Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 257 Materials Needed for Shrimp Farming

"I don't know, let's go and have a look."

Lin Heng glanced at the poplar forest not far away and walked over.

The four of them soon arrived in the forest. The environment in the forest was similar to the place where they picked morels before.

But after searching for a while, they didn't find anything.

"I guess there is nothing." Xiulan shook her head.

"What a pity, I thought I could pick up some morels again."

Caiyun also shook her head disappointedly.

Lin Heng was not surprised by this. If morels were so easy to find, they wouldn't be so expensive.

"Go back or not?"

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and asked.

Xiulan glanced at the upstream and said, "Let's go back. It's a bit far to go up."

Several people nodded and turned back. Back to the river where they were fishing, the fishing rod was still motionless. Lin Heng put it away and found that the earthworms on it had been eaten up.

Lin Heng wanted to fish two more rods and didn't want to be an airman. After searching for a long time, he found another earthworm and shouted to Xiulan under the willow tree: "Fishing? I found another earthworm."

"It's too sunny, you play and we'll wait for you."

Xiulan shook her head. She didn't wear a hat today and she didn't want to get tanned.


Lin Heng nodded and walked over to put a piece of earthworm on each of the two fishing rods. He sat by the river and watched. The sun shone from above, and he could only barely see the seven-star float on the fishing line.

The sun was a little too hot, but the river breeze was still cool. Lin Heng blocked the sun with one hand and stared at the green mountains in the distance with the other hand.

Suddenly he found that the seven-star float had disappeared, and he quickly lifted the rod and pulled. A huge force came from the other end. The fish in spring are much more active than in winter.

However, it is destined to not exert much force in shallow water. It was pulled up by Lin Heng in a few seconds. A golden crucian carp mixed with a few water droplets was pulled up.

"Dad caught a big fish!"

Lin Heng had just taken the fish in his hand when Xiaoxia, a member of the praise team, ran over excitedly and clapped her hands.

"I'll cook fish soup for you when I get home."

Lin Heng showed her a bit, smiled and put the fish back into the small puddle, and then continued fishing.

"Xiaoxia likes to eat fish~"

Xiaoxia looked at the fish and squatted beside Lin Heng to accompany her fishing.

Lin Heng was afraid that she would get sunburned, so he used his body to shade her, silently waiting for the fish to bite the hook, and from time to time he looked at the mountains to empty his mind.

Since there was no nest, it was all based on luck. There was no fish for five minutes. Lin Heng was just about to collect the rod to see, and suddenly a fish bit the hook.

But before Lin Heng could exert any strength, the fish flew up. Compared with the two previous ones weighing seven or eight taels, this one only weighed two taels.

If he could still call it a big crucian carp in 2023, in 1984, this kind of fish was all fry.

"Little fish~"

Xiaoxia clapped happily regardless of whether the fish was big or small, and was a qualified member of the praise team.

"I'll take this one back as food for Jinbao."

Lin Heng said with a smile, and threw the fish into the sinkhole.

Then he caught two more small crucian carps of this size. Lin Heng no longer had any emotional fluctuations. They were too small to be excited, and he caught one every seven or eight minutes.

"Pack up and go home."

Lin Heng smiled and shook his head, reeled in the fishing line, and stopped fishing.

He didn't plan to take the five crucian carps back alive, so he found a willow branch and passed it through the gills of the fish and held it in his hand.

"Almost done, let's go back."

Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and others and said.


Everyone had no objection to this, packed up their things, got up and walked back. There was still some food left, and Lin Hai Caiyun had just solved it all.

It was still the same as before. Everyone sat down and Lin Heng drove back. Passing by Heihe Town, he threw the garbage into the garbage dump.

Not to mention being with Xiaoxia, even if the riverside is so beautiful, I can't bear to destroy it.

Driving slowly, it took more than an hour to get back. At this time, the sun was setting, but the sky was not yet dyed red.

Everyone got off the car happily, said goodbye, and went home with their harvest.

Lin Heng parked the car in the yard and ran to the old house to show off, but found that there was only Caiyun who had just returned.

He shook his head helplessly and turned back to slaughter the crucian carp. The internal organs were eaten by Xiongba, and he didn't have time to stop it.

"I divided the Chinese toon and morel into two portions. You will take them to my parents and big brother later. We will keep the prickly old buds for ourselves."

Seeing that Lin Heng had killed the fish, Xiulan brought the divided morels and Chinese toon to him, knowing very well that he wanted to show off.

Now that she has money, she doesn't care much about morels. She eats them whenever she wants.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and put the things on the cabinet.

After taking a sip of tea and resting for a while, Lin Heng went to the back mountain to check the transplanted fruit seedlings. Except for one wilted watermelon seedling, the others were all alive and well.

After the rain, all the fruit trees had grown small tender leaves, and the growth was very gratifying.

The backyard is now also a green color, and the flowers, plants and trees are sprouting. The fish are also much happier than before. The small mandarin fish occasionally attacks the stream grouper and the small koi, and the awakened giant salamanders are also hiding in the water, staring at them.

Lin Heng took a look and went back to the house to take the divided toona sinensis and morels out.

"Brother and sister-in-law, we picked a lot of spring outings today, and this is for you to eat."

Lin Heng walked into the house and put the things on the table and smiled.

"There are morels now?" Lin Yue was surprised.

"Wow, Second Dad, you are so awesome." Lin Wei couldn't help but praise.

Lin Heng waved his hand with satisfaction: "Good luck, I found it in the woods on the other side of the Heihe River."

"These morels are really good, thank you brother." Liu Juan looked at the fungi and said with a smile, this is good stuff.

Lin Yue poured a glass of water for Lin Heng and asked with a smile: "Brother, when are we going to hunt black bears?"

Lin Heng thought for a while and said, "I will take you to practice shooting behind Hongfeng Mountain these days, and then we will go hunting for bears after the Qingming Festival."

Lin Yue nodded and said, "Then go tomorrow?"

Lin Heng shook his head and said with a smile, "It's okay tomorrow afternoon. I have to go to the city with Xiulan in the morning to check up on her health. I'm going to have a second child recently."

"This is a good thing. You are busy with your work. Just call me when you have time." Lin Yue heard this and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's better to have the baby together while Xiaoxia isn't grown up." Liu Juan also laughed. They all thought it would be best to have the baby in two or three years, so that they can bring it up together without having to worry about it.

Lin Heng nodded, said a few words, and turned around to go to his parents' yard.

"Mom and Dad, look what I brought to you!"

Lin Heng walked into the house with a smile and a bag in hand.

"Caiyun told me that you actually picked up morels. You are so lucky." Father Lin said with a smile.

"The other side of the Heihe River is warmer than ours."

Lin Heng said something, handed the things to his mother, and then sat down and chatted for a few more words.

The second elder was also very happy when he learned that they were going to have a pregnancy test tomorrow.

Mother Lin nodded repeatedly: "I should have given birth a long time ago. Now the family planning policy is becoming more and more strict. If I don't give birth, I won't be able to give birth."

"That's it, try to give me a fat grandson this time." Father Lin also said with a smile.

They all still have strong traditional concepts and feel that they must have a man. Some favor boys over girls.

Lin Heng does not favor boys over girls, but he also wants to have a son. Although it is a modern society, it is still very bad for a family to not have a son.

"Don't worry."

Lin Heng nodded. It didn't matter about family planning or anything like that. The worst he could do was pay some fines. Having money wasn't a problem.

In his previous life, his second birth was a son, but now that he was reborn, the timing had been messed up, and he had no idea whether the child would be a son or a daughter.

Xiulan was cooking when she got home. She briefly blanched the Chinese toon, then chopped it into pieces and mixed it with the egg liquid to make a Chinese toon scrambled egg.

The remaining toon is used to fry the bacon. The fat of the bacon can bring out the flavor of the toon very well, and the rich fragrance floats throughout the house.

Finally, I used half a pound of large crucian carp to make a crucian carp morel soup, and then I could make rice. As for the old thorn buds, Xiulan plans to eat them tomorrow.

Soon the rice was ready and Xiulan scooped up the rice. Lin Heng brought the vegetables and sugar to the table.

Picking up the chopsticks, Lin Heng took a bite of toon scrambled eggs first. His mouth was filled with the smell of toon and the burnt aroma of the eggs.


Lin Heng nodded repeatedly. After traveling so long today, eating this toon was worth it.


Xiaoxia ate the Chinese toon eggs and nodded her head like Lin Heng. She liked the taste very much.

Then Lin Heng took another piece of bacon and toon and put it in his mouth. He chewed it twice and swallowed it eagerly. It was so delicious.

If toon scrambled eggs are toon wrapped in eggs, the original taste of toon will be released in your mouth. The stir-fried pork with Chinese toon completely brings out the flavor of the Chinese toon. When combined with the oil, it bursts into a rich aroma, violently stimulating people's taste nerves.

Lin Heng didn't want to speak. He just wanted to put the stir-fried toon meat with rice into his mouth, and then swallow it into his stomach.

"Wow, it's so delicious!"

It wasn't until the bowl of rice was finished that Lin Heng spoke with satisfaction. The taste of spring was so delicious.

"There is still rice, go ahead and scoop some more." Xiulan said with a smile.


Lin nodded and went to scoop out the rest of the pot and eat it. The crispy rice cake and fried bacon with Chinese toon taste better and the texture is richer when eaten together.

After finishing the meal, drink a bowl of fish soup. The morel mushrooms and wild crucian carp are the most delicious. The rich taste fills your mouth and you can finish a bowl in one go.

After eating two morels, Lin Heng put down his bowls and chopsticks with satisfaction and felt comfortable.

After resting for a while, Lin Heng picked up chopsticks and fed Xiaoxia, asking her to eat more morels and crucian carp meat. These are good things that can help the body grow.

"The rest is up to you."

While feeding Xiaoxia, Lin Heng said to Xiulan.

"I can finish all the Chinese toon scrambled eggs." Xiulan shook her head. It was too much to finish it all.

She eats slowly and chews carefully. She has just finished eating after Lin Heng fed Xiaoxia.

After dinner, it was getting dark, and there was no text yet, so the three of them played in the yard for a while to eat.

Lin Heng raised his eyes and looked at the starry sky. Because it had just rained, the stars were so bright tonight that he could see the stars hanging upside down. However, he didn't know much about the starry sky, so he could see the Big Dipper and Polaris, but the other readings were not clear.

But this does not prevent them from staring at the stars in a daze and lamenting their own insignificance.

Back in the bedroom, Lin Heng told Xiaoxia the story of the magic pen Ma Liang to coax her to sleep, and then fell asleep with his wife in his arms.

The two of them got up early the next morning as usual, except that they didn't have breakfast after exercising because they had to go for a check-up.

Calling Caiyun to take care of Xiaoxia, Lin Heng drove the car onto the road, and Xiulan took a small leather bag and put it into the side of the car.

"It's not suitable for you there. Sit behind me."

Lin Heng smiled at her.

Xiulan blinked, stood up, came over and sat behind Lin Heng, hugged his waist and tilted her head and said, "Are you satisfied now?"


Lin Heng chuckled, started the car and drove towards the city.

Lin Heng drove faster with Xiulan alone, and arrived at the central hospital in an hour.

After parking the car, he took Xiulan into the hospital for examination. She was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but she just changed into a pair of pants.

It took the two of them an hour and a half to complete the pregnancy test. The main reason is that the hospital is relatively backward and does not have prenatal check-ups. The tests are all based on normal physical examinations, including three or four items such as blood routine, and B-ultrasound and other equipment. nothing.

Originally, Lin Heng wanted to earn money for two years and buy a house in Ancheng so that Xiulan could live there during her pregnancy. The medical conditions there were good and he felt relieved.

But Xiulan felt that it was not necessary. She could give birth now, so she could only have a routine physical examination at the central hospital. But there were no problems when giving birth in his previous life, so Lin Heng wasn't very worried.

"Finally done." After walking out of the hospital, Lin Heng took a deep breath, looked at Xiulan and said, "Whatever you want to eat, I'll take you there."

"Let's eat fried dough sticks. I want to eat fried dough sticks and soy milk." Xiulan thought for a while and said.

"no problem."

Lin Heng nodded and drove her to what he thought was the best breakfast stall in the city.

After ordering rootless fried dough sticks and two bowls of soy milk, Xiulan asked while eating: "What are we going to do later?"

Because the physical examination report will not come out until this afternoon, they have to wait here.

Lin Heng thought for a moment and said, "I'll go to the oil pressing station in the city later to ask about the price of soybean cakes and wheat bran. If it's suitable, I'll buy some and bring them back to raise shrimp later."


Xiulan nodded.

After eating breakfast, the two of them went to the grain station to inquire.

After some understanding, the prices for small quantities and large quantities are different. In small quantities, bean cakes cost eight cents per catty, peanut cakes cost six cents per catty, wheat bran costs three cents per catty, and corn costs five cents per catty.

If you buy by the ton, the price will be much cheaper. Lin Heng went to several oil pressing stations and asked about the approximate prices. Generally speaking, they were similar.

The bean cakes are a bit expensive because they are not the main soybean producing area. Unwilling to be reconciled, he went to a soybean product factory and inquired. The price here was cheaper than the oil extraction place, but the quality was also worse.

"Won't you buy some today?"

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and asked.

"It's not necessary at the moment. Let's buy it together when the time comes."

Lin Heng shook his head and said. Shrimp farming requires not only these, but also animal protein, calcium supplement materials, and many more.

Don’t rush to buy it yet, wait until you understand it clearly at once.

There is another chapter tonight.

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