"To be honest, I don't know what kind of cattle they were crossed with, but we here in Anseong all have this kind of Dutch cattle."

The middle-aged man smiled.

"Okay, those are three-year-old cows, let me pick them out." Lin Heng nodded and said again.

"It's all over here."

The middle-aged man took Lin Heng and the others to the bullpen on the left.

These cows all produce milk, and their milk-producing organs are large. White milk will flow out when a middle-aged man pinches them.

"Look, these are good cows. They can produce forty or fifty kilograms of milk a day." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded and asked his elder brother to help him catch it and open it to check the teeth.

Cows have no upper teeth and only four pairs of lower teeth. Generally, deciduous teeth grow out four or five months after birth. Then every year a pair of permanent teeth will grow in to replace the baby teeth.

A three-year-old cow should still have a pair of deciduous teeth, which can be easily seen when opened.

I looked at two cows and found that the cows here were indeed three years old, so there was nothing wrong with them.

Then it’s time to choose the appearance. The first thing is the body, which must be tall. Then look at the head and neck, eyes, hooves, buttocks, abdomen, etc.

The most important thing is to observe the milk-producing organs. This is the most important thing for a cow.

Lin Heng had specialized knowledge in this area. He looked at each item one by one and talked while looking at it. The cattle owner also understood more and more that he had met an expert.

In the end, Lin Heng settled on the best of the three, but had not yet decided which one to choose.

As for cattle diseases, they were ruled out immediately. As a breeder, Lin Heng had taught himself veterinary technology in his previous life. Although it was not very severe, he could detect common diseases.

Lin Heng looked at the boss and said with a smile: "Boss, we are not cheating. I will give you a total of 500 yuan for a three-year-old cow and a five-month-old calf. How about that?"

The middle-aged man shook his head fiercely and said: "This is totally out of the question. At least 700 is required. This is my bottom line, otherwise I will lose blood."

Lin Heng also shook his head: "The adult cow is valuable, but four hundred and fifty is a lot, but the calf is only fifty yuan at most. The total of four hundred is very reasonable."

The boss shook his head and said, "No, no, I really don't make any money from this. Adding up to six hundred yuan, this is my bottom line."

"You just paid 700 for the bottom line. That's so dishonest."


"Let's put it this way, I don't have to sell it. If you want to buy it, you can buy it at this price. And think about it, if you buy it back, you will get three cows. These cows are all pregnant and they will give birth to one more calf at the end of the year." The boss added. .

"That's for sure, otherwise it wouldn't be so expensive." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Cows only produce milk when they are pregnant. The fate of every cow in its life is to become pregnant and produce milk, and so on until death, and finally be killed and sold for meat.

After more than ten minutes of talking, the boss refused to give up even a penny.

"Okay, okay, okay, I can't argue with you. Take me to pick out the calf. As agreed, you have to get me a frame to frame the calf."

Finally, Lin Heng waved his hand and said that there was really not enough time, otherwise he would go to other cattle farms to check again.

But the price is not too bad.

"That's easy to say, come here."

The boss said with a smile.

Lin Heng, the calf boy, naturally chose the bull, just to go back and pair him up. After choosing for a while, he finally chose a cuter calf.

Dutch cattle are all classic large-flowered cattle with black and white patterns, and they look very good-looking.

Lin Heng, the big dairy cow, finally chose a cow that was just two months pregnant and had entered a new lactation cycle.

After selecting, pull it out and pull it onto the truck through wooden boards, and then frame it with a frame welded by steel bars to prevent the cow from falling off the truck due to bumps on the road and breaking it.

After everything was fixed, we set off back to Taibai City.

"I guess it will be dark when I go back."

Lin Heng glanced at the sky and sighed, it was already half past two in the afternoon, and it would take at least four hours to return to Hongfeng Village.

"Let's go back."

Lin Heng nodded, got into the car and drove towards home, but before that he had to add some gas. He only had half of the fifty liters of gas he bought here, so it would be just right when he went back.

But to be on the safe side, Lin Heng added another ten liters to the gasoline barrel. Although there was a large truck following him, the truck burned diesel and he couldn't use it.

Before leaving, he spent thirty yuan to buy two battery-powered ultraviolet lamps, twenty yuan to buy a large lead-acid battery, and some small toys that were not available in Taibai City or were very expensive.

"Go home!!"

Lin Hai also cheered and looked at the surrounding scenery excitedly against the wind.

The sky is blue, with huge chimneys emitting billowing white smoke in the distance. Next to them are endless green wheat fields, with waves of wheat blown by the wind.

Everyone drove towards home with longing for the future.

Gradually the sun sets, and everything seems to be covered with a layer of glow. The tall and majestic Qinling Mountains gradually appear in the field of vision, and become taller and taller until they disappear.

Then the quiet and peaceful small town of Taibai City also appeared in front of the eyes. It was already 5:40 and the sky was already dark.

Turning on the car lights, several people sped up. But even so, I still encountered people blocking the road with sticks and demanding money.

I only managed to pass after losing ten yuan, and this was because the transport truck was backed by a state-owned enterprise.

“Damn it, even if you say you’re too white, you’re robbing me, you’re such a beast.”

Lin Hai cursed angrily after driving far away.

"Locals cheat locals, nothing strange." Lin Heng sneered.

"Then let's go fast, it's too scary down there." Lin Hai said.

Needless to say, Lin Heng had already started to speed up, but he still couldn't avoid it, and he didn't reach the city until it was completely dark.

Then Lin Heng led the way in front and drove towards Hongfeng Village.

The mountain road without cement was even slower, but there were no roadblocks on the road. It was already past seven o'clock in the evening when the car entered Hongfeng Village.

Bright lights appeared in front and behind on the dark road, which immediately attracted the attention of many people in the village.

"The car stopped at the door of the Lin family. It's the Lin family's car."

"Of course, except for Lin Heng, there is not even a motorcycle in our village, let alone others."

"I don't know what it's pulling, it looks like a lot of things."

"Just go and take a look and you'll know."


Life in the village is too monotonous. As soon as it gets a little lively, a group of people will come to watch even in the middle of the night.

"Lin Heng, why did you come back so late?"

On the road, Lin's father and mother, Xiulan, Liu Juan, and a group of villagers were all here.

"I left Ancheng late and was delayed in buying things. I'll tell you the details when I get back." Lin Heng shook his head helplessly.

"What, you went to Ancheng."

"That's the provincial capital, what does it look like?"

"Why did you go to Ancheng? Why did you buy two big flower cows?"

"This is the cow, right? How much is it?"

The women beside him, such as Liu Lan and Li Caifeng, talked the most, asking questions one after another.

"I went to Ancheng to buy some things." Lin Heng said with a smile.

After that, he turned his head and looked at his father and said, "Mom and Dad, Xiulan, you all come to help unload the goods, move them all to my yard first."

"Okay." Lin's father nodded.

Lin Heng, his eldest brother, and Lin Hai got on the car to help unload the goods, and the others carried them into the house.

"There are so many saplings, are you really going to plant trees?"

"We will help too."

The villagers were also very enthusiastic and came over to help carry them. While moving, they could also find out what Lin Heng bought.

Lin Heng couldn't refuse this, so he could only let them help.

A large group of people in the village quickly moved the saplings.

"Oh my God, there are so many machines."

"Lin Heng, how much does this cost?"

"What are they used for?"

After moving the saplings, they saw the machines piled up inside, and there was another round of exclamations. One or two is fine, but these seven or eight machines.

"For fish farming, add up to more than a thousand." Lin Heng also concealed and said casually.


"More than a thousand!!"

The villagers were speechless when they heard the price. The things on the car were more expensive than one.

How can Lin Heng be so rich?

Lin Heng just smiled when he heard their discussion. He felt very happy but didn't show it. He and his eldest brother moved the machines down and transported them into the house.

After the machines were moved back, only the cows were left. The two cows were blown by the wind all the way, and so many people were a little stressed.

After taking down the steel frame and making a slope with door panels, it took a lot of effort to pull the two stressed cows back to the back mountain.

Since there was no place to put them, they could only use Hongzao's horse pen temporarily. They had to sleep under the eaves. They really didn't dare to let the tired cows freeze at night.

Lin Heng put the cows away and went out to drive when he saw the village secretary and village head.

"Lin Heng, did you buy these things from Ancheng?" Tian Dongfu asked with a smile.

"Yes, they were all bought from Ancheng." Lin Heng nodded.

"When are you going to plant them?" Tian Dongfu asked again. He had been waiting for Lin Heng to plant fruit trees. When there was a good profit, he could encourage the whole village to get rich together.

"Just these few days, the fruit trees can't be kept for a long time without soil." Lin Heng said.

After chatting for a while, Lin Heng went downstairs to drive. Tian Dongfu went to the yard and his elder brother explained the details.

Lin Heng first drove the car back to the yard, and then found a place for the driver to reverse the car. He had no intention of inviting him into the house for dinner.

Mainly because he felt bad for losing ten yuan on the road today, and he had dinner in the city in the afternoon.

However, the driver also had to report back to the transport team, so he did not stop and left after lighting a cigarette.

When Lin Heng answered, the people in the village who were watching the excitement were all leaving the yard, talking about it. The most talked about question was whether it was more cost-effective to grow land or grow fruit trees.

When Lin Heng entered the house, Tian Dongfu and Zhao Xiancheng had already left, and he did not stop them. There were many things to do tonight.

After everyone left, he went to close the door.

The saplings and other things were moved into the house and piled in the main room, and the machines and other things were placed in the study.

Lin's mother looked at the things in the house and asked curiously: "How much did it cost in total?"

"Three thousand yuan." Lin Heng said, without hiding it.

Mother Lin opened her mouth and said after a while: "It's more than I expected."

Father Lin shook his head and said: "I heard from your brother that the seedlings you bought don't need to be so big, it's too expensive. You must have spent all your family's savings this time."

Lin Heng looked at everyone, thought for a while and said: "There is still some money, don't worry. I know how to spend it."

"And if you want to ask anything, ask my brother. I need to take a rest and drink some tea. I'm almost exhausted."

Waving his hand, Lin Heng sat down and didn't want to move at all.

I had a busy day today and drove a motorcycle for three hours. No part of my body felt sore.

"Here, the tea is poured for you."

Xiulan brought a pot of tea from the bedroom and handed him some biscuits.

As long as she saw that Lin Heng was fine, she wouldn't be so anxious to ask about what he did on the way.

Lin Heng poured a glass and drank it, then took a deep breath without feeling oily. It felt so comfortable.

"I'm going to cook. The vegetables have been cut long ago." Xiulan said again and entered the kitchen.

"I'm going to help Xiulan cook." Liu Juan also followed into the kitchen.


Xiaoxia broke away from her aunt Caiyun's arms and got into Lin Heng's arms.

She missed Lin Heng very much after not seeing him for three days.

"Good darling, go bring me the mat. Daddy's butt hurts." Lin Heng kissed her little face and said with a smile.

"Okay daddy."

Xiaoxia trotted to the bedroom to get the mat.

Father Lin and the others were discussing how to plant these fruit trees and where would be more suitable. There are also some methods of reasoning based on hearsay.

Lin Heng shook his head after hearing this. Many of their concepts in these experiences were wrong, just like farming. They just know how to plant but don't know the underlying principles.

Belonging means knowing what is happening but not knowing why.

He pointed to the books placed over there and said, "You don't need to ask others or inquire about anything. Those books over there are the best methods for modern orchard management that have been demonstrated by countless scientists."

It’s not that the experience passed down from our ancestors cannot be used, it’s just that many of it is wrong or not suitable for modern agriculture. If you want to run an orchard well, you have to read and study.

"Let me take a look." Father Lin picked it up curiously. He didn't know much and could only understand some pictures.

Caiyun picked it up and read it. Some of the questions they had been arguing about had clear answers on the tree.

"Dad, the mat is here."

After a while, Xiaoxia brought the mat with a smile.

It felt much more comfortable for Lin Heng to sit with the cushion under his butt, but actually he wanted to lie down now.

After Caiyun read it for a while, Father Lin nodded and said, "Don't tell me, what the tree says makes sense."

"That's nature. These are the optimal solutions after scientific experiments." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Also, I also bought the seeds. Dad, just wait and see this year. Ten acres of fertilizer and seeds can grow more crops than their thirty acres." Lin Heng pointed to the seeds over there and said said.

"Three times more? Are you bragging a bit?" Father Lin didn't believe it, could the seeds he bought be so powerful?

Lin Heng nodded: "This is just a conservative estimate. Three times is the minimum. You will know when the time comes. People in the village will buy seeds for planting next year."

"Then I want to take a closer look." Lin's father said curiously. Lin Heng had always boasted that the seeds he bought were good, and he wanted to see them.

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