Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 254 A long-awaited heavy rain and spring Xiulan

Xiu Lan put the money in her pocket temporarily and went to the back mountain with Lin Heng to plant melon seedlings.

After Lin's father pulled out some, there were still eight watermelon seedlings, five Hami melon seedlings, and eight cucumber seedlings left.

Lin Heng pulled these seedlings out and took them to the back mountain, where he dug a hole in a place with a lot of soil and planted them. After that, he didn't care about them except adding some manure. If you want to connect them, you can connect them. If you don't want to connect them, forget it.

In the countryside, people don't take care of melons and fruits at all. Anyway, they are everywhere, and there will always be one that will bear fruit.

After planting the melon seedlings, Xiu Lan said, "Dig a few more holes, and I'll get some dry cucumbers and pumpkin and winter melon seeds to plant."

In their place, the slender ones are called water cucumbers, and the local short and thick ones are called dry cucumbers. Water cucumbers are not as willing to bear fruit as dry cucumbers, and people in the countryside like to plant dry cucumbers.

Avoiding the location of the saplings, Lin Heng dug ten more holes. Xiulan brought the seeds over, and Xiaoxia rushed to say, "Mom, I want to plant too~"

"Here, here, just scatter them in." Xiulan handed the seeds to Xiaoxia and taught her to scatter them in the holes.

"I'll plant~"

Xiaoxia took the seeds and scattered them randomly, scattering more than ten or twenty seeds in one hole.

But it doesn't matter. The seeds left at home are not valuable. If there are too many, just pull them out after the seedlings emerge. Three of the ten holes were planted with pumpkins, three with winter melons, and three with dry cucumbers.

These fruits and melons are naturally inedible, and most of them are picked and fed to pigs in summer and autumn.

"I'll water them!"

After planting, Lin Heng brought water to water them, and Xiaoxia also wanted to try it herself.

"Water in the middle!"

Lin Heng watched from the side and gave instructions. It is very fulfilling to go from planting a seed to flowering and fruiting, and then to eating the melons you planted yourself.

When he was a child, he liked to find a small piece of land with his brother to plant cucumbers and sunflowers. He would observe and water them every day, pick up cow dung everywhere for fertilizer, and finally eat cucumbers and melon seeds, and his heart would be filled with a sense of accomplishment and happiness.

During the planting process, you can also clearly observe the growth process of plants and gain experience. It is definitely a very cost-effective parent-child activity to take children to plant fruits and vegetables.

After watering, Lin Heng looked at the watch. It was only half past ten. However, the sky was still gray, and there was no sunshine and a strong wind.

Back in the front yard, Lin Heng and Xiulan continued to plant some other vegetables, mainly green beans, cowpeas, tomatoes, eggplants, loofahs, bitter melons, and beauty peppers.

There is not much land in the yard, so just plant some of each. Don't worry about not enough food. Lin's father and mother plant a large piece every year, and they only worry about not being able to eat it all.

These vegetables don't need to be raised as seedlings. If you sow more seeds in a nest, you can always get some. If there are too many, just transplant them.

"Let's plant a little bit of both large and small tomatoes." Xiulan said, holding tomato seeds.

She got these small tomato seeds from someone last year. The small tomatoes produced were the size of pigeon eggs, and they tasted great when eaten raw.

"You can plant them however you want." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Then I'll ask for your opinion." Xiulan smiled and scattered the seeds.

After a while, all the land in the yard was planted, and only the strawberry land was half empty, because Lin Heng planned to plant all the 20 square meters with strawberries.

After planting the land, Lin Heng took another look at the sky and turned his head and said, "Xiulan, I'll go to Hongfeng Mountain to have a look."

"You go, be careful of the rain."

Xiulan nodded and said, she originally wanted to go out to pick some wild vegetables, but she was worried about the rain and gave up.

Lin Heng waved his hand, turned around and went to the back mountain to pull out the red dates, and rode directly to Hongfeng Mountain without getting on the saddle.


The red dates hadn't run for a long time, and they ran wildly on the road with a hissing sound. The cold wind blew on the road, and riding a horse gave me a sense of traveling the world.

On the Red Maple Mountain side, the ground had hardened after a night, and people could stand on it.

Lin Heng looked at the clean and tidy road and felt happy, and turned to the mountain stream next to him.

"The ox-hair tree was broken, so fast!"

Lin Heng walked to the place and found that the thing was gone. He had seen a piece of ox-hair tree here before, but it was too small to be broken, and now it was gone.

Ox-hair tree is also a kind of fern, but it has a layer of spider silk-like fluff on it, and it looks like fern after being torn off.

In addition to ox-hair tree, there are many small cypress trees next to it, but there are no cypress buds at this time. They are at a high altitude here, and there will be cypress buds only during the Qingming Festival. The large cypress trees that are dozens of meters high will have cypress buds only a week after the Qingming Festival.

"Oh no, it's raining."

Lin Heng said he would look around again, and it started to rain.

Feeling something was wrong, he immediately ran to Hongzao, rode back.


Just halfway through, accompanied by a loud bang, the rain suddenly became much heavier.

"Damn, so fast!"

Caught off guard, Lin Heng clamped his legs together to speed up.


Hongzao ran away and walked back quickly.

The farmers in the village also ran back quickly like Lin Heng. However, human power was too slow after all. Lin Heng went home to put Hongzao in the horse pen before he walked a few hundred meters in the field.


A long-awaited spring rain fell down, and this rain was heavier than any previous one. In a moment, water flowed on the ground, and the eaves dripped into lines.

The raindrops hit the ground, splashing round bubbles, which broke in an instant. Lin Heng stood at the gate and watched the people in the field being soaked, feeling a little gloating in his heart.

But even if it rained, no one complained that it shouldn't have rained, they just felt that it rained too fast.

After running back home, people like Lin Heng stood at the door watching the rain, watching the trees gradually being washed green, watching the ground gradually become alive, watching the sky gradually become blue.

"What a nice rain! What a blessing from God."

Lin Heng closed the door, ran back to the house quickly and shouted with a smile.

"Yes, this spring rain has come so well!" Xiulan also nodded. She hasn't seen such heavy rain for a long time.

After this rain comes, whether it is fruit trees, Chinese medicinal materials or pastures they plant, the probability of survival will at least double.

"It rains well, it rains well~"

Xiaoxia danced and danced with Benben, swaying her three braids upwards.

Not only were the three of them watching the rain, but the family's three dogs and one cat were also standing under the eaves watching the rain, sticking out their tongues.

Not only was the rain heavy, but the wind was also strong, causing the wind chimes to make a crisp tinkling sound.

"Come on, let's go back to the house, it's a bit cold!"

After watching the rain for a while, Xiulan said.

Lin Heng nodded, called the cat and dog into the house, closed the door, and then opened the backyard door to give the dog a passage to go to the toilet.

They themselves went back to the bedroom, opened a window, sat on chairs and watched the rain out of boredom. When they were tired, they could only read a book to kill time.

When there is no Internet or TV, even very obscure books can be read. In fact, Lin Heng had read many of the books here in his previous life, but he had a different feeling when he read them again.

Recently, Lin Heng began to read Capital, which he had never read in his previous life. If he wanted to be an outstanding people's entrepreneur, how could he allow himself not to study this great book?

It's just that this kind of book is too profound. It's difficult for Lin Heng to read it himself, but it's impossible for Xiulan and Xiaoxia to understand it.

Therefore, Xiulan took a book to read by herself, while Xiaoxia played with plasticine and made little figures.

When I was reading, I felt that time flew by so fast, and it was already dark after I had read more than fifty pages. But the rain still didn't stop, and the rain was so loud that it drowned out all other sounds in the world.

Xiulan turned on the light, looked at Lin Heng and said, "What are you planning to eat tonight?"

"That's fine. Why don't we just eat a little later." Lin Heng raised his head and said.

"Okay, I'm going downstairs."

Xiulan nodded, opened the door and went to the kitchen.

After a while, the meal was ready. Three bowls of green onion clear soup noodles, a little sesame oil, and a fried egg were added, which tasted full of flavor.

After eating, Lin Heng didn't want to continue reading. He leaned against the door and watched the rain for a while, until it was so dark that no light could be seen.

In the room, Xiulan was practicing pen calligraphy, and Xiaoxia was still playing with plasticine. Lin Heng read for a while, started telling stories to Xiaoxia, asked her to drink some milk, and gradually fell into sleep.

It rained continuously all night and didn't stop until five or six o'clock in the morning on the 27th.

"It seems the rain has stopped!"

At half past six, Xiulan woke up in a daze and reached out to touch Lin Heng.

"Yes, it seems that we just stopped not long ago. Today we have a day of sunbathing, and tomorrow we can go for an outing."

Lin Heng responded without opening his eyes, and stretched out his arms to hug Xiulan out of habit.


Xiulan hummed softly, then leaned her face against Lin Heng's chest and hugged him with both hands, and there was no movement again.

Lin Heng was the same. He didn't even open his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

We both fell asleep a bit late last night and were both a bit sleepy this morning. Mainly because I was a little late reading a book last night, not because of sex.

"Mom, I need to go to the toilet!"

At half past seven, Xiaoxia suddenly made a sound, and both of them woke up immediately.

"I'm coming."

Lin Heng put on his clothes in two seconds and carried Xiaoxia to the toilet. Xiulan took the opportunity to find a new set of underwear and put them on to get up.

The air outside is fresh, the sky is blue, the forest seems to have turned a lot greener overnight, and even the bluestone floor tiles washed by the rain are particularly neat.

In the sky, the golden sun was particularly dazzling, and the hot sunlight was about to shine on his yard.

After returning home and dressing Xiaoxia, the family of three went to the backyard to exercise.

"The sun is nice today. Let's get some sunbathing after exercising." Xiulan said, looking at the blue sky.

She had a premonition that it would be very hot today, so she wore thin clothing. The upper body is a white autumn coat, a pink and white printed plaid shirt, and the lower body is a pair of gray trousers and a pair of white canvas shoes.

Her hair was tied up high, with only two thin needle-shaped black clips to hold the broken hair. This dress makes her full of youthful and beautiful temperament, as well as an elegant and intellectual beauty.

Lin Heng was a little distracted by the exquisite figure. Although he had already seen everything in it, he felt completely different when he put on different clothes.

So much so that when he practiced bow and arrow, his aim was unsteady.

"Doesn't it look good?"

Xiulan winked at Lin Heng and asked with a smile. She dressed up specially to show Lin Heng.

"Yeah, it looks good." Lin Heng nodded repeatedly.

"That's good~"

Xiulan was satisfied and her walking pace became much brisker.

When the three of them went to milk the cows, the road in the back mountain was a bit muddy. Fortunately, it was paved with some broken bluestones, otherwise it would be impossible to walk in the morning.

"It's raining so well!"

The three of them milked the cows for a while, and then Father Lin came back with a bundle of cow grass. He got up early and walked around the village several times.

"Dad, are you going to plant corn and soybeans in two days?" Lin Heng looked at his father and asked.

Father Lin nodded and said, "Yes, I have planted the rice sprouts, and now they are three centimeters high. When the weather is fine, I will turn the land and plant early corn and soybeans. The rest will be planted after the wheat and rapeseed are harvested."

"What's the matter, do you want to go up the mountain?" Father Lin asked with a smile after feeding the cow some grass.

Lin Heng nodded and said, "Yes, we will go to Heihe for an outing tomorrow, and go to the source of Heihe to hunt bears around Qingming Festival. Do you want to go?"

After the bear hunt, we can start to cultivate shrimp fry. The shrimps start to reproduce in April and May, and their life cycle is only more than one year. Therefore, they can grow into big shrimps and be sold in September.

"I don't think I have time. You can go and have fun. You and your brother are enough for the bear hunt." Father Lin smiled and shook his head.

"It's just one day of fun. I just need to make two more trips. It doesn't take much effort." Lin Heng said. He felt that his father chose not to go because he felt that he couldn't do it.

"Let's go fishing in the summer. I have to plow the land tomorrow." Father Lin shook his head.

"Okay then."

Lin Heng did not force it anymore, and went back after squeezing the milk. He ate potato pancakes and drank milk in the morning.

After dinner, Lin Heng did not want to go out, because everything was so mushy, and it would be best to wait for the sun to dry for a day.

Xiu Lan took out the quilt and hung it on the rope to dry, and took a basket of clothes to change and came over to touch Lin Heng: "Husband, come with me to wash clothes."

"I don't want to go, I'll go after drying for a while, and you can come and dry with me." Lin Heng shook his head, the sun was too comfortable at this time.

"I don't want to go to the river alone, get up quickly~"

Xiu Lan pulled him, her tone was coquettish.

Seeing that Lin Heng did not move, she stood in front to block the sun, looking at him with a pair of watery eyes.

Looking up at this beautiful face, Lin Heng spread his hands and said: "Okay, okay, let's go, you really can't sit still."

"It's so fun by the river, the water is very big today." Xiu Lan blinked, smiled and pulled him up.

Washing clothes by herself, even if Lin Heng was playing with water and ignoring her, she was very happy, happier than washing clothes with the women in the village.

"Let's go, Xiaoxia."

Lin Heng picked up Xiaoxia who was playing with the ball, took a small bamboo basket, and took Xiongba out with him.

The ground was a little muddy, but fortunately, it was not to the extent of sinking.

The spring breeze was warm on the road, and from a distance, the fields were all green, which was very pleasing to the eye.

"This water is so beautiful!"

After a while, the three people and the dog came to the river. The water of the Shiban River was still clear, but it was more than four or five times larger than usual, rushing towards the downstream.

With such a warm sun, this clear river water makes people feel like playing.




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