Era: Started from raising livestock in the mountains

Chapter 260 Preparations before hunting bears in the mountains

"If you think it's okay, we'll go there in two days."

Lin Heng looked at the gloomy sky and added: "It's been gloomy for many days. I guess it's going to rain. Let's go after the rain."

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Lin Yue nodded in agreement.

After walking for a while, everyone dispersed and looked for toon everywhere. During this time, most of the trees were basically green, and the toon on the small trees above them had also come out, but the big trees were still dead.

"Let's go to Shuijinggou and have a look." Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and said.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded, hugged Xiaoxia and went to Shuijinggou with her. As soon as they crossed the ridge, he saw the peach blossoms blooming in Shuijinggou.

"What a beautiful flower." Xiaoxia pointed into the distance and said.

Lin Heng nodded: "This pink-purple peach blossom is quite rare."

There are so many flowers in spring, but purple ones are really rare.

The small shrubs next to them are covered with dense white flowers, forming a huge patch. Most of the flowers on the mountain are also white.

The purple peach blossoms in the area from Shuijinggou to the top of the ridge are quite spectacular, as if they were planted by humans.

"I'm just going over there to see if there are any toons, so go take a look."

Xiulan said, with the arrival of the Qingming Festival, the mountain has become sleepy, and there are blooming flowers everywhere, which is extremely beautiful.

When a breeze blows, you can always smell the fragrance of flowers.


Lin Heng put Xiaoxia down and held her hand, and followed Xiulan along the path in the forest.

There are many large toon trees in that ditch, and there must be small toon trees.

After a while, the three of them arrived at Shuijinggou. After arriving, they found that there were two people folding toon here. They were late.

They knew these two people, Tang Qing, the village chief's wife, and Li Yan from the village.

Tang Qing saw them and greeted them with a smile: "Xiulan, you guys also come to fold toons. It's great for a family of three to go out together."

"Yeah, that guy in our family is as lazy as a dead pig. He doesn't even want to come up." Li Yan said with some envy.

"We also went to the grave and brought some to break off." Xiulan smiled.

"There's more up there, we haven't gone there yet." Tang Qing said proactively.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded and walked up the road where the cattle were picked. Their destination was originally above.

"You made a lot." Lin Heng looked at their bags and said.

Li Yan smiled and said: "I came earlier."

After saying a few words, Lin Heng followed Xiulan up.

"Come to my house to play when you have time, Xiulan." Tang Qing shouted with a smile.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded with a smile and agreed casually, not caring about it.

Many women in the village now ask her to play at home, which is completely different from the previous attitude.

After walking a little higher, he found a lot of small toon trees. Lin Heng bent the trees and then watched Xiaoxia and his wife slowly break off the toon trees.

Lin Heng enjoyed this feeling very much. Xiaoxia was always looking for toon everywhere, and sometimes she would break some wild walnut tree buds and mule tree buds that were very similar to toon.

After Xiulan got it, she had to ask her to identify it and then throw it away. Lin Heng found the toon Xiaoxia and ran over to break it off, then waited to be praised.

After a while, the three of them broke off three or four kilograms of Chinese toon, and at the same time they came to the bottom of the peach blossom forest. This peach tree with purple flowers is very tall and grows on the slope above. You can smell a strong fragrance when you walk towards it. .

Sitting under the tree to rest, Lin Heng looked at Xiulan and said, "Do you want to go home and insert it?"

"Forget it, the tree is a bit tall." Xiulan shook her head.

Lin Heng stood up and said, "Then let me see if there is anyone short."

After saying that, he walked up for a while and found a short peach tree. He immediately broke off some branches and went back.

"Let's go back."

Lin Heng handed the peach blossom to Xiulan and said.

"Okay, there won't be anything further up."

Xiulan smelled the peach blossoms, nodded and said.

Pulling Xiaoxia, the three of them slowly walked back through the woods. The spring day was very long, and they were not in a hurry.

I searched again on the road here. There were many people breaking toon in the past two days, but the harvest was not much.

It was just noon when I got home. Xiulan went to cook, while Lin Heng went to the back mountain to get some tree sticks that had been chopped down before, and came to the yard to set up watermelons, cucumbers, and cantaloupes.

These fruits now have seven or eight palm-sized leaves, more than 20 centimeters tall, and tendrils have grown out.

Building a shelf is very simple. Just insert a branch on each melon seedling and tie some horizontal branches on top. Lin Heng built a three-story, two-meter-high shelf.

"It's time to eat." Xiulan came over and said after seeing Lin Heng finished.


Lin Heng nodded, washed his hands and ate.

This morning I didn’t cook toon, but fried bacon with garlic sprouts. All the garlic sprouts at home have sprouts. Xiulan shot some yesterday afternoon.

After dinner, Lin Heng went to find his father and brother Lin to help bury the water pipes. He planned to connect Lin's father and Lin's mother's house with tap water. The tap water pipes in his house had been completed when he laid the floor tiles.

I recently bought a water pump and thought about connecting my parents and older brothers to running water.

There are enough pipes left over, and I have bought all the three-way connectors, faucets, etc. .

"Have you done everything?"

Father Lin looked at Lin Heng and asked.

Lin Heng nodded: "Yes, my family has had tap water for two days. I just need to pick up a tee for you and go out."

"Okay, let's dig a ditch and bury the pipe first?" Lin's father asked.

"Yes, I'll spread the line."

Lin Heng nodded, he took a bag of lime and started to spread the line. After the water pipe came out of the well, it went directly through the wall to the outside of the wall, along the inner and outer walls all the way to his eldest brother and parents' homes.

The ditch was dug in a short while, and after burying the water pipe, Lin Heng connected the three-way, and then connected the faucet to them respectively.

His eldest brother's family directly pulled the tap water to the kitchen, and his parents' family pulled it to the yard.

After connecting, Lin Heng turned on the power of the water pump, and suddenly there was water in the taps of the three families.

"Generally, the water pump is turned off. If you need water, just go and ask Xiulan to turn on the water pump."

Lin Heng looked at his parents and said, there is no self-priming pressure-sensing water pump in this era. If it is powered on, it will work all the time, so it can only be turned on when it is needed.

But this is much more convenient than going to the well to fetch water before.

"Okay." Lin's father and Lin Yue nodded together.

"It's really much more convenient now." Lin's mother said with a smile, no longer having to worry about water.

Lin Heng looked at his father and asked, "Dad, when are you going to live in Hongfeng Mountain? Do you need us to help you move things?"

Lin's father replied, "We will move there the day after tomorrow, April 7th, but there is nothing to move, just a cup and bowls and chopsticks, and I will take my time to find out what else is missing."

Lin's mother also said, "The main thing is to light a fire and eat on the day of moving there, nothing else."

Lin Heng looked at the sky and said, "Okay, let's see what happens then, I'm going to go bear hunting with my brother."

After saying a few more words, he turned and went home. He walked to the back mountain, and the pumpkins and winter melons planted in the back mountain were all out, and the saplings had grown green leaves and began to grow vigorously.

"Hey, is it raining?"

As soon as he returned to the yard, Lin Heng suddenly felt his face wet.

"It's going to rain, I feel it too." Xiulan nodded, she was cleaning the dirt in the backyard.

Lin Heng was helpless: "It seems that we need to prepare raincoats when we go out to hunt bears. The spring rain is continuous."

"Not only should we prepare raincoats, but we should also pay attention to safety." Xiulan said while sweeping the floor.

"I know."

Lin Heng looked at the sky and went to the pond to watch the fish. The fish are very active in this season, and the ornamental lotus planted in winter has grown several palm-sized lotus leaves.

He can watch the fish lying on the railing for an entire afternoon. Sometimes he often wonders if these fish know that there is a vast world outside the water.

"What are you daydreaming about? It's raining heavily."

Xiulan looked at Lin Heng and shouted.

"Okay." Lin Heng nodded and turned to go into the house.

The rain soon got heavier. Lin Heng went into the house to read a book. It was a good thing that there was a lot of rain during the Spring Festival. There was nothing to complain about.

After dinner, Lin Heng and Xiulan went to bed early. Xiaoxia suddenly insisted on sleeping with them, so he had to take her with him.

The next morning, he got up at eight o'clock. The rain was still falling. It was the kind of drizzle, not heavy but continuous.

Walking out of the yard, you can see some fog on the mountain, and the green mountain is getting greener in the rain.

Lin Heng reads books in the house when he has nothing to do during the day. Xiulan squeezed some extra milk today to make milk powder at home.

Xiaoxia drew pictures with colored pencils for a while and then went to play with the cat. Anyway, she is busy every day and is busier than adults.

In the afternoon, Lin Heng packed up the things for hunting bears. This time the distance is far, so he doesn't plan to take too many things.

As for weapons, there are compound bows and 100-forged steel daggers. Lin Heng spent some time sharpening the daggers to be sharp enough.

As for arrows, Lin Heng took 15 arrows, five of which are arrows specially used for hunting large animals. They have four blade edges. When they fly out and rotate, they will cause larger cuts, so that the prey can die quickly.

The survival equipment mainly includes a small iron pot for eating, a squirrel skin water bag, a kerosene lighter, two boxes of matches, a raincoat, a whole piece of film paper six meters long and two meters wide, five plastic bags, three snake skin bags, a compass, a flashlight, 100 ml of gasoline, 30 fish hooks, and 20 meters of fishing line.

He did not buy a fire stick, because the kerosene lighter has a flint on several sides, and with gasoline, it is basically foolproof to start a fire in the wild, even if it rains heavily without any fire starter.

Fire is one of the most important things in the wild, and he makes sure that he is foolproof. Last time he got lost on a snowy night and almost failed to start a fire.

Finally, there is spare food. This time, Lin Heng only brought ten kilograms of flour and half a kilogram of salt, and nothing else, because it is too far to carry so much.

He estimated that the number of days for hunting bears this time was ten days. If he did not find anything in fifteen days at most, he would come back. He would not stay too long because he had to come back to raise shrimps.

At the end of April or May, the shrimp fry will start to hatch. This is an important matter that cannot be delayed.

After finishing, they were put together. Xiulan was still sewing the backpack. It was sewn with the coarse linen he bought. There was an inner pocket made of raincoat fabric inside, and more pockets were prepared to be sewn on the outside to put some small things.

The backpacks bought in this era were not very satisfactory, so Xiulan had to sew them.

"I'll go to my brother's place to see." Lin Heng said to Xiulan after packing up.

"Okay." Xiulan nodded in agreement.

Lin Heng went over with an umbrella and a compass to his brother's house.

"Have you started packing today? I haven't done it yet." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Lin Heng nodded: "It's time to pack."

Lin Yue nodded and asked again: "Then what do you think I should bring?"

Lin Heng handed him the compass: "Here you go, find a rope and tie it around your neck."

"For other things, just bring shotgun bullets, a hatchet, a water bag, a raincoat, a lighter, a plastic bag and snakeskin bag and food. It's enough to bring more than ten kilograms."

Lin Heng thought for a while and added, these are enough, he is carrying the others.

"Okay, I'll note it down and I'll clean it up later." Lin Yue nodded.

After saying that, Lin Heng turned around and went home. It was almost dark, and Xiulan put down her sewing and was already cooking.

"What's for dinner?"

Lin Heng walked into the kitchen and asked with a smile.

"Cut the noodles and fry three vegetables for you." Xiulan said while kneading the dough.

"That's good. I like to eat noodles." Lin Heng nodded. He would never get tired of eating noodles for three or four days in a row.

"Go and light the fire, I'll cook."

Xiulan looked at him and said, just wake up after rubbing your face.

Lin Heng nodded and went to light the fire. Xiulan made stir-fried bracken, stir-fried bacon with Chinese toon, and cold gray vegetables.

After it was served on the table, Lin Heng and Xiulan made some rice wine to drink. After getting a little drunk, they were very satisfied with a bowl of shaved noodles.

After washing and coaxing Xiaoxia to sleep, Lin Heng went out to the study and took a black box and handed it to Xiulan: "Honey, I'll give you something."

Xiulan tilted her head and looked at him with a smile and said, "A birthday gift for me?"

"Well, I bought it when I went to Ancheng." Lin Heng smiled and nodded. Xiulan's birthday is March 8th of the lunar calendar, and there are still two days left.

"We are an old couple and we still buy these." Xiulan looked at him happily and opened the box curiously.

There are two things lying in the black box, one is a Maitreya Buddha made of green Hetian jade, and the other is a comb made of yak horn.

"Jade carving, doesn't this cost a lot of money?"

Xiulan was a little surprised when she saw the jade carving, but at the same time she felt a little worried about the money.

Lin Heng smiled and said: "It's made of ordinary Hetian jade. It's not worth much. I'll bring it to you."

While saying this, he picked up the jade and stretched it behind her neck to put it on.

"It's so beautiful!" Lin Heng looked at it and said with satisfaction.

Xiulan was wearing underwear now, and the beautiful jade stone was placed on her white chest, forming a very sharp contrast.

"Thank you, husband!" Xiulan looked at the jade and kissed him on the face without asking how much it cost.

She thought Lin Heng had forgotten it, but she didn't expect him to be waiting here. It doesn't have to be a gift, as long as Lin Heng remembers her, she will be happy.

Lin Heng looked at her and said, "If you want me to celebrate your birthday with you, then I won't go hunting tomorrow. I can go there in a few days."

"There is no need to delay your hunting when your birthday comes every year. Go to hell." Xiulan shook her head and said with a smile.

"Do you really not want me to accompany you? It's okay to be a day late." Lin Heng looked at her.

Xiulan put her hands on his shoulders and smiled: "No need, just hunt well and pay attention to safety."

After saying that, she pushed Lin Heng down again, lay on him and looked at him closely: "But, you have to be good tonight."

She turned off the wait with one hand, and the red lips slowly moved closer, and they worked hard to have a baby again.

Early the next morning, April 6th, the rain was still falling, from a steady drizzle to a light drizzle. The mountains were now completely crisp, and the leaves were growing very fast.

After breakfast, Xiulan continued to sew a backpack for Lin Heng, while Lin Heng took Xiaoxia to prevent her from causing trouble.

When the rain stopped at noon, Xiulan's backpack was also ready. Although it wasn't very pretty, it was sturdy enough and had many pockets. The inside was wrapped in a tarpaulin, which met Lin Heng's requirements.

After reading the words, Lin Heng decisively packed everything into his backpack. He weighed it, not counting the compound bow, which weighed more than 20 kilograms. The compound bow and arrows weighed almost 30 kilograms.

"Yes, it's very comfortable to carry." Lin Heng tried to carry it and said with a smile.

Xiulan smiled slightly and asked again: "It's sunny today. Are you going to leave early tomorrow morning? Your parents are moving to Hongfeng Mountain to start a fire, so you're not going?"

"Go, get up early tomorrow morning and finish it, then have a meal there and then leave."

Lin Heng thought for a while and said.

"Well, be safe." Xiulan said again, she was very afraid that he would be in danger, but she knew that it was impossible to persuade her husband not to go, so she didn't say this at all.

"Do not worry."

Lin Heng smiled, checked the things again, and then put them on the large cabinet.

The sun came out in the afternoon, and there were no clouds in the sky. The sunshine was very hot. Many people in the village went up to the mountain to break toon trees. Many toon trees must have sprouted again after this rain.

Sorry, it’s still four thousand today. I will recover to 8,000 after the Qingming Festival. I will take a rest these two days and plan to go fishing twice to find inspiration.

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