Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 240: A man must be fed before leaving home

This kind of three-wheeled motorcycle is not difficult to drive, and there is no problem of overturning when driving normally. The only difficulty might be putting it in gear.

After Lin Heng taught him for a while, his eldest brother finally mastered it and was able to drive it on the road. The same goes for Xiulan. Learning sleight of hand is not that difficult.

After initially learning it, Lin Heng let his eldest brother practice first. Xiulan can learn it at any time and is not in a hurry.

After practicing for a while, Lin Heng asked his elder brother to take him to his third father's house in Shanghe.

"Brother Heng and Brother Yue, what are you going to do?" Lin Hai, who was planting potatoes in front of his house, asked curiously.

"Lin Heng, come inside to drink water and have dinner at my house tonight." Lin Heng's third mother, Li Xue, also greeted him with a smile, and was now even more enthusiastic than his third father.

"No." Lin Heng shook his head and said, "My brother is practicing driving. It's not safe for us to go to Ancheng the day after tomorrow. I'll come over and ask Lin Hai if you want to come with us."

Then he added: "Don't worry about the cost, I'll cover all the food, drinks, accommodation and transportation."

"I have no objection to that. It's good to go out and see the world." Li Xue said first.

Lin Xutao also nodded: "I don't have any opinion, it just depends on Lin Hai."

If they were still a little hesitant before, but now there is nothing to hesitate about. It is too late for them to be happy that Lin Heng is willing to lead Lin Hai.

"Of course I am willing, I haven't been to Ancheng yet."

Lin Heng said happily that he had never even been to the urban area of ​​Taibai City a few times, let alone Anseong.

"That's okay, let's set off the day after tomorrow." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After saying that, he asked his elder brother to continue driving, and after walking two kilometers, he turned around and headed back.

Many people were planting potatoes at this time, and they looked envious when they saw Lin Yue learning to ride a motorcycle. Some were curious and asked questions such as how far he could run and how fast he could run.

Lin Heng didn't pretend to be arrogant. He told them very gently and even gave some people cigarettes to smoke.

"Have you mastered it now?"

After practicing for half an hour, Lin Heng asked with a smile.

"This tricycle is indeed not too difficult." Lin Yue nodded.

"Then I'll go down and practice slowly by yourself. Don't worry about the gas money."

Lin Heng said something and got out of the car. As soon as he got off, Lin Tao and Lin Hai rushed to get a seat, but were severely scolded by his father and left.

Lin Heng didn't stop him when he saw this scene, mainly because his brother was not yet proficient in skills and it was very dangerous to sit there.

Lin Heng returned home and found that Tian Yancaiyun had come to his home. The two were teaching Xiaoxia to write in the study, but Xiaoxia was reluctant to write and only wanted to doodle.

Xiulan was chatting with them and had nothing to do at the moment.

"Your study is nice. It will be nice to get a few more books." Tian Yan raised her head and said. Lin Heng's home is now more luxurious than hers, and this study makes her even more envious.

"I'm going to buy some." Lin Heng nodded and smiled.

"Boss Lin bought two more history books so that I can take advantage of them and borrow two more for children at school who love to read." Tian Yan said with a smile.

Lin Heng glanced at her and joked: "You teach Xiaoxia how to read and write, and I will donate a thousand books to Murakami Primary School myself."

"Are you serious?" Tian Yan stood up and stared at Lin Heng.

Lin Heng nodded: "It's a joke to ask you to teach Xiaoxia. I originally planned to go to Murakami Elementary School and buy some books. I can do it within two years."

Xiulan also nodded beside her: "Lin Heng said this, saying that when you make money, you can buy some extracurricular reading materials for Murakami Primary School. He said that children in our rural areas are ignorant, so we can only read more books to understand the outside world. "

"My brother also told me this. He often reads books himself." Caiyun also nodded.

Tian Yan didn't know when Lin Heng became like this. He was completely different from the Lin Heng he knew before, but it was indeed too pleasing to the eye.

Although Lin Heng has never shown off his words, some clues can be seen from Xiaoxia. Xiaoxia knows more fairy tales than she does.

Xiulan also asked her about some cultural things from time to time, which were obviously influenced by Lin Heng.

"It's no joke. I'll take care of Xiaoxia's reading and literacy education. Just wait and donate books." Tian Yan waved her hand and said.

Lin Heng shook his head: "She is still young, so she doesn't need to learn to read so early. Don't worry about the books. I will definitely not break my promise when I say I will donate."

He thinks it's good for Xiulan to have a happy childhood. She shouldn't rush into this kind of thing. It's not too late for her to learn it when she wants to learn it when she is four or five years old.

"That's okay, I can teach you whatever I want. She's so smart, maybe she wants to learn." Tian Yan insisted.

"That's okay." Lin Heng nodded. Tian Yan couldn't refuse even if she wanted to teach him.

After watching Xiaoxia write for a while, Lin Heng felt that it was too difficult for his precious daughter. He should teach her to play paper-cutting when he has time.

After writing for a while, Xiulan took the opportunity to run away, dragging Lin Heng to go out to play.

But it was getting dark, so Lin Heng promised her to go out tomorrow.

After breakfast the next day, Lin Heng saw that the weather was not bad and planned to take them out to play.

In the room, Xiulan was bending over to sweep the floor. Lin Heng hugged her from behind and pressed against her round and plump butt.

"Oh, what are you doing again!"

Xiulan's face suddenly turned red and she glared at Lin Heng. It was so embarrassing to be hugged so tightly from behind.

Lin Heng did not let go, but smiled and said: "I mean let's go out and play. I will take you and Xiaoxia to Heihe. The scenery there is very nice."

Xiulan smacked his hand away, shook her head and said, "It's too far. I don't want to go. Let's wait until the trees sprout."

"Okay." Lin Heng spread his hands helplessly.

"I'll go help my parents plant potatoes later. I'm embarrassed to eat potatoes without doing any work." Xiulan said again.

"That's okay. I'm thick-skinned." Lin Heng laughed.

Xiulan glared at him, and after sweeping the floor, she took Lin Heng and Xiaoxia to the field. Her parents had almost planted the potatoes, and there was still a small half of the field left.

"You don't have to do anything. Go and see the cows. I don't know where they ran along the river." Lin's father waved his hand. He had never thought of letting Lin Heng plant.

"Let's help first, so that I won't be allowed to eat potatoes later." Lin Heng joked.

"You're talking as if you didn't work before and didn't let you eat." Lin's mother glared at him.

"Who made me a filial son? Let me do it."

Lin Heng took a hoe and dug a nest with his father. Lin's mother wore leather gloves and grabbed cow dung and threw it into the nest. Xiulan also wore a pair of gloves and put the cut potatoes on the cow dung with the sprouts facing up.

After Lin Heng finished digging the hole, he used a hoe to cover the soil and the planting was done.

With the help of Lin Heng and Xiulan, the remaining work could be done in an hour.

After a short rest, Lin's father took the hoe and went to the field again. Lin Heng said, "Dad, what are you going to do?"

"Nothing, go find cattle and sheep." Lin's father shook his head.


Lin Heng thought he was going to dig the ground again.

After a short rest, they got up and went home. At this time, they could only plant early potatoes. Other crops were not in season yet.

After lunch, Lin's mother asked Xiulan to wash clothes, and Lin Heng took Xiongba and Xiaoxia on the way.

Unknowingly, they had reached the junction with Shimen Village. If they walked up a little along the wide valley on the left, they could see the temple of Guanyin Laomu, but there was usually no one in the temple unless it was the first or fifteenth day of the month.


Just as they were about to go back, a cow mooed inside.

"Dad, there are cows." Xiaoxia pulled Lin Heng to walk into the ditch.

"Then let's go in and take a look."

Lin Heng pulled her a little further in, Xiongba led the way in front, and he was very excited to come out to play.

"It turned out to be you."

After walking a little further in, Lin Heng saw that the cowherd was actually Liu Ciwen, who was sitting on a stone with a book and was fascinated by it.

Seeing Lin Heng, he raised his head and showed a simple smile: "Brother Lin Heng, are you out to play?"

"Yes, I'm walking the dog with my daughter." Lin Heng found that the book in his hand was his own, and there was no doubt that it was lent to him by his sister Caiyun.

"Brother Lin Heng, Caiyun and I are classmates, and I borrowed this book from her."

Noticing Lin Heng's gaze, Liu Ciwen hurriedly explained, looking a little uneasy.

He and Caiyun became book friends because they both liked reading. Caiyun would lend him the books she had read, and the two would discuss the contents of the books from time to time at school.

Now he was a little embarrassed to be discovered by Lin Heng, after all, without Lin Heng's consent.

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand: "What's the big deal? Just watch yourself. It's normal for classmates to borrow books from each other."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Lin Heng." Liu Ciwen nodded quickly.

After Lin Heng chatted with him for a few words, he relaxed and gradually became talkative.

While they were talking, Xiaoxia threw stones to get water in the valley. When she was tired, she stuck to Lin Heng.

"I'm leaving. Be careful when you herd cattle."

Lin Heng hugged Xiaoxia and said.

"Okay, Brother Lin Heng, you should be careful too."

Liu Ciwen stood up and said.

Lin Heng waved his hand and broke some pyracantha fruits by the stream for his daughter. Xiaoxia leaned her head on Lin Heng's shoulder, tasted two, and spit them out in disgust.

"Really, I told you not to run, but now you know you're tired."

Lin Heng twisted her face.

Xiaoxia blinked and didn't say anything. She hugged Lin Heng's neck and called him Xiongba from time to time, very coquettish.

Lin Heng didn't go home directly. He carried her to Banli Mountain for a distance. Xiaoxia, who weighed more than 20 kilograms, took it as weight training.

Not long after walking, Lin Heng found the puddle where he lost the clouded leopard skeleton a few months ago. The water had dried up, and there was no flesh on the clouded leopard skeleton.

"Something took away part of it."

Lin Heng picked it up and found that only one leg bone was left, and the spine was gone, which was different from when he put it down.

He took the skull to the stream to wash it, and finally only pulled out four canine teeth and took them away, and the others were not needed.

Originally, he wanted to make a leopard skeleton specimen, but now there is no hope.

Canine teeth are good for pendants. He used the fangs he got from hunting wild boars to make wind chimes with bamboo.

After taking the canine teeth, Lin Heng carried Xiaoxia down the mountain. It was almost four o'clock when he got home.

"Where did you go? I thought you were lost."

Xiu Lan asked curiously when she saw the father and daughter coming back.

"Mom, I'm hungry~"

Xiaoxia just got off the ground and hugged Xiulan's legs again.

"I'll make you honey kudzu root powder later." Xiulan looked at her and said.

Lin Heng drank a sip of water and then briefly told where he went in the afternoon.

"No wonder Xiaoxia is hungry, you guys are really good at running." Xiulan shook her head.

"I'm hungry too." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan glanced at the two of them, went to make some honey kudzu root powder, and brought some maltose cakes.

"Eat it, and cook in the evening after you finish eating." Xiulan said.

The kudzu root powder with honey is light yellow gelatinous. Lin Heng broke the cake into pieces and dipped it in it to eat, which has a unique flavor.

After dinner, I didn't want to do anything in the afternoon. I leaned on the chair and watched Xiulan picking vegetables and Xiaoxia playing, killing time casually.

In the evening, Tian Yan came over and fulfilled her promise to teach Xiaoxia to read and write. Xiaoxia was too tired to write and kept acting cute with Tian Yan.

Lin Heng and Xiulan laughed beside them. In the end, Tian Yan gave up and taught her to recognize pinyin and went back.

After dinner, Lin Heng told a story and Xiaoxia fell asleep.

The two moved the bed away and took out 3,000 yuan from the 25,000 yuan hidden in the underground secret compartment.

A few hundred yuan was enough to buy saplings. Lin Heng took so much money to buy some other things, including some equipment for shrimp farming. After all, it was not easy to go to Ancheng.

After moving the bed back, Xiulan started to find clothes for Lin Heng to wear tomorrow, and he had to change his clothes inside and outside.

She had just finished washing up, and was wearing a loose nightgown and bending over to look for clothes in the closet. Seeing this scene, Lin Heng couldn't help but hug her from behind.

There was no way, it was too tempting to be round and curvy.

"Oh, can you be a little bit good, I'm looking for clothes for you." Xiulan patted him and broke away with a red face.

Lin Heng was now wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long trousers, and it was too hot to be so close to her.

"Don't look for it, let's talk about it tomorrow morning." Lin Heng hugged her again.

"I've found it, go to bed and rest." Xiulan quickly found clothes and went to bed with a red face.

The man was going out, and he really had to be fed, so that he wouldn't be unable to resist the temptation outside.

"Wait a minute, wife, can you change to a double ponytail hairstyle?" Lin Heng pulled her and begged.

"What for?" Xiulan didn't understand.

"Change it." Lin Heng took the initiative to bring a rubber band.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and had to tie her waist-length hair into double ponytails.

Seeing Xiulan tied up her hair into two ponytails, Lin Heng put down the black article on Xiaoxia's wooden bed, covering it completely.

Then he couldn't wait to turn off the light and walked towards the bed. Through the faint light from the fireplace, he could see Xiulan's plump and graceful figure.

Climbing onto the bed, Lin Heng could smell a faint fragrance, which was the fragrance of shower gel left on Xiulan's body after she had just taken a shower.

"Wife, I love you!"

Without saying too much, Lin Heng pounced on her like a hungry tiger.

"No, cover the quilt."

Xiulan pulled Lin Heng, not wanting to be outside the quilt, that would be too shameful.


Lin Heng didn't give Xiulan a chance and kissed her directly.

A few minutes later, she finally knew the function of the ponytails. Lin Heng was so bad that she was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Lin Heng was just trying it out, and didn't really pull the ponytails hard.

But it must be said that this was a feeling he had never had before, and with Xiulan's expression, this great knight almost confessed.

"You are so bad."

After a long time, Xiulan lay on the bed and glared at Lin fiercely. She was still sweating and was too tired just now.

I really don't know where he got so many strange ideas, always forcing her to experience new things, and every time she struggled back and forth between happiness and shame.

Lin Heng didn't say anything, and the big paper with a little salt tasted different.


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