Lin Heng had known for a long time that Li Chengguo would not agree to help him go to Ancheng to collect goods. Although the freight for one trip was high, it was more profitable for him to wholesale goods.

There is no shortage of trucks these days. It can be said that the supply exceeds the demand. If there is not enough fuel and water for a special trip, no one is willing to do it.

However, Lin Heng was curious about what Li Chengguo wanted to do with him. He looked at him and said, "What is it? Tell me."

Li Chengguo took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "I'm not looking for you, but Ge Qingshan is looking for you. He said he got a batch of seed shrimp for you and asked if you want it."

Lin Heng was stunned by these words, a little surprised. He had only casually mentioned this matter to Ge Qingshan before, but had he really gotten himself a seed shrimp?

Because he is cultivating freshwater shrimp, even if there are no breeding shrimps, he can just catch them from the river and manually select outstanding individuals. It doesn't matter if there are any.

However, since there are ready-made shrimps, you can check them out. If the price is suitable, you can buy them yourself. You don’t have to go to the river to catch them yourself.

"If the price is right, I'll definitely buy it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then you can go to his house by yourself later. He should be in the house today." Li Chengguo nodded.

After a pause, he added: "If you trust me, I can find you a driver who will do the transportation yourself. The vehicle is a Dongfeng 140 dump truck I bought. It should be enough for you."

"Then how is the transportation fee calculated here?" Lin Heng asked.

Li Chengguo said: "It's a long way from Ancheng. Not counting gas money, you have to pay at least fifty yuan a day."

"Fifty yuan??" Lin Yue, who had been silently obedient next to him, couldn't help but his pupils trembled. This was too much. It was enough for him to earn for half a year.

Li Chengguo smiled slightly: "There are few trucks these days, and there are even fewer drivers who know how to drive. Moreover, it is very dangerous to go across the city. People who pay fifty yuan may not go there."

"Yes, the price is not much." Lin Heng nodded. In this era, truck drivers are called "driver students" and it is one of the most enviable professions.

The salary of a truck driver is higher than that of two or three teachers or bank clerks, and he can also take on some private jobs from time to time, making a lot of money.

Becoming a driver is a golden job. You don’t have to be a boss, because there are too few who know how to drive. Marrying a wife and having children couldn't be easier.

Lin Heng naturally knows how to drive. In his previous life, he saved money to get a driver's license. He has been driving a semi-trailer for two years, and trucks are no problem.

It's just that he doesn't have a driver's license in this life, and he has to take the test again, so it's not easy to reveal it rashly. And even if he could drive, it would be difficult to rent a truck.

"It's not much, especially when going to other cities is quite risky." Li Chengguo nodded.

Lin Yue was secretly shocked. He knew that truck drivers were very profitable, but he did not expect to be so profitable.

"Okay, let me think about it for two days." Lin Heng thought for a while and said, he had to go to the transportation company to inquire.

There are guns everywhere in this day and age. People in small places will block trucks when they see them and ask for money. If they don't give, they won't let them pass. There are even many robbers and murders. The transportation company is a fleet or a state-owned enterprise, so it will be much safer to follow them.

"That's okay, just let me know when you think about it."

Li Chengguo didn't care, it was normal to compare shopping.

Lin Heng nodded and talked about fertilizer again. Li Chengguo said that he would get some for him later, but it would cost shipping.

Lin Hengla's fertilizer is entirely for his own use and he doesn't think about selling it. The current price of fertilizer is very high. Farmers in such mountainous areas will not even buy seeds, let alone fertilizer.

Because Taibai City is on the edge of the Guanzhong Plain, fertilizers are transported here. Some other cities without plains may not have fertilizer.

Domestic fertilizer production technology has always been very backward. It was not until the early 1990s that a large number of equipment was introduced from foreign countries and experience was learned. The technology was mature and gradually became popular throughout the country.

Before this, the popularity of chemical fertilizers had been very low, and farmers were unwilling to buy them because they were too expensive. A normal bag of 50 kilograms of compound fertilizer costs at least 25 yuan. Farmers cannot make money and cannot afford it.

After talking to Li Chengguo, Lin Heng left with his eldest brother Lin Yue to visit Ge Qingshan.

When they arrived outside Ge Qingshan Community, the doormen couldn't help but nod and bow down to greet him. The military green tricycle and Lin Heng's outfit made him look too much like a leader.

If Lin Yue was driving, it would be more like that.

"Excuse me..." The guard asked uncertainly when he saw the two of them.

"I'm looking for Ge Qingshan, please call me." Lin Heng said with a smile without explaining to him.

He also had this intention in buying a three-wheeler. This thing is very rare and was used by the army in the past. He would be in awe of others when driving it, thinking that the person who drove this kind of car was not the leader or had something to do with the leader.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The guard went in to call for someone without asking a word.

Lin Heng was telling his brother how to drive a three-wheeler here. When he got back, he was going to let him practice on his own. It was still very important to learn how to drive.

"Lin Heng!"

Ge Qingshan was stunned when he came out. He walked over and took a closer look and said in surprise: "Did you buy this? It's been so long since I last saw you. You have changed a lot."

Lin Heng laughed and said: "I made a little money to buy second-hand goods last year, otherwise it would be inconvenient to go to the city."

"Okay, it's domineering enough." Ge Qingshan looked at it, a little envious, and prepared to do one himself.

Lin Heng introduced his eldest brother, and then took Ge Qingshan to the restaurant for dinner. While waiting for the food to be served, he smiled and said: "Li Chengguo said you got me seed shrimp, so I came here to find you. "

Ge Qingshan nodded and said, "I asked my dad the other day, and he said that there are several shrimp farmers in Taibai City, and they are selling shrimp seedlings and shrimps, just in Qingshui Town next to the city. He can buy a batch at a relatively low price."

"Thank you, then let's find a time to go and see it when the spring comes." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"It's a small matter, and it doesn't take much effort." Ge Qingshan said with a smile.

Then Lin Heng asked about the details, but Ge Qingshan said he didn't ask for details, after all, there was still a long time.

Lin Heng was helpless, thinking that it was okay, people were helping to find out for free, it was impossible to ask too much.

It's impossible that he taught people to play bows and arrows, and they treated him as their father, and he casually said that they would do everything for him.

But now that I know the place, I will find a time to learn about it myself. I don't know what the level of shrimp farming is in this era. He used the intensive farming method at that time, and the annual per mu yield reached about 3,000 kilograms.

Ge Qingshan said again: "Last time you taught me how to hunt pheasants, I tried dozens of times and only caught three pheasants in total. Hunting is too difficult."

"You are already very good. My brother has only shot two pheasants with a bow and arrow so far." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes, bows and arrows really require talent. I can miss even if I am less than ten meters away." Lin Yue also nodded in agreement.

Hearing that Lin Yue also played with bows and arrows, Ge Qingshan became interested. After a while, he was eager to go into the mountains to hunt.

But Lin Heng had no interest in taking him into the mountains. It was too difficult to lead a person who grew up in the city in the mountains. If something happened, he could not afford it.

So even though he expressed his desire to go into the mountains several times, Lin Heng declined. Even if he was reluctant to go to the village to play, he was not willing to refuse it outright. He promised to find a time in spring to invite him to go up and have a look.

This meal cost five yuan. After eating, Lin Heng took his eldest brother away. In the afternoon, the two went to the transportation company to understand the situation.

There is only one transport company in Taibai City, which is a state-owned enterprise. In addition, there are some small private transport companies, which are not companies, but group fleets.

There are also many people like Zhao Hu and Liu Sheng who use tractors to transport goods. In this era, transporting goods is too profitable, and everyone wants to get a piece of the pie.

After a while, Lin Heng came to the door of Taibai Transport Company. The guard looked at Lin Heng's clothes and didn't react much. He just looked at his sidecar twice.

Those who can come to the transport company to discuss business are rich, and the guard is also well-informed.

Lin Heng parked the car outside, walked over and handed the guard a Daqianmen cigarette and said, "Uncle, let's go in and discuss business."

"You can go in after registering." The guard took the cigarette and nodded expressionlessly.

"Uncle, can you ask, how much does it cost for our truck to go to Ancheng?" Lin Heng asked with a smile. The guards of such state-owned enterprises should never be underestimated. They are usually relatives of a leader.

"I heard it's one hundred, I don't know the specifics." The guard shook his head and didn't want to say more.

"Thank you."

Lin Heng nodded, and after registering, he went in with his elder brother. When they arrived at the business office, a salesperson came to greet them.

After a conversation, Lin Heng got the information he wanted. It would cost 200 yuan for a round trip, 100 yuan for a single trip, and all the fees were included.

This fee is very expensive, but there is no way. In this era, cars are as precious as pandas. Lin Heng's full rental is so expensive.

Lin Heng's original intention was to rent a round trip, collect some mountain products and sell them in Ancheng, so that he could make a lot of money.

But now after comprehensive consideration, Lin Heng decided to forget it, just go and buy some things he needs and ship them back.

I'm too lazy to bother.

After thinking for a while and drinking a cup of tea, Lin Heng looked at the salesperson in front of him and said, "I'm going to Ancheng to buy things and ship them back. I rent a single trip. Should I go through the procedures here or in Ancheng?"

"You can go here. You can take our truck to Ancheng, unload the goods there, and then we can pick up the goods for you." The salesperson said.

"Okay, I understand. I'll rent a one-way trip." Lin Heng nodded.

"Please come here." The salesperson took Lin Heng to the counter inside. Here, the requirement was to pay the full amount first before getting a procedure.

Lin Heng had no choice but to pay the money and get the invoice and procedures. He did not choose the one that cost fifty a day. The gas fee to Ancheng and other things added up to seventy or eighty, and there was no safety guarantee.

Although this side is a little more expensive, it is backed by the country, and there is also a guarantee if something goes wrong, and there is no time limit for this trip.

The departure date is the day after tomorrow at noon, which is the tenth day of the lunar calendar and the 11th day of the second lunar month. He can choose to come and go with the truck, or he can choose to go alone.

Anyway, there is a procedure there.

"Finally it's done."

After leaving the transportation company, Lin Heng looked at the dim sun in the clouds on the horizon and took a deep breath.

Although the laws have not changed yet, crimes such as speculation and hooliganism are still there, but the general environment has been relaxed, otherwise he, a small farmer, would not be qualified to rent a truck for business.

"Brother, are you going alone the day after tomorrow?" Lin Yue asked from the side. After running around with Lin Heng for a day, he found that doing business was not easy.

"The two of us are not enough. I will call Lin Hai when I go back, and then we will drive my tricycle and follow the convoy to Ancheng."

Lin Heng smiled while holding his elder brother's shoulder. He couldn't have brought a passbook in the past. Now credit unions are not connected to each other. It is too dangerous to bring more cash and a few people.

"That's it. Then I have to prepare well when I go back. I haven't been to Ancheng yet." Lin Yue said with a smile, looking a little excited.

"Actually, there's nothing interesting to see. They're all just houses." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After saying a few words, the two got in the car and headed back.

It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to Hongfeng Village. Lin Heng parked the car on the roadside and went back to the house first.

"Honey, my custom-made clothes are back, how do they feel?"

As soon as Xiulan opened the courtyard gate, Lin Heng couldn't wait to show it off.

Xiulan looked at it, her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise: "It's very good, it's pretty."

"Dad's new clothes look good." Xiaoxia, who was playing with a wooden cart in the yard, also said crisply.

"Haha, you guys really know how to tell the truth." Lin Heng took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to Xiaoxia, and then took out a bouquet and gave it to Xiulan.

Xiulan took the blue-green hair flower and looked at it happily, then put it on her head, tilted her head and asked, "Does it look good?"

"Of course, it matches you very well. It feels elegant and refined." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Dad, I also want a haircut." Xiaoxia looked at her mother's hair and said enviously.

"Let's talk about it next time, you already have candy." Lin Heng pinched his little face.

After walking into the room and taking a sip of tea, Xiulan asked from the side: "Have you settled the matter?"

"Yes, we've agreed. We'll go to Ancheng the day after tomorrow. I'm going to ask my eldest brother to go with Lin Hai. It's safer for the three of us." Lin Heng nodded. After drinking the tea, he went into the room and changed his clothes.

Xiulan nodded: "That's good. I'm worried that it will be dangerous for you to die alone. How many days will it take for you to come back?"

"Two days, don't go long for more than three days." Lin Heng thought for a while and said, after a trip to Ancheng, he had to sell everything he needed.

Xiulan nodded and asked softly: "Are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

"You're not hungry. Let's eat together in the evening. I'll teach my elder brother how to drive a tricycle on the road. Do you want to learn?" Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"Why am I, a woman, learning this?" Xiulan blinked.

"Who says women can't learn? Anyway, it's okay for you to come with me."

Lin Heng said that he would pull her out together.

Xiulan couldn't resist him, so she had to go on the road with him.

"I want to go out too!" Xiaoxia saw that her parents were going out, so naturally she wanted to follow them.

When they came out, the eldest brother Lin Yue and his eldest nephew Lin Wei were already on the road.

"A tricycle is actually very simple." Lin Heng said as he got on the car and explained how to operate it.

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