Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 253 Shotgun and Melon Seedlings [Monthly Ticket Request]

The workers moved forward one by one, received their wages and walked back with smiles on their faces. The yard was filled with laughter.

"Thank you, Boss Lin!"

Liu Haigui said with a smile when he got his salary.

"You deserve this." Lin Heng said with a smile. Liu Haigui was the last one on the scene. The only person who worked for him this time was Carpenter Liang.

The person who hated the arrears of wages the most in his previous life will never arrears wages to others in this life.

"Boss Lin, I'll take my leave now."

After taking the money, Liu Haigui didn't want to stay any longer and left directly.

"Won't you stay for dinner?" Lin Heng said with a smile. This man worked very carefully, and he was quite satisfied.

"No, I'm covered in cement slurry. I have to go back and clean it up." Liu Haigui shook his head and said with a smile.

"Okay, I just want to pay the carpenter and take you down." Lin Heng said again.

Handing the account book and the remaining eighty-one yuan to Xiulan, Lin Heng got up and went out to drive.

The six people crowded into the car again, all carrying tools in their hands. Lin Heng slowly sent them to Huangtan Town, then turned around and went to Zheng's store.

"Boss Zheng, have you returned the gun I bought?"

Lin Heng walked into the store and asked directly and openly.

His brother had obtained a shotgun license, registered it at the police station, and even invited people to dinner, so there was no need to be sneaky.

The fat, pockmarked owner sitting in this shop is named Zheng. If you want to buy a gun in town, go to him.

"It's here. It's waiting for you to pick it up. Come to the backyard."

Boss Zheng stood up and said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded and followed him to the backyard. After a while, Boss Zheng came out with a long wooden box and a cloth bag.

"That's it, take a look at the goods." He handed the stuff to Lin Heng with a smile.

Lin Heng opened it and took a look. It had a beautiful black barrel and a butt made of red hardwood. It could be opened to load two shotshells.

This is the most common double-barreled shotgun, not the high-end product like Uncle Gao that can be loaded with rifle bullets.

"The red bullets are bird bullets with small lead pellets inside, the green bullets are deer bullets with large lead pellets inside, and the last metal-tipped bullet is a special lead-tipped bullet, which is the most powerful."

While Lin Heng was looking at the gun, Boss Zheng introduced the bullets to Lin Heng.

As the name suggests, bird bullets are used to kill birds, deer bullets are used to kill wild boars and muntjacs, and special bullets are used to kill black bears, wolves, and tigers.

Lin Heng nodded, picked it up and counted, there were two hundred and fifty rounds of bird bullets, one hundred rounds of deer bullets, and fifty rounds of lead bullets, a total of four hundred rounds. There was nothing wrong with it.


After making sure, Lin Heng put the gun back into the wooden box, carried the gun box and the bullets and went out.

He had given the money a long time ago. Here, he gave the money first and then bought the gun. A gun cost 120 cents, bullets cost 20 cents a shot, and 400 rounds cost 80 yuan, which added up to exactly 200 yuan.

With the gun in the car, Lin Heng went to the place where the mixer was rented in town and asked him to go up and pull the mixer back and settle the bill.

After passing by Baima Village and delivering Carpenter Liang's wages, Lin Heng wouldn't owe anything.

"It cost another three thousand." Lin Heng sighed, and there was now just two thousand five thousand left in the card.

Returning to the house, Lin's father ran down the road to greet him and asked curiously: "Son, what are you holding?"

"I bought a gun for my brother." Lin Heng handed the gun to his father, then stepped on the accelerator and drove the car home.

His third father, uncle, and others were chatting in the yard. When he saw him coming back, he asked if the matter was done.

Lin Heng parked the car, took out the bullet and handed it to Lin Yue: "Brother, you bought your gun. Here is the bullet. The gun is in dad's hand."

"Come back so soon?" Lin Yue was a little shocked, it was a bit fast.

"The finished bullets, are you buying a shotgun?" Li Baiquan asked curiously, looking at the bullets in the bag.

Father Lin locked the door and said with a smile: "The gun is here!"

After he finished speaking, he took out the gun and let everyone watch.

"What a good thing. The workmanship is really good. It's shiny."

Li Baiquan's eyes widened when he looked at this double-barreled shotgun. Compared with this kind of gun, his homemade shotgun in the countryside was just like a fire stick.

"How much is it?" Lin Hai asked curiously.

"Add two hundred bullets." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Hiss, it's so expensive!" Lin Hai couldn't help but take a breath.

Everyone else also silently gave up the idea of ​​doing it themselves.

Lin Heng gave the bullet to his brother and went back to the house to take a shower. He washed himself and changed into a set of clothes, feeling completely refreshed.

After coming out, everyone was still looking at the guns in the yard and chatting happily.

"Brother, please take me to practice some time." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"no problem."

Lin Heng nodded, said a few words, and went outside to wait.

After a while, a tractor came up outside. Lin Heng walked to the roadside and waved, and took people to Hongfeng Mountain to load the mixer.

The cement on Hongfeng Mountain has begun to solidify, but Lin Heng found that there were some more bird footprints on it, like those of the green-bearded Diaozi, and he silently took revenge.

When he got back to the house, the meal was already ready. The construction site was completed today, and his people would definitely celebrate. Xiulan cooked more than ten dishes and brought them to the table. Everyone picked up the wine and started drinking.

Lin Heng likes to drink rice wine, which is intoxicating with the aroma of rice. Father Lin and the others liked sweet wine with higher alcohol content, and they drank it very vigorously.

After finishing the meal, it was already six o'clock, but it was not dark yet. The uncle and third father left one after another, and the room became quiet.

Lin Heng took a mandarin chair and sat in the yard to enjoy the breeze. Lai Fu and Feng Shou, two puppies, were fighting and playing in the yard. Xiong Ba and Jin Bao, one lying on the ground and the other lying on the stone table, watched the two puppies fight.

After enjoying the breeze for a while, Lin Heng walked over and opened the two sides of the small greenhouse on the strawberries, allowing the strawberries to gradually adapt to the temperature outside.

The weather was warm, so they could be opened completely, and the same was true for the watermelon seedlings next to them.

After Lin Heng finished all these, he sat back in the mandarin chair in a daze, enjoying the leisure time in the evening.

"Dad, you play ball with me~"

Xiaoxia came over with the ball and said crisply.

"Ha, then you catch it."

Lin Heng nodded, sat on the chair and played the ball throwing game with her. He threw it over and she threw it back. It was a boring game for adults, but Xiaoxia played it with a smile.

Lin Heng got tired after playing for a while, and called Lin Wei next door, asking him to bring his second and third brothers to play with Xiaoxia.

Lin Heng took the initiative to call, and his sister-in-law Liu Juan had to agree, telling her son not to make Xiaoxia cry, otherwise she would be spanked.

Lin Heng remembered that there was a little girl named Liu Qingqing in the village who played well with Xiaoxia, but she didn't know why she didn't come these days.

"Third dad!"

After a while, Lin Tao and his brother came over, smiling. In fact, they wanted to come over to play, but his mother usually didn't allow it.

"You guys play ball with Xiaoxia!"

Lin Heng said, and then leaned back in the chair and watched the children playing ball happily in the yard, occasionally intervening, which was quite joyful.

After Xiulan cleaned up the dishes, she also took a bench and sat next to Lin Heng to watch the children play. Unconsciously, she put her head on Lin Heng's thigh, and her movements were very skillful.

Lin Heng glanced at her and leaned back in the chair to blow the wind.

They waited until dark before entering the house. Lin Heng got some charcoal and burned it in the ceramic stove. He didn't eat dinner at night, so he just drank some milk and ate some biscuits and went to rest.

Before resting, he found a book to read, and at the request of Xiaoxia and Xiulan, he read it out loud for them to listen.

The next morning, Lin Heng woke up at seven o'clock, but it was still gray outside.

"It looks like even if it doesn't rain today, it will rain tomorrow."

Lin Heng opened the window, and suddenly a strong wind rushed in. He was so cold that he immediately closed the window and got into bed.

"Get up, since it's not raining, let's go transplant the watermelon seedlings." Xiulan looked at him and said softly.

"Warm up for a while before getting up."

Lin Heng hugged her and said, both of them like to sleep naked in underwear, and hugging his wife is soft and fragrant and very comfortable.


Xiulan spread her hands, there was nothing she could do about him. But it's not possible to go outing in this weather today, so it's okay to sleep a little longer.

At 7:30, the two got up from the bed and were about to go out when Xiaoxia woke up and called for the toilet. Lin Heng had no choice but to dress her and take her to the toilet.

After going to the toilet, she stood aside to make trouble while Lin Heng and Xiulan were exercising, following her mother to learn Tai Chi and shaking randomly.

"How about we eat potato cakes and drink milk in the morning?"

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng after exercising.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded.

Xiulan went back to the house to get a wooden barrel, and he pulled Xiaoxia, who was lying on the railing to watch the fish, to milk the cows together.

The lotus in the fish pond has begun to sprout, revealing small spores, and it is estimated that lotus leaves will soon grow out of the water.

The fish species in the fish pond can be said to be very rich, including yellow thorn bone, crucian carp, koi, spotted mandarin fish, stream grouper, and the six kinds of giant salamander that has ended hibernation.

Now that the weather is hot, these fish are more active and swim around looking for food.

After milking, Xiulan went to heat milk to make potato cakes. Xiaoxia wanted to watch the fish in the backyard, and Lin Heng watched beside her. He was worried even though there was a railing.

As the sun gradually came out, the buzzing of the bees became louder. Many bees had already collected honey and returned. Rice-sized dots could be seen on both sides of their wings. This was most likely rapeseed honey.

"See if they have made new honey combs."

Lin Heng moved the ladder up to remove the insulation mats and rotten clothes placed around the sealed box, and opened the beehive to take a look.

Because there was no honey harvesting in winter, they ate a lot of the original honey, but now they have made new honey combs, which is still very diligent.

After accompanying Xiaoxia to feed the fish for a while, they went to the front to eat.

The fried potato cakes were very fragrant. Although they were very hot, they still couldn't help eating them. After eating, they drank a glass of milk, which was so comfortable.

It makes people full of yearning for this new day.

"Let's go, let's go plant seedlings."

Xiulan finished drinking milk and looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded in agreement.

The two of them went out together, first peeled off the plastic paper and removed the bent bamboo strips. The strawberries and fruit seedlings here were all green.

"There are too many watermelon and Hami melon seedlings."

Xiulan looked at them and roughly counted them. There were about 60 or 70 watermelon seedlings and Hami melon seedlings. Even if she gave some to her parents and eldest brother, it would be too much.

"No way, who made me a successful breeder."

Lin Heng smiled proudly, and then said: "It doesn't matter if there are too many, just plant them. If there are too many, give them away or sell them on the street. If not, feed them to pigs."

Anyway, there is no need to take care of the land except for applying fertilizer. The fruits and vegetables in the countryside in summer and autumn are all flooded and can't be eaten.

"Then plant five watermelons and five Hami melons in the yard, and plant the rest outside or in the back mountain." Xiulan thought for a while and said.


Lin Heng nodded, walked to the side and dug a hole in the field where ginseng was previously planted. Xiulan dug the seedlings and the soil together and transplanted them.

Half of the two-meter-wide and ten-meter-long field was planted with five watermelons, five Hami melons and ten cucumbers. The remaining half was planted with green peppers.

"Knock, knock!"

"Son, open the door."

The two were just about to go out after planting when Lin's father knocked on the door.

"Dad, I was just looking for you. Do you want the melon seedlings?"

Lin Heng opened the door and asked with a smile.

When Lin's father saw the green melon seedlings in the distance, he nodded and said, "Of course, have you planted enough?"

"Yes, you and my eldest brother will take some to plant, and I will plant the rest in the back mountain." Lin Heng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll pull some out later."

Father Lin nodded and handed him another thirty yuan: "Here, take this money back. You can settle the accounts with your brother, there's no need to settle with me. If you don't have enough money, tell me and I can get some out."

Lin Heng looked at the money and understood that his father was worried that he would run out of money to repair the pond.

It cost more than five thousand yuan to repair the pond last year, and another three thousand this year, so eight thousand is gone, not to mention other expenses, plus buying a motorcycle, under normal circumstances, there must be no money.

Lin Heng leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Dad, I'll tell you the truth, I went into the mountains during the heavy snow last year and was lucky enough to dig a wild ginseng, a hundred-year-old wild ginseng."

"Hundred-year-old wild ginseng??"

Father Lin's voice was small and sharp, which was obviously because he was frightened, but he didn't dare to speak loudly.

His eyes were widened like copper bells, and he couldn't believe it for a long time.

"Dad, you just need to know. That thing sold for a lot of money. The remaining money is enough for my business." Lin Heng laughed softly.


"Did you sell ginseng when the jeep came that time?" Lin's father took a deep breath and asked softly.

Lin Heng didn't say anything, but nodded with a smile.


Lin's father took a deep breath again, and his mood still couldn't calm down for a long time. Hundred-year-old wild ginseng, a legendary good thing.

He couldn't calm down, but now everything made sense. He asked why Lin Heng suddenly bought a motorcycle.

Then, he pulled Lin Heng and stuffed thirty yuan into his hand, smiling and saying: "You still take this money, and use it for my retirement in the future."

As for how much money Lin Heng sold, he didn't care, as long as he knew that his son had money to use.

Lin Heng had no choice but to take the money after looking at it.

"This seedling is good, it has seven or eight leaves."

Lin's father walked over there, looked at the seedling and said with a smile.

After that, he found a basket and took out the seedlings and the soil.

He took 20 watermelon and cantaloupe seedlings, 30 cucumber seedlings, and 43 pepper seedlings.

"You can plant the rest in the back mountain. These are enough for me and your brother." Father Lin said with a smile. Today's weather was cloudy and it was obviously going to rain. It was a good time to transplant the seedlings.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, closed the door, and walked over to give Xiulan 30 yuan.

"You can take it yourself. I have saved more than 300 yuan in change here." Xiulan looked at him and said that Lin Heng always gave her this kind of change when he had it.

"Then you take it too, just think of it as giving it to you." Lin Heng smiled and put it in her hand.

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