Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 248 Planning of warehouse and indoor incubation pool

On the 23rd, it was another sunny day.

When they got up in the morning, Father Lin and the others were going to plow the fields.

After breakfast, Lin Heng and his wife Xiulan were sunbathing in the front yard.

In this warm weather, the most pleasant thing is to do nothing and just sit together and bask in the sun.

It will be more comfortable if we pick each other's ears again.

Lin Heng really wanted to keep showing off like this, lying on his wife's lap and watching Xiaoxia play in the yard.

But after only drying for a while, Xiulan patted his head: "Get up, I'm going to wash clothes and dig some wild vegetables."

"Don't worry, I still have clothes to wear anyway."

Lin Heng couldn't get up, closed his eyes and muttered.

"What do you mean, you still have clothes to wear, but you have to wash the dirty clothes."

Xiulan glanced helplessly at the head on her lap, and in the end she could only agree to Lin Heng to bask in the sun for a while longer.

The sun was already very warm at this moment. After sleeping for a while, Xiulan took off her cotton-padded jacket because of the heat.

There was a white sweater. Lin Heng, who rested his head on her thigh, opened his eyes and took a look.

He couldn't see Xiulan's face, he could only see half of the blue sky, and the remaining part close to Xiulan's face was obscured by her huge breasts.

"It's so big!"

Lin Heng muttered to himself, even louder than when he felt it with his mouth at night.

"I'll beat you if you say that again. Be more serious in broad daylight."

Xiulan glanced at Lin Heng, patted his face and whispered a warning.

Lin Heng didn't say anything but wanted to reach out and touch him, but was slapped back.

Lin Heng laughed playfully, changed his posture and faced his wife's belly, hugging her waist and continued to bask in the sun.

Not long after I fell asleep, there was a knock on the door outside, and then the voice of my elder brother Lin Yue came in:

"Brother, let's go to the field to catch eels. Dad has already harnessed the ox. He is plowing in front and we are catching eels in the back."

Lin Heng didn't want to go at first, but after thinking about it he said, "Okay, I'll be here soon, you go first."

Plowing the fields every spring is also a good time to catch eels. When plowing the fields, dig up the soil and the eels will come out with it, so you can grab it with your hands.

My favorite thing when I was a child was to pick up eels. My father was plowing the fields in front, and he and his eldest brother were picking up eels in the back.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm going out then."

Lin Heng stood up and looked at Xiulan's little face and said, not only did he pick up eels, he had many other things to do today, and he was destined to not be able to bask in the sun all the time.

Xiulan nodded: "You go ahead, my daughter is watching."

After Lin Heng went out, he first went to the home of Tian Dongfu, the village party secretary, and still asked him to arrange manpower.

There is also a need to build warehouses and indoor incubation ponds on Hongfeng Mountain.

The land was leveled last year and construction is ready to start this year. Two acres of land totals more than 1,600 square meters, of which 600 square meters are used to build warehouses and 400 square meters are used to build indoor hatching tanks. The remaining 600 square meters are used to build houses for some people to live in and houses for other purposes.

It is estimated that three warehouses will be built for 200 square meters each, four indoor breeding rooms will be built for 100 square meters each, and a house of 120 square meters will be built first.

This had been planned for a long time, and Lin Heng took the time to draw it.

It depends on the situation of the remaining 400 square meters of land. We are not sure what it will be used for at the moment. Maybe it will be used to raise forest musk deer in the future.

Lin Heng didn't want too many people this time, twenty was enough. Adding in his uncle and third father, there were only thirty.

In addition, he also needs to go to the town to find some masons and call a carpenter.

Lin Heng himself worked as a mason in his previous life, building walls and plastering was not a problem.

But he is lazy, and he alone is not enough.

"I'll go to the village committee at noon and use the loudspeaker to call you."

Lin Heng agreed as soon as he said Tian Dongfu. Now the village committee has bought a loudspeaker, which makes it much easier to shout. People living by the river can hear it.

"Thank you, Uncle Tian."

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he went back and drove his three-wheeler to Hongfeng Mountain to take a look. Except for the pond where grass carp was raised, which had a lot of water, the fifteen ponds were only about 30 centimeters deep. There were already Some grass grew.

In the end, there were only fifteen ponds in the more than twenty acres of land, and the road in the middle and the roads between the ponds took up a lot of land.

After looking at it, Lin Heng probably knew what work was scheduled for tomorrow. He wrote it down in his notebook and headed to Huangtan Town.

Today, the 23rd of the first lunar month, happened to be the day to go to the market. When walking to the town, I met many people going to the market. Lin Heng took two people he knew there with him.

The store is not very popular. There are no herbs for sale in winter, and most of them sell animal skins. There are also many people who specially save some herbs to sell in order to get discounts on their purchases.

When Lin Heng entered the store, he found that Liu Cihua had been sitting next to him, seemingly wanting to wait for Wang Zhou to finish his work.

"Brother Lin!" Wang Zhou saw Lin Heng's sudden appearance and greeted him with a smile. Liu Cihua next to him looked a little reserved.

"It's okay, you do your thing, I'll come down to do something."

Lin Heng waved his hand and looked around the store. After asking, he found out that Uncle Gao had gone fishing.

He stopped staying and went out to find a mason. There were many masons in the town, and their skills varied.

Lin Heng drove his car to the door of a blue brick house. The door was open, and two children were playing a game of catching stones in front of the door.

"Is the master of this house here? I'll look for the mason."

Lin Heng asked aloud.

"My dad is at home, I'll go shout him."

One of the older children nodded and ran into the house.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a mustache came out of the house. Looking at the tricycle driven by Lin Heng, his expression immediately put on a smile: "Boss, are you looking for a bricklayer?"

"Yes, I heard that your craftsmanship is good. How much is it a day?"

Lin Heng got off the car, walked over and asked with a smile.

The mustache man invited Lin Heng into the house and poured him tea, but Lin Heng refused: "I will leave after the chat, so I won't drink it."

The mustache man smiled and said: "Then it depends on whether you take care of the food."

"I will provide a meal at noon. The work place is Hongfeng Village. We will build warehouses and houses. Here are the drawings. Take a look."

Lin Heng handed him the drawings after speaking.

The mustache man looked at the drawings and found that he had to build so many houses. He immediately became more serious. This is a big job.

After reading the blueprint, he looked up and asked, "Boss, I think it will take a lot of people, right?"

Lin Heng nodded, "Yes, I'm going to find five or six masons, and I've already found a laborer."

The man with the mustache thought for a while, looked at Lin Heng and said, "Boss, if you provide a meal, you have to pay 1.3 yuan a day. I have all the tools ready. I can also help you find other masons, and I guarantee that they are all good."

Lin Heng nodded and said seriously, "I can give you this price. Find me five more people, and you have to bring your own tools. But I'll be honest, if your skills are not good, don't blame me for kicking you out."

He himself has been a mason for quite a while, and he can tell at a glance whether you have good skills.

The man with a mustache patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, boss. If I can't do it well, I won't take any money and will just go away."

Lin Heng nodded: "Then you ask the good people to gather in front of the town's purchasing station tomorrow morning, and I will pick you up then. Your name is Liu Haigui, right?"

"Yes, boss." The man with a mustache smiled and nodded, very happy. It was great to get such a job at the beginning of the year.

"Okay, I got it."

Lin Heng nodded and turned around and left on his bike. Today's market was generally crowded, but there were many people selling various livestock under the bridge and by the river.

There was nothing good on sale on the street. Lin Heng said something to Wang Zhou and drove home.

Huangtan Town is relatively low-lying. The peach blossoms on both sides of the road are already in full bloom. The surrounding trees and mountains are still bare and gray, making these peach blossoms particularly conspicuous. White with pink, like a girl's pink cheeks, a faint fragrance can be smelled in a breeze.

"Brother, please fold some for us."

As soon as Lin Heng climbed up, a girl who was walking back from the market shouted with a smile.

Lin Heng turned his head and saw two girls in printed cotton jackets looking at him with eyes, their eyes moving back and forth between his car and himself.

"No, I folded them for my wife."

Lin Heng smiled and waved his hand.

"It's not like I asked you to fold a flower, it's not something shameful, just forget it!"

One of the girls with a pointed chin snorted and left unhappily.

When she heard that Lin Heng was married, all her thoughts were extinguished.

Lin Heng smiled, folded the plum blossoms and put them in the car, and rushed home.

When he got home, Xiulan had just finished washing clothes and was drying them.

"For you."

Lin Heng parked the car and handed the peach blossom to Xiulan.

"Have the peach blossoms in the town bloomed?"

Xiulan happily took it and smelled it.

"Yes, I folded it specially for you."

Lin Heng smiled.

Xiulan looked at him with her beautiful eyes, happily took it into the house and put it in a bottle.

"I'm going to catch yellow eels."

Lin Heng found a bag, said something, and walked out with Xiongba.

"There are a lot of garlics by the field, dig some and we can fry bacon." Xiulan said.


Lin Heng had already gone out when he agreed.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba hadn't been out with Lin Heng for a few days, and he started to have fun as soon as he came out, jumping around happily.

When he came to the field, Lin Heng found that his father and elder brother had plowed three or four fields. These days, his family has some dry fields, which need to be watered when planting rice, and wheat or rapeseed can be planted after planting rice.

One type is muddy fields, which have water all year round and can only grow rice. His family's muddy fields are about three acres, and his father keeps them for himself.

"How many have you caught?"

Lin Heng glanced at Xiongba who was having fun, and walked over to ask.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Brother, you are late. The muddy fields have been plowed and five or six kilograms of yellow eels have been caught."

The yellow eels are most abundant in the muddy fields with water all year round. There are fewer in the dry fields that dry up, but there are some.

Lin Heng looked at the plastic bucket not far away. There were yellow eels as thick as thumbs overlapping each other. The thickest one was only as thick as two eels put together.

"These are all big ones. The small ones were not caught." Lin Yue smiled.

Lin Heng nodded and was about to speak when his father called from a distance: "Come on, another big yellow eel was plowed out."

He stretched out his hand and grabbed it and threw it over. Lin Heng hurriedly ran to pick it up. It was an eel thicker than a thumb.

"Not bad." Lin Heng picked it up and threw it into the bucket.

There are few eels in this dry field. It takes a while to get one. You don't need to follow the plow. Just wait for your father to call before going.

There are a lot of garlic cloves growing on the edge of the field. You can see them from afar at this time of year, but they are not particularly thick.

"Woof woof~"

After Lin Heng had been pulling for a while, Xiongba started to give him instructions again, always waiting for him in front where there were garlic chicks.

Its size has been finalized now. Lin Heng had measured it before. The shoulder height is 72 and the body length is 81, which is a circle larger than normal German Shepherds.

The so-called shoulder height refers to the distance from the feet to the offspring, and the body length refers to the distance from the chest to the hips, not counting the tail and the head.

This final size is smaller than Lin Heng expected, but it is also reasonable. The size is not the bigger the better.

"You guy!"

Lin Heng rubbed its head, and the guy ran away with his tongue out. After a while, he found some garlic chicks and called to him.

If Lin Heng didn't go, it would wait there and watch him. But Lin Heng usually went, because it found good stuff, and he still had to trust Xiongba to find things.

When Lin Heng was looking for garlic chicks, Lin's father caught a few more eels, and the harvest was not bad.

At about 12:30, this field was plowed, and it was finished in the morning. The rest would be plowed in the afternoon. After plowing, you can soak the soil in water. In March, you can use a cow to pull a rectangular wooden rake to rake it several times. After the soil is broken, you can plant rice.

"Son, give me the rice seeds and corn seeds you bought later."

Father Lin walked over with a cow and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

Rice needs to be bred. They call it "scattering sprouts". After scattering, use bamboo film paper to bend it up. In April and May, you can plant rice.

"Brother, let's kill these yellow eels and eat them ourselves. I don't think it's necessary to sell them." Lin Yue said with a bucket.

"Wait until the fields are all plowed and see how much there is. If there is more, eat some and sell the rest." Lin Heng said with a smile. He still likes to eat yellow eels. Stir-fried eel shreds are very good.

"That's fine." Lin Yue nodded.

When he got home, Lin Heng handed a handful of picked garlic to Xiulan. He only needed to wash it and cut it directly.

"Go upstairs and get some bacon. We've finished eating the ones we took down."

Xiu Lan reached out and took off a few Bidens pilosa seeds from Lin Heng's clothes, smiling sweetly.


Lin Heng climbed up the stairs to the second floor. The bacon in the house was hanging on the second window. These had already been smoked and dried, and had been dried.

Lin Heng counted them and found that there were still 22 bacon and 3 hams. One bacon weighed more than 10 jin, and one ham weighed 30 jin, which added up to nearly 300 jin of meat.

This was considered a lot of eating. The meat of the wild boar and musk deer had been eaten. Most of the meat of the big sow was refined into lard, otherwise there would be more.

"When the weather gets hot, we have to take it downstairs and hang it."

Lin Heng said to himself. When it's hot, the upstairs is a steamer, and it's no longer suitable for putting meat.

After looking around, Lin Heng picked a smaller one and carried it downstairs.

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