Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 241 Go to Ancheng to buy saplings

Early the next morning, Lin Heng was woken up by Xiulan.

I worked several times last night and was really tired.

"Here, I've sewed your shirt as you asked."

Seeing Lin Heng wake up, Xiulan handed him the shirt. Lin Heng had two pockets sewn on the front of his shirt, each containing a thousand dollars. To withdraw the money, he had to remove the threads.

This is what Lin Heng asked her to do when he went to bed last night.

"Thank you, wife."

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan, who was sitting in front of her in a duck-like position wearing only black underwear. He turned his head and kissed her snow-white legs.

"Get up quickly, I'm going to make breakfast for you."

Xiulan rolled her eyes at her, picked up her clothes and put them on. Her plump and plump figure was hidden by the clothes bit by bit, and finally there was no trace at all.

Only Lin Heng, whom she fell in love with, knew how beautiful and plump her figure was under these thick clothes.

Lin Heng didn't act like a monster, stretched out, put on his clothes and got up.

Naturally, he couldn't put all of his three thousand yuan in his bag. If he encountered any danger on the way to Ancheng, all his money would not be lost if his bag was robbed.

When most people see so much money in the bag, they would never think that he still has two thousand on him.

You must be careful when traveling far away, otherwise something may happen easily.

Wearing a sweater and a thick coat, even if someone touched his chest, he wouldn't be able to feel it.

After taking a look at his daughter who was still sleeping soundly, Lin Heng went out to complete his morning exercise as usual. Xiulan was making breakfast and was not with him.

When he finished washing and came to the main room, Xiulan had already prepared the meal. Four dishes, one soup and rice were brought to the table: "Eat quickly."

While Lin Heng was eating, Xiulan became verbose again, holding her chin with her hand and refusing to eat.

"I'm just going out to do something. I'll be back in three days at most. What are you worried about?" Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan looked at him: "You used to say you would go out for a while and then not come home for half a month."

"That was before, I have changed it."

"Of course I know, I just want to remind you." Xiulan whispered.

Lin Heng finished his meal quickly, checked the car, and took the repair wrench.

Finally, he put the black satchel on his back and drove out. As soon as he reached the road, his elder brother also went out and trotted down.

"Let's go pick up Lin Hai." Lin Heng said and sat in the side compartment.

"Okay." Lin Yue didn't refuse, drove to pick up Lin Hai, and then set off directly to the city.

It was only ten o'clock when he arrived in the city. Lin Heng looked at his watch and went directly to the transportation company to inquire about the situation.

The driver of the motorcade next to me was having breakfast and would probably not set off until twelve o'clock.

"We can only wait." Lin Heng spread his hands and said.

"Brother Lin Heng, should we wait here now?" Lin Hai looked around. He who seldom came to the city was full of curiosity about this place.

"Then let's go around the neighborhood and buy some dry food for the road."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, he knew Lin Hai wanted to look around.

I bought some pancakes and steamed buns, and a bucket of gasoline to take with me. Then I walked around for a while, and it was almost time to come back.

Lin Heng naturally knew the way to Ancheng, so he drove ahead to avoid getting ashes, but he didn't go too fast either.

There are no highways now, and the corridor is just a two-lane cement road. Asphalt roads are only found in big cities now. Since the 1990s, roads have started to get better and better, and highways have been gradually built.

There wasn't much sun today, it was cloudy, and people driving in cars couldn't bear the cold wind. Fortunately, they all wore helmets, otherwise their ears would freeze off.

After leaving the city, we gradually lost sight of the mountains. At a glance, there were plains on both sides of the road. Rapeseed and wheat are grown on the plain, which is like a vast green ocean. The breeze blows through the green wheat and undulates like waves, making people who look at it feel happy.

"It's so flat, it turns out this is endless." Lin Hai said with emotion.

Lin Yue also nodded repeatedly: "This land is really good. The wheat is even higher than in our mountains."

The highest mountain in the distance is only twenty or thirty meters tall, so it cannot be called a mountain at all.

"Even though the land here is good, farming is not profitable." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"That's much better than our mountain." Lin Yue liked the land here and discussed it excitedly with Lin Hai.

But their excitement soon passed, because the journey to Anseong was more than 180 kilometers, and they had to travel at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour for three hours.

About fifty kilometers away from Changbai City, the sky suddenly started to rain, and the rain became heavier and heavier. Lin Heng could only park the car on the side of the road and put on a raincoat. Fortunately, he bought a raincoat.

"Damn it, it's not cloudy, why is it raining?" Lin Hai said while putting on his raincoat.

"This should be called raining in the east and sunny in the west." Lin Yue sighed.

Lin Heng put on his raincoat and said with a smile: "It's like this. If we walk for a while, we will be outside the boundaries of Taibai City."

"How about I drive for a while?" Lin Yue looked at Lin Heng and said.

"I'll drive for a while." Lin Heng shook his head, glanced at the convoy that was already following him, and continued to set off.

After walking for about fifty kilometers, the rain not only stopped but the sun came out and the sky was cloudless. This was the first time that Lin Yue and Lin Hai experienced the feeling of rain in the east and sunshine in the west.

After taking off his raincoat, Lin Yue drove instead. Lin Heng sat in the back seat and looked at the scenery on both sides. The beautiful wheat fields under the sunset were very soothing.

At this time, they have arrived at the territory of Ancheng. As they get closer, some high-rise buildings begin to appear. It is much more developed than Taibai City.

Lin Yue and Lin Hai are both shocked, while Lin Heng is dozing off and feels that his butt hurts from sitting for too long. How can this be considered a high-rise building? It is far from the future.

As they get closer to Ancheng, Lin Heng sits in the driver's seat again and arrives at the terminal of the transportation company. He finds a hotel nearby to rest for a night and waits for the truck to unload the goods and then goes to pick up the goods with him tomorrow morning.

"Let's go, let's go to the hotel to rest after dinner."

Lin Heng took his eldest brother Lin Yue to the restaurant and ordered three bowls of oil-splashed pulled noodles. After eating, they found a hotel to sleep and didn't dare to stay outside for too long.

Although there were no accidents on the way here, it doesn't mean that nothing happened.

"Hey, are you looking for a lady?"

As soon as the three of them fell asleep, there was a knock on the door outside.

Lin Yue and Lin Hai were both shocked. Is it so blatant?

"No." Lin Heng shouted in a rough voice.

After that, there was no more disturbance. The three of them slept until midnight. Suddenly, Lin Heng heard the sound of the door opening outside and hurriedly woke up his eldest brother and Lin Heng.

"What are you doing?" Lin Heng opened the door violently, and the three stood at the door with sticks and wrenches in their hands. 、

"Brother, I opened the wrong door."

The thief who broke into the door and stole things was startled, smiled and turned around and ran without looking back.

"Let's go, continue to sleep."

Lin Heng took a look and closed the door.

"This big place is so messy?" Lin Hai didn't understand.

Lin Heng smiled: "It's the same in every city. Big cities are more messy. Only those high-end places are not messy."

"Do you want me to watch in the second half of the night?" Lin Yue said.

"No, it should be fine." Lin Heng shook his head. He was a little attached to his bed and had a shallow sleep here.

The next morning, Lin Heng changed into a Zhongshan suit, took the two of them to eat a steamed bun, and then drove to do things.

He went directly to the largest agricultural science institute in Ancheng, which is also the provincial agricultural science institute. There are all kinds of seeds and seedlings in this place, and the quality is top-notch, and there are also some newly cultivated seedlings.

Although the agricultural science institute in Changbai City can also buy seedlings, the quality is not very good. The time period for planting trees is very long, and if the seedlings are not good, they will all be ruined.

"Excuse me, what kind of seedlings do you want to buy?"

When Lin Heng came in, a salesperson entertained him.

Lin Heng asked: "I am going to buy kiwis, sugar oranges, apples, and grapes. It is best to buy three-year seedlings. What varieties are there?"

"It seems that you buy a lot. I will introduce them to you slowly."

The salesperson brought a booklet and explained to Lin Heng.

The most common grape seedlings in this era are Kyoho and red grapes. These are enduring varieties that many people grow. In addition, there are self-developed varieties such as Hutai No. 8 and Baijing No. 1, which are researched by the Agricultural Science Institute.

There are also many kiwi varieties, including Green Star No. 3, Hongyang No. 2, etc. Apples are mainly red bananas, Red Fuji, Guoguang and other varieties.

There is only one local variety of sugar oranges.

Breeding technology for the New Year has just begun to develop in this era, and there are not many varieties.

Lin Heng's family now has 40 acres of vacant land, 30 acres if you don't count the rice fields, and it will almost reach 40 acres if some wasteland and barren hills are reclaimed.

Under normal circumstances, one acre of land can plant 100 fruit trees, and fewer larger fruit trees, such as grapes and kiwis, can be planted more.

Lin Heng's father and eldest brother have discussed it at home and decided to mainly plant kiwis, apples and grapes.

Lin Heng naturally chose three-year seedlings for his own planting. The three-year grafted seedlings of Kyoho cost 10 cents each, and Lin Heng bought 2,000 trees for 200 yuan.

The three-year grafted seedlings of Red Fuji apples cost 20 cents each, and Lin Heng bought 1,000 trees for 200 yuan.

The most expensive is the Hongyang kiwi, a newly cultivated variety. The two-year grafted seedlings cost 30 cents each, and 2,000 trees cost 600 yuan.

There must be a lot of surplus.

But Lin Heng also bought some extra 100 sugar oranges, 20 pear trees, 50 strawberry seedlings, 50 watermelon seedlings, corn, rice, soybean seeds, some other fruit and vegetable seeds, some books on planting and maintenance, etc., which added up to 110 yuan.

Lin Heng will not buy other things for the time being.

"Is your nursery base far away? I want to see the seedlings on site." After talking for a while, Lin Heng said.

Although it is almost impossible to make mistakes here as a provincial agricultural science institute, it is still better to take a look.

"Of course, you can come with me." The salesperson smiled and led Lin Heng and the other two to see the seedlings.

"So many, are there all seedlings here?" Lin Yue looked at the nursery base.

"There are 100 acres here, just one of our nursery bases." The salesperson smiled.

"It's really big." Lin Yue was secretly amazed.

After a while, they arrived at the destination. At this time, the fruit trees have not sprouted yet, and they can only see the thickness. The seedlings on three sides are three centimeters thick, and the grape seedlings are thicker than the thumb.

After seeing the results, they were quite satisfied, so they negotiated the contract, paid the deposit and asked them to pull the seedlings today, and he would deliver the goods tomorrow morning.

"Brother Lin, do you think my family should plant some fruit trees?" Lin Heng's contract was already negotiated, and Lin Hai asked again.

Lin Heng glanced at him and smiled and said, "I suggest you plant ten acres of land. If three-year seedlings are expensive, you can buy one-year seedlings. If you want to plant, I can pad for you, but it's not free. We brothers should settle accounts clearly."

"Brother Lin, what fruit trees do you think I should plant that are easier to take care of?" Lin Hai asked again.

"Then I suggest you plant pomegranate or jujube trees, or kiwi fruit." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

Lin Hai hesitated and said, "Then I'll buy kiwis too. Hongyang's one-year grafted seedlings will be fine. I'll buy a thousand."

A grafted seedling costs a dime a year, and a thousand grafted seedlings costs one hundred yuan. It is not a small amount of money for him, but it is still affordable.

"Okay, let's buy another thousand grafted seedlings for one year." Lin Heng found a salesman and bought another batch.

Pointing to one hundred yuan, Lin Heng lent it directly to Lin Hai. As long as it was paid back within three years, there would be no interest. After all, they didn't have much money, and they were still brothers.

Lin Hai borrowed paper and pen from the counter, wrote an IOU, fingerprinted it and handed it to Lin Heng.

"No need, it's just a hundred yuan." Lin Heng waved his hand.

Lin Hai shook his head: "Brother, it is a great kindness for you to lend me so much money for free. If I don't even dare to write an IOU, then I am worse than a beast. And if you have an IOU, you can't talk to my sister-in-law when you go back."

After saying that, he handed the IOU to Lin Heng. Since he was the one borrowing the money, he must make the borrower feel at ease.

"Okay, I'll take it." Lin Heng smiled and patted Lin Hai on the shoulder. It was really comfortable to have this kind of friend.

Lin Yue saw this scene and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother, I'm going to wait until I get home and calculate the money before I write you an IOU."

Lin Heng runs a fish pond himself, and these saplings were bought for him and his father, which is equivalent to free support for him.

Although they are brothers, they are already married, which is definitely a great favor.

"It doesn't matter, brother, I believe you will definitely pay me back if you make money." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Lin Yue shook his head and said: "Then you have to write an IOU. You don't care if Xiulan feels good after reading it. I'll write it for you when I get back."

Lin Heng didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, started the car and said, "Let's go, we have to buy other things."

"Brother Lin Heng, what else do you want to buy?" Lin Hai asked curiously.

"First go and see if they sell oxygen pumps, and then buy two cows to raise."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

He is engaged in intensive farming. If there is an oxygen pump, the breeding density can be increased a lot, and there is no need to worry about the shrimp being deprived of oxygen.

Buying a cow is something that has been planned for a long time. It is to give Xiaoxia milk to grow up. Naturally, the milk bought on the market is not as good as milking one's own milk.

"This will probably cost a lot of money." Lin Yue said curiously.

"Of course, everything costs money." Lin Heng smiled and continued: "I'm also going to see feed production machines and the like."

Now is the time when domestic breeding and cultivation are booming. Lin Heng wants to open a feed factory of his own. Selling feed can be more profitable than breeding.

"Are you going to make your own feed?"

"Yes, I have this idea." Lin Heng nodded.

While driving, Lin Heng inquired about some specific locations, and then walked towards the machinery factory.

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