Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 244 Getting up early in the morning to milk the cows

Before dinner, Lin Heng first took the bathtub to the bedroom and filled it with more than half of the water.

Halfway through dinner, Lin Heng went to boil the hot water. After dinner, the water was just hot. After taking off his clothes, Lin Heng submerged his head in the water.

When he couldn't hold it anymore, he came out to take a breath. After repeating this several times, he felt his lungs were refreshed.

Then he leaned his head on the edge of the wooden barrel, closed his eyes and felt the hot water eroding his body, listening to the whistling wind outside, the daughter's soliloquy in the room, and the sound of his wife tidying up the house.

Slowly, the fatigue of the whole body began to retreat, as if diluted by water. This quiet feeling also emptied the mind and slowly returned to calm.

After soaking for a while, he began to scrub his body, and then went to bed wearing autumn clothes and autumn pants.

"Shall I give you a massage?"

Xiu Lan looked at Lin Heng. Although she was asking, she had already started.

"I'll give Dad a massage too."

Xiao Xia climbed onto the bed and imitated her mother to massage Lin Heng's legs.

"It's so comfortable~"

Lin Heng said with a smile, lying on the bed to enjoy it.

After his wife and daughter massaged him for a while, he felt much better, and his body was not stiff at all.

Getting up, Lin Heng went to the main room to look for it, and soon brought a large bag of things to Xiulan: "I bought you toiletries. They are sold cheaply there, so I bought a little more at one time."

Xiulan opened it and was stunned: "This is too much, it will take more than a year."

Lin Heng waved his hand: "It's only 30 yuan in total. The more developed the industry, the cheaper it is. In Taibai City, it costs 50 or 60 yuan."

After that, he patted her hand and smiled and said: "If you want to thank me, just kiss me."

"Let me take a look first." Xiulan blinked and turned the things out one by one to check. She didn't know how to put on makeup. She usually applied a moisturizing lotion, lipstick and eyeliner at most. Tian Yan taught her how to use foundation.

The things inside, such as foundation, vanishing cream, lipstick, etc., are all in two portions, while the facial cleanser, shampoo, and shower gel are all in large bottles, and they are in three portions, with different fragrances.

"Then Xiaoxia, kiss me, I bought you a jumping frog."

Lin Heng took out another green frog, twisted the spring and put it on the bed, and it jumped up.

"Thank you, Dad!"

Xiaoxia kissed Lin Heng on the face twice, and smiled and played with the frog.

Lin Heng taught her twice and she could play, watching the frog jump, she just smiled foolishly beside her.

In fact, Lin Heng also bought her a lot of small toys such as a ball, a Rubik's cube, a puzzle, paper cutting, and plasticine, but he didn't take them out, and he would give them one by one later.

If he took them out all at once tonight, she wouldn't be able to sleep.

After looking at the toiletries, Xiulan placed them neatly on the table where she used to make up, and then climbed onto the bed and kissed Lin Heng secretly when Xiaoxia wasn't looking.

"Go to bed, Xiaoxia. Let's play tomorrow. The frog needs to rest, too." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

"When will the little frog wake up?" Xiaoxia asked curiously.

"It will wake up when you wake up." Lin Heng picked up the frog and put it on the bedside table.

Xiaoxia looked at the frog, held Lin Heng's hand and said, "Then I'll sleep with Dad tonight."

"Okay, I'll tell you a story while you sleep." Lin Heng nodded and let her sleep in the middle.

Xiulan turned off the light and habitually wore only underwear to rest.

Lin Heng told a story for a while, and he fell asleep first.

"Shh, go to sleep obediently, your dad is tired."

Xiulan made a gesture to Xiaoxia and whispered in her ear.


Xiaoxia looked at Lin Heng who was already asleep, and fell asleep soon after leaning against her mother.

Lin Heng worked until dawn, and it was just half past six when he got up, and it was just dawn now. Turning his head, he saw Xiaoxia sleeping soundly. Xiulan was awake too, looking at him with her tender eyes.

Lin Heng smiled and said, "Do you think I'm handsome, as handsome as Pan An?"

Xiulan chuckled, "It's important for people to know themselves, but you don't, and you're still conceited."


Lin Heng wanted to reach out and teach her a lesson, but he let it go because his daughter was still sleeping.

He got up and tore off the calendar. Today was the 14th day of the first lunar month and the 15th day of the second lunar month.

"Let's go, let's get some grass for the cows, and squeeze some milk back to taste." Lin Heng looked at Xiulan who had already gotten up and said.


She covered Xiaoxia with a blanket and walked out with a kettle.

It was already 7:20 when the two finished washing and exercising. The first sound they heard when they opened the back door was: "Hiss!!!"

"Damn, you scared me."

Lin Heng and Xiulan were both frightened.


Hongzao saw the two of them like this and barked again with pride. It seemed to be complaining that Lin Heng had a new love and forgot his old love, and gave its stable to the cow to live in.

"It's complaining about you!" Xiulan laughed.

"You boy!" Lin Heng slapped it. It just let you sleep on the eaves for a night, and you won't be frozen.


Being hit by Lin Heng, it became even more unhappy. It raised its head high and barked again.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you your stable in a while." Lin Heng had no choice. This guy still had to be raised well, otherwise it would be bad if he rode it and acted like a spoiled child one day.

This horse has become psychic after being raised for a long time, and it has emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness.

The two went up to check on the cows first. They had also gotten up and were eating the dry corn stalks next to them.

"Let's go to the fields and cut some wild ryegrass to feed, and then milk the cows."

Lin Heng said something, and then walked out with Xiulan. The sickle and rope were already in his hands, and Xiulan also brought a small basket.

There is nothing to eat in winter, only wild ryegrass, wild buckwheat, barley, and cabbage are green. However, Lin Heng once again bought some rye grass, elephant grass, and alfalfa seeds, and went back to find a place to plant them.

"Dad was already here."

Xiulan pointed to the distance and said, Father Lin has already cut a lot of grass.

"Of course the newly bought cows need to be fed a good first meal. I also want to taste fresh milk today."

Father Lin stood up after hearing the voices of the two people and said, this was the first time he had seen a creature like a cow, and he felt very distressed.

"No problem, this cow can produce more than ten kilograms of milk a day. I will teach you how to milk it later." Lin Heng said with a smile.

While talking, the two of them went to the edge of the field to mow the grass. Xiulan wore gloves to pull out the sausages, and Lin Heng cut green rye grass, barley, buckwheat, etc. everywhere.

It’s hard to find them in winter, there are trees here and there.

However, the three of them worked together very quickly, and they harvested two large bundles of cow grass in half an hour.

Lin Heng talked about the seeds of his pasture, and Lin's father said that he would find some scraps and plant them in the past two days.

In half an hour, they picked up two bundles of rye grass and a basket of goosegrass. They carried it back and as soon as they reached the back mountain, the red dates began to scream.

"You are really sharp-eyed."

Lin Heng shook his head and threw some to it. Ask Lin's father Xiulan to feed the cows, and he will go back to get a bucket to milk the cows.

When he brought the bucket over, he found that his mother's eldest brother Caiyun had all come over, and Li Caifeng from next door was also watching.

Cows are so rare in such a big mountain. Several people pointed at the huge milk-producing organs of the cows and talked about them. They were much larger than the cattle they raised.

"Mom, Dad, Xiulan, you are all optimistic about this."

Lin Heng said something, and first took out a rope to connect the two hind legs of the cow together to prevent it from kicking people accidentally.

This cow that has given birth to milk is very docile, its udders are enlarged, and there is a lot of milk at first glance.

"Expressing milk is very simple. Just squeeze it one by one. Wash it first and then hold it from above with the palm of your hand. Use your thumb and index finger to push it to the bottom. The force should not be too strong or too weak."

Lin Heng said as he started to operate. The first two squeezes were squeezed out, and the bucket was used to catch them later.

As Lin Heng continued to exert force with his hands, streams of white milk were squeezed out. After a while, the bottom of the small wooden barrel was no longer visible, and a faint milk fragrance wafted out.

The cows were motionless and very comfortable eating rye grass. They were already used to being milked.

Lin Heng squeezed for a while, looked at his parents, Xiulan and others and said, "Have you learned everything?"

"Let me give it a try." Xiulan came over and squatted down next to Lin Heng. She looked at Lin Heng's gestures and tried to squeeze, but not much milk came out.

"Try a little harder, you are too gentle." Lin Heng said.

"Okay." Xiulan gradually increased her pressure, and soon a stream of milk was squeezed out. It was not difficult for those with strong hands-on skills.

Xiulan squeezed for a while, Lin's mother, Caiyun, Liu Juan and others also took turns to try, and they all mastered it quickly. Only Lin's father and Lin Yue were not good at it. They were so strong that they hurt the cow and almost kicked someone.

"I have worked too much and my hands are too strong." Lin's father smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so simple." Lin Yue also nodded.

"You guys will take turns to try again and today's milk will be almost finished." Lin Heng said while touching the milk-producing organs of the cow.

Holstein cows produce a lot of milk, and they can give birth when they are pregnant, but they do not produce as much milk as when they give birth to calves.

"Is it enough to just feed the cows grass?" Father Lin asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "You can't feed too much grass, you have to feed hay. You have to feed a little bit of sea cornmeal, wheat bran, bean cakes, etc. every day."

"Is it so complicated? You also need cornmeal and wheat bran." Mother Lin was curious.

"That's for sure. If you produce milk every day, you have to feed it well. But you don't need to feed it too much. As long as the grass is of high quality, it won't cost much in general." Lin Heng explained.

"That's it." Several people nodded, understanding.

Soon the barrel was full. Lin Heng took the milk and looked at his family and Li Caifeng, who was still watching, and said, "Come here, let's have a taste of the fresh milk."

He carried the milk and walked into the house. Mother Lin and others pulled Li Caifeng into the house.

After entering the house, Lin Heng took out the charcoal that had been burned in the fireplace just before milking and put it into the earthenware stove. He then set up a casserole in the main room and poured the squeezed milk into it to cook.

Fresh milk contains a lot of bacteria, so it needs to be boiled at 60 or 70 degrees Celsius.

The milk was cooked in two minutes. Lin Heng poured a bowl for everyone and brought some biscuits.

"Try it and see if you are used to drinking pure milk." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Everyone nodded, picked up the bowl, blew on it and took two sips.

"It's a bit weird." Mother Lin couldn't stand it the most and was ready to put it down.

"Mom, please drink two more sips. No matter how bad it is, it's still better than traditional Chinese medicine." Lin Heng looked at her and said.

Pure milk doesn't have much sweetness, and it feels weird at first, but after a few sips, you can feel the strong milky aroma, and the more you drink it, the more you want to drink it.

After everyone drank half of it, they began to appreciate the charm of pure milk. It would be better for Xiulan and Caiyun to imitate Lin Heng and make some biscuits to eat.

"It tastes good. This pure milk is really good."

Li Caifeng drank a little bit in one gulp and nodded repeatedly. I was envious from the bottom of my heart. Lin Heng’s family could drink such delicious milk every day from now on.

"It's indeed good. This cow is good except for feeding a little more." Mother Lin also nodded. After a few more sips, she gradually became able to accept it.

"It's delicious, so delicious. It's the best thing I've ever tasted." Caiyun nodded fiercely.

"Then drink some more, there's still more." Lin Heng poured some more for everyone.

This cow can only produce more than ten kilograms of milk a day. One kilogram of milk is 500 milliliters, which is probably not enough for the eleven people in the room to drink.

Lin Heng bought the cow mainly for Xiaoxia and other children he would have in the future. If he couldn't finish it, he would give it to others, and he was not planning to sell it.

After drinking this time, everyone said they didn’t want it anymore. Lin Heng estimated that each person drank half a catty at most, which left half a bucket.

"Even if Lin Heng, Xiaoxia and the others drank a little of the rest, they wouldn't be able to finish it all." Lin Heng looked at the crowd and said.

"It doesn't matter, you can keep it and drink it slowly." Lin Yue waved his hand and smiled.

Father Lin pointed to the sapling next to him and asked, "Should we start planting this thing today?"

Because we discussed it last year, a lot of land is vacant, so we can do this directly now.

"It's just how to plant this thing. The land is good and bad, and the land is far and near." Mother Lin said looking at the saplings.

When Li Caifeng saw that the Lin family was still discussing these issues, she quickly got up and left. Xiulan went to see her off.

Lin Hengze answered Mother Lin's question: "I have thought about this. Kiwis and grapes are planted on these relatively flat lands near the river, and apple trees are planted on the slopes."

"Kiwi fruits and grapes cannot be exposed to the sun during their ripening period, and anti-bird nets need to be laid. It is easier to operate on flat ground." After that, he explained.

"Okay, let's go plant after breakfast." Mother Lin nodded.

At this time, Lin Yue took out an IOU and handed it to Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Brother, this is the IOU I wrote yesterday. The 500 yuan I paid for the saplings this time plus the 100 yuan you said you would support me in buying the shotgun, a total of six I’ll pay you back within five years, and I won’t pay you any interest.”

After he finished speaking, he handed the IOU to Xiulan. Although he and Lin Heng were brothers whose blood was thicker than water, they were both married after all, and they had to consider what the other's wife thought.

Xiulan shook her head and said, "We are all one family, so what kind of IOU is this? Just remember it."

Lin Heng took it and tore it into the trash can: "That's right. I told you not to want it. Just pay it back slowly. I don't lack the money."

"If you do this, my dad won't have any money to give me, so do I have to write an IOU?" Lin Heng asked again.

"Yes, as long as the accounts are settled, we all bear witness. There is no need for IOUs, and it will make people laugh if we tell them." Mother Lin nodded.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded.

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and said with a smile: "Son, dad can't afford to pay back the saplings, so why don't I just give you the land?"

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