Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 256: Delicious food in spring

Lin Heng stopped the car, and everyone got out of the car and walked towards the green river beach.


Xiaoxia happily pulled her aunt Caiyun and ran to the river beach, as happy as a puppy.

"It's so beautiful."

Xiulan Tianyan also walked down with eyes full of joy.

Lin Heng parked the car, walked a few steps back, and first broke off the two toona trees on the roadside.

The toon trees on the roadside are relatively small, only three to four centimeters in diameter and about five or six meters high. There is a very fat toon bud growing on the top.

The top one was the fattest, with a brown-purple color and an oily luster. Lin Heng ruthlessly broke off the tree after bending it, and broke off the three or four side buds along with it.

I held it in my hand and smelled it, and it had that strong toon smell. It wasn't smelly but it was delicious.

"Brother Lin Heng is also here."

Next to him, Lin Hai also broke off three or four trees and handed them to Lin Heng. He was very grateful to Lin Heng for arranging for him and Tian Yan to be squeezed together.

"Let's go and have a look at the river."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, turned around and walked towards the river.

On the other side of Hongfeng Village, the grass looks so green from a distance but there is no grass up close. On this side, the grass is so green that if you ride a horse, you can definitely submerge the hooves of the horse.

The grass is very soft when you step on it, like a carpet. People walked on the grass and enjoyed the breeze and sunshine by the river.

Xiaoxia cheered and ran around, as happy as a little rabbit.

In addition to grass, there were various small flowers on the ground, as well as beautiful dandelions. Lin Heng picked one and blew it hard, and the dandelion seeds all over the sky were blown away by the wind and drifted into the distance.

It was only 8:20, there was still some dew on the grass, the sun was not warm, and the river breeze was very cool. Lin Heng followed Xiulan and the others, enjoying the fun of outing.

"Brother Lin Hai, get us some willow sticks." Caiyun pointed at the willow tree in front of him and said.


Lin Hai agreed with a smile, quickly climbed up the willow tree, broke off the willow branches and threw them down. Caiyun Xiulan and the others picked them up to make hats.

The wicker hat is very simple, just roll the wicker up according to the size of your head, decorate it with some flowers, and you can wear it.

Lin Heng tore the wicker bark and wrapped it twice horizontally. He pulled the willow bark hard and the branches and leaves were peeled off. After unfolding, it was as soft as tassels and could be tied to a wicker hat for decoration.

"Xiaoxia gives it to you!"

After a while, Caiyun made a small wicker hat filled with purple lilacs and yellow dandelions.

"Thank you aunt, I have a hat!!"

Xiaoxia put on her hat and played on the grass, running here and there to show everyone her beautiful garland hat.

"Can I bring it to watch?" Xiulan soon made one herself and looked at Lin Heng with interest.

"Of course she looks good, full of elegance." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. At this time, Xiulan looked like the sister next door.

"What about my second brother, does it look good on me?" Caiyun also ran over and asked with a wink.

Lin Heng looked at it, nodded and said, "It's very beautiful, but compared with your sister-in-law, it's still a little behind."

"I obviously have more flowers, right sister-in-law?" Caiyun came back dissatisfied and pulled Xiulan and said.

"Yes, your brother is talking nonsense. Caiyun is prettier than me." Xiulan smiled and nodded.

"No, I'm the prettiest!!" Xiaoxia ran over and said crisply with her hands on her hips.

"Yes, yes, you are the prettiest!" Caiyun pinched her little face.

Lin Heng looked at the crowd and suggested: "How about we go to the mountains on the road to look for toon bracken first, so that we can have a spring outing and gain a harvest, and then come to the river for dinner at noon."

The scenery along the river is very nice, but it’s not interesting to play here all the time. Going into the mountains may bring unexpected rewards.

"I agree!" Xiulan was the first to nod in support of her husband: "It's interesting to go out and dig wild vegetables and fold toons. Let's go quickly."

"I think it's okay too." Caiyun nodded.

"Then let's go." Tian Yan nodded. There really wasn't much fun in staying by the river.

"Then let's go."

Lin Heng had long wanted to fold toons. He liked the feeling of harvest.

When he got to the road, Lin Heng opened the car's storage box and temporarily put the food in it.

There are three storage boxes on the sidecar. The largest one is behind the spare tire of the sidecar. The space is relatively large, with a volume of thirty or forty liters.

There are two small bullet boxes next to the side bucket. This place is relatively small and is used to store some odds and ends. Lin Heng's fishing lines and hooks are stored inside.

After packing everything to eat, I took out a few plastic bags, then folded some branches and pulled out some grass to cover the top of the storage box to prevent it from getting too hot inside.

"Let's go."

Lin Heng looked at the path inside the road and took the lead to walk up.

I just walked a few meters and found a toon tree. I broke it off without hesitation and put it in my bag.

After walking up for about a hundred meters, we emerged from the forest, and then everyone was stunned.

"Oh my god, there are so many brackens." Xiulan was stunned.

"It's done, it's done, fold it quickly!" Caiyun pulled Xiaoxia and ran over to start folding it.

In this open space, curly green and red bracken stands gracefully, swaying gently in the wind, full of life.

"What a blessing."

Xiulan smiled and knelt down to open the fold. These brackens are very brittle and will break with a gentle snap, making a nice crunching sound.

Lin Heng broke a large handful in a short time, weighing more than a kilogram. Putting these brackens into Xiulan's bamboo basket, he ran to fold the toon.

He actually prefers Chinese toon to bracken, but in spring he will fold a little bit of everything.

There are many small toon trees on the edge of the forest. It is very satisfying to break them off one by one. It is even more satisfying to watch the bag gradually fill up.

Lin Heng broke off a circle of toon and came back. Xiulan and the others had almost broken the bracken. Xiaoxia was also studying beside them and had a great time.

"Xiulan, look at my harvest!" Lin Heng showed his harvest to her.

"So many." Xiulan was a little surprised, then gave a thumbs up and said, "It's really amazing."

"of course."

Hearing Xiulan's praise, Lin Heng was satisfied.

After a while, the bracken here was also folded. Going up is a forest of mixed trees, including poplars, chestnut trees, maples and other trees.

The most common species growing on the ground are vetch and foxtail grass. However, the foxtail grass has not yet sprouted ears at this time. It is also a pleasure to wander around in such a forest.

Although bracken was not found, some toon trees could be seen from time to time.

As they entered the forest, everyone gradually separated from each other in search of toon and bracken. Lin Heng looked around and kept walking inside. He was very excited to explore this unknown forest.

There are unknowns in all directions, and you never know which direction will have more harvest and beautiful scenery. Just like fishing, you never know where there are more fish in the water, or what fish you will catch if you drop the hook.

This kind of exploration of the unknown stimulates Lin Heng's heart. There are not many toons. Walking a few dozen meters, you can see one or two. They are all small trees, and only one toon can be broken off each tree.

But the toona at the top of this tree is of the same quality, fat and short, purple-brown and shiny, very charming.

Gradually, Lin Heng could no longer see Xiulan and the others, but some sounds could still be heard. But he didn't care. He just wanted to break a lot of toons and shock Xiulan.

"Such a big little garlic!"

After walking some distance, Lin Heng came across a stone ridge with seven or eight small garlic plants as thick as an index finger growing on the stone ridge. This was definitely a big thing among small garlics. He walked over, pulled them all out, peeled them clean and put them in a bag.

"Hey! It's posted!"

As soon as he raised his head after pulling out the garlic, Lin Heng discovered another toon tree. It was a tree as thick as a wrist, with seven or eight branches, and there were beautiful purple-brown toon trees on them.

This kind of toon tree can definitely be called a legendary toon tree. Lin Heng rushed over, grabbed the trunk and pulled it down. Suddenly, there was a scratch, and the entire toon tree was brutally broken by him.

"This toon is so good."

Lin Heng only focused on breaking up the toons. It would be better if the tree was broken. If it sprouts more side branches, there will be more toons next year.

After breaking off more than half a catty of chubby toon from a tree, Lin Heng was so happy that he continued to run deeper.

It's just that the next section of the road is not satisfactory. Not only are there many thorns, but there are no toon trees.

Looking at the road ahead, the trees were getting denser and denser, and there were more acorn trees. Lin Heng probably had no hope.

"Go a little further."

He was a little bit unwilling to give up, just in case there was still more.

Looking around, he found that he had reached the depths of the forest without knowing it. There were refreshing greens everywhere, and it was so eye-catching to walk in it.

After walking forward for about three hundred meters, Lin Heng was about to walk back when his eyes suddenly saw something good.

"Prickly pear sprouts!"

He exclaimed, because this was not a single tree, but a large group of more than a dozen trees.

The thorn buds are also the old thorn buds, and they habitually call them the thorn buds here. The thorn tree is a light gray-brown tree covered with sharp thorns. Its scientific name is Aralia aralia. It is a wild vegetable that can be used both as medicine and food. It is even called the king of wild vegetables in the Northeast.

Because its whole body is covered with thorns, it is also known as the tree where no birds fall from the tree. The thorn buds contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have extremely high health care value.

However, there are not many such trees and it is generally difficult to find them. Lin Heng didn't expect that he would encounter such a big bush.

Taking out his Baidu Steel Dagger, Lin Heng cut a hooked branch in the forest and took it to hook Chun Ya. Fortunately, these trees are not thick, only 30 centimeters in diameter. It is easy to break off the thorn buds by hooking them down.

The thorn thorn buds and even the buds have spikes, but they are not very powerful without lignification. It took Lin Heng ten minutes to break off most of the thorn buds.

He had no choice but to give up as he didn't bring a hatchet on the remaining two trees that were as thick as his arms.

"Okay, these are two pounds."

Lin Heng looked at the thorn buds in his hand and couldn't help but smile happily. It felt so good to break off so many at once. After smelling the special smell, he couldn't wait to use it to fry bacon.

Lin Heng took out another plastic bag from his pocket and walked back along the north side. When I first arrived, I walked along the south side, but now I am exploring the north side.

Looking at the harvest in my hand, I saw a big bag of toon weighing almost five kilograms. Plus two kilograms of toon buds, this trip was not in vain.

"It's weird!"

Walking a few hundred meters down from the north, Lin Heng didn't see either Toon or Xiaolian.

After a while, he ran to a vast poplar forest and found Xiulan squatting on the ground looking for something, seemingly very happy.

"What are you digging for?" Lin Heng asked from a distance.

"Come here, good thing!"

Xiulan waved to him warmly.

Lin Heng had a bad premonition. He took a closer look and was stunned: "Morels?"

"Yes, there are a lot of them in this area. They are all in the grass, but they are a bit small." Xiulan said with a crooked eyebrow.

Lin Heng suddenly became depressed. He was just about to show off his thorny toon buds and Chinese toon, but Xiulan and the others found morels. This was too good luck.

But if you think about it carefully, you can accept it. Morels will produce fungi as long as the temperature exceeds eight degrees, and it has just rained.

"You have a big harvest. You also found thorny toon buds?" Xiulan was shocked when she saw the thorny toon buds he was carrying.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, I found a few thorny toon trees."

"You are so lucky. I like to eat thorny toon buds the most."

Xiulan took the thorny toon buds and smelled them, intoxicated by the smell.

"Don't pretend, I know you like to eat morels more."

Lin Heng couldn't help but smile when he saw her like this, and stretched out his hand to pinch her face. Even if he didn't show off, he felt very good.

"No, I like to eat them all." Xiulan said with a wink, and she liked Lin Heng to help her comb her bangs neatly.

"I believe it. I'll look for morels too."

Lin Heng smiled, put the things in the basket, and started looking for morels.

There are many mushrooms in this place, growing in the grass, all of which are pale yellow thick-legged morels. They are not big, and obviously just grew after the rain the day before yesterday.

After searching for a while, Lin Heng found a new mushroom on the stump of the poplar tree - crystal-grained coprinus.

It is brown-yellow, with granular scales on the surface. It grows in a large cluster throughout its life. It can be eaten when it is fresh and tender, but it will turn into a pool of black water when it is old.

Lin Heng picked it without hesitation. The taste of coprinus is still good, but you can't drink alcohol for two or three days after eating it.

"Second brother, you are finally back." After a while, Caiyun came over with Xiaoxia from below.

"Dad, I dug wild vegetables!"

Xiaoxia ran over excitedly with some ferns and showed Lin Heng her harvest.

"Xiaoxia is really amazing."

Lin Heng touched her face and praised.

"Here you go~"

Xiaoxia handed some bracken to Lin Heng, and ran to her mother to show off. She had the potential to be a fisherman at such a young age.

"Where are Lin Hai and the others?"

Lin Heng looked at Caiyun and asked.

"They are picking morels in the forest over there. There are quite a few over there."

Caiyun said with a smile. She picked a lot of Chinese toon and didn't pick many mushrooms.

"Well, it seems that I am the only one who didn't find morels."

Lin Heng said helplessly, and continued to pick mushrooms.

After Xiaoxia finished showing off, she gave all the bracken to her mother, and then had fun in the poplar forest to help find morels. She took one to Lin Heng, and then to Xiulan and Caiyun.

As long as she heard praise, she would smile and take another one. Even if she found several at once, she would take them one by one and listen to the praise for each one.

If she couldn't find it, she would chase the little lizards around. She couldn't rest at all, and she was much braver than ordinary children.

It was already eleven o'clock in the morning when Lin Heng looked at his watch.

The mushrooms here were all in the grass and hard to find. He picked about three or four pounds, with the ghost cap accounting for more than half and the morel probably only one pound.

"How much did you pick up?"

At this time, Lin Hai and the others finally came up and looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"It's more than ten pounds of mushrooms in total." Lin Heng said.

"Our harvest is not bad, each of us picked up two or three pounds." Lin Hai said with a smile.

Lin Heng looked at their mushrooms, which were a little bigger than his own, and it seemed that there was more moisture below.

Lin Hai said, "Let's go down to eat, Brother Lin Heng, I also broke a few thin bamboo sticks, and we will go fishing later."

"Okay, I'm a little hungry too." Lin Heng nodded, and his legs were a little tired after running all morning.

Xiulan also nodded and said, "It just so happens that there are not many mushrooms here, let's go."

After making a decision, everyone quickly packed up their harvest and walked out.

Lin Heng harvested the most Chinese toon, and there were also Chinese toon buds that everyone else hadn't picked. Xiulan harvested the most morels, picking up five or six kilograms by herself.

She also picked a lot of ferns and a lot of gray-gray vegetables that Lin Heng liked very much.

Caiyun, Tianyan and Lin Hai got Chinese toon, ferns and mushrooms, and there were a lot of each kind.

This trip can be said to be a full load, with so many good things, everyone's face was full of smiles.

Back on the road, Lin Heng opened the storage box, took out the food and fishing lines and hooks, and asked everyone to throw the wild vegetables they picked in.

"There's a big willow tree over there, let's go eat under the shade of the tree."

Xiulan pointed to a big willow tree by the river and said, it was already very hot under the sun, so of course you couldn't eat under the sun.

"That's a good place." Lin Heng nodded and walked over with the things.

When they came to the shade of the tree, Xiulan and Caiyun were responsible for spreading the picnic blanket and arranging the food. Lin Heng and Lin Hai went to the river to find some smooth stone slabs to use as benches.

When they moved all the stone slabs over, Xiulan and the others also laid out the food. Xiulan prepared soft pancakes, potato cakes, cold bracken root noodles, pickled bamboo shoots and Jerusalem artichokes.

Caiyun prepared persimmon cakes, which are a kind of delicacy made by wrapping persimmon cakes in flour and frying them in oil. Tian Yan prepared red date glutinous rice cakes, and Lin Hai prepared a large bottle of brewed rice wine and some bamboo wine glasses.

"Let's eat, I won't be polite."

Lin Heng said, and took two persimmon cakes first, giving one to Xiaoxia and eating one himself.

"Wow, these potato cakes and cold bracken root noodles are delicious, and pickled bamboo shoots and Jerusalem artichokes are also very good." Tian Yan praised after tasting them.

"Your red date glutinous rice cake is also delicious." Xiulan said with a smile, and everyone was eating each other's food.

Caiyun ate potato cakes and smiled: "Sister-in-law, please praise my persimmon cake."

"Persimmon cake is also delicious, better than my mother's fried." Xiulan said with a smile.

"Yes, it's delicious." Tian Yan also tried one.

Lin Heng tasted it and his cooking skills were pretty good. But he liked the potato cakes made by Xiulan very much. They were crispy and delicious when eaten with sour and spicy bracken root noodles.

Bamboo shoots and pickled Jerusalem artichokes were sour, spicy and crispy. They tasted a little spicy, but strangely, they couldn't stop eating. After drinking a sip of sweet wine, they had to continue.

Hiding under the shade of the big willow tree to eat, feeling the warm river breeze, everyone talked and laughed and chatted, this day was simply perfect.

After eating, I leaned against the willow tree to look at the rapeseed fields on the other side, the sparkling Heihe River, and the charming green mountains in the distance.

This tender green in early spring is so attractive, and the wind is full of the rhythm of life, making people indulge in nature physically and mentally.

This seems to be what life should be like, and Lin Heng is willing to squander his life like this.

Xiaoxia was tired of playing, and she curled up in Caiyun's arms to tear the grass, and Xiulan leaned on Lin Heng's shoulder.

Tian Yan, who was next to him, glanced at Lin Hai, who wanted to move but didn't dare to move, and took his hand and leaned her head on his shoulder, leaning on him sweetly.

Lin Hai was shocked, his excited heart was pounding, and he slowly put his hand around Tian Yan's waist, his face was full of joy, and he couldn't hold it back.


Caiyun made a long sound, picked up the remaining potato cake and took two bites.

Lin Heng was too lazy to move at all. It was so cool to hide in the shade of the tree and blow the wind. He slept against the tree for half an hour.

Unconsciously, it was already two o'clock. Xiaoxia had rested enough and came back to have fun.

Lin Heng also stretched himself, cut a thin bamboo strip, tied a fishing line, and then took a dagger to dig in the soil to find earthworms.

"Found it, let's go fishing!"

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said with a smile.

Forget Lin Hai. It's too late to fall into the gentle country now. Tian Yan was lying on his legs, obviously pretending to sleep. He didn't move, and didn't dare to put his hands randomly. His face was full of aunt smiles.


Xiulan stood up, took a bamboo pole and went out with Lin Heng. Caiyun also took Xiaoxia to the river.

"As the saying goes, fish in shallow water in spring and deep pool in summer. This shallow water full of grass is very beautiful."

Lin Heng found a shallow water with aquatic plants, threw the fishing rod down, and Xiulan followed him to throw the hook.

"Brother, this doesn't seem to work?"

More than ten minutes later, Caiyun asked.

Lin Heng was a little embarrassed. Logically, it shouldn't fail.

"Maybe there is no nest." Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Honey, I caught a fish!!"

At this time, Xiulan suddenly pulled up the bamboo pole, and a golden crucian carp flew out of the water and landed on the grass, jumping back and forth.

Lin Heng: "..."

"What a big fish!"

Xiaoxia surrounded the big crucian carp and cheered with joy.

"Sister-in-law Xiulan is amazing, this crucian carp weighs one or two kilograms."

Caiyun was shocked, such a big fish.

"I fished blindly." Xiulan said with a smile, anyway, she didn't know anything, just imitated Lin Heng.

Lin Heng caught the fish and said with a smile: "I said you can catch it, right?"

Putting the fish into a small puddle at the back, he also came to his senses and concentrated on fishing.

After fishing for more than ten minutes, he still didn't catch any fish. Lin Heng changed to an earthworm and it was still the same, which made him suspect that it was because it was too hot at noon.

"Weigh the fishing rod with a rock. Let's go for a walk by the river and then get ready to go home."

Xiu Lan said when she saw that there was no fish. It's not that she couldn't wait, but the sun was a little too hot.

"That's fine."

Lin Heng nodded, and used a rock to weigh the fishing rod. The four of them walked up along the river, taking a walk while enjoying the river breeze.

"Hey, look, there is also a poplar forest over there. Will there be morels there?"

After walking a few hundred meters up, Caiyun pointed to a poplar forest by the river and said.

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