Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 250 A month of hustle and bustle

It was already noon when he returned to the village. Lin Heng put the peach blossoms he picked casually into a green narrow-necked bottle. Xiulan had already prepared the food and was waiting.

The workers who came to work were waiting for his father.

"Lin Heng is back, so let's serve the food."

Lin's mother said, and she and Xiulan brought out the food.

"You can eat first, no need to wait for me." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"We just came back too." Lin's father said with a smile.

Liu Haigui next to him also smiled and said, "Boss Lin, have you found a carpenter?"

After getting to know him for a few days, he admired Lin Heng more and more, and his attitude was more polite than before. It was amazing that he became a millionaire at the age of 21.

"I've found one a long time ago, and I'll come tomorrow." Lin Heng nodded and said, "Let's eat."


Everyone was hungry for a long time, and they were even more salivating over the food at Lin Heng's house. Not only was there white rice every meal, but there was also meat every meal, which gave them a deep concept of a millionaire.

Lin Heng looked at the fat on the table and had no interest at all. He only picked up some pickled radish and cold-mixed shepherd's purse.

He knew that Xiulan did it on purpose. She cut the fat for the big worker to eat. Her family usually ate pork belly, which was not so fat.

For most people in this era, meat is enough, and they don't care whether it is fat or thin.

After eating, he rested for half an hour and went back to work at one o'clock.

Lin Heng was not a devil. Even if there was no eight-hour work system now, he would usually only let people work eight hours, and occasionally half an hour more.

"Li Shiwei Lin Hai, you will do the measurement with me in the afternoon."

After the gathering, Lin Heng looked at the two and said.

"Okay, let's go get the ruler and white lime."

The two nodded and turned to get the ruler and white lime.

After getting it, they measured with Lin Heng and then spread the line.

It took half an afternoon for the three of them to finally spread out all the water pipes, and then find someone to dig the pipeline, and when the water pipes come later, they can just bury them directly.

The next morning, Carpenter Liang came up early. Seeing that Hongfeng Mountain had been built like this, he was a little surprised.

"Lin Heng, my job is to make beams and rafters?"

Liang Gui looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, a lot of wood for rafters has been transported. I bought the big wood for beams these two days."

"Take it." Carpenter Liang put down the things, looked at the half-meter-high wall, walked over to look at the wood, and started his work.

Lin Heng looked at their work progress for a while, said a word, and drove away on a tricycle, ready to go to the suburban factory to buy plastic pipes.

There is a small workshop specializing in the production of plastic pipes in the suburbs, producing various types of plastic pipes. Lin Heng went into the factory and took a look. Without exception, all the machines were old ones.

However, the craftsmanship of the plastic pipes produced was very good. Lin Heng wanted to buy a plastic pipe with a diameter of ten centimeters. The price here was fifty cents per pipe, four meters long, and five millimeters thick.

Lin Heng first bought 200 pipes with a diameter of 10 cm, which cost 100 yuan. He also bought 50 pipes with a diameter of 5 cm, which cost 30 cents each, and cost 30 yuan. In addition to a lot of accessories such as elbows and tees, the total cost was 202 yuan.

After confirming, a truck was called for shipment, and it could be delivered directly to the door in the city.

The pipes were delivered that afternoon, but the channel for burying the pipes had not been dug yet.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the fifth day of the third month of the solar calendar and the third day of the second month of the lunar calendar in March. Today happened to be the Waking of Insects, and the construction site had been open for eleven days.

The so-called spring thunder suddenly moved, and all things revived. This day, the weather was gloomy, and the dew was heavy in the morning, but there was no so-called spring thunder. However, if you look closely at the branches, you will find that the spores have become very full.

Early in the morning, Lin Heng and Xiulan got up to exercise. Xiulan practiced Tai Chi and Eight Vajra Kung every morning. Although she followed the same model, her limbs were much more coordinated after so many days, and the lines of her body looked more smooth and soft.

Lin Heng's exercise was more intense. He not only practiced Vajra Kungfu, but also did push-ups, frog jumps, pull-ups and other exercises.

He started exercising when he was old in his previous life, and these had long become his habits.

"Husband, the grape buds you planted have grown a lot and turned green. It looks like they are alive."

Xiulan's voice rang under the grape tree.

After Lin Heng finished his exercise, he walked over to take a look. The buds of the Kyoho grapes were clearly visible, and they were definitely alive. The wild grapes next to them were even more so, as if they couldn't wait to release their vitality.

"Wait for me to get a red grape for grafting."

Lin Heng said this and went out. There were red grape seedlings planted in his father's yard. When he came over, he saw that they were indeed alive.

He cut a five-centimeter-long piece of paper with buds, and turned back to the house.

Cut the wild grapes from the bottom, split them in the middle, and then cut the scion into a flat shape with a knife and insert it into the split wild grape main stem, and then wrap it with film paper, leaving the buds exposed outside.

Grapes are easy to grow, and now it is Jingzhe, so a simple cleft grafting method will do. Just pay attention to the alignment of the grafting layers.

"It is estimated that the Chinese toon buds will be broken by the end of the month." Xiulan said after watching Lin Heng grafting.

"If it is in the town, it will be broken in the middle of the month. I will take you there then." Lin Heng said with a smile. He was already drooling. Fried Chinese toon with meat and fried Chinese toon with eggs are both delicious.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and agreed, carrying a bucket to milk the cows.

Lin Heng followed her out and looked at the seedlings planted in the back mountain. Only two of them had no buds, and the others all had green buds.

He planted the seedlings in a hurry because this time node was very important. Sure enough, most of them have sprouted now.

After drinking milk, playing at home for a while and eating some pickled cabbage soup, Lin Heng went to the Hongfengshan construction site at 8:30.

After eleven days of construction, Lin Heng connected all the water inlet and drainage pipes of all the ponds and stepped into the ground.

The water inlet pipe of the pond has been extended for one meter, and then connected with an upward elbow, which can well prevent the water flow from impacting the pond.

The water flows out first to the sky and then spreads all over the water, which can also increase the dissolved oxygen in the water body.

Now the only thing left is the top aeration pool of 400 square meters that has not been dug. There are not enough workers these days, so it has not started.

Two walls of the warehouse have been completed. The warehouse is three meters high, and there is a two-meter-high triangular roof on top. Today, the beam carpenter is putting up the beams and fixing the rafters, and then the roof can be laid.

He bought the wood for the beams in the town. He spent 100 yuan to buy 50 pine woods with asphalt antiseptic, and transported them up by tractor.

Now the foundation has been completed. Five big workers plus twelve small workers can build a house in one day, and these houses can be completely completed in ten days at most.

After finishing here, Lin Heng went to the mountain to take a look. The fence in the forest has been built, and the land reclamation has reached the end. The rest of the work can be completed in five days at most.

However, there is no sign of ginseng seeds germinating, so it will take some time to sow.

Lin Heng ran up and down a circle before he saw his father slowly walking to the construction site.

Seeing Lin Heng, his father immediately said excitedly: "Son, I went to the field to check, and most of the fruit trees we planted have sprouted."

He has been paying attention to the seedlings, fearing that there would be problems with the seedlings that he spent so much money on. Now that he saw the sprouts, he finally let go of his heart.

"That's for sure." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. He asked why he didn't see his father in the morning.

"Have you finished clearing the land on the mountain?" Lin's father asked again.

"It will be completed in four or five days." Lin Heng nodded.

"That's fine." Lin's father nodded and went to work.

Lin Heng didn't go home either, but stayed to help with the work. He was too lazy to lay bricks, so he helped move things.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye. The cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms in the village, and the wild peach blossoms on the mountain were all in full bloom, white, pink, in clusters, and you can smell the faint fragrance when you get close.

Spring has arrived, and everything is beginning to revive.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Hai ran down the mountain and looked at Lin Heng and said, "Brother Lin Heng, the work on the mountain is done. Do you want to come up and take a look?"


Lin Heng nodded and followed him up the mountain to take a look.

The fence on the mountain is tied to a living tree, and the vines used are not very strong. However, there are two or three meters wide thorns piled outside the fence, which makes it difficult for livestock or people to break in.

Inside the fence, the leaves that did not rot last year are piled at the roots of the big trees, waiting for natural decay, and the rocks are picked up and piled together. The soil has been renovated, and the black humus soil looks pleasing to the eye. The small tree roots and so on have all been dug out and thrown to the cabin as firewood.

The whole forest looks neat and orderly, no longer as messy as before, and it feels different to walk in it.

After checking around, Lin Heng smiled and nodded, "Everyone has done a good job, thank you for your hard work."

"Lin Heng, is there any other work? Do we still need us at the construction site below?" Yang Zhaotao in the crowd asked with a smile.

"Yeah, is there any more work, Boss Lin?"

This is what the others wanted to ask. They are not afraid of hard work, but they are afraid of not making money without work.

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, "Of course there is still work. There is an aeration pool to be dug below, and fences need to be built around the pond. There is a lot of work to do."

"It's good to have work."

"Take the tools and go down to work."

When everyone heard that there was still work, they immediately became energetic and walked towards the pond at the foot of the mountain.

"Let's build the fence first today. I have laid the fence pits for the pond. You can help dig it." Lin Heng looked at everyone and said.

The fence of the pond must be built to isolate people and animals. In a small way, it is to prevent cattle, sheep, and children from falling; in a big way, it is to prevent some jealous people from secretly putting drugs and causing damage.

So he had already designed it before, and spent fifty to buy square railing casting molds, as well as some thin steel bars and wires.

They were asked to dig a pit every five meters around the twenty-acre pond, then install the casting mold and cast it with cement, and then surround it with steel wire.

A large number of thorns and branches were piled outside the railings to completely isolate them and prevent livestock and people from breaking in.

After some guidance, everyone started working quickly.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye, and ten days had passed since the Waking of Insects. All the cement pillars were erected, the steel wires were pulled up, and there were more than two meters wide thorns and branches blocking the four sides. Now if you want to come in, you can only go through the main gate.

The workers who have finished these tasks have started digging the oxygenation pool. On the construction site, whether it is a warehouse or an incubator, or the house you live in, they have all been built and completed.

All the terracotta tiles on the roof have been installed, so there is no need to be afraid of rain, as major work is being done on the walls.

During this period, there was not enough bricks, tiles, cement, and a few days ago Lin Heng spent another thousand and a half to bring back bricks, tiles, cement, and sand and gravel.

Since the start of construction this year, he has already spent 2,000 yuan on materials. In fact, to build four warehouses, three incubators, and a house for people to live in, it is enough to use the materials from the first floor.

The extra money spent is to harden the roads and the surrounding areas of the pond. This could have been saved, but Lin Heng really hated the feeling of stepping on mud and not being able to lift his feet on rainy days.

Moreover, it is convenient to do anything after hardening. After thinking about it, I decided to harden it.

Two days later, the cement on the walls of the house was finished. The 400-square-meter, two-meter-deep aeration pond here has also been dug out and needs to be hardened.

First, the bottom of the pool was laid with cement, and then the surrounding walls were laid with bricks and cement. It took three days to harden the inside of the pool.

"Now only the inner roads are hardened, right?"

After finishing the hardening of the oxygenation pool, it was almost time to get off work. Liu Haigui looked at Lin Heng and said.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, in the past two days, I have led people to level the road and the bank of the pond. After that, I only need to use wooden boards to support the grinding tools and lay the concrete."

Today is March 20th in the Gregorian calendar. The construction site has been under construction for 28 days and will be completely completed in two days. By then, only shrimp farming will be left.

"Lin Heng, will I be dead?" Yang Zhaotao asked again.

These days, in addition to digging an aeration pond and leveling the land above the house, they have reclaimed more than three acres of land halfway up Hongfeng Mountain.

In the end, the road hardening work obviously did not require so many people, especially since Lin Heng rented a mixer after having electricity, he did not need so many people and cement.

The people in the village were both happy and disappointed. They were happy because they would get their wages soon, but they were disappointed because there was no work left.

"Yes, five people will stay here tomorrow, and the others will be divided into three groups to plant forsythia, astragalus, and turmeric for me."

Lin Heng looked at everyone and said with a smile, the weather has been warm in the past two days, and he has also planted forsythia and astragalus seedlings. When I looked at them this morning, white roots have emerged and can be planted in the ground.

The ginseng seeds have also begun to take root. After planting forsythia, astragalus and turmeric, ginseng is almost ready to be planted.

Planting trees last time was exhausting, but now there are workers who can help with the planting. The labor cost is nothing as long as the Chinese medicinal materials survive.

"That's great, as long as you have something to do!"

Upon hearing that he was still alive, everyone suddenly became happy.

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