Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 242: Medicinal materials whose prices will rise sharply in a few years

Lin Heng had also stayed in Ancheng and knew where the machinery factory was, but he couldn't go directly because it would be strange.

But it was easy to inquire, and soon they came to the largest Red Star Machinery Factory in the north of the city. The types of machinery produced in this factory were very large.

After Lin Heng came in, a middle-aged man came to receive him. He was a little surprised to see Lin Heng and the other three so young.

"What machinery do you two need to buy?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

Lin Heng glanced at him and asked, "Do you have a large aerator for fish and shrimp farming?"

"Of course, come with me." The middle-aged man nodded with a smile and took Lin Heng to the factory.

The principle of a large-scale aerator is very simple. It uses a motor to drive an impeller to rotate in the water body to generate a large number of bubbles, so that the water and air are fully in contact, so that oxygen can be better integrated into the water body.

"The aerators built in our factory are mainly suspended, that is, they float on the water. According to the power, there are four types: 750 watts, 1,500 watts, 2,200 watts, and 3,000 watts. Model. There are two types: 220 volts and 380 volts, which can be used in different areas of water. It is guaranteed to be replaced within three years and repaired within five years.”

After the middle-aged man finished the introduction, he asked with a smile: "Which one do you want to buy?"

Lin Heng and the other three looked around, especially Lin Yue and Lin Hai, who were very curious about this thing, which they had never seen before.

"What's the price for 220-volt electricity?" Lin Heng asked again. Hongfengshan can't carry three-phase electricity, and it can't be used if it buys 380-volt electricity.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "The prices from low to high are 150, 180, 200, 230, and 250. The smallest 750 watts can be used for one acre of ponds."

Lin Heng nodded to express his understanding, and then asked: "How much does a small lawn chopper and a grinder cost respectively?"

"For home use, the cheapest lawn chopper costs 80 yuan, and the grinder costs 100 yuan." The middle-aged man added.

This price is acceptable to Lin Heng. In this era, the prices of state-owned enterprises are all set, and there is no such thing as bargaining.

It was not until the number of private enterprises and self-employed individuals in later generations, coupled with the implementation of market economic policies, that the term bargaining came into being.

"Is there a feed machine?" Lin Heng asked again.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded: "There are, but only large ones. They are sold to feed mills. The cheapest set costs 28,000. There are grinding equipment, mixing equipment, compression equipment, and pelleting equipment. , drying equipment, crushing equipment, excluding puffing equipment and packaging equipment.”

"Now that the domestic breeding industry is booming, there is no need to worry about selling the feed if you open a feed factory."

After speaking, he added another sentence.

Lin Heng nodded. He really wanted to open a feed processing factory. He had processed feed himself in his previous life and knew the ratios of many feeds.

These days, the domestic feed production industry has just started. Opening a feed factory is definitely a big opportunity, especially as more and more people engage in breeding as time goes by, the supply of feed exceeds demand.

Lin Heng also has a plan in mind to build a full industry chain company from feed production to breeding technology guidance. Now, we will slowly accumulate capital on our own, and when the market economy policy comes later, we will crazily seize market share and expand into a leading enterprise in feed production in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that I can't afford these things now, but don't worry, there will be opportunities in a short time. There should be enough capital to open a feed production plant next year.

Unlike Anseong, the provincial capital, which is so developed, there are very few people engaged in breeding in Taebaek City, let alone feed production plants.

"Let's continue like this. I'll buy three 2,200-watt aerators, one 750-watt aerator, a grinder and a lawn mower, and a 1,500-watt water pump. " Lin Heng looked at the middle-aged man and said.

Naturally, he doesn't have the money to buy one for all the ponds. This is unrealistic. He can just buy four and use them at home.

"Hello, the 1,500-watt water pump is worth 150 yuan. The total of everything is 1,080 yuan. Let's go over there and sign the contract."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man suddenly smiled and took Lin Heng and the others to the front office.

After signing the contract, Lin Heng paid the deposit and the balance when he comes to pick up the goods tomorrow.

It was already noon when we finished all this. The sun was high in the sky, and the streets were filled with people and cars. It was infinitely more prosperous than Taibai City.

Lin Hai looked at the street and sighed: "Spending money is really like running water. Brother Lin Heng, the money you spent today is enough for an ordinary person to earn for eight or nine years."

"If you want to make money, you have to spend money first. There's no other way. It's cheaper to buy it from the main factory in Ancheng." Lin Heng sighed. Things like aerators are not sold in Taibai City.

The prices of some other equipment are also much higher than here.

"Then what are we doing now?" Lin Yue exhaled and said.

Lin Heng smiled and got into the driveway: "Let's go, I will take you to Ancheng to have fun and see something."

After the two of them got in the car, Lin Heng took them to Ancheng to eat the very unique Liangpi Roujiamo, and then took them to see the large number of ancient buildings preserved here, which were royal territories in ancient times.

Lin Heng also took the opportunity to walk around in many places. These places are still farmland now. In twenty or thirty years time, every inch of land will be a place where every inch of land is at a premium. If you just buy some land, future generations will not have to worry about it.

What he needs to do now is to accumulate capital. With enough money, he can acquire these important places.

"This is Anseong. It deserves to be the provincial capital. It's really big and prosperous."

Lin Yue sighed as he looked at the ancient pagoda in the distance.

Lin Hai grabbed Lin Heng's shoulder and said with a smile: "I've really learned a lot from following Brother Lin Heng this time."

"Let's go and have a look. I guess you guys want to bring some gifts to your family." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After another round of walking, the three of them bought some small gifts for their families.

"We're here."

Not long after, Lin Heng came to a used book market that sells books and stationery.

"This is a good place. I'm also going to buy a few books." Lin Hai said with a smile.

After wandering around the market for a while, Lin Heng picked books with a sack. He probably knew what books were good, so he just packed them in a sack.

These used books cost a few cents each, and the hardcover ones are only about one yuan.

"Brother Lin, is this magazine good?"

Lin Yue said, holding a Reader's Digest.

"Throw it away, it's shit." Lin Heng waved his hand and said, a reader and an Yi Lin, they are both fucking cancers, poisoning a generation, and he doesn't want his family to be affected.

Although the reader has only been established for four years, it may not be so outrageous, but he still won't buy it.

What Israelis kill money and read 64 books a year, what Westerners have to read books when taking the subway, what Jews are the smartest, pure nonsense, just know how to deceive people in China who don't understand.

He was also deceived for a long time in his previous life, and thought it was awesome. Later, when technology developed and his thoughts matured, he understood the truth.

"Don't slander if you don't buy it, these are all good books." The stall owner said unconvinced.

Lin Heng glanced at him, looking at him like a fool. He bought a set of hardcover Mao's Selected Works and a set of hardcover Capital at the stall next to the row. These are the Bibles that Chinese people should read.

After a round of the market, he bought two sacks of old books and some new books, which added up to more than 200 books, and he spent more than 80 yuan.

After stacking the books in the car, Lin Heng found a high-end hotel at night, which cost five yuan a night and also stored the car.

That night, except for someone who often stuffed small cards into the cracks of the door, no one disturbed him at all.

The next morning, Lin Heng went to the transport station to load the truck, and first went to the machinery factory to load the goods.

At the machinery factory, he tested the machine to make sure it was OK, and then loaded it on the truck. Lin Heng also settled the balance he had prepared.

Then he came to the Provincial Agricultural Science Institute.

"Are the saplings I ordered yesterday ready?" Lin Heng asked the salesperson from yesterday.

"The grape trees and apple trees have been dug up, and the rest are still being dug. They will be finished by noon." The salesperson said apologetically.

"Is that so." Lin Heng nodded, and then asked: "Do you have seeds of Chinese medicinal materials such as ginseng and turmeric here?"

"Yes, ginseng seeds are five yuan per catty, and turmeric is a dime per catty." The salesperson nodded.

"What about forsythia and astragalus seeds?" Lin Heng asked again.

"We have them too, forsythia seeds are three yuan per catty, and astragalus seeds are five yuan per catty." The salesperson said again.

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll buy another 20 kilograms of ginseng seeds, 5 kilograms of forsythia and astragalus seeds, and 200 kilograms of turmeric seeds."

The prices of these Chinese medicinal materials will increase significantly in the future. They are in short supply. If you plant them now and wait for a few years, you can easily make a lot of money.

"Let's settle the bill together at the end." The salesperson wrote it down on paper and said to Lin Heng.

"Okay, take us to load the fruit tree seedlings first." Lin Heng nodded.

Under the leadership of the salesperson, the truck drove into the nursery base from the side, and Lin Heng and others went to supervise the loading.

The seedlings are bare roots without soil balls, 10 roots in a small bundle, 10 small bundles in a large bundle. Then dip the roots in some yellow mud water and load them.

Lin Heng just watched from the side to check whether the appearance was qualified. Lin Hai and his elder brother Lin Yue enthusiastically helped to move the goods. Rural people are like this and are very happy to help.

Finally, 50 more trees were delivered to prevent insufficient quantity or dead seedlings.

The kiwi seedlings had just started to be dug, so Lin Heng had to get the seeds first, and then go get the strawberry seedlings.

"Brother, why are you getting these strawberry seedlings?" Lin Yue asked curiously. He had never seen this kind of fruit before.

Lin Hai interrupted and said, "I know, Tian Yan said this is a very delicious fruit, introduced from foreign countries, and we don't have it in our small place."

"Yes, strawberries are delicious and very easy to grow." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

This large-grained strawberry was introduced to China in 1915, and it has only spread in recent years. It was not until the 1990s that it spread throughout China.

"It looks very similar to snakeberry." Lin Yue said as he looked at the strawberry seedlings in the cultivation bag.

"This is much bigger than snakeberry, and it tastes good. You will know when it bears fruit." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The same is true for watermelon seeds. The latest watermelon seeds cultivated by the Agricultural Science Station are much stronger than the original ones in terms of sweetness and disease and pest resistance.

The same is true for other crop seeds. Lin Heng believes that his family's bumper harvest this year will shock everyone in the village, and the seeds of local production can only be crushed.

Soon, Lin Heng and his team had packed all the seedlings, except for the kiwi seedlings.

"Let's go eat first." Lin Heng said with a smile.

He took the driver to eat together and handed him a pack of cigarettes. The pockmarked driver immediately smiled.

"Boss Lin, are you twenty-five?" The pockmarked driver asked with a smile.

"Twenty-one." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"So young." The pockmarked driver was even more shocked. At the age of twenty-one, he could come to buy these things. His family must be extraordinary.

Everything he bought today cost two to three thousand.

Lin Heng smiled and did not explain.

After dinner, we returned to the agricultural science department and dug out the remaining kiwi fruit seedlings, counted them and carried them to the car.

"Wait a minute, leave some space on the side, but don't put it over there."

Seeing the driver blindly directing the shipment, Lin Heng quickly stopped him.

"What's going on? Do you have anything else to buy?" the pock-marked driver turned around and asked.

"Yes, I want to buy two more cows. This place is reserved for grazing cows." Lin Heng nodded.

"That's okay." The pock-marked driver was startled and took control of this side.

"Mr. Lin, all the goods have been loaded." The salesman came over with the receipt and said.

"Okay, I'll go over and pay."

Lin Heng nodded and went out to settle the bill. He had already taken out the money in the morning.

After settling the bill, Lin Heng asked his eldest brother Lin Yue to take the driver's seat, while Lin Heng drove Lin Hai in a three-wheeler.

There is a dairy farm in Anseong. Lin Heng found out the exact location yesterday.

After eating, we went directly to the outside of the farm.

"You are?"

Hearing the sound of the car, a middle-aged man came out soon and looked at Lin Heng and others curiously.

"Are you selling cows here?" Lin Heng asked.

"Yes, I sell it here." The middle-aged man nodded.

"How much does an adult cow cost per head, and how much does a calf cost per head?" Lin Heng asked.

He still has more than 730 yuan on him now, and the 3000 yuan he brought has been spent.

But cows are not that expensive.

"A three-year-old adult cow costs 600 a head, and a five-month-old calf costs 121." The boss looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Let's take a look at the cow first. What kind of cow do you have?" Lin Heng asked, pointing out that the price of the cow is undoubtedly too high, but now is not the time to bargain.

"Please come in." The boss took one look at Lin Heng's dress and asked with a smile.

After entering the house, Lin Heng found that the factory was quite small. After asking, he found that it raised more than 150 cows in total, which was considered a large scale.

"The cows I have here are all Dutch cows, which have high milk production, strong adaptability, and large milk-producing organs."

The middle-aged man said this while pointing to the cow.

Lin Heng nodded and said: "I know, this cow is a breed imported from the Shandong Cattle and Sheep Breeding Base. Its full name is Holstein, but yours should be a hybrid. I just don't know what kind of cow it is.

Don't you have any Ayrshire or Swiss Brown cattle here? Both are pretty good too. "

As soon as Lin Heng said these words, the boss looked at him differently. This was not a novice, but a colleague who knew the cows very well.

There is another chapter tonight

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