Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 247 Is the stinky mandarin fish delicious?

"Don't worry, let's take a rest. It's been tiring to plant trees these days."

Lin Heng waved his hand, looked at the sky and said.

Judging from the weather, it might rain in the next two days, which would make it difficult to start work.

"Yes, let's wait until we see better days before starting work and get a good fortune." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Yes, take a good rest, my waist has been hurting for the past two days."

Father Lin also nodded and said.

Back in the house, Xiulan was wiping shredded radish. These radishes were dried in a semi-dry state and then pickled in jars to become shredded sour radish, which was used to stir-fry bacon and go well with rice.

Xiaoxia was playing with her ball in the house, while two puppies were chasing her.


Lin Heng reached out and petted the big cat Jinbao. This guy's voice now sounded more and more like a house cat.

"Is the cattle pen finished?" Xiulan asked while working.

"Yes, it's done." Lin Heng nodded.

"How are you going to plant Chinese medicinal materials?" Xiulan asked again.

"Let's wait until March in the Gregorian calendar and plant around the time of the Waking of Insects. These seeds need to be cultivated to have a high germination rate and cannot be sown directly in the ground."

Lin Heng sat down and took a sip of milk tea and said, "There are a lot of cows left in the morning. Lin Heng taught Xiulan how to make milk tea. There are still a lot of them."

There is no shortage of charcoal at home, and the earthenware stove is always burning, which can make a fire and heat some things.

"Are you going to plant it in your father's field?" Xiulan finished wiping the last radish and raised her head and asked.

Lin Heng shook his head: "That's definitely not possible. You can grow some yellow turmeric and astragalus in the ground. Forsythia is a shrub, and the medicinal materials are its seeds. They can only be planted on slopes. Ginseng is a shade-loving plant and must be planted under the forest. I think Hongfeng Mountain is good, with forsythia planted on the edge of the forest and ginseng planted in the forest.”

It is worth mentioning that the flowers of forsythia, a small shrub, are beautiful golden and very beautiful, and are often used as ornamental plants. Its vitality is also very tenacious. It can take root in cracks in rocks and piles of rocks, and it does not have many requirements on the environment.

Plant it in Red Maple Mountain, where the scenery will be beautiful in spring. There are more golden forsythia flowers in spring, and you can see red leaves in autumn.

"You just have to make a plan." Xiulan nodded.

"Can that smelly mandarin fish be eaten?" Lin Heng asked.

"It will be cold in winter, and it will take another five or six days."

Xiulan hung the shredded radish to dry under the eaves, walked over and said.

"Okay, I thought it was edible. If it tastes good, I'll go fishing for some in a few days."

Lin Heng nodded and said that he had only heard of smelly mandarin fish but had never eaten it in his previous life, but he was very willing to try it.

"You can rest assured that I will do it." Xiulan said firmly.

After chatting for a few words, Lin Heng didn't want to talk anymore and sat on the bench in a daze. Xiaoxia was tired of playing ball and asked Xiulan to play paper-cutting with her.

The toy rubber ball that Lin Heng bought for him was the simplest, followed by paper-cut paintings, and finally the second-order Rubik's Cube.

Even Xiulan couldn't figure out the second-level Rubik's Cube, so she could only play paper-cut painting with Xiaoxia.

Lin Heng didn't expect Xiaoxia to understand the game, so he just let her go around for a while, and he would demonstrate it to her from time to time.

After a while, the wind started blowing outside, and the three of them went back to the bedroom.

Lin Heng drank tea slowly and watched Xiaoxia playing there.

When I feel tired from reading, it’s almost time to have dinner. After dinner, I read a book for a while and then go to bed.

The wonderful day passed like this, which was very fulfilling for Lin Heng.

The next day, I sorted out the machines and saplings at home.

There are still a lot of sugar orange and pear saplings left, thirty or forty of each type.

There are not many other apricot and peach trees.

The total adds up to more than two hundred.

Lin Heng went to Hongfeng Mountain and planted a dozen of them, and then he didn't waste the rest. He directly spread the news in the village that it was 50 cents a piece and he would be compensated if they died.

Although the price is relatively expensive, after all, the ones bought from the Provincial Agricultural Science Institute are very valuable. With so many households in the village coming to buy two per person, they are all sold out.

Two hundred pills were sold for 100 yuan, and Lin Heng made more than 70 yuan.

He didn't sell all of them, he just gave away some of the ones he had a good relationship with.

In this way, there is a gap. Those who are given seedlings by him will be grateful to him, while those who buy seedlings only want to have a good relationship with him in case he gives them away next time.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you give them all away, but that would make the seedlings seem worthless.

The weather is still very gloomy, the cold wind is blowing, and there is a feeling that a mountain rain is coming.

"Am I good at making money?" Lin Heng said after selling the seedlings and looking at Xiulan who was counting the money.

Xiulan happily counted the money, reached out and patted Lin Heng's shoulder and said with a smile: "You are the best, you are the best at everything. But I will just take the money. You don't like this anyway."

"Just keep it, I'll go and raise the seedlings."

Lin Heng smiled and took out the watermelon and cantaloupe seeds he bought.

"Isn't it too early for lunch now?"

Xiulan looked at him and said.

Lin Heng shook his head: "It's not too early, not too early. I will plant it in a small greenhouse now. When the weather warms up around the time of the Jingzhe, the seedlings will grow. By then, I will be able to eat watermelon and cantaloupe by transplanting in June or July."

"Would you like me to plant some early pepper, cucumber and other seedlings for you?" Lin Heng said after taking a breath.

Generally, local seeds in rural areas will not grow seedlings. Anyway, they can be scattered in large quantities. The main purpose is natural selection, and those who can come out are strong seedlings.

He bought the seedlings, so naturally he still needs to cultivate them carefully.

"Then let's relax a bit." Xiulan thought for a while and nodded.

Lin Heng went back to the house and took another pack of green pepper seeds and a pack of cucumber seeds.

Don't rush to plant them yet. Pour them all into a bowl and soak them in water. This will allow the seeds to quickly change from dormancy to growth.

After soaking, he used a hoe to dig the remaining half of the land for planting strawberries to make it soft.

When the seeds are almost soaked in the afternoon, they can be planted in the field.

For pepper seedlings, just sow them directly and cover them lightly with soil. For watermelons, cucumbers, and cantaloupes, use a small stick to poke small holes and then throw the seeds in one by one.

After sprinkling a layer of water, bend the bamboo strips, cover the surface with film paper, and cover the surroundings with soil. A small breeding shed is formed.

In the afternoon, Lin's father came over and looked at Lin Heng and said, "Son, can the crusher you bought be used to grind corn? We don't have enough cornmeal to feed the cows."

"Yes, let's carry the machine over tomorrow morning and I'll teach you how to grind corn."

Lin Heng nodded and said that the crusher, as the name suggests, can grind all grains.

"That's fine."

Father Lin nodded, sat down and drank two cups of tea before going back.

However, the next morning, when Lin Heng opened his eyes, he heard sparse sounds outside the window.

"Is it raining?"

He lifted the quilt and opened the window. It was indeed drizzling outside.

The wintersweets still in full bloom in the yard swayed slightly in the rain, like a girl who was wet.

The buzzing of bees was very small, and only two were seen flying out occasionally.

"It's raining!"

The wind outside also woke up Xiulan on the bed. She listened to the first drizzle of the year and said sleepily.

"Yes, it's raining. He can only wait a few days to come to harvest corn."

Lin Heng replied with emotion, but the rain came in time, and the survival probability of the planted seedlings was greatly increased.

The rain was not heavy, and it didn't rain much when the two were milking.

Now when milking, Lin Heng only milks for the three of them. When milking for his parents or eldest brother, they can milk as much as they need.

When they finished drinking milk and were about to make breakfast, the rain suddenly got heavier, and then it got lighter in the afternoon.

The weather was like this for two or three days, jumping back and forth between rain and no rain.

There was nothing to do during this period, so Lin Heng stayed at home drinking tea and reading books, staring at the rain outside in a daze.

If it was really boring, he would play some small games of going in and out at night to increase the affection between each other.

Lin Heng took out all the two sacks of books he bought in Ancheng and put them in the bookcase in the study.

He only took the books he wanted to read back and put them in the bedroom, and read books for a while to pass the time when he was bored at night.

The students started school, and Tian Yan would come once a day, playing with Xiulan first, and teaching Xiaoxia to fulfill her promise.

However, Xiaoxia was not in good health these days. First, she drank too much milk and had diarrhea, and then she had a runny nose and coughed non-stop.

Lin Heng bought a thermometer, and after taking it, he found that she had no fever, which was not serious.

Lin Heng picked some loquat leaves and boiled them in water, then added some brown sugar for Xiaoxia to drink. The next day, the coughing symptoms were significantly relieved, so there was no need to go to the hospital.

On the 22nd day of the first lunar month, the sun came out again.

After breakfast, Lin Heng went to peel off the film and took a look, and immediately shouted: "Xiu Lan, come and see, my seedling cultivation was very successful this time."

He ran over and pulled his wife and daughter over to see his achievements. The vegetables and fruits under the shed had grown cotyledons.

"Very good." Xiu Lan smiled and nodded, reaching out to tie up Lin Heng's shoelaces that had fallen off.

"Dad is really great~"

Xiaoxia jumped up and down to praise, anyway, anything her dad did was great.

Lin Heng was satisfied to share the results with his wife and children.

Xiu Lan looked at the strawberries next to him, but there was not much change, and it seemed that only some leaves had grown.

After looking at the seedlings, Lin Heng went to ask his father and eldest brother to help lift the crusher.

The three of them worked together to lift the crusher to the old house. Lin Heng took the wires and connected them, then turned on the switch and tried it.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound was heard. Lin Heng turned it off to make sure that the machine was fine.

"Dad, do you need more cornmeal or more cornmeal?" Lin Heng looked at his father and asked.

"More cornmeal, mainly to feed cows and musk deer." Father Lin thought for a while and said.

Lin Heng nodded, turned on the machine and replaced it with a finer sieve.

"Now you just need to pay attention to the cornmeal."

Lin Heng pointed to the location of the discharge port and turned on the power. The motor drove the belt to rumble, and as Lin Heng poured shovels of corn into the discharge hopper, the sound became louder.

Everyone plugged their ears with toilet paper, otherwise their ears would keep ringing when the cornmeal was finished, which would cause serious hearing damage.

After a while, the crushed cornmeal came out of the discharge port with a lot of dust.

Many people in the village heard the roar of the machine and ran over to watch the fun. They didn't seem to mind the noise even if they were not at the gate of the yard.

The speed of the crusher is very fast, and it can crush 200 kilograms of corn in an hour.

Father Lin only prepared more than 200 kilograms of corn, and it was finished in less than half an hour.

"No more, right?"

Lin Heng stopped the machine to remove the toilet paper from his ears and asked.

"So fast, then crush the remaining 200 kilograms in the house."

Father Lin said, mainly because he didn't expect such a small machine to be so fast.

The villagers standing at the gate of the yard saw the machine stop, and someone asked curiously: "Lin Heng, how much did you buy this machine?"

"I bought it at Ancheng Machinery City for 100 yuan. We probably don't sell it here." Lin Heng said with a smile. The surrounding area of ​​Ancheng is relatively developed, and this machine is sold to nearby farmers.

There is no market in small cities like Changbai. Farmers go to the grain station to make beams, where there are large machines.

"It's so expensive. It's better to go to the grain station."

Upon hearing the price, most people were discouraged and secretly sighed that it was great to have money. The Lin family was getting richer day by day.

"I bought it to raise shrimps." Lin Heng smiled. In this era, ordinary families can actually make a lot of money by buying one to make grain for the villagers.

But he was not interested. It was not worth it for such a small amount of money. When someone asked, he also said that he would use it himself and not make grain for others.

Soon, Lin's father moved two more bags of corn. Lin Heng stuffed toilet paper and continued to work, beating the remaining cornmeal at one time.

During the period, he also let his father and eldest brother try it. The machine is very simple to use. They can beat it themselves next time after learning it, and he can also be lazy.

After the machine was finished, it was temporarily placed at his father's house, and it would be moved there after the warehouse at Hongfeng Mountain was built.

"Dad, big brother, let's go over to eat stinky mandarin fish in the evening, a famous Anhui dish made by Xiulan." Lin Heng patted the corn flour that made a sound on his head and said.


Lin Heng cleaned himself and went back to the house. Xiulan had already taken out the stinky mandarin fish. The smell was different from the stinky tofu, which felt very strange.

"Very successful." Xiulan looked at it, cleaned it and put it aside for use.

She started to cook it in the evening. The method of stinky mandarin fish is simple. Fry it in oil until both sides are golden brown, then stir-fry the pork belly with fat and fragrance, add dried chili, ginger and garlic, stir-fry for a while, add the mandarin fish, add white wine, soy sauce and boiling water, and cook it over medium heat for half an hour.

After cooking, cook it over high heat to collect the sauce, thicken it with water starch, pour it on the fish, and add a little coriander.

In addition to the mandarin fish, Xiulan also fried five or six other dishes. After the dishes were served, Lin Heng was the first to eat.

Although the stinky mandarin fish had been fermented for more than ten days, the fish meat was still very firm and shaped like garlic cloves.

When you put it in your mouth, the texture was also very firm, with the heaviest saltiness. The taste itself felt very strange, both fragrant and smelly, but it was very addictive. After one bite, you wanted to continue.

"Not bad, I think it's delicious, different from fermented bean curd, you can try it yourself."

Lin Heng said after two bites, and felt that it tasted richer when eaten with coriander.

Father Lin ate a chopstick and was surprised: "Hey, it doesn't smell bad when you put it in your mouth, it's delicious."

"Yes, it's not bad." Caiyun also nodded, feeling very novel.

Everyone nodded, only Lin's mother and Liu Juan stopped eating after one bite, as if they were not used to it.

This is just like snail noodles, some people think it's delicious, and some people feel sick and want to vomit.

"Next time, make it again to catch two more Xiulans." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and ate two pieces herself.

Lin Heng scooped a bowl of rice and felt that it was very delicious, but he had to brush his teeth after eating it like the snail noodles. The smell was too strong with the windows open.

"Son, the good day for you is the day after tomorrow. Do you want to start work on Hongfeng Mountain?"

After dinner, Lin's father asked.

"It's time to start work."

Lin Heng nodded. If we start work now, it is estimated that it will be completed by the end of March in the Gregorian calendar.

Then we can go to the depths of Taibai Mountain to hunt black bears. During that time, they will catch fish to eat after hibernation.

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