After looking at all the things he planted, Lin Heng rode a horse and wandered on the road for a while, and then returned home when the sun was a little warmer.

When he led the horse back to the stable, he found that his father was also in the back hill. It seemed that he had just brought the cattle back from the plow and had picked two bundles of fresh grass to feed them.

Father Lin glanced at him and asked, "Have you gone to see Hongfeng Mountain?"

Lin Heng nodded and replied: "Yes, I took a look at the solidification of the cement, as well as the growth of Chinese medicinal materials and pastures. Except for the ginseng that has not yet sprouted, everything else has sprouted and is growing very well."

"That's good." Father Lin nodded, and then asked, "Has the machine you bought moved over?"

Lin Heng shook his head: "No, there's no one watching over there right now. I'm afraid someone will steal it if I move there."

Although the fish pond is surrounded by a fence, it is impossible to prevent people. He waited a few days to get the shrimp seedlings back, took the dog over, and then moved the machine over.

After Father Lin fed the cows, he came over and said with a smile: "Your mother and I will go live there in a few days to experience what it's like to live in a building, and by the way, I can show you the pond."

Although it was a small one-story bungalow over there, it was painted with cement and had sliding glass windows. It was much more transparent than the mud house. He wanted to live in it and give it a try.

"Okay, then I'll go over in the next two days to see what's missing in the house and get it all for you."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded. He and Xiulan were planning to live here for the time being and did not want to move elsewhere. He was about to ask his father if he would like to go there, but he didn't expect him to speak himself.

Father Lin smiled and waved his hand and said, "We have the stove, bed and table. I can do the rest myself, or I can just take it from the house."

The stove is a red brick cement stove, and the bed and table were made by Carpenter Liang. He was there to watch, so these basic configurations are enough.


Lin Heng nodded in agreement. His father liked to tinker with these things by himself.

"Then I'll go back and ask someone to open fire after seeing a better time."

Father Lin smiled and nodded, then came over with grass and put some on the horse.

After a few more words, the two went out together. Lin Heng went to his eldest brother's house and told him to practice shooting behind Hongfeng Mountain together after three o'clock in the afternoon.

After saying that, he went back home to rest.

"You're back, how do you feel?"

Xiulan was picking vegetables in the main room. When she saw Lin Heng coming over, she asked with a smile.

"They're all sprouted."

Lin Heng smiled and nodded, walked into the room and told her everything he saw and heard.

"It's okay for your parents to live there so that you don't have to run back and forth."

Xiulan couldn't help but feel a little happy when she heard the last news. She was still thinking about how she could not separate from Lin Heng.

Lin Heng came closer and smiled: "Why, you don't want to be separated from me so much?"

Xiulan pursed her lips and rolled her eyes: "I'm just worried that no one will coax Xiaoxia to sleep at night."

"Besides, it's not certain who can't live without whom."

After speaking, she added a little arrogantly.

Just as Lin Heng was about to speak, Xiaoxia ran over with a small Rubik's Cube: "Dad, teach me how to play the Rubik's Cube."

"Okay, keep an eye on it."

Lin Heng nodded, took a look at the Rubik's Cube, and demonstrated it to her.

After watching it three times, Xiaoxia took the things and started playing with them by herself.

Lin Heng looked at Jinbao next to him, then reached out to pick it up and stroke it. This guy looked like a little tiger and weighed about the same as Xiaoxia.

After eating well, the hair is shiny and feels very good to the touch.


After being touched twice by Lin Heng, it made a pleasant sound.

It has been fed too much, and now it is too lazy to move when it sees people.

After touching it twice, Lin Heng put it down. It looked around, then walked over and jumped into the bamboo basket to continue sleeping. This little day is so comfortable.

Lin Heng poured a cup of tea and drank it for a while, then went out to train the two puppies in the yard.

The previous training had produced some results, but since they hadn't trained much these days, they had forgotten all about it.

After training for more than an hour, Xiulan prepared lunch. She made simple chopped green onion noodles and some leftover dishes from last night.

After finishing the meal, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "I went to the back of Hongfeng Mountain to practice shooting with my elder brother."

"You go ahead, I will take Xiaoxia and mom to pull out the garlic later."

Xiulan waved her hands and said.

Lin Heng nodded, went into the house to get the compound bow, and then went over to ask his elder brother to go to Hongfeng Mountain with him.

"Brother, do you think it's possible to encounter prey today?" Lin Yue was a little excited.

"No chance." Lin Heng shook his head. If he could encounter prey, the sun would be out in the west.

"Haha, that's right." Lin Yue laughed, feeling that he was too excited.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at Hongfeng Mountain. As they walked in the forest, the shadows of the trees were mottled, and the leaves of the trees were too small to block the sunlight.

But the air is very fresh, and the leaves on the ground are like carpets, which makes people feel comfortable.

After a while they arrived at an empty ditch behind.

This area of ​​the ditch, which is about fifty meters long, is very open and there are not many trees around it.

Lin Heng found two pieces of rotten wood in the ditch as targets, one set 30 meters away and the other 50 meters away. The size of the rotten wood is about the same as that of a field dog, and the prey usually hunted in the mountains is about this size.

"Let me tell you about the precautions for using this gun. The first thing is that the muzzle should not be pointed at anyone at any time. Also, when firing, there should be no one within a 120-degree range. The shotgun has a very large killing radius and can hurt people if you are not careful."

"Also, the recoil of this gun is very large, so you have to be very careful when firing..."

Lin Heng first talked about the precautions, and then began to explain how to use this gun.

Double-barreled shotguns are divided into those with barrels arranged up and down and those arranged left and right. The one Lin Heng bought is arranged left and right.

Bullets can be fired individually or in pairs.

After explaining the basic principles, Lin Heng began to explain how to use it.

This kind of shotgun actually only needs to be roughly aimed. The lead bullet in the bullet has a large killing range. Generally, only special lead bullets need to be accurately aimed.

"Okay, now you load the ammunition yourself and try it." Lin Heng said with a smile.

"Don't you want to try it?" Lin Yue said with a smile.

"No, there's nothing to try." Lin Heng shook his head and took out toilet paper to plug their ears first.

Lin Yue followed Lin Heng's instructions, loaded the bullet, aimed, exhaled, and pulled the trigger.


With a bang, the bullet flew out, and a large number of lead bullets broke through the bullet head and shot out.

Lin Heng looked at the side and knew that this shot hit the sky.

"The recoil is so strong."

Lin Yue was shocked. It was much stronger than he thought. Not only did his shoulder hurt, but he also didn't hold the gun steadily.

"It's normal. Just try it again. Don't be afraid of wasting bullets."

Lin Heng said with a smile.


Lin Yue nodded, loaded another bullet, and tried again. He shot at a target 30 meters away.

With another loud bang, the echo resounded through the valley.

"Hit!" Lin Yue excitedly put down the gun and ran towards the target.

"Brother, five bullet holes!" Lin Yue shouted at Lin Heng.

"It's okay, but there is still a problem with your gun holding technique."

Lin Heng nodded and said that this kind of shotgun loaded with shotgun shells is easy to hit.

Especially the birdshot, there are dozens of small lead pellets in one bullet, even if you have never touched a gun, you can easily hit the target after learning a few times.

Five hits means that he still can't control the gun.

"Well, tell me, I'll change it again."

Lin Yue nodded, the hit just now gave him confidence.

Lin Heng learned all the skills related to firearms from Grandpa Gao. He has a good memory and remembered them all, so he can teach his brother.

"I'll make a practice plan for you."

Lin Heng looked at him and said.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded.

"The plan is very simple, practice holding the gun for three hours every day, and then shoot ten targets. Hold the gun more when you have time. After you get used to it, you can tie a sandbag to the head of the gun and continue to practice holding the gun. In the long run, it will not shake easily when shooting, so you can control the gun when shooting."

Lin Heng looked at his elder brother and said, this is also taught by Grandpa Gao.

Generally, this kind of hunting rifle, practice like this for half a month, the accuracy can be improved a lot.

"Okay." Lin Yue nodded. He had already bought the gun, so he had no chance to regret it. He could only practice hard.

Two hundred yuan was definitely a huge investment for him, and he must not let it go to waste because of his own reasons.

Lin Yue immediately began to practice aiming the gun. Lin Heng guided him for a while, and then ran to dig orchids nearby.

His brother was a man of perseverance, so he didn't need his supervision.

He just observed that there were a lot of orchids on the hillside here, and he was going to come over to see the situation and transplant two back.


After walking closer and taking a look, Lin Heng gave up. He already had several of these orchids at home.

He continued to search in the forest, but found that there were only Chunlans nearby, and no other orchids.

He was lucky enough to find a wild lily, but it was a little small and he didn't dig it. He had already planted a lot of them at home.

Just as he was about to turn around and go back, he saw several small shrubs half a meter high growing on the stone skin next to him.

"This goat milk fruit tree has just sprouted."

Lin Heng walked over and took a look, and found that these were several goat milk fruit trees.

The goat milk fruit is also called the crotch fruit. It tastes very good. It was one of Lin Heng's favorite foods when he was a child.

Lin Heng tried to pull it out, and it was easily pulled out. It turned out that the stone bark of the tree was a whole piece and could not take root at all.

It was only rooted in a thin layer of soil on the surface, so it came down with a light pull.

Lin Heng pulled out all three small trees connected together and prepared to take them back to plant. This kind of shrub, one tree is a clump, six or seven trunks, three trees are enough.

There were no traces of pheasants or wild birds on the mountain. There were only a few green beards barking, and Lin Heng was too lazy to do anything with them.

After taking the tree back to the ditch, Lin Yue was still practicing with a gun.

"Brother, this arm really can't stand it, too sleepy." Lin Yue smiled bitterly.

"The practice of holding a gun in the army starts at one hour, just practice more."

Lin Heng laughed, and it was quite easy to talk without back pain.

But the fact is that it is impossible to make money without suffering.

"I'll practice." Lin Yue didn't give up, still holding the gun.

Lin Heng ran around the mountain with the compound bow, but didn't find any prey.

He simply found a place to sit down and rest. After a while, he heard a gunshot from below. It must be his elder brother.

After practicing for nearly two hours in the afternoon, Lin Yue couldn't hold on any longer and called Lin Heng back home.

Lin Heng took the goat milk fruit tree home, planted it in the back mountain, and then went back to the house to rest.

Xiulan picked a lot of small garlic in the afternoon and got a lot of gray vegetables. Lin Heng drank a mouthful of water and helped pick the vegetables.

In addition to eating small garlic directly, you can also pickle it and eat it sour.

In the evening, Xiulan made cold gray vegetables for Lin Heng. He finished more than half of it by himself. Anyway, he was obsessed with this taste for no reason.

After coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng started sowing again. Since he decided to have a second child, he would try a few more times.

In the next few days, in addition to planting early corn and early soybeans with his father, Lin Heng spent the rest of his time practicing with his eldest brother and digging wild vegetables with Xiaoxia and Xiulan.

Of course, the most important thing is to work hard for the baby with Xiulan every night. Not using contraception makes him a little indulgent.

In the blink of an eye, it was already April 3rd in the Gregorian calendar, which was also the third day of March in the lunar calendar.

In the ancient tradition, there is a proverb that "snakes come out of the mountains on March 3", which means that from this day on, snakes come out of their holes and start to move.

And this is also the day before Qingming Festival.

Lin Heng opened his eyes early in the morning, but he didn't want to get up at all. It's not that he was physically tired due to indulgence these days. He exercises every day and eats well, so he won't be physically tired in a few days.

He just didn't want to get up.

He looked over his head and stared at Xiulan's face for a while. Xiulan had woken up and saw Lin Heng's expression and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Lin Heng whispered, "Nothing, lean on me and sleep for a while."

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and agreed to him.

It wasn't until Xiaoxia got up to go to the toilet a while later that the two got up.

After breakfast, Lin Heng and Xiulan taught Xiaoxia paper cutting. The things they cut were naturally Qingming hanging paper, which happened to be used for ancestor worship tomorrow.

They almost cut it themselves here, some are simple paper money-shaped, and some are complicated. Lin Heng knows two kinds, both of which were taught by his grandfather when he was alive.

Lin Heng and Xiulan cut two in a short while, but Xiaoxia still hadn't learned it for a long time. She looked around blankly with the unfolded paper in her hand.

"Come, mom will teach you how to cut, Xiaoxia."

Xiulan knew that this kind of complicated paper-cutting was too difficult for her daughter, so she folded it herself and held her hand to cut.

After a while, a beautiful paper-cut was made.

"Great, I can cut paper too!"

Xiaoxia ran around in the yard with a small Qingming hanging paper.

"This is for your great grandfather's grave, stop playing."

Lin Heng shouted, pulled her over and told her about the tradition of Qingming Festival and the origin of hanging paper while cutting paper.

The Qingming hanging paper was cut and the three of them got up early the next morning to go to the grave. The eldest brother and parents also came with them, and everyone talked and laughed.

At this time, the trees on the roadside are basically tender green. Walking in the woods is fresh and the trees are pleasing to the eye. It is very enjoyable.

When you arrive at the grave, burn paper money and hang Qingming hanging paper, and kowtow a few times to complete the worship.

The grave had been repaired during the Chinese New Year, so now it was just a matter of pulling out some weeds. Lin's father and mother said many words of blessing and prayed for their sons and grandsons.

Lin Heng fulfilled his promise and scattered a few perilla seeds on the soil beside the grave.

"Brother, I feel that my marksmanship is almost good enough. When are we going to hunt bears?"

On the way home, Lin Yue said with a smile.

It's four thousand today. I'll take a break for two days and think about how to write the rest.

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