Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 255: Wanting to have a second child, and going on a spring outing

"This water feels so comfortable!"

Xiulan shook the water gently and said.

The sun is very strong today, and it is a bit hot on the body. Putting your hands into the water to cool down is very comfortable, and there is no longer the bone-chilling feeling in winter.

"Cold water~"

Xiaoxia also reached out and touched the water, then picked up a stone and threw it in.

Lin Heng set up the washing stones for Xiulan and took Xiaoxia to play on the nearby river beach. The place was full of tiny pebbles, which were quite comfortable to step on.

"Xiongba, come here, I'll give you a bath!"

Lin Hengchong waved to Xiongba and called out.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba didn't know whether he understood or not, so he ran over stupidly.

"Let's dive into the water and swim around first." Lin Heng patted it.

Xiongba looked at the water and stood at the edge of the water, hesitating as if he thought the water was too cold at the moment.

"Go down, you!"

Lin Heng smiled and pushed from behind, and with a pop, Xiongba began to swim in the water.

"Woof woof~~"

Xiongba was cursing while pawing the dog.

"Xiongba can swim!" Xiaoxia clapped her hands nearby, thinking that she was awesome at swimming.

"Woof woof~"

After a while, Xiongba came out of the water and bit Lin Heng's hand, looking very angry but afraid to bite.

"I'll give you a bath, be good!"

Lin Heng touched the dog's head, wet the whole body, and then used washing powder to rub its fur. As he scratched it, Xiongba gradually began to enjoy it. It felt so comfortable to be tickled.

After having his whole body scratched and washed three times, Lin Heng took off his shoes and took them into the water to wash them.

"Dad, I want to give the dog a bath too~"

When Xiaoxia saw Lin Heng getting into the water, she wanted to follow him.

"Children can't go into the river, just watch from there!" Lin Heng said loudly, with a serious expression.

"Ouch!" Seeing Lin Heng's face, Xiaoxia reluctantly squatted on the shore and watched, curling her lips in displeasure.

"Look at how dirty you are!"

Lin Heng looked at Xiong Badao, and when he rubbed it, the water that came out was black.

"Woof woof!"

Xiongba barked twice comfortably, and his eyes seemed to say that it was normal for a dog to be dirty. Do you expect me to take a bath myself?

It took five or six minutes to wash it out, and all the loose hairs were washed away.

"It's completely new!"

After washing, Lin Heng nodded with satisfaction. The yellow hair of Xiongba looked a little dark before, but now it has turned into bright brown, and the black hair is also shiny, without the greasy feeling before.

"Go and shake the water from a distance."

After washing, Lin Heng patted Xiong Ba's head and said. It is solid and has almost no shrinkage after bathing.

"Woof woof!"

The male bully ran far away and shook his head. The water stopped flowing instantly. Then he found a black stone and jumped on it to lie down and bask in the sun.

"Children cannot go into the river, otherwise they will be beaten."

Lin Heng looked at Xiaoxia and said again. Then he took her to sit next to Xiulan and bask in the sun.


Xiaoxia nodded reluctantly, lowered her head and started playing with a pebble.

Lin Heng didn't want to move, so he just leaned on the stone and watched his wife wash clothes.

Xiulan took off her shoes and put them aside. She put her beautiful jade feet in the water on both sides of the washing stone and rubbed the clothes in her hands. She looked up and saw that the skin on her feet was white and smooth, and the blue blood vessels were faintly visible.

"Your father is right, children are not allowed to go into the river."

Xiulan said while washing clothes. The stern warnings from both of them impressed Xiaoxia so much that she stayed where she was and didn't dare to move.

After a while, Xiong Ba's hair dried and ran to Lin Heng's side. Now the dog felt much refreshed and smelled like laundry.

Xiaoxia picked small flowers and put them on Xiong Ba's head, and gradually started playing with it.

Lin Hengze went over to help Xiulan. After she scrubbed, he helped rinse and wring it out.

There were not many clothes, and they were all washed in a short time. Xiulan washed her hands and soaked her feet by the water without wanting to get up.

"Do you want me to wash your feet?"

Lin Heng looked at the jade feet shaking in the water and asked with a smile.

"No way!"

Xiulan put her feet back cautiously. It would be too embarrassing if she was seen with people coming and going by the river.

Uneasy, she quickly put on her socks and shoes, patted Lin Heng and said, "Let's go, you can go home, husband."

Lin Heng looked at her very dissatisfied: "Is there no such thing as trust between people?"

Xiulan looked at him and compromised in a low voice: "Then I can let you touch me when I go back to the house."

"Haha~ I don't need it."

Lin Heng stood up pretending to be angry and walked back with a basket of wet clothes.

Xiulan pursed her lips and smiled, pulling her daughter to follow him.

Lin Heng took the clothes back home, propped them up and hung them on the hangers. Then I took a bench to the wall to bask in the sun, hid my head in the shadow, and basked in the warm sun, feeling as lazy as if I was drowsy.

When Xiaoxia returned to the house, she started playing with her little frog and talking to herself.

Xiulan moved a stool over and sat next to Lin Heng, and gradually placed her head on Lin Heng's lap.

"Fell asleep?"

Xiulan poked him and asked in a low voice.

Lin Heng didn't want to speak and patted her hand.

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng's face and suddenly said, "Husband, let's start having a second child."


Lin Heng opened his eyes and looked at her, a little shocked.

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan on his lap: "Are you serious?"

Xiu Lan looked up at him, playing with the corner of her clothes and nodded: "Of course I am serious, I want to give you another son."

Lin Heng actually thought about this problem, but he was worried that he didn't have time to take care of Xiu Lan, and he didn't have that much money now, so he wanted to wait until next year or the year after.

Xiu Lan glanced at Lin Heng, took his hand and said softly: "Mom asked me this question a few days ago, and I thought about it myself, and I think it's quite appropriate recently."

After that, she patted Lin Heng again and continued: "I have been recuperating for two years, and now my life is so good, there must be no problem, and you don't have to worry. In the past, when I was pregnant with Xiaoxia for ten days and a half months, I didn't have a meal of meat, and there was no problem now. There must be no problem."

Lin Heng looked at Xiu Lan lying on his legs. She was a little shy when she was looked at, and patted him with a slightly red face: "What do you think? ? "

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "I'm afraid that I will be too busy with the fish pond business this year and won't have time to accompany you. I didn't take care of you when I was pregnant with Xiaoxia, but I can't do that now."

Xiu Lan felt warm in her heart, took his hand and smiled, "I'm not a child, it's okay. When your belly gets bigger, let mom come to help take care of it."

After that, she pointed at Xiaoxia and said, "Besides, Xiaoxia doesn't have a playmate. If you don't give birth, she will grow up and we won't be able to play together."

She has been thinking about this for a long time. She wanted to talk about it when she went outing tomorrow, but she couldn't help but say it now.

Lin Heng pinched her chin and smiled, "Then give birth tonight?"

Every time he controlled his release outside or wore a condom, he was also very unhappy. After Xiu Lan said this, he wanted to try the feeling of a thousand streams.

Xiulan blushed and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito's hum: "It's up to you~"

Lin Heng grinned happily and said: "Then I'll save it first. Let's go to the city to do a pregnancy test the day after tomorrow, and then discuss how to have a baby."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore, you're so bad~"

Xiulan glanced at him, got up and went into the house. She was too shy to say such embarrassing words in broad daylight.

Lin Heng put his hands on his pillow and looked at the sharp and towering peaks on the other side of the river outside the yard. He was in a very good mood. Since Xiulan wanted to give him a son, then let him have one.

After basking in the sun for a while, Lin Heng took Xiaoxia into the house. The sun was too strong at noon.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng didn't go out either. He took Xiongba to walk around in the forest on the back mountain. He pulled some garlic on the edge of the field and was lucky enough to pick two bracken.

In the evening, Caiyun and Tianyan came to Lin Heng's house hand in hand. Caiyun saw Xiulan and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Xiulan, let's go for an outing tomorrow."

Tianyan nodded: "Yes, we both don't have classes tomorrow, and Lin Hai will come with us."

Xiulan was a little surprised and said: "Lin Heng and I have already discussed going to Heihe for an outing tomorrow. Where are you going?"

"Ah, you have discussed it." Caiyun was stunned, and then smiled and said: "That's fine, then add us."

Tianyan also smiled and said: "It's good to go to Heihe. It's lively with more people. Don't you think so, Lin Heng?"

Lin Heng spread his hands: "I'm fine. If you want to go, you have to leave early tomorrow morning."

"No problem, let's meet at 7:30." Caiyun said with a smile.

Xiulan nodded and agreed: "Then come at 7:30, and then Lin Heng will drive us to the Heihe River to play together."

"It's agreed, then I'll go back." Tian Yan said and walked out, and Caiyun followed her back.

Neither Lin Heng nor Xiulan tried to persuade them to stay. In the evening, Xiulan made some soft pancakes and ate some herself, leaving some for the outing tomorrow.

After dinner, they went to bed early to prepare for the next morning.

At 6:30, Lin Heng went to milk the cows after exercise. Xiulan made some potato pancakes, made a cold bracken root powder, and picked up some pickled bamboo shoots and Jerusalem artichokes.

Lin Heng heated the milk. The three of them ate some potato pancakes and drank some milk. The rest was prepared for the outing by the river.

Xiulan packed the food in a plastic bag and put it in a bamboo basket. She took chopsticks and a piece of picnic cloth.

Lin Heng took the hundred-tempered steel dagger and didn't take the bow and arrow. This time, they didn't plan to go to the place where they fished last time. There are many beautiful places below. The mountains on both sides are still gentle. They can find mushrooms and Chinese toon, mainly for collection.

"Dong Dong Dong!!"

The two of them prepared their things and there was a knock on the door outside.

Lin Heng opened the door, and Lin Hai, Tian Yan Caiyun and the other three were waiting outside.

Lin Hai smiled and said, "Brother Lin Heng, are we not late?"

"No, we are ready too, let's go."

Lin Heng nodded and turned to drive.

Lin Hai, Tian Yan and Cai Yun also had food. When they saw Xiu Lan holding a basket, they put all the food in her basket.

"Let's go!"

Lin Heng said, and drove to the road. Xiu Lan and Xiao Xia also walked out.

Originally, Lin Heng planned to take Xiong Ba with him, because he had the ability to find mushrooms, but now there were so many people that he could not take him with him.

When they got to the road, Lin Heng arranged the seating arrangement. Xiu Lan sat behind him, Cai Yun sat behind Xiu Lan, and Tian Yan and Lin Hai squeezed in the truck next to them to help hold Xiao Xia.

This way, there was just enough space to sit.

"I'm leaving."

After everyone was seated, Lin Heng said, and started the car and drove towards Heihe.

In the bright spring, everyone wore thinner clothes. Lin Heng was hugged tightly by Xiulan, and it felt much better than in winter, as if he was getting a back massage.

As he walked closer to Huangtan Town, the trees on both sides of the road became greener.

When we got to Huangtan Town, we looked up and saw that everything was green. Almost all the trees had leaves. The riverside and the fields were also green, which was very different from Hongfeng Village.

Xiulan looked at the scenery on both sides of the river and was shocked: "It's really different from the height. It's so green down here!"

Tian Yan also nodded and said: "Yes, I don't feel that Hongfeng Mountain is much higher than Huangtan Town. The scenery is completely different."

Caiyun smiled and said: "I see that people in the town are drying toon buds. We will definitely be able to pick some today."

Lin Hai and Tian Yan were close together, with their hands on each other's thighs. At this moment, he was so nervous that he couldn't help but say: "It's really beautiful."

Caiyun chuckled: "Haha, Brother Lin Hai, you are really cultured."

Tian Yan pinched him silently and laughed secretly in her heart.

Lin Heng didn't say anything all the time. He silently enjoyed the back massage, looking at the green mountains, green waters, blue sky and white clouds, and immersed in this green ocean full of life.

Xiulan's little hands were not quiet either. She hugged Lin Heng's waist and put her face against his back, and quietly tickled his belly.

Blowing the warm spring breeze, they soon arrived at Heihe Town. The trees here were more lush than those in Huangtan Town, and the leaves of the poplars were as big as Xiaoxia's palms.

There were also many people picking toon buds and wild vegetables on both sides of the road. When these people saw Lin Heng and his friends, they looked curious and envious.

Lin Heng looked ahead and said, "Xiulan, pay attention to the toon trees on the roadside. Let's go to a place where they have not been picked."

"Okay, I know."

Xiulan nodded and looked at the roadside.

Walking up along Heihe Town, the small toon trees on the roadside all showed signs of being picked, and the ferns were obviously visited.

After walking nearly eight kilometers, Xiulan suddenly said, "There are toon trees, but no one has picked them."

Caiyun also nodded and said, "No one should come here, and no one has picked toon trees."

"Okay, I'll find a good place to stop."

Lin Heng nodded and continued to drive forward.

After walking for about three minutes, a beautiful river valley appeared in everyone's eyes.

In the center of the river valley was a sparkling black river, with large stretches of river beaches on both sides, now all covered with tender green grass, dotted with yellow, purple, and red flowers.

Tall willow trees drooped down countless slender willow branches that moved with the wind, and on the other side of the river, there were golden rapeseed flowers and large patches of green wheat.

There were no houses on this side of the river, and the road was a gentle hillside and jungle. Just a few glances would reveal many Chinese toon and prickly ash buds.

"It's beautiful here, let's play here!" Xiulan said.

Tian Yan also nodded repeatedly: "This place is so suitable, it's absolutely beautiful."

Caiyun also smiled and said: "I want to make a wreath with willow branches, stop the car quickly, second brother."

"Ah, it's so beautiful." Lin Hai sighed again.

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