Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 252 Everything is ready [ask for monthly votes]

Li Shiwei immediately became happy when he heard about the drama. He looked at Lin Heng and said, "What do you think I should plant?"

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "Ginseng, Panax notoginseng, Angelica sinensis, Astragalus, and Forsythia are all fine."

These are precious Chinese medicinal materials with huge market demand in the future, so you will definitely not lose money if you grow them.

Li Shiwei nodded and said, "Isn't it because the seeds are expensive?"

"That's natural. The seeds of these precious Chinese herbal medicines are not cheap." Lin Heng nodded.

"Then I'll go over and discuss it with my dad." Li Shiwei thought for a while and nodded.

Lin Heng glanced at him and continued to plant his own forsythia. He was responsible for spreading the seeds and several workers plowed the ground. Half an acre of forsythia was planted in more than half an hour.

On the other side, they can grow pasture very quickly. The method they use is to dig trenches for planting. They dig vertical soil trenches from top to bottom, scatter the seeds in and push soil to cover them.

The planting of forage was completed at ten o'clock. Everyone stopped and looked at Lin Heng, waiting for him to arrange the next work.

Lin Heng thought for a while, looked at everyone and said, "You guys go to the apple field with your dad with a hoe, and I'll go back and get the seeds of astragalus and turmeric. I'll plant these today and that's it."

"Everyone come with me."

Father Lin also shouted and led everyone to the apple field.

Lin Heng asked Lin Hai and Li Shiwei to go back with him to carry the seeds. Turmeric is a root, and he couldn't carry more than two hundred kilograms.

Carrying things on his back to the Huangliupo apple field, Lin Heng looked at the apple seedlings. Sure enough, most of them had grown green spores and were basically alive.

"Don't plant too close to the apple trees, and then weed the apple saplings and pile some soil."

Lin Heng said something and led everyone to start working. The spacing between apple trees is three to four meters. Now there is no problem in planting some Chinese herbal medicine in the middle.

There are not a lot of astragalus and turmeric seeds, and it took more than 20 people more than an hour to make it.

All the Chinese herbal medicines bought so far have been planted, and Lin Heng is relieved. He will just wait for the spring rain.

It was less than twelve o'clock when all this was done, and Lin Heng directed a group of people to continue weeding the apple saplings and pile some soil around the saplings.

He asked the workers from the village to help him do it, so that his parents would not have to dig slowly.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng did not let them go back to the construction site to harden the road. Instead, he went to help weed the grape and kiwi fruit seedlings and loosen the soil.

Not only did it not rain today, but there was also sunshine during the day, as if the rain yesterday morning was just a joke played by God.

When they were dismissed in the afternoon, Lin Heng saw Li Shiwei in a daze, walked over and patted him on the shoulder: "How are you discussing with your dad?"

Li Shiwei shook his head: "My dad said the seeds are too expensive, and I'm not sure whether I can make money in the future. I have some money saved in the house to build a house, but I can't do it for the time being."

Lin Heng understood after hearing this. His uncle was right. It was not easy for farmers to make money and they did not dare to invest easily.

And Lin Heng estimated that even Li Shiwei and his uncle agreed. Li Shiwei's wife would not agree either. She had long wanted to build a new house to live in.

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "Well, next year I will pay for you to buy ginseng or Panax notoginseng seeds to plant, and then we will sign a contract and you must sell the medicinal materials you grow to me at the set price."

"For example, now Panax notoginseng costs 50.22 cents per pound. If I give you a price of 70 cents, no matter what the market price is after growing it, you have to sell it to me for 70 cents. What do you think?"

Lin Heng looked at him and explained again.

Li Shiwei was stunned for a moment, then asked curiously: "How do you make money?"

"Just say whether you are willing?" Lin Heng asked with a smile. Naturally, he made the difference.

Three years later, the price of Sanqi was close to one yuan. He could make a lot by taking it back for 70 cents.

"Of course I'm willing to do that. I'm not at a loss at all." Li Shiwei nodded.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "That's fine. I'll arrange it for you next year. You won't have time to plant it this year."

"I understand, you think that 37 cents will be more expensive than 70 cents in a few years, right? Then if it is cheaper than 70 cents, won't you lose money?"

Li Shiwei quickly figured it out and came over and said.

"If I lose money, it's because I have poor vision." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The price increase of these things is inevitable, even if the butterfly effect of his rebirth is difficult to change.

After saying a few words, Lin Heng turned around and walked back. Back in the house, Xiulan was picking vegetables, and Tian Yan also came over from work to teach Xiaoxia how to draw.

What she knows is some simple drawings, which is just suitable for Xiaoxia to learn.

"Is the work on the construction site almost over?"

Xiulan brought Lin Heng a glass of water and asked.

Lin Heng took a sip of water, nodded and said: "Yes, all the Chinese herbal grass seeds have been planted now, and today we have people help with weeding. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will harden the Hongfeng Mountain side and we'll be done."

"Then I hope it won't rain tomorrow. It will save you trouble if you do it all at once." Xiulan nodded and said.

She was also looking forward to going on an outing with Lin Heng.

"Yes, I hope so."

Lin Heng nodded, hoping that God would give him some face.

"Brother Lin, do you play chess?"

After a while, Lin Hai ran over after taking a shower, holding the chessboard and smiling.

Lin Heng glanced at him, smiled and shook his head: "This is obviously just polite, I don't dare to disturb your enjoyment."

Tian Yan next to her raised her head: "As I said, I still rely on you Lin Dafuhao. I come here every day to read, how can I dare to compete with you."

Lin Hai also smiled and said: "Brother Lin Heng, let's play two games. Tian Yan and I play often, not less than this time."

"I'm just kidding, I'm going to go out for a walk with the dog, you guys go ahead and play."

Lin Heng shook his head, untied Xiong Ba's chain, and took him out for a walk.

"Woof woof~"

The bully was playing happily in front, barking from time to time.

Lin Heng walked in the woods at the back of the mountain, looking for the breath of spring.

The acorn trees have sprouted green buds, and the rapeseed flowers in the village are in full bloom. Spring has truly arrived.

He couldn't wait to go for an outing in the mountains to feel the breath of spring.

It was dusk now, so I couldn't see very clearly in the forest, and I didn't find any traces of animals.

After playing for half an hour, one person and one dog turned around and walked back.

When they got home, Lin Mu had already prepared the meal, and everyone was invited to eat together.

The next day was already March 25th. When I woke up in the morning, I didn't hear the sound of rain. Lin Heng hugged his wife happily.

"It's not raining again, it's great," he said excitedly.

Xiulan was quite confused at first, but Lin Heng shook her awake directly.

"Be gentle, it hurts me." Xiulan pouted and said.

"But it's good that it hasn't rained. Mom, sister-in-law and I will go pull some garlic and break some bracken later."

Xiulan stretched out and grabbed Lin Heng to sit up.

"If you're sleepy, sleep a little longer and I'll do the work." Lin Heng looked at her and smiled.

"Really? Then I won't get up." Xiulan said with a wink.


Lin Heng nodded, put her down to sleep, dressed himself and got on the boat.

He began to like the morning chill, which made him energetic and energetic.

I exercised a little more today, and when I went to the back mountain to milk the cows, I saw Mother Lin here.

"Where's Xiulan?" Mother Lin asked curiously. In the past, it was Xiulan who came to milk the cows.

"I'll let her rest and I'll squeeze her in," Lin Heng said.

"Hey, it's so strange. It will hurt my wife."

Mother Lin was still in her usual yin and yang mood.

"I love my wife every day, okay."

Lin Heng didn't care about his mother and turned around to look at the little ewe.

The baby goat I bought last year is already quite big, and my father said that she is most likely pregnant.

This sheep was very docile, and Lin Heng didn't resist even if he touched it.

After milking the milk, Mother Lin looked at it and said, "Son, there has been a lot more milk recently, and we can't drink it all. Do you think it would be okay to boil the water and make it into milk powder?"

"I want to take some milk powder to your grandma and give her a supplement."

Lin Heng glanced at his mother, nodded and said, "Of course you can, but you have to keep turning with a shovel, which is very tiring."

The milk powder you make yourself is definitely not as good as modern production technology, but there is still no problem in drinking it.

The method is also very simple, just keep cooking until the water evaporates and turns into milk cubes, then crush it and grind it into powder.

"That's okay, how tiring it can be to turn over a shovel." After saying this, Mother Lin took the milk and left, ready to try.

Lin Heng shook his head and squatted down to milk the cow.

In addition to drinking milk, you can also make many delicious foods, but the people in the mountains don't know that. He plans to try it when he has free time.

If his mother wants to try, let her do it. They, the older generation, don't want to waste anything. There is still a lot of milk left every day and it feels like I am losing money.

He also saw his father giving his grandmother endless milk before, but he didn't say anything about it.

Although he didn't like the grandmother who helped his eldest father's family bully his own family, for his father, she was his mother after all, and he still had a lot of feelings for her.

During the Chinese New Year or holidays, his dad would always go and give him some food. Lin Heng didn't stop him. Anyway, he didn't lack that little thing, so it didn't matter if his father fulfilled his filial piety.

Now that he is here, his eldest father's family will not want to cause any more trouble.

After squeezing the milk, Lin Heng turned around and went home. He burned some milk to heat it up, poured himself a cup, and poured another cup for Xiulan to bring into the house.

"Thank you, husband~"

Xiulan took the milk and said softly.

"Would you like cookies?" Lin Heng asked as he took out some cookies.

"You can eat it, I won't." Xiulan smiled and shook her head, picked up the milk and drank it.

Lin Heng ate some biscuits and drank milk slowly.


Xiulan choked suddenly for some reason. She shook her hand and some milk flowed out from the corner of her mouth and dripped onto her high chest, and then flowed all the way down to her belly.

Lin Heng was a little dumbfounded. Xiulan was only wearing a bra. This scene was so impactful. When he came to his senses, he quickly handed her some toilet paper.

"Are you okay?" Lin Heng looked at her and asked.

"It's okay, it's just that my throat suddenly felt itchy and I coughed and choked." Xiulan shook her head.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "If it weren't for seeing you so uncomfortable, I would have suspected that you were trying to seduce me."

Xiulan looked down and quickly understood what Lin Heng said. She blushed and glared at him again: "I really want to beat you. What are you thinking about every day?"

Lin Heng chuckled and said, "Would you like me to help you with it? I'll make sure you lick it clean."

Lin Heng's words made Xiulan stunned, and a picture appeared in her mind. Then he quickly wiped off the milk with paper and said angrily: "That's a nice idea, go to the construction site quickly."

Lin Heng laughed, got up and went out, driving a three-wheeler to the construction site.

Everyone from Murakami had almost arrived. When signing in, someone asked aloud: "Lin Heng, is today the last day?"

"Yes, we will harden the road today. It will be fine last night. We will pay the wages directly in the afternoon." Lin Heng nodded. He is not the kind of person who delays wages.

"That's great."

"Boss Lin is such a good person. He never delays wages."

"You will definitely make a fortune by doing business."

When they heard that they could pay wages in the afternoon, everyone was excited and flattered.

"Let's get to work." Lin Heng said with a smile.

The morning work is to support the formwork, ten-centimeter-high wooden boards, and the cement floor is only this thick.

The land has been leveled long ago, and there is no pressure to support the formwork. Everything will be done by ten o'clock.

While everyone is supporting the formwork, Lin Heng is not idle. He asked for help to bury two wooden poles and pull the wires from the gate of the fish pond to the warehouse.

Then he laid the wires in the house and connected the switches, sockets and light bulbs.

On the other side, the mixer has been turned on, and stones, sand and cement are poured into it to harden the ground. Naturally, there are the most stones.

After mixing, they pushed it over with a modified wooden cart and poured it on the ground. Liu Haigui and other workers used tools to vibrate and compact it, and then took long wooden strips to do the smoothing work.

It was already twelve o'clock when Lin Heng came out after finishing the wires. He saw that everyone had done more than half of the work without stopping.

"Why don't you go to eat?"

Lin Heng walked over and asked.

"The salary will be paid in the afternoon, and there is not much work. Everyone thinks that it is okay to work overtime. It is not too tiring and there is no need to change clothes." Liu Haigui said with a smile.

"That's fine." Lin Heng nodded and called a few people to go with him to build a pool in the mountain stream next to him.

The work here is not difficult. It is just to dig the mud and sand in the pool and widen the two sides to facilitate the use of water pumps in the future.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the hardening work was completed. Looking down from the sky, except for the pond, all other parts of the fence have been cemented.

There is also a two-meter-and-a-half-high iron fence on the outermost side of the pond close to the road. Lin Heng built a door frame for the revolving door and installed a gate made of welded steel pipes. After all, there is a highway in front of the main gate, and there is no way to block it with thorns.

Now that it is like this, the original two-meter-high wall plus the iron fence are difficult for people to open.

There are electric welders in the town. These materials and these steel pipes cost a total of fifty yuan.

"Okay, let's go back and go directly to my house to get the salary."

Lin Heng closed the door and said with emotion.

It has been a year since I was reborn. The first project that makes a lot of money has finally been built. Now we only need to invest in shrimp seedlings to start breeding, and we will have a harvest in autumn.

Upon hearing this, everyone followed Lin Heng back with a smile.

Back in the house, Lin Heng took out the work book and calculated that it has been exactly thirty-two days since the start of work. Two of them were not dry because of rain, which is exactly thirty working days.

Except for the carpenter Liang Gui who only worked for ten days to complete the work, the others worked for thirty days.

Twenty ordinary workers work for eight cents a day, which is 24 yuan for thirty days, and 20 people need to pay 480 yuan.

His father Sandie and others helped with management by earning one yuan a day, 30 yuan per person, 180 yuan for six people.

Six masons earn one yuan a day, 39 yuan for 30 days, a total of 234 yuan.

Finally, add Liang's 15 yuan, and the total wages for the workers are 909 yuan.

In this era, it is a huge expense, enough for ordinary farmers to earn for four or five years.

After calculating, Lin Heng shouted: "Come and line up to get your wages."

He had exchanged the money in the town before, using the 5,500 yuan in the passbook, not the 25,000 yuan in the treasure house at home.

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