Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 245 The whole family plants fruit trees together

"Okay, I never thought about asking you to pay back the money anyway."

Lin Heng said with a smile that it would be no problem if the two elders wanted to stay with him and let him take care of themselves in old age. If they wanted to follow his brother, that was up to them.

If you are responsible for providing for the elderly, you will naturally be allocated more land. This is how rural families are divided, which is very simple.

"Then I'd better follow you. Life is obviously more comfortable." Mother Lin said with a smile.

"That's no problem. I'll build a small foreign-style building for you to live in later." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"But it's not necessary now, let's talk about it later. But although dad can't give you money for the saplings, I will give you 370% of the money from selling the fruits in the future." Father Lin waved his hand, turned around and left.

He and his wife discussed who to talk to in the future, and their hearts were leaning towards Lin Heng. After all, Lin Heng was rich and it would be easy to raise them, but Lin Yue had three sons. If he added the two older ones, life would probably be very difficult in the future.

Also, the eldest daughter-in-law doesn’t like to stay with them.

"Let's talk about it then." Lin Heng waved his hand. He planted fruit trees to reduce the pressure on his parents from farming. He wanted to live a more relaxed life and didn't care about money.

"We're going back." Mother Lin waved her hand, got up and walked out.

"Then let's go." Lin Yue took his wife and left.

"Remember to ask Lin Wei and the others to come over and drink milk." Lin Heng said again.

After everyone left, Xiulan said, "You ask Xiaoxia to get up and drink milk, and I'll go cook."

"Wait a minute, let's take care of the strawberries first." Lin Heng pointed to the strawberries next to him and said, these seedlings need to be put outside to see the sun.

"Is this going to be planted in the yard?" Xiulan asked, tilting her head.

"Yes, let's plant forty trees and leave ten for brother and the others. I'll get the hoe, and you can take out the strawberry seedlings first."

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he went to get a hoe. There were four vegetable plots in the yard, totaling 80 square meters, where he planted some vegetables that he usually eats. The area on the left near the house was previously planted with radishes and spinach. There were not many left, so Lin Heng pulled out all the rest.

The black humus soil specially dug from the forest before was very soft and easy to dig.

"Just remove the bag and plant it in the soil, right?" Xiulan asked after finishing moving.

"Yes, just 20 centimeters apart." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan took a small shovel and planted seeds in the ground dug by Lin Heng.

Lin Heng said while digging the ground: "Honey, don't you blame me for thinking about getting saplings for my parents and not caring about my own home?"

"Yes, yes, I am this kind of woman." Xiulan gave him a strange look and agreed, obviously complaining that Lin Heng was thinking nonsense.

Lin Heng laughed: "We grow Chinese herbal medicine ourselves, including ginseng, astragalus, turmeric and forsythia. The harvest from these will be no worse than that of fruit trees."

After saying that, he added in a low voice: "I know you are not a fussy person like my sister-in-law."

"Don't talk nonsense, I understand." Xiulan said quickly, this guy really doesn't shy away from suspicion at all.

Then she quickly changed the subject: "How many fruits can these forty strawberries bear?"

"This thing has a walking stem and can print a large area. One seedling can bear four or five fruits, so I only bought this little." Lin Heng explained.

He also came to help plant the land when it was halfway dug. Even if the planting was very sparse, half of the land was almost enough. After planting, he brought bamboo sticks and film paper, watered it and covered it.

"If we do this, we will be able to eat strawberries in May or June." Lin Heng said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded, looking forward to it.

"Do you want to remove some of the floor tiles in the front yard and plant some fruit trees?" Lin Heng asked again.

Xiulan thought for a while, shook her head and said, "That's not necessary. Just plant it in the backyard and back hill. It's good if the front yard is open and bright."

"Okay, you go and cook. I'll wake up Xiaoxia and ask her to plant together." Lin Heng took the hoe and entered the house and said.

Xiulan nodded and went to get the basket to collect vegetables and radishes.

Lin Heng went into the house and woke up Xiaoxia. The little guy woke up sleepy. He rubbed his eyes and asked, "Dad, is my little frog awake?"

"I'm awake, waiting for you to play." Lin Heng said while dressing her.

As soon as she got dressed, Xiaoxia picked up the little frog and played with it.

After getting up, Lin Heng took her to the toilet first. She ignored the puppy that was barking at her in the backyard. With her new love, Little Frog no longer loved the little green wolf dog Laifu.

After washing, Lin Heng untied the dog leash, and the puppy immediately ran excitedly to the main room, pushing against Xiaoxia's legs and wanting to play with her.

"Stop playing with your little frog, come here and drink milk." Lin Heng said while pouring milk for her.

"Okay." Xiaoxia came over quickly after hearing that it was delicious. She was already hungry.

Lin Heng saw her take a few sips and asked, "Does it taste good?"

"It tastes good~" Xiaoxia nodded and drank from the small bowl.

"Second dad, we are here to drink milk."

After a while, Lin Wei opened the door and barged in with his two younger brothers.

"Come here quickly." Lin Heng waved to them, and when they came over, each of them was given a large bowl.

Xiaoxia stopped drinking after a small bowl and played with her little frog. Lin Heng didn't feed too much. He just drank a little every morning and evening. Too much would easily cause indigestion. Most Chinese people are lactose intolerant.

After drinking milk, the three nephews fed Xiaoxia's frog and looked at it. Wind-up toys like this are very rare in rural areas.

Lin Wei even chased Lin Heng and asked questions such as where he bought it and how much it cost. But not long after, the damn voice rang next door, and he could only take his two brothers back quickly.

Lin Heng looked at the remaining milk. There was probably more than three kilograms of it, and a glass bottle could only hold more than half of it.

"It's easier for you."

Lin Heng poured the rest into the dog basin and gave it to the two puppies to drink.

"Woof woof~"

The bully in the yard pulled on the chain and stuck out his tongue, eager to drink.

"I'll get you some next time." Lin Heng said without untying the chain, and his big mouth had to drink it all in one gulp.


On the other hand, Jinbao, who was sitting on the bench with his paws in his arms, shamelessly ran over to drink together and bully the two little puppies.

Lin Heng took a look, turned around, put the glass bottle of milk into a pot and heated it over water. It would be okay to store it there for a day after sterilization, and then reheat it at night before drinking.

"Xiaoxia, let's plant trees." Lin Heng finished processing the milk and walked to the backyard with a few saplings.

When he saw Xiaoxia playing with frogs on the ground and acted like he hadn't heard anything, he had no choice but to tell Xiulan and went to the backyard.

You can't plant too many trees in the backyard, so Lin Heng planted a Hutai No. 8 grape seedling next to the wild grapes, and then grafted a red grape onto the wild grapes around the time of the Waking of Insects.

You can enjoy the shade under the grapevines in the summer and eat grapes in the fall. This is a very enjoyable thing.

In addition to grapes, Lin Heng also planted a sugar orange tree in the corner of the backyard. In the future, the tree will be kept smaller so that it can be viewed as evergreen all year round.

As for what fruit trees to plant in the back hill, let’s wait until the afternoon.

In the morning, Xiulan made rice, fried spinach, and fried bacon with sour cowpeas. After eating, it was almost nine o'clock. Father Lin and the others also came over, waiting to take the saplings up the slope.

"The seven of us are still a bit small. Caiyun, go and call my father's family to help." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Okay." Caiyun nodded and went out.

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and said, "Do you want to plow the land again and plant fruit trees?"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome to plant fruit trees. Just weed them in time in the future." Lin Heng shook his head.

Then he added: "After I breed the Chinese medicine seeds I bought, I plan to plant them in the ground. Then I will dig them up. When the fruit trees grow in a few years, I will dig up the Chinese medicine seeds. hold up."

"That's okay." Father Lin nodded and agreed.

After discussing it, they decided to go to the slopes to plant apple saplings today.

When Caiyun called Sanpai's family over, they all carried a thousand apple saplings up the slope at once.

Apple trees are spaced three meters apart in rows and rows three to five or four meters apart, and six to seventy trees can be planted in one acre of land. They are planted on slopes, and they are all terraced. They can be a little denser, because then cars will not be able to get in.

But there are also advantages to sloping land. If you pull a steel wire, the fruit can slide directly down the steel wire.

After discussion, all the apple trees were planted in Father Lin's land. Eight or nine hundred apple trees were planted in ten acres of land, and the rest were planted closely together for seedling replacement.

After walking out of the door and walking down the road for a while, there is a mountain col. They call it Huangliupo. From the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, there are terraced fields. The lower two-thirds belong to the Lin family, with about eight acres of land. , the one above belongs to someone else.

The apple tree is going to be planted here. Lin Heng went up to the mountain and gave a brief introduction, and everyone started to work. Planting a tree is not difficult for rural people.

"Lin Hai, let's go and saw all the trees on the edge of the field." Lin Heng said while holding the diesel saw.

"Okay." Lin Hai was very interested in this job and ran over with a smile.

The two sawed a distance of three meters along both sides of the ground. It took no effort to cut the tree with the chain saw, but it took a lot of effort for the boss to lift the tree.

Lin Heng lamented in his heart that there is no small excavator now. Otherwise, digging out these tree roots would free up several acres of land to plant fruit trees on both sides. Moreover, a small excavator is also a good hand at planting trees.

In one morning, Lin Heng and Lin Hai helped saw the trees. Father Lin and others planted four acres of land, which totaled only 300 saplings.

The men dig holes while the women plant trees, which is not too tiring. It is much easier than planting crops.

I went home for lunch, and joined Lin Heng and Lin Hai in the afternoon. The planting was faster, and the remaining five acres of land were planted in more than two hours.

"There are still three hundred and fifty saplings left, which is much more than expected."

When counting the saplings, Lin Heng discovered something was wrong, but they were all planted according to regulations. One tree occupies almost ten square meters of land.

His third father, Lin Xutao, smiled and replied: "It's not surprising. When we measured the land, it was actually not that big. After more than ten years of continuous cutting of trees on both sides, the land has expanded. In fact, the land is far more than eight acres."

The farmland in rural areas near the edge of the forest is always eaten by animals and shaded by trees. Every year when the land is planted, a circle of land is cut down and set on fire.

Over the years, the land has expanded a lot.

Father Lin also said: "Yes, and you have planted fruit trees directly near the edge of the land. Half of these trees occupy the area of ​​​​the mountain forest."

Lin Heng nodded and asked again: "Are the other two acres of land in the ravine?"

"Yes, we have to take the mountain road." Father Lin nodded.

Everyone climbed a mountain and came to the edge of a ditch. There were terraced fields on both sides of the ditch. His family still had two acres of land here, right in the middle of the ditch.

This place is far away from the road, and the zip line doesn't work well.

Lin Heng looked at the place and said, "Why don't we plant here? We'll be exhausted carrying the fruit trees when they mature."

It's impossible to build a road here.

Xiulan looked at him and said, "Let's plant them, plant them sparsely. Wouldn't it be more troublesome to plant crops instead of fruit trees?"

Lin Heng thought about it and it was true. If he didn't plant trees, his father would have to come here to plant the land again, which would make him even more tired.

"Then let's get started." Lin Heng nodded.

This time he didn't take a diesel saw, so he had to cut the trees on the edge of the land by hand and handed them over to his father.

Even though the planting here was sparse, 253 saplings were planted in the afternoon, and 211 saplings were left in the end.

He took them back and planted two in the back mountain of his own home, gave ten to his third father's family, and the rest were all densely planted in the field, waiting for the later seedlings.

The next day was the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month. According to tradition, the festival was considered over only after this day.

However, Lin Heng's family was not idle today, and they were planting grapes. Because the speed was not high enough, Lin Heng sent someone to take a letter to ask his uncle and Li Shiwei to come and help yesterday.

When they leave, they will be very happy to give them a few good fruit tree seedlings.

His uncle came down early in the morning, which made Lin Heng and others very curious.

Lu Honghai looked at everyone and smiled, "What's the matter? I heard that the cowherd said you were planting fruit trees. Can't I come down to help and take a few seedlings back?"

"Yes, of course, uncle, you can take any fruit tree seedlings you want directly." Lin Heng nodded repeatedly.

"Let's talk about it after we finish planting." Lu Honghai said with a smile.

"Let's drink milk and eat and then go." Lin Heng smiled.

Let everyone taste their own milk, eat some food and go uphill.

Lin Heng's land on both sides of the river is very scattered, but there is no way, so he can only plant it.

Grape planting is different from apple planting. It is planted in rows, and the row spacing must be more than two meters. Two trees are planted in a row, and the plant spacing only needs one meter.

When we build the grape racks in the future, we will build them row by row, which is not only beautiful, but also convenient for spraying pesticides and picking fruits.

With the addition of three big men, the speed is even faster. Six acres of land were worked in the morning. Three hundred grapes can be planted in one acre of land, and a total of 1,800 grape trees were planted in six acres of land.

Lin's father finally decided to leave a few acres of land to grow crops. Lin Heng said that rice fields can be planted every year, but he still wants to keep it.

Some fields are still planted with wheat and rapeseed, and some of them are directly destroyed to plant grape trees. Anyway, it's just digging a hole, and it won't destroy too much.

After planting in the morning, Lin's father's land is considered to be done.

In the afternoon, he planted for his eldest brother. One acre of red kiwifruit can plant one hundred trees. Ten acres of land were planted in the afternoon, and exactly one thousand trees were planted.

"Brother, if I plant kiwifruit, then I owe you 600 yuan for the fruit alone, and a total of 700 yuan with the gun."

On the way back after planting the land, Lin Yue said with a smile.

Because red kiwifruit is very precious, a three-year-old grafted seedling costs 30 cents.

"It's okay, they are all the same, just remember it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Let's go back and eat glutinous rice balls." Lin Hai ran over and grabbed the shoulders of the two and shouted.

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