a smile: "Do you have new business to discuss when you come here this time?"

"It's not like we have new business. I just want to ask if you can go to Ancheng with me when you are free, and use your car to pull the goods for me." Lin Heng said with a smile.

In addition to this, he also planned to let him pull some fertilizer up.

"That won't work. I only have a truck. If I go to Ancheng, I won't be able to deliver the goods." Li Chengguo shook his head, wondering why Lin Heng went to Ancheng.

After taking a sip of tea, he added, "But you came just in time. I also have something to ask you for."

The author also wrote about beast control before. I recommend a friend’s book about beast control.

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