Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 251: The Planting Business That Makes You Rich

When I went home in the evening, I looked at the roadside and saw that many trees had sprouted tender leaves.

The trees near the river were the most obvious, and the green willow branches were the most eye-catching. When they swayed in the wind, they looked like green hair, exuding vitality.

Back in the house, Xiulan was picking ferns in the yard. At this time, she had long since stopped wearing a cotton jacket and changed into a double-layer coat.

"Are all the ferns available now?"

Lin Heng said in surprise. Although many trees have sprouted in the past two days, large areas of forests are still bare, and will only turn completely green around Qingming Festival.

Xiulan looked up and said, "Mom picked some by the river when she was herding cattle, and brought some to us."

"By the river, I was thinking." Lin Heng nodded, and smiled and said, "The work on the construction site will be completed in two or three days. Then I will take you and Xiaoxia to the Heihe River for an outing."

"Aren't you going to hunt black bears?" Xiulan looked up at him and said.

Lin Heng waved his hand: "My wife and children are the most important thing when it comes to fighting black bears."

Xiu Lan smiled as soon as he said this, with a pair of curved eyes and beautiful eye bags, and looked at him gently: "If you want to fight, go ahead, it doesn't matter whether we go out or not."

"Actually, it will take some time to fight the black bear, so there's no rush." ​​Lin Heng smiled.

Xiu Lan nodded: "In that case, we can go out for a walk, I actually want to go."

Lin Heng looked at her and smiled: "Then you said it doesn't matter whether we go out or not."

Xiu Lan stood up with curved eyebrows, stretched out her hand to tidy up Lin Heng's hair, tilted her head and said: "Of course I lied to you!"

After that, she turned around and walked into the house.

Lin Heng pulled her back, hugged her in his arms and smiled: "Lying will be punished."

"Don't make trouble, I'm going to cook, and you stink."

Xiu Lan blinked and tried to break free from Lin Heng's arms.

"Then I'll stink you up."

Lin Heng made her face dirty before letting go.

"I really want to beat you up!"

Xiu Lan glared at him and went into the house with her lips pursed.

Lin Heng laughed and went to the bedroom to take a shower. After coming out, he checked the red grapes he grafted in the backyard. Callus tissue had grown at the grafted part, and two small leaves had already sprouted from the buds.

This grafted red grape even sprouted leaves earlier than the Kyoho grapes next to it, but this is normal. The root system of the wild grapes planted last year was too developed, and it was not comparable to the Kyoho grapes that had just been planted for a short time.

After looking at the grapes, Lin Heng went to see the seeds he had put in the wooden barrel for germination, including forsythia, astragalus, ryegrass, elephant grass, and alfalfa.

The breeding process is also very simple. After soaking it in water, wrap it in a cloth bag and put it in a wooden barrel, and pad it with grass on the top and bottom. The moist and warm environment will make the seeds germinate.

All you need to do is take it out and soak it in water every day.

Lin Heng opened the barrel and looked at it. White dot-shaped roots were all emerging. Now the survival rate would be much higher if planted in the soil.

He had already thought about how to plant and where to plant.

"Dad, teach me how to play the Rubik's Cube~"

Lin Heng had just finished looking at the seeds when Xiaoxia came over with a second-level Rubik's Cube.

She had been having a runny nose since she had diarrhea and coughed last time. It was only in the past two days that she was completely cured. Lin Heng was relieved.

"Then watch it carefully!"

Lin Heng took the Rubik's Cube and demonstrated it to her. Even an adult who had not learned the skills could twist the second-level Rubik's Cube back, but it was difficult for Xiaoxia, who was more than two years old, because she could only twist it in a mess.

Lin Heng twisted it back in a short while, and Xiaoxia opened her eyes wide with a surprised look.

"I'll try~"

She took the Rubik's Cube back and immersed herself in thinking.

Lin Heng carried her to the main room and put her down. He went to the front yard to check the ginseng seed seedling situation. By uncovering a corner of the greenhouse, you can see that these hard ginseng seeds have finally sprouted white buds.

"It's been a month, and it finally sprouted."

Lin Heng took a deep breath. If it doesn't sprout again, he will doubt whether it is a fake seed.

The watermelon, cucumber, and cantaloupe seedlings next to it have grown four or five leaves, and the green pepper seeds are more than ten centimeters high, all of which are ready for transplanting.

The strawberry seedlings have grown many runners, and the number is now about sixty or seventy, with twenty or thirty more, and the original mother plant is about to bloom.

Lin Heng is thinking about whether to uncover the greenhouse of the strawberry field. After all, the weather is very warm now, and it is about ten or twenty degrees outside during the day.

"Dad, twist it for me again~"

At this time, Xiaoxia ran over and handed the Rubik's Cube to Lin Heng. Obviously, she failed in her own attempt.

"Wait for me to wash my hands."

Lin Heng washed his hands in the basin under the eaves and demonstrated it to Xiaoxia twice. He thought that when Xiaoxia could restore the Rubik's Cube, she could start learning to write.

During this month, Tian Yan still came to Lin Heng's house every afternoon. While playing chess with Lin Hai, she taught Xiaoxia to draw and play with paper cutting.

She also took a look at the books that Lin Heng's family bought from Ancheng.

Lin Heng took the initiative to stop teaching writing temporarily, and asked for some toys that could exercise the flexibility of fingers first. Paper cutting and drawing were suitable.

She got better at playing.

Xiaoxia tried a few more times, but found that she still couldn't be as good as her father, so she gave up and turned to play with small frogs and balls, or put Lai Fu in a wooden cart and pulled it.

"It's time to eat."

After a while, Xiulan prepared the meal.

In the evening, she made soft pancakes, and the dishes were bracken fried with bacon, hot and sour potato shreds, and cold dandelions.

Bracken tastes very crisp, like garlic sprouts, and tastes good.

Lin Heng likes to smear the soft pancake with fermented bean curd and spicy chili, then roll the three dishes in it and eat it together. The various textures and aromas explode in the mouth, which is simply a kind of enjoyment.

"This bracken is really good." Lin Heng nodded.

"I'll just eat one, and you can take care of the remaining three."

Xiulan rolled a burrito and took a bite and said.

Lin Heng nodded. The three of them were nothing to him and there was no pressure.

After eating, he took a walk to eat, and then put Xiaoxia to sleep. He also quickly went to bed to rest. He was quite tired after a day's work.

Early the next morning, I just woke up and found that it was raining outside. I opened the window and saw that it was drizzling outside.

"Can I still work today?" Xiulan asked.

"If you stay this young, you can do it." After Lin Heng said this, he snuck into the bed and hugged his wife for warmth.

The fireplace has not been burning for the past two days. It is very cold in the morning. I put on underpants to look at the situation outside and shivered from the cold.

Xiulan hugged Lin Heng obediently and let him absorb her warmth.

"God bless this rain will stop soon, wait until I plant these things before it rains again."

Lin Heng sighed and said, now is not the time to get out of bed.

"Don't worry, it won't work."

Xiulan said while sticking to Lin Heng.

"I hope so." Lin Heng turned to look at Xiulan and lay down to sleep for a while. It was only half past six, which was still early.

After sleeping for another half hour, the two got up together. The rain outside actually stopped. Lin Heng excitedly picked up his wife and kissed her hard.

"You are so eloquent, I have to kiss you twice!" Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, it's time to exercise." Xiulan said with a crooked eyebrow.

"Okay, let me see your husband's muscles."

Lin Heng laughed and walked to the yard to exercise.

The rain obviously didn't last long, and there wasn't much water on the bluestone floor tiles.

After drinking milk and having breakfast, Lin's father and others also came over, looked at Lin Heng and asked: "It might rain today, what are you still doing?"

Lin Heng nodded and said: "Go ahead, of course. Just let the six workers do the road hardening today, and the rest will plant ginseng with me."

Yesterday the weather was normal and there was no sign of rain, but now that there is a trend of rain, let’s plant the ginseng first.

After planting ginseng and then having a spring rain, it would be perfect.

"Okay, then I'll go and tell the people in the village." After saying this, Father Lin got up and walked out. .

"Dad, remember to let them bring hoes." Lin Heng reminded.

"Okay, I understand." Father Lin's voice came from outside the wall. .

"Uncle, please dig ginseng seeds with me."

Lin Heng said something, went into the house and took two large baskets, then opened the film paper, dug up the ginseng seeds and a layer of humus and poured them into the baskets.

These ginseng seeds have just sprouted white root points, and digging them out will not damage their growth.

Several people exchanged loads and went up to Hongfeng Mountain. Lin Heng took the work book and asked everyone to sign in. Then he arranged for the five big workers to work on their own, and he took the other 20 workers up the mountain.

"The depth of planting ginseng is about five centimeters. We use a hoe to dig trenches about five centimeters deep. The distance between trenches is only fifteen centimeters."

"Some people dig ditches and some spread seeds. The density of seeds should not be too high. Please watch my demonstration."

After Lin Heng finished speaking, he took a hoe and started to demonstrate. Since we buy a lot of ginseng seeds, we can plant them at a higher density, about three to four centimeters per seed. Many of them will die after a year.

Everyone here was a farmer, and Lin Heng learned how to do it and started planting one after another.

Lin Heng was watching and guiding, and if anything was wrong, he would immediately point it out. After a while, everyone mastered the method of planting ginseng, and began to grow it with great success.

We chatted while planting.

Someone felt that growing ginseng seemed promising, so he asked, "Lin Heng, how much does your ginseng seed cost per pound?"

"Yeah, if it's cheaper, we'll grow some too."

"Anyway, our mountains and forests are idle, so it would be good to grow ginseng and sell it."

Seeing Lin Heng's vigorous cultivation, everyone also became interested and wanted to make a fortune.

Lin Heng grinned: "It's not expensive, five yuan a pound!"


Everyone suddenly took a breath and their expressions froze.

"Five yuan a pound, isn't that expensive? Our daily salary is only eighty cents."

"Oh my God, the price is sky-high. I can't afford it. I can't afford it."

Everyone shook their heads, and the idea of ​​making a fortune from growing ginseng was immediately extinguished. They couldn't afford the price.

Lin Heng smiled. He actually thought about signing a buyout contract with the villagers. He would pay for the seeds, and the villagers would sell them to him at the price agreed in advance.

Ginseng has high medicinal value and the market demand is very large. However, the current cultivation scale of ginseng is very small, which is far from meeting the demand, especially after the investment is attracted in the future, the demand will skyrocket.

He knows the market price of forest ginseng in the future, and the buyout price can be easily set. As long as this business is completed, it will definitely be a good deal. He will make a lot of money, and the villagers will also get rich from it. No one will lose.

But he is worried that the villagers will argue with him after seeing the market price of ginseng in a few years, which will be a very troublesome thing.

He is ready to think about this matter carefully, and he is not in a hurry now. He will make a decision after he has a certain amount of capital after the first batch of shrimps is shipped out this year.

Time flies because the land has been cleared long ago and planting is very fast. More than two acres of land can be planted in one hour.

"Why is the sun out again? What a damn weather it is."

At around ten o'clock, the golden sunlight suddenly shone down, catching Lin Heng off guard.

"What if it doesn't rain in the next few days?"

Father Lin looked at the sky with some worry. The ginseng seeds cost as much as five yuan per pound.

"It's okay, it will definitely rain. The ground in the forest is not too dry."

Lin Heng shook his head and was not very worried about this. There would definitely be rain in spring. On the contrary, he hoped to wait a day or two before downloading.

Twenty-seven people were able to plant very quickly, planting nine acres of land in one morning.

After lunch, everyone worked overtime for an hour in the afternoon to plant all the ginseng seeds.

"In the end, we missed one or two acres of land." Father Lin said, looking at the clearing in the forest.

"I measured it with my feet at the beginning. It's normal for them to be bigger. Just wait until some are transplanted in August and September."

Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Yes." Father Lin nodded.

After taking a look at the forest, Lin Heng turned around and went home. All the forsythia seeds in the house had to be planted. Lin Heng prayed that it wouldn't rain the next day.

Early the next morning, as soon as he woke up, Lin Heng got up and took a look. He jumped up happily when he found that it was not raining outside.

After breakfast, Lin Heng took the forsythia and forage seeds to Hongfeng Mountain. The front and back of the house were hardened yesterday, with an area of ​​four to five hundred square meters.

After signing in, Lin Heng looked at everyone and said, "Everyone should farm with me first today."

The place for farming is three acres of newly reclaimed land above the house.

"Everyone should dig trenches for planting, and only five to six centimeters will be enough."

Lin Heng said it once and everyone started working.

Of the more than three acres of land, Lin Heng only used half an acre to plant forsythia. The rest was used to grow pasture. One acre of land was just right for one type of pasture. When these pastures grow, there will be no shortage of food for his grazing livestock. .

The reason why only half an acre of land is used for Forsythia is because this year we are only raising seedlings. Forsythia is a small shrub. It would be better to raise the seedlings for a year to grow into small trees before transplanting them.

"Lin Heng, do you think it's okay to grow medicinal herbs on my house?"

Lin Heng was planting forsythia, and Li Shiwei ran over and asked with a smile.

"Of course. Growing medicinal materials is definitely more cost-effective than growing crops. You can also grow pasture for breeding."

Lin Heng nodded and said, the inconvenience of transportation on the mountain does not mean that there are no opportunities to make a fortune. He didn't say that he wasn't rich enough yet to make casual suggestions.

If he asked it himself, he would be happy to make his brother rich.

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