There is not even a trace of mold on the surface of bacon that has not been over summer. It can be stir-fried directly after being cleaned.

After such a long time, the salt has penetrated into every part of the bacon. When cut, it turns red and white in color, exuding a faint meaty aroma.

When Xiulan is put into the pot and stir-fried, the rich aroma comes out immediately, the fat meat turns translucent, and the lean meat becomes redder and brighter.

Fry it briefly, add the chopped garlic and stir-fry twice before serving.

After the rice is done, stir-fry the bacon with garlic and eat it, and it will be fragrant immediately.

The aroma of young garlic is special. It is somewhat similar to garlic sprouts, but it has a different flavor. When combined with the aroma of bacon, it is not too delicious to eat.

After finishing the rice, Lin Heng ate two chopsticks of garlic and bacon alone, and praised his wife's cooking skills.

"This meat is delicious."

Xiaoxia nodded and said that it was a bit difficult to eat with a spoon.

Lin Heng took the bowl and fed her to eat. She didn't know how to use chopsticks yet.

After eating, Lin Heng habitually sat in the yard to bask in the sun. After half an hour, he got up and went into the house to take rice, corn and soybean seeds to his father.

I bought two packs of rice seeds and three packs of corn and soybean seeds. The amount of land at home is now enough.

Father Lin got the seeds and looked at the packaging curiously. He was shocked when he saw the words on it that said the yield per mu was 1,000 to 1,200 kilograms.

"Can this really reach a yield of 1,000 kilograms per mu? Isn't it a lie?" Father Lin was full of doubts about it.

You must know that his family's rice yield per mu last year was only more than 300 kilograms, which is equivalent to a threefold increase. How could he not be excited?

"Yes, is this false propaganda? The yield of corn per mu is 1,200 kilograms, and the yield of soybeans is 400 kilograms per mu. That's too much!" Mother Lin took the corn and soybean seeds and looked at them again and again, but she still didn't believe it.

Lin Heng said with a smile: "This is written after someone has grown so many. How can the seeds purchased by the Provincial Agricultural Science and Technology Bureau be falsely advertised?"

Then he added: "As long as you apply fertilizers well, apply pesticides in time, and don't get any major diseases or insect pests, then there will be no problem."

This yield per mu is considered average, but hybrid rice can achieve a yield of 3,000 kilograms per mu, which is terrifying. Of course, hybrid rice is said to be unpalatable.

"Don't say one thousand catties, I will buy eight hundred catties of seeds and plant them every year from now on." Father Lin nodded.

Mother Lin also nodded: "Yes, even 800 kilograms is more than double our yield per mu last year. With ten acres of land and eight thousand kilograms, we will never have to eat cornmeal again."

"I guess it's no problem. Many farmers in Ancheng are buying it." Lin Yue said as he walked into the yard.

Hearing the eldest son say the same thing, the two elders became excited.

After putting the seeds into the house, Lin's father took the cow and continued to plow the fields, while Lin Heng followed to pick up the eels.

These fields seemed to be too dry in the afternoon, and the number of eels was very few. Even after plowing in each field, not one was seen.

"Dad, let me plow it."

Lin Heng said something and went over to catch the plow handle. With a slight shout, the big ox pulled the plow and moved forward quickly. The soil was turned up and rolled to the side. This process was extremely squeezing.

"These oxen and horses are so easy to use, it feels good to drive them!"

After plowing a field, Lin Heng said with emotion that it was really a pleasant thing to drive the oxen to plow the field.

"give it to me."

Father Lin laughed and carried the plow to the next field.

Lin Heng sat on the field ridge and blew in the wind for a while, watching his father and elder brother take turns plowing the fields. Xiongba squatted next to him, sticking out his tongue and raising his ears, always watching the goings on around him.

The sun went down before he knew it. Lin Yue held the wooden bucket and shook his head and said: "Brother, I didn't harvest anything this afternoon, just one."

"It's normal. There are no eels in this kind of dry fields." Lin Heng was not surprised by this, as eels were all in that kind of muddy fields.

Lin Yue said: "Just eat the eels in the house. There aren't many anyway, so you can't sell them for much."

Lin Heng nodded: "Keep it for now, and then eat it when you have time in a few days."

On the way back, the three of them discussed how to start work tomorrow. The people had been found and everyone else had been notified. His uncle also asked people who came down from the mountain to go to the market to bring the letter back.

In the blink of an eye, the next morning, Lin Heng got up at dawn at seven o'clock. After exercising, Lin Heng drove to town.

Only a few shops in the town were open at this time. Wang Zhou hadn't gotten up yet, and the door to the purchasing station was closed. Lin Heng parked the car on the road and waited for a while, then saw Liu Haigui walking over with five people, carrying a tool bag in his hand.

"Squeeze it."

Lin Heng looked at Liu Haigui and said that he was too lazy to make a second trip, since no one would care about it anyway, and it didn't matter if it was overloaded.

"Can seven people fit in? And can it be driven?" Liu Haigui was a little skeptical about the car's horsepower.

"Try it, it will be no problem if you can squeeze it in." Lin Heng said, there is no problem with the car's horsepower.

After some attempts, he finally sat down. Three people sat behind Lin Heng, and three people were squeezed into the side compartment next to him.

After sitting down, Lin Heng slowly drove towards Hongfeng Village. The power of the car was fully sufficient. He was worried that something might happen if he went too fast.

At 7:52, a car of people arrived at the foot of Hongfeng Mountain.

"Boss Lin, this is a fish pond you dug. It's a big project." Liu Haigui said in shock when he saw so many fish ponds.

"Yes, your job is to build the pond warehouse."

Lin Heng nodded, and he drove the car directly along the road in the middle of the fish pond to the top position where the house was built. Everyone in the village who came to work had already arrived, and his father and elder brother were watching.

His third father, younger uncle and others also came and stood together. When they saw Lin Heng coming, they were shocked by the power of this car and how it could pull so many people.

Lin Heng parked the car, took out his work book and started to register. Ordinary workers in the village still paid 80 cents a day, regardless of food.

After registering in the work book, Lin Heng began to assign work.

Lin Heng looked at the man with the mustache and said: "Liu Haigui, you guys will lead people to lay the foundation today. Is it enough for you six big workers and twelve small workers?"

"That's enough, that's enough." Liu Haigui nodded.

"Okay." Lin Heng assigned him twelve workers, including his father, who mainly plays a supervisory role.

After dividing Liu Haigui, he took the people to measure and lay out the lines, preparing to lay the foundation. Since the warehouse is only built on a three-meter-high floor, the foundation does not need to be very good. It can be built with large stones and concrete.

Twelve people were divided, and Lin Heng had 15 people including himself.

"We all go to Hongfeng Mountain to help me chop down small trees and dig forest land."

Lin Heng looked at everyone and said, these people came with hoes and machetes.

After taking it to the wooden house in Hongfeng Mountain, he began to deal with the trees in the forest in preparation for his subsequent planting of understory ginseng.

"Except for the trees that I deliberately planted, all the trees that were thinner than an arm were cut down. These six people were enough. The remaining nine people used hoes to loosen the soil and remove weeds and some small tree roots."

"The chopped trees are not wasted. We can just circle them around Hongfeng Mountain to prevent cattle and sheep from coming in."

After saying that, Lin Heng led everyone to work together. There are originally many tall trees in Hongfeng Mountain, and the distance between trees is relatively large. After this treatment, the distance will be even wider.

This semi-shady environment is very suitable for the growth of ginseng. When the ginseng is harvested in a few years, he should have made enough money to build a mountain villa here.

"You and the diesel saw are so fast."

Someone smiled when they saw Lin Heng using a diesel saw.

"This one has no disadvantages except that it is a little more expensive. It cuts trees very quickly without any effort." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"But it's not without its shortcomings. Trees two or three centimeters tall are difficult to saw." He then added.

"Can you let me try?"

Someone really wanted to try it out, and Lin Heng was very happy to lend the diesel saw.

He bought 20 kilograms of ginseng seeds. One kilogram of seeds can be planted on almost an acre of land, so he only needed to open more than 20 acres of land in the forest.

The forest in Hongfeng Mountain is not considered a shrub forest. This kind of tall forest covers more than 100 acres. Lin Heng chose the most suitable area on the top of the mountain, which has a lot of humus and ample scattered sunlight.

After working here for two hours, Lin Heng handed over the supervision work to his third father and went down the mountain to see the technology of building houses here.

When Lin Heng came down, they had already laid out the lines according to the drawings and started digging the foundation.

For the warehouse, we dug the foundation, poured it, and then built the walls. For the incubation room, it is necessary to remove the incubation pool from the house, lay bricks and apply cement, and install drainage pipes and water inlet pipes before pouring the foundation and starting to build the walls.

Lin Heng took the ruler and level to measure. Liu Haigui's skills were pretty good and there was nothing to fault.

"Boss Lin, I told you to rest assured." Liu Haigui said with a smile.

"Yes, it's okay." Lin Heng nodded.

"By the way, are you planning to use a steel structure or wood on top of the warehouse?" Liu Haigui asked again.

"It's wood, it's very troublesome to transport the steel structure from the city." Lin Heng shook his head.

If it were a steel structure, he wouldn't have bought so many bricks. Wouldn't it be better to use all steel structures?

The roof is still made of wooden beams and then laid with terracotta tiles. But this time he had to buy wooden main beams. His big tree was too far away, and he didn’t want to cut down the one on Hongfeng Mountain for the time being.

But these days, wood doesn’t cost much, so it doesn’t matter.

The sun sets in the blink of an eye, and less than half of the foundation was dug today. The digging efficiency on Hongfeng Mountain is not fast, with a little more than an acre dug in one day.

There are quite a lot of various tree roots and vines in the forest. This is equivalent to clearing up wasteland. It takes a lot of effort to dig out, so it is normal to go slower.

The next day, Lin Heng took a look at the work here and then went back. He dug a lot of humus in the mountains and poured it into a vegetable patch in the front yard. He was preparing for the work of raising ginseng seedlings.

Ginseng seedlings take a long time to grow. He took out the 20 kilograms of seeds he bought, poured them all into a wooden basin and soaked them in warm water.

After two days, when the seeds are saturated with water, sprinkle them into the prepared humus soil, sprinkle with water and cover them with a film.

It takes a month or two for ginseng seeds to germinate, and by the time they germinate, it will be almost the Qingming Festival. Lin Heng did not plan to cultivate the seedlings at home. Instead, he would wait until the white buds appeared and plant them directly in the forest.

This will have a much higher survival rate than spreading it directly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the fourth day of work, and Lin Heng went to check on the progress of the work.

On the building side of the construction site, all the foundations have been dug and the pouring was completed yesterday.

Liu Haigui and other major workers are building indoor incubation tanks. Each incubation room will build an 80-square-meter incubation tank with a height of one meter, a length of ten meters and a width of eight meters. It requires bricks and cement.

Although they have been digging the foundations for the past two days, the workers have not been idle. They have already built two incubation ponds, but they have not put cement on them.

Here on the mountain, three days have passed, and almost four acres of land have been worked. After all, it is all dug by manpower, so we can't ask for too much.

But now that the tree sawing work has been completed, Lin Heng was very satisfied after seeing it. At first glance, the forest is very transparent. The cluttered small trees are gone, and the branches of the big trees have all been cut down to a height of two or three meters. People walking in will no longer be blown by the treetops.

"Lin Heng, I ordered these branches to be chopped. Is it okay?" Li Baiquan said with a smile.

"I think since you want to plant ginseng, you need to let more sunlight in, so I cut some branches of the big tree." He explained with a smile.

"That's very possible. Uncle, you are thoughtful enough." Lin Heng nodded with a smile.

After watching for a while, Lin Heng went to the wooden house to take a look. The door here was unlocked. They could come and drink water when they were tired.

On the way back, Lin Heng looked at the dendrobium he planted on the tree again. They were all dormant in the winter. He took a closer look and saw that some of them were still alive.

After seeing the progress of the work here, Lin Heng drove away again, blowing the cold wind that was not too cold anymore, and soon arrived in front of Carpenter Liang's door in Baima Village.

Carpenter Liang was having breakfast when Lin Heng came over. When he saw Lin Heng, he stood up quickly and said, "Hey, you are a rare visitor. Come in and sit down quickly. Let's have a meal before talking."

"No, I've just eaten." Lin Heng shook his head: "I'm here to tell Carpenter Liang that you can go up and help tomorrow. I need your help with making beams and so on. The salary is still one yuan and a half a day."

"We'll talk about these later. It's okay if you don't eat or drink water."

Carpenter Liang put the bowl down, took Lin Heng's arm and said politely.

"All right."

Lin Heng couldn't get away, so he could only follow him in, take a sip of tea, and entertain him warmly.

"The tea is ready, so I'll leave first."

After Lin Heng finished a cup of tea, he stood up and left with a smile.

Carpenter Liang couldn't hold him back, so he sent him to the road and said: "You walk slowly, I will come up early tomorrow morning."


Lin Heng nodded and drove the car instead of going back, but to the town.

He went to town to see the plastic pipe sellers. Not only did he need to build a water supply and drainage system for the hatchery ponds, he also wanted to plan a drainage system for the inlet and outlet of all shrimp ponds.

With such a system, water changes are much more convenient. And he has already planned to dig an aeration tank of nearly 400 square meters next to the top hatching tank.

Place the purchased aerator in the aeration pond, introduce mountain stream water to start the aerator to increase oxygen, and then transport the aerated water to each shrimp pond through pipelines, thereby increasing the oxygen content of the water body.

Although this method is troublesome, it can actually increase the nutrient content of the water body, thereby preventing the shrimp from being hypoxic, and can also appropriately increase the breeding density.

It can be said to be a method that achieves multiple goals with one stone.

He came to town this time just to look at the pipes, ask about the price, and then go back and measure the required quantity before ordering.

There was only one store selling plastic pipes in the town. After asking, I found that they didn't have any suitable ones, so I had to buy them from the city.

Lin Heng immediately decided to calculate the size himself and go to the city to buy it, without having to be a middleman to make the difference.

Changed the number of ginseng seeds to twenty pounds. There was a slight problem with what I wrote before. Thank you for your understanding.

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